Django is a Python framework that makes it easier to create web sites using Python. Django emphasizes reusability of components and comes with ready-to-use features like login system, database connection and CRUD operations (Create Read Update Delete)
Django follows the MVT design pattern (Model View Template).
- Model - The data you want to present, usually data from a database
- View - A request handler that returns the relevant template and content - based on the request from the user
- Template - A text file (like an HTML file) containing the layout of the web page, with logic on how to display the data.
- The model provides data from the database.
- In Django, the data is delivered as an Object Relational Mapping (ORM), which is a technique designed to make it easier to work with databases.
- We normally communicate with database is SQL. One problem with SQL is that you have to have pretty good understanding of the database structure to be able to work with it.
- Django, with ORM, makes it easier to communicate with the database, without having to write complex SQL statements.
- The models are usually located in a file called
- A view is a function or method that takes http requests as arguments, imports the relevant model(s), and finds out what data to send to the template, and returns the final result
- The views are usually located in a file called
- A template is a file where you describe how the result should be represented.
- Django uses standard HTML to describe the layout, but uses Django tags to add logic
<h1>My Homepage</h1>
<p>My name is {{ firstname }}.</p>
- The templates of an application is located in a folder named templates.
- Django also provides a way to navigate around the different pages in a website.
- When a user requests a URL, Django decides which view it will send it to.
- This is done in a file called
- Django receives the URL, checks the file, and calls the view that matches the URL.
- The view, located in, checks for relevant models.
- The models are imported from the file.
- The view then sends the data to a specified template in the template folder.
- The template contains HTML and Django tags, and with the data it returns finished HTML content back to the browser.
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