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Local development

How to run Tracelistener

  1. Start cockroach DB: cockroach demo --empty collect the connection string (sql or sql/unix) from the console output. Keep this terminal open as long as you want the DB to live.

  2. **[Optional]**Create a posix fifo: mkfifo /tmp/tracelistener.fifo ****if you don't create a fifo, remove the property *FIFOPath* from the tracelistener.toml file and the application will make one for you. Named **./.tracelistener.fifo**

  3. Start tracelistener:

    1. Checkout the sdk-44-support branch.

    2. Fill pathtorepo/build/tracelistener.toml if you want to run the binary. Get the DB connection string from step 1.

      ChainName = "test"
      DatabaseConnectionURL = "postgresql://demo:[email protected]:26257/defaultdb?sslmode=require"
      Type = "gaia"
      Debug = true
      FIFOPath = "/tmp/tracelistener.fifo"
  4. Fill pathtorepo/tracelistener.toml if you want to avail debug features of your IDE.

  5. Build the binary: make

  6. Run the binary: pathtorepo/build/tracelistener44

  7. Init gaiad : **~/**

    rm -rf ~/.gaia
    # Create a key to hold your validator account
    gaiad keys add validator --keyring-backend test
    # Initialize the genesis.json file that will help you to bootstrap the network
    gaiad init test --chain-id testing
    # Add that key into the genesis.app_state.accounts array in the genesis file
    # NOTE: this command lets you set the number of coins. Make sure this account has some coins
    # with the genesis.app_state.staking.params.bond_denom denom, the default is staking
    gaiad add-genesis-account $(gaiad keys show validator --address --keyring-backend test) 1100000000stake,1000000000validatortoken
    # Generate the transaction that creates your validator
    gaiad gentx validator 1000000000stake --chain-id testing --keyring-backend test
    # Add the generated bonding transaction to the genesis file
    gaiad collect-gentxs
  8. Start listening to store traces: gaiad start –trace-store pipename [--trace]

  9. Check if balance table is updated

    \c tracelistener
    Select * from balances;

Run Test net With Multiple Validators

  1. Init the testnet and collect gentxs

    # This command will create a folder named `mytestnet` in your current directory.
    gaiad testnet --v 2 --starting-ip-address --chain-id test_chain
    # Move to the `mytestnet` directory
    cd mytestnet
    # Collect gentexs
    gaiad collect-gentxs --gentx-dir gentxs/ --home ./node0/gaiad
  2. Change every port of node1/gaiad/config.toml and node1/gaiad/app.toml so it does not collide with node0. [NOTE: do not change the persistent_peers]

  3. Start node0 and node 1 [You should be at mytestnet directory at this point]

    # Start node0
    gaiad start --home ./node0/gaiad
    # Start node1 quickly from another terminal (if you delay, sometimes you'll get DB not available error)
    gaiad start --home ./node1/gaiad

Delegate (and re-delegate) tokens to validator

  1. Make sure you can follow Run Test net With Multiple Validators

  2. Get validator operators gaiad keys show node0 --bech val

    You will see something like this

    name: node0
      type: local
      address: cosmosvaloper1mlr8ufu38ydnk9jjw8yp63vmh33jdjqlav7y60
      pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"Aj4mqVXP/9/44wie6Tna98GY9FasuucQR2ou7yYAwZ/d"}'
      mnemonic: ""

    Collect the address for future use.

  3. Send some coin to a 3rd party account if not done already.

    gaiad tx bank send node0 <address> 100stake -b block -y --chain-id test_chain --fees 2stake
  4. Make the delegation

    gaiad tx staking delegate cosmosvaloper1mlr8ufu38ydnk9jjw8yp63vmh33jdjqlav7y60 10stake -b block -y --chain-id test_chain --from another --fees 2stake
  5. For redelegation first collect the validator operator for the node1

    gaiad keys show node1 -bech val
    gaiad tx staking redelegate cosmosvaloper1mlr8ufu38ydnk9jjw8yp63vmh33jdjqlav7y60 cosmosvaloper14cuu7glq04yu4txukjycexr2ncmk76ehgnatw9 10stake -b block -y --chain-id test_chain --from another --fees 2stake