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File metadata and controls

48 lines (48 loc) · 2.27 KB
  • Generate private key
openssl genpkey -outform PEM -algorithm RSA -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:4096 -out nbtls-pl-priv.key
  • Generate certificate signing request
openssl req -new -nodes -key nbtls-pl-priv.key -config certconfig.txt -out nbtls-pl-cert.csr


[ req ]
default_md = sha256
prompt = no
req_extensions = req_ext
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
[ req_distinguished_name ]
commonName = ProteGO Safe
countryName = PL
stateOrProvinceName = Mazowieckie
localityName = Warszawa
organizationName = KPRM
emailAddress = [email protected]
organizationalUnitName = ProteGO Safe
[ req_ext ]
  • Generate certificate
openssl req -x509 -nodes -in nbtls-pl-cert.csr -days 365 -key nbtls-pl-priv.key -config certconfig.txt -extensions req_ext -out nbtls-pl-cert.crt
  • repeat previously steps with nbbs instead of nbtls in each command
  • next command are necessary for efgs server
  • execute, it creates cert.pem, efgs-ta.jks, key.pem
  • create der file from cert file
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform DER -in key.pem -out efgs-ta-key.der -nocrypt
  • create signature for nbtls-pl-cert.crt and nbbs-pl-cert.crt with by add args absolute_path_to_efgs-ta-key.der absolute_path_to_nbtls-pl-cert.crt
  • generate fingerprint for nbtls-pl-cert.crt and nbbs-pl-cert.crt
openssl x509 -in nbtls-pl-cert.crt -noout -hash -sha256 -fingerprint
  • execute insert (make fingerprint lowercase without :)
INSERT INTO fg.`certificate`(`created_at`, `thumbprint`, `country`, `type`, `revoked`, `host`, `signature`, `raw_data`) VALUES (curdate(),'fingerprint_from_nbtls-pl-cert.crt','PL','AUTHENTICATION',false,null, 'signature_from_nbtls-pl-cert.crt', '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----RAW DATA from nbtls-pl-cert.crt-----END CERTIFICATE-----');
INSERT INTO fg.`certificate`(`created_at`, `thumbprint`, `country`, `type`, `revoked`, `host`, `signature`, `raw_data`) VALUES (curdate(),'fingerprint_from_nbbs-pl-cert.crt','PL','SIGNING',false,null, 'signature_from_nbbs-pl-cert.crt', '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----RAW DATA from nbbs-pl-cert.crt-----END CERTIFICATE-----');