Every signable document must have at least one signature line. Think of it as the dashed line that people used to sign using a pen...
A signature line is always linked to a document and can't exist on its own. On construction of a signature line object, a document object must be passed to the signature line constructor. The example below illustrates how to link a new signature line to an existing document object in myDocument:
// Create a new signature line object and set the role, that the signer will sign as
var mySignatureLine = new SignatureLine(myDocument, "attorney");
// Finally, persist the new object
await mySignatureLine.PersistAsync(connector);
To link a signer to a signature line, simply use the SetSigner() method on the signature line object. Note that the signer has to be linked to the same case file as the document containing the signature line is.
// Link an existing signer to the signature line
await mySignatureLine.SetSignerAsync(connector, mySigner);
Getting the signature lines from a document and setting an activation and expiration date to each one
// myDocument is an instance of Document
DateTime today = DateTime.UtcNow;
DateTime tomorrow = today.AddDays(1);
DateTime dayAfterTomorrow = today.AddDays(2);
foreach (var mySignatureLine in await myDocument.GetSignatureLinesAsync(connector))
mySignatureLine.ActiveAt = tomorrow;
mySignatureLine.ExpireAt = dayAfterTomorrow;
The sign order defines the order in which the signature lines must be signed. Per default, the sign order for all signature lines is 0, meaning that all signers sign in parallel. A signature line with sign order of fx. 2 can first be signed when all signature lines having a sign order < 2 has been signed.
// Set the sign order to 2
mySignatureLine.signOrder = 2;