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Sample Code Lessons

vanuccif edited this page Nov 17, 2011 · 31 revisions


  1. Basic 2D Shapes (poRectShape, poImageShape, poOvalShape, custom poShape2D)
  2. Alignment
  3. poColor
  4. poPoint (operations)
  5. Simple drawing (line, rect, polygon)
  6. Advanced 2D Shapes (custom poShape2D using poPoints, curveTo, ...)
  7. Masks
  8. 3D Shapes
  9. Image operations (getPixel/setPixel, composite, blur, flip, resize)


  1. Basic Global Events (mouse down, mouse up, mouse drag, key down)
  2. Basic Object Events (all mouse events, drag)
  3. Advanced Events (visible/invisible, alphaTestTexture, events hierarchy)


  1. Basic Textboxes
  2. poFont
  3. Advanced Textboxes


  1. Update loop
  2. Basic Tweens
  3. Easing functions
  4. Advanced Tweens (tween notifications)


  1. XML
  2. Dictionary
  3. Sqlite

Application Structure

  1. Parents and Children
  2. Messaging (array of buttons)
  3. Modifiers
  4. Windows
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