From 1b44681844089675d55f864f7a8c597501a49ad6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: 16djm10 <>
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2022 12:41:05 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] re #24: Implemented a continuous collection feature for
larger skin samples
BroadbandSpecModule/ | 169 ++++++++++++------
.../Resources/UI/BroadbandSpecModule.ui | 113 ++++++++++--
Config/ThorLabsAscension.xml | 15 +-
3 files changed, 217 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)
diff --git a/BroadbandSpecModule/ b/BroadbandSpecModule/
index 27f0a5e..b57dfb1 100644
--- a/BroadbandSpecModule/
+++ b/BroadbandSpecModule/
@@ -104,56 +104,63 @@ def setup(self):
# These connections ensure that whenever user changes some settings on the GUI, that is saved in the MRML scene
# (in the selected parameter node).
+ # Setup
self.ui.connectButton.connect('clicked(bool)', self.onConnectButtonClicked)
self.ui.spectrumImageSelector.connect('currentNodeChanged(vtkMRMLNode*)', self.onSpectrumImageChanged)
self.ui.outputTableSelector.connect('currentNodeChanged(vtkMRMLNode*)', self.onOutputTableChanged)
self.ui.modelFileSelector.connect('currentPathChanged(QString)', self.onModelFileSelectorChanged)
self.ui.placeFiducialButton.connect('clicked(bool)', self.onPlaceFiducialButtonClicked)
self.ui.enablePlottingButton.connect('clicked(bool)', self.setEnablePlotting)
+ # Inference
self.ui.scanButton.connect('clicked(bool)', self.onScanButtonClicked)
self.ui.addControlPointButton.connect('clicked(bool)', self.onAddControlPointButtonClicked)
self.ui.clearControlPointsButton.connect('clicked(bool)', self.onClearControlPointsButtonClicked)
self.ui.clearLastPointButton.connect('clicked(bool)', self.onClearLastPointButtonClicked)
- # *** When these change, simply update the parameter node
+ # Data Collection
self.ui.dataClassSelector.connect('currentIndexChanged(int)', self.onDataClassSelectorChanged)
self.ui.saveLocationSelector.connect('currentPathChanged(QString)', self.onSaveLocationSelectorChanged)
# add the options cancer and normal to the data class selector
- self.ui.sampleDurationSelector.connect('currentIndexChanged(int)', self.onSampleDurationSelectorChanged)
- # add the options 0.5, 1, 2 to the sample duration selector
- self.ui.sampleDurationSelector.addItem(1)
- self.ui.sampleDurationSelector.addItem(2)
- self.ui.samplePerSecondSelector.connect('currentIndexChanged(int)', self.onSamplePerSecondSelectorChanged)
- # add option 1, 10,100 to the sample rate selector
- self.ui.samplePerSecondSelector.addItem(10)
- self.ui.samplePerSecondSelector.addItem(100)
+ self.ui.samplingDurationSlider.connect('valueChanged(double)', self.onSamplingDurationChanged)
+ self.ui.samplingRateSlider.connect('valueChanged(double)', self.onSamplingRateChanged)
self.ui.collectSampleButton.connect('clicked(bool)', self.onCollectSampleButtonClicked)
+ self.ui.continuousCollectionButton.connect('clicked(bool)', self.onContinuousCollectionButtonClicked)
# Make sure parameter node is initialized (needed for module reload)
# My functions
+ def onContinuousCollectionButtonClicked(self):
+ # if the button is checked, start collecting data
+ if self.ui.continuousCollectionButton.isChecked():
+ self.ui.continuousCollectionButton.setText("Stop Collection")
+ self.logic.startDataCollection()
+ # if the button is not checked, stop collecting data
+ else:
+ self.ui.continuousCollectionButton.setText("Start Continuous Collection")
+ self.logic.stopDataCollection()
def onDataClassSelectorChanged(self):
parameterNode = self.logic.getParameterNode()
dataClass = self.ui.dataClassSelector.currentText
parameterNode.SetParameter(self.logic.DATA_CLASS, dataClass)
- def onSampleDurationSelectorChanged(self):
+ def onSamplingDurationChanged(self):
parameterNode = self.logic.getParameterNode()
- sampleDuration = self.ui.sampleDurationSelector.currentText
- parameterNode.SetParameter(self.logic.SAMPLE_DURATION, sampleDuration)
