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Pyghthouse Examples

This is a loose collection of example scripts for pyghthouse.

Run any script by entering python <filename>.

Some scripts have additional dependencies; Check in the repository root directory for an installation guide

If you set up with your username and API token, you won't have to enter them every time you run a script. Be aware that API tokens are only valid for a few days.


Python imports search for the modules in the current folder and in installed packages. So, if you haven't installed pyghthouse as a package, you need to change the imports of the files in this folder to work.

In the repository root directory should be a file called This file shows the usage of imports of pyghthouse without having it installed as a package. Note: To use the imports the same way as, your skript has to be in the same folder.

Available functions

Here you can find a list of functions containing in this package.

from_html(html_color) Converts an HTML color string like FF7F00 or #c0ffee to RGB

from_hsv(h: float, s: float, v: float) Converts HSV (float values between 0 and 1) colors to RGB.

The class Pyghthouse with

Pyghthouse(username: str, token: str, ...) Set up the Pyghthouse object. Needed arguments are username and token. Optional arguments and further explanation can be found in the class definition (see pyghthouse\

Pyghthouse.empty_image() Creates a black image. This function can also be called with an instance of the Pyghthouse object (<instance name>.empty_image())

<instance name>.set_image(image) Sends the given image.

<instance name>.close() Closes the connection.

More functions can be found in pyghthouse\