Enables users to start and stop broadcasting and scanning, indicate if exposure notifications are running.
- Start the Exposure Notification Framework broadcasting and scanning process.
- PWA requests start of Exposure Notification Framework
- Call ExposureService.setExposureNotificationEnabled(_) with
.- If not previously started, Exposure Notification Framework shows a user dialog for consent to start exposure detection and get permission.
- If permission is granted and required services are enabled, Exposure Notification Framework will start broadcasting and scanning.
- All of Exposure Notification Framework methods are now available.
- Pass Exposure Notification Framework status - ENABLED - to PWA.
- If user denies on any of Exposure Notification Framework requests, onboarding is skipped and Exposure Notification Framework disabled.
- Pass Exposure Notification Framework status - DISABLED - to PWA.
- If Exposure Notification Framework is not available on user's device
- Pass Exposure Notification Framework status - NOT_SUPPORTED - to PWA.
- If any of the required services is disabled during Exposure Notification Framework
- Broadcasting and scanning process are stopped.
- Pass services status to PWA to inform user that something is missing.
- Exposure Notification Framework shows a user dialog to enable required service.
- Indicate if exposure notifications are enabled.
- Call ExposureService.isExposureNotificationEnabled
- Disable broadcasting and scanning.
- Call ExposureService.setExposureNotificationEnabled(_) with
- Contents of the Exposure Notification Framework database and keys will remain.
- If the app has been uninstalled by the user, this will be automatically invoked and the database and keys will be wiped from the device.
- Call ExposureService.setExposureNotificationEnabled(_) with