+ # sampleDuration = self.ui.sampleDurationSelector.currentText
+ sampleDuration = self.ui.samplingDurationSlider.value
+ parameterNode.SetParameter(self.logic.SAMPLING_DURATION, str(sampleDuration))
- def onSamplePerSecondSelectorChanged(self):
+ def onSamplingRateChanged(self):
parameterNode = self.logic.getParameterNode()
- sampleRate = self.ui.samplePerSecondSelector.currentText
- parameterNode.SetParameter(self.logic.SAMPLE_PER_SECOND, sampleRate)
+ # sampleRate = self.ui.samplePerSecondSelector.currentText
+ sampleRate = self.ui.samplingRateSlider.value
+ print("sample rate is: ", sampleRate)
+ parameterNode.SetParameter(self.logic.SAMPLING_RATE, str(sampleRate))
def onCollectSampleButtonClicked(self):
@@ -383,6 +390,9 @@ def updateParameterNodeFromGUI(self, caller=None, event=None):
parameterNode.SetParameter(self.logic.PLOTTING_STATE, str(self.ui.enablePlottingButton.isChecked()))
# update parameter node with the current path of the file selector
parameterNode.SetParameter(self.logic.MODEL_PATH, self.ui.modelFileSelector.currentPath)
+ # update parameter node with the current sampling duration and samplling rate
+ parameterNode.SetParameter(self.logic.SAMPLING_DURATION, str(self.ui.samplingDurationSlider.value))
+ parameterNode.SetParameter(self.logic.SAMPLING_RATE, str(self.ui.samplingRateSlider.value))
@@ -446,8 +456,8 @@ class BroadbandSpecModuleLogic(ScriptedLoadableModuleLogic,VTKObservationMixin):
SCANNING_STATE = 'Scanning State'
PLOTTING_STATE = 'Plotting State'
CLICK_COUNT = 'Click Count'
- SAMPLE_DURATION = "Sample Duration"
- SAMPLE_PER_SECOND = "Sample Rate"
+ SAMPLING_DURATION = "Sample Duration"
+ SAMPLING_RATE = "Sample Rate"
DATA_CLASS = "Data Class"
SAVE_LOCATION = 'Save Location'
@@ -603,69 +613,108 @@ def stopScanning(self):
def recordSample(self):
- # In this module I will collect X spectra over Y seconds using a sequence object
- # I will then save them to a csv with the label given by the class selector
+ '''
+ This function will record an N second sample of spectral data, it then calls saveSample to save the data to a csv file.
+ There is a browser and a sequence
+ SetPlayback
+ SetRecordingActive
+ The goal is to create a a sequencec of spectra using the sequence browser over 1 section and then save it to a csv
+ self = slicer.mymodLog
+ parameterNode = self.getParameterNode()
+ seqBrowserNode.RemoveAllProxyNodes()
+ image.EndModify(0) # when the second seq is created I think it modifys the first and then the second is ended. When things stop modifying call this.
+ '''
# Load in the parameters
parameterNode = self.getParameterNode()
- dataLabel = parameterNode.GetParameter(self.DATA_CLASS)
- sampleDuration = parameterNode.GetParameter(self.SAMPLE_DURATION)
- sampleFrequency = parameterNode.GetParameter(self.SAMPLE_PER_SECOND)
+ sampleDuration = parameterNode.GetParameter(self.SAMPLING_DURATION)
+ sampleFrequency = parameterNode.GetParameter(self.SAMPLING_RATE)
image_imageNode = parameterNode.GetNodeReference(self.INPUT_VOLUME)
browserNode = parameterNode.GetNodeReference(self.SAMPLE_SEQ_BROWSER)
- print("Collecting sample")
- # Print sampleDuration
- print("Sample duration: " + sampleDuration)
+ # Print Collecting sample and the data collection parameters
+ print('Collecting sample')
+ print('Sample duration: ' + sampleDuration)
+ print('Sample frequency: ' + sampleFrequency)
if browserNode == None:
browserNode = slicer.vtkMRMLSequenceBrowserNode()
parameterNode.SetNodeReferenceID(self.SAMPLE_SEQ_BROWSER, browserNode.GetID())
- '''
- There is a brwoser and a sequence
- SetPlayback
- SetRecordingActive
- The goal is to create a a sequencec of spectra using the sequence browser over 1 section and then save it to a csv
- self = slicer.mymodLog
- parameterNode = self.getParameterNode()
- seqBrowserNode.RemoveAllProxyNodes()
- image.EndModify(0) # when the second seq is created I think it modifys the first and then the second is ended. When things stop modifying call this.
