This is the graph of the University of Toronto course network for Fall 2020 - Winter 2021.
The data for the course was obtained using my UofT course data mining tool, where the nodes are the courses and the edges between any two nodes means that one course is a prerequisite or corequisite of another.
The graph isn't 100% accurate in reflecting all of the requisites for all the courses, since some courses have freeform requirements, like "Any BIO" courses, but this may get supported in the future.
Any courses that are common in at least two of three campuses are added as just one node in the graph, in the form of 3 letters followed by 3 digits: [A-Z]{3}[1-4][0-9]{2}
. Each campus-specific requirements will just get merged.
As for UTSC courses, since their course code uses 4 letters followed by 2 digits ([A-Z]{3}[A-D][0-9]{2}
), if their corresponding code in the previous format already exist in any other campus, then the course requirements will just get merged with the existing node. Otherwise a new node is created with the UTSC-specific format.
The rules I applied for UTSC does simplify the model, but if there are courses that drastically differ, but have the same course code across multiple campuses, then I'll see if I can support this difference on the graph itself.
This graph was generated by Gephi by importing the csv files generated by my data mining tool, and it was exported using the Sigma js plugin.
The plugin template was provided by the InteractiveVis project.
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More information about the InteractiveVis project is available on the project blog: http//