diff --git a/bot.py b/bot.py
index 693d690..3f1495b 100755
--- a/bot.py
+++ b/bot.py
@@ -12,6 +12,22 @@
from corpus import corpus
import markovify
import textwrap
+from html import escape
+from html2image import Html2Image
+# Directory to save screenshots
+SCREENSHOTS_DIR = "screenshots"
+os.makedirs(SCREENSHOTS_DIR, exist_ok=True)
+# Initialize the Html2Image object with the specified output path
+hti = Html2Image(
+ output_path=SCREENSHOTS_DIR,
+ custom_flags=["--disable-gpu", "--disable-software-rasterizer", "--no-sandbox"]
+# Set a constant file name for the screenshot
+SCREENSHOT_FILE_NAME = "message_screenshot.png"
# Load environment variables from .env file
@@ -454,6 +470,50 @@ async def asciiart(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, message: str = None):
llm_answer = ensure_code_blocks_closed(llm_answer)
await interaction.followup.send(llm_answer+"...*bzzzzzt...bzzzzzt*...")
+ @app_commands.command(name="hate_calc", description="Calculates the level of hatred between two users. How lovely.")
+ async def hate_calc(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, user1: discord.Member, user2: discord.Member):
+ # Extract the user IDs
+ user1_id = user1.id
+ user2_id = user2.id
+ # Calculate the hate percentage based on the sum of the user IDs
+ hate_value = (user1_id + user2_id) % 101 # Modulus to keep the result between 0 and 100
+ # Determine the relationship level
+ if hate_value <= 33:
+ statement = "You two merely tolerate each other. How quaint."
+ emoji = "π" # Mild dislike
+ elif 33 < hate_value <= 66:
+ statement = "Thereβs some genuine despise between you two. Things get interesting."
+ emoji = "πΏ" # Despise
+ elif 66 < hate_value < 100:
+ statement = "You two are clearly enemies. oh, how delightful!"
+ emoji = "π‘" # Enemies
+ else:
+ statement = "Arch-enemies. Perfect. Just perfect. I love it."
+ emoji = "π" # Arch-enemy
+ # Fetch the profile pictures
+ user1_avatar = user1.display_avatar.url
+ user2_avatar = user2.display_avatar.url
+ # Create an embed message for the result in a GLaDOS style
+ embed = discord.Embed(
+ title="Hate Calculation",
+ description=f"{statement}\n\n**Hate Level:** {hate_value}% {emoji}",
+ color=discord.Color.dark_gray()
+ )
+ # Add the profile pictures to the embed
+ embed.set_thumbnail(url=user1_avatar)
+ embed.set_author(name=f"{user1.display_name} vs {user2.display_name}", icon_url=user1_avatar)
+ embed.add_field(name="User 1", value=f"{user1.mention}", inline=True)
+ embed.add_field(name="User 2", value=f"{user2.mention}", inline=True)
+ embed.set_image(url=user2_avatar) # Display user2's avatar below user1's
+ # Sending the result
+ await interaction.response.send_message(embed=embed)
@app_commands.command(name="help", description="List all available commands.")
async def list_bot_commands(self, interaction: discord.Interaction):
# Define potential command descriptions
@@ -1188,7 +1248,7 @@ async def on_reaction_add(reaction, user):
# Unrestrict user permissions in other channels while the quiz is ongoing
await unrestrict_user_permissions(guild, user)
- # Part 2: Handle general knife emoji reactions
+ # Part 3: Handle general knife emoji reactions
knife_reaction = None
for react in message.reactions:
if str(react.emoji) == 'πͺ':
@@ -1196,16 +1256,172 @@ async def on_reaction_add(reaction, user):
if knife_reaction and knife_reaction.count >= 1:
- # Look for a channel that contains the word "stab" in its name
- stab_channel = discord.utils.find(lambda c: "stab" in c.name.lower(), message.guild.text_channels)
- if stab_channel:
- message_link = message.jump_url
- await stab_channel.send(
- f"Hey {message.author.mention}, knife emoji reaction for {message_link}. "
- f"Looks like someone is ready to stab you! "
- f"This time it isn't me!"
- )
- print(message.author.display_name, message.content)
+ try:
+ # Process the message content
+ processed_content = message.content or ""
+ # Escape text content, but handle emoji separately
+ processed_content = escape(processed_content) # Escape the entire message first
+ # Now process custom emojis and insert them back as HTML tags with a fallback
+ if message.guild and message.guild.emojis:
+ for emoji in message.guild.emojis: # Iterate through all custom emojis in the server
+ # Replace custom emoji text with the corresponding tag and add a fallback
+ custom_emoji_code = f"<:{emoji.name}:{emoji.id}>" # Use HTML escaped version to find the match
+ emoji_url = f"https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/{emoji.id}.png"
+ fallback_emoji = "π€" # You can change this to any other emoji you prefer as the fallback
+ processed_content = processed_content.replace(
+ custom_emoji_code,
+ f''
+ )
+ # Process stickers if any are present
+ sticker_html = ""
+ if message.stickers:
+ for sticker in message.stickers:
+ if sticker.url: # Ensure sticker URL exists
+ # Add a humorous fallback message or image if the sticker doesn't load
+ sticker_html += f'
+ # Add a humorous caption below the sticker
+ sticker_html += f'