- '''
- # Instantiate sequenceLogic
- sequenceLogic = slicer.modules.sequences.logic()
- # Only call this once, check to see if the sequence already exists
- # save seq ID to parameter node
+ # Check to see if our sequence node exists yet
if parameterNode.GetNodeReferenceID(self.SAMPLE_SEQUENCE) is None:
+ sequenceLogic = slicer.modules.sequences.logic()
sequenceNode = sequenceLogic.AddSynchronizedNode(None, image_imageNode, browserNode) # Check doc on AddSynchronizedNode to see if there is another way.
parameterNode.SetNodeReferenceID(self.SAMPLE_SEQUENCE, sequenceNode.GetID())
sequenceNode = parameterNode.GetNodeReference(self.SAMPLE_SEQUENCE)
- # Print clearing sequence node
+ # Clear the sequence node of previous data
+ # Initalize the sequence node parameters
browserNode.SetRecording(sequenceNode, True)
browserNode.SetPlayback(sequenceNode, True)
- # set the fps
+ # Start the recording
timer = qt.QTimer()
# NOTE: singleShot will proceed with the next lines of code before the timer is done
- # timer.singleShot(float(sampleDuration)*1000+50, lambda: browserNode.SetRecordingActive(False)) # can create a new function here for print statements
+ # Call a singleShot to stop the recording after the sample duration
+ timer.singleShot(float(sampleDuration)*1000, lambda: browserNode.SetRecordingActive(False))
+ # Save the sample slightly after the recording is stopped
timer.singleShot(float(sampleDuration)*1000+50, lambda: self.saveSample())
+ def startDataCollection(self):
+ # Load in the parameters
+ parameterNode = self.getParameterNode()
+ sampleFrequency = parameterNode.GetParameter(self.SAMPLING_RATE)
+ image_imageNode = parameterNode.GetNodeReference(self.INPUT_VOLUME)
+ browserNode = parameterNode.GetNodeReference(self.SAMPLE_SEQ_BROWSER)
+ # Print Collecting sample and the data collection parameters
+ print('Starting Collection')
+ print('Sample frequency: ' + sampleFrequency)
+ if browserNode == None:
+ browserNode = slicer.vtkMRMLSequenceBrowserNode()
+ slicer.mrmlScene.AddNode(browserNode)
+ browserNode.SetName("SampleSequenceBrowser")
+ parameterNode.SetNodeReferenceID(self.SAMPLE_SEQ_BROWSER, browserNode.GetID())
+ # Check to see if our sequence node exists yet
+ if parameterNode.GetNodeReferenceID(self.SAMPLE_SEQUENCE) is None:
+ sequenceLogic = slicer.modules.sequences.logic()
+ sequenceNode = sequenceLogic.AddSynchronizedNode(None, image_imageNode, browserNode) # Check doc on AddSynchronizedNode to see if there is another way.
