1.3.1 (2022-01-09)
- Fixed Vagrant VM NodeJS version error (cbc8a88)
1.3.0 (2022-01-08)
- Fixed events order when dates are equal (fd471be)
- Releasing connection to avoid service hang (4135aab)
- Removed chat from API for websocket impl. (b12c8df)
- Vagrant playbook and port bug fixed (883b28b)
- Added Vagrant files (17a06fc)
- Implemented forum-like message feature (2898fbc)
- Returning events ordered by date (01ca744)
- Support for system messages (134a1b3)
- Using Websockets to implement chat feature (f313c4d)
1.2.0 (2021-11-06)
- Added location and organizer to events (79b5fb5)
1.1.0 (2021-11-02)
- Dates now setting correctly (8025fcf)
- Mockups restoration (d66e27b)
- Results are not overwritten anymore (3e461bd)
- Added CI (d14dfa7)
- Implemented findEventById endpoint (613befc)
- Implemented findPostById endpoint (d3a96a3)
- Implemented findSpeakerById endpoint (405a0a7)
- Implemented getPosts endpoint (363a5f2)
- Implemented getSpeakers endpoint (df81174)
- Implemented logic in events endpoint (8e61f05)
- Mysql connection (a6f605f)