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Roles in Corinna are based on the Traits, composable units of behavior paper, we particularly find interest in Traits: the formal model.
In particular, according to the formal model, traits are designed to be both
commutative (a+b=b+a
) and associative ((a+b)+c=a+(b+c)
). While we cannot
perfectly guarantee this in the face of method modifiers, we will see to
return to this model.
Roles are designed to share small sets of behaviors which address cross-cutting concerns. Roles may consume other roles, but they may not inherit from classes, nor may they be inherited from.
Roles may require one or more methods to be implemented. All abstract methods
in roles are considered to be required. For Corinna, any forward declaration
(a method declared without a body: method foo;
) of a method is considered an
abstract method.
role SomeRole {
method foo;
method bar :common;
Any non-private methods with method bodies are considered to be methods the role provides. These may be both class and instance methods.
Important required methods must not be listed with arguments. These are a syntax errors:
method foo ();
method bar ($baz);
role SomeRole {
method foo () { ... } # instance method provided
method bar :common () { ... } # class method provided
method baz :private () { ... } # private methods are not provided
Any fields declared in the role are completely private unless standard field attributes are used to expose them
role SomeRole {
field $name :reader; # ->name is provided
field $age; # private to this role
Roles may not access the fields or methods of the class the role is consumed into unless those have already been exposed in the public interface.
It is entirely possible, for example, to want to have an identical mechanism to provide unique, repeatable UUIDs to different classes. It might look like this:
role Role::UUID {
use Data::UUID;
# these are private to this role
my $uuid = Data::UUID->new;
my $namespace_uuid = $uuid->create_str;
# abtract methods in roles are required
method name;
method uuid () {
return $uuid->create_from_name_str( $namespace_uuid, $self->name );
And to use that in your class:
class Person :does(Role::UUID) {
field $name :param :reader;
And using that:
my $alice = Person->new(name => 'Alice');
say $alice->uuid;
The above will create a unique, repeatable UUID for a given
(only repeats in a single process due to how UUIDs work).
Roles may consume other roles and classes may consume one or more roles. Any method name conflicts are fatal, if and only if the methods come from different namespaces.
role A :does(C) { method a () { ... } }
role B :does(C) { method b () { ... } }
role C { method c () { ... } }
class SomeClass :does(A, B) { ... }
Thus, in the above example, though A and B both pull in the c()
method from
role C, there is no conflict because it is the same method.
However, if SomeClass
defined a c()
method, there will be a conflict.
For the MVP, we will not be providing aliasing and excluding of methods.
Both the ADJUST
phasers will be allowed in
roles. Class ADJUST
phasers are called before its roles ADJUST
which are called before child ADJUST
phasers and its roles phaswers.
role phasers are called before class DESTRUCT
phasers which are
called before parent DESTRUCT
Important: for a given level of the inheritance hierarchy, if more than
one role is consumed, the order in which its ADJUST
are called is not guaranteed.
Consuming multiple roles may result in method name conflicts. This is a fatal error. If a class consumes a role with a method name that conflicts with a role method, the class method wins, but a warning is issued.
No role method marked as private
should be composed into the consuming class
or role. However, the consumer may need the behavior, but not want to expose
If a method exported by a role is public but the consumer does not wish to expose that part of its interface, should it have a way to adjust the access level to C?