+ parameterNode.SetNodeReferenceID(self.SAMPLE_SEQUENCE, sequenceNode.GetID())
+ sequenceNode = parameterNode.GetNodeReference(self.SAMPLE_SEQUENCE)
+ # Clear the sequence node of previous data
+ sequenceNode.RemoveAllDataNodes()
+ # Initalize the sequence node parameters
+ browserNode.SetRecording(sequenceNode, True)
+ browserNode.SetPlayback(sequenceNode, True)
+ browserNode.SetPlaybackRateFps(float(sampleFrequency))
+ # Start the recording
+ browserNode.SetRecordingActive(True)
+ pass
+ def stopDataCollection(self):
+ print('Stopping Collection')
+ # Load in the parameters
+ parameterNode = self.getParameterNode()
+ browserNode = parameterNode.GetNodeReference(self.SAMPLE_SEQ_BROWSER)
+ # Stop the recording
+ browserNode.SetRecordingActive(False)
+ # Save the sample to csv
+ self.saveSample()
+ pass
def saveSample(self):
+ '''
+ Saves the data stored in the SampleSequenceBrowse to a single csv file
+ '''
# get parameters
parameterNode = self.getParameterNode()
dataLabel = parameterNode.GetParameter(self.DATA_CLASS)
- sampleDuration = parameterNode.GetParameter(self.SAMPLE_DURATION)
+ sampleDuration = parameterNode.GetParameter(self.SAMPLING_DURATION)
# Stop the timer
browserNode = parameterNode.GetNodeReference(self.SAMPLE_SEQ_BROWSER)
- browserNode.SetRecordingActive(False)
+ # browserNode.SetRecordingActive(False)
+ print("Recording stopped")
# Get the sequence node
sequenceNode = parameterNode.GetNodeReference(self.SAMPLE_SEQUENCE)
# Save the sequence to a csv
@@ -673,6 +722,13 @@ def saveSample(self):
savePath = os.path.join(savePath, dataLabel)
# Loop through the sequence
sequenceLength = sequenceNode.GetNumberOfDataNodes()
+ # Check to see if any data has been recorded
+ if sequenceLength == 0:
+ print("No data to save")
+ return
+ print(sequenceLength)
# Format the empty array
# Get the length of a spectrum
spectrumArray = slicer.util.arrayFromVolume(sequenceNode.GetNthDataNode(0))
@@ -692,10 +748,8 @@ def saveSample(self):
spectrumArray2D[i+1,1:] = spectrumArray[1,:]
# Save the array to a csv
clickCount = parameterNode.GetParameter(self.CLICK_COUNT)
- np.savetxt(savePath + '.csv', spectrumArray2D[1:,:], delimiter=",")
# np.savetxt(savePath + clickCount + '.csv', spectrumArray2D[1:,:], delimiter=",")
+ np.savetxt(savePath + '.csv', spectrumArray2D[1:,:], delimiter=",")
def addControlPointToToolTip(self):
# Get the required nodes
@@ -727,6 +781,7 @@ def addControlPointToToolTip(self):
pointListRed_World.SetNthControlPointLabel(pointListRed_World.GetNumberOfControlPoints()-1, '')
# parameterNode.SetParameter('LastPointAdded', self.logic.CLASS_LABEL_1)
+ pass
def onSpectrumImageNodeModified(self, observer, eventid):
diff --git a/BroadbandSpecModule/Resources/UI/BroadbandSpecModule.ui b/BroadbandSpecModule/Resources/UI/BroadbandSpecModule.ui
index 1cbde13..2135fd6 100644
--- a/BroadbandSpecModule/Resources/UI/BroadbandSpecModule.ui
+++ b/BroadbandSpecModule/Resources/UI/BroadbandSpecModule.ui
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
- 876
+ 702
@@ -206,49 +206,120 @@
+ true
- Save Location
+ Sampling duration (seconds)
- true
+ 1
- true
+ 0.100000000000000
+ 9.000000000000000
+ 0.500000000000000
+ 1.500000000000000
+ 1.000000000000000
+ -
+ Sampling rate (fps)
+ 0
+ 5.000000000000000
+ 9.000000000000000
+ 1.000000000000000
+ 30.000000000000000
+ 30.000000000000000
- -
- Sampling duration (seconds)
+ Continuous Sample Collection
+ -
+ Continuous scan
+ true
- Samples Per Second
+ Save Location
+ true
+ true
- -
+ Single Sample Collection
+ -
Collect Sample
@@ -285,11 +356,21 @@
+ ctkSliderWidget
+ QWidget
+ qMRMLSliderWidget
+ ctkSliderWidget
diff --git a/Config/ThorLabsAscension.xml b/Config/ThorLabsAscension.xml
index 8a64f8b..bbf1e3d 100644
--- a/Config/ThorLabsAscension.xml
+++ b/Config/ThorLabsAscension.xml
@@ -7,9 +7,10 @@
+ AcquisitionRate="100"
+ IntegrationTimeSec="0.1"
+ Zebra = "1"
+ >
@@ -66,8 +67,8 @@