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Project structure and architecture

Pedro Q edited this page Jan 13, 2022 · 7 revisions

Project Structure and architecture

This should be of no concern to the end user but this project is divided into several folders and .py files:

  • Images contains images used in this repository
  • References contains references folders and related metadata. It also contains the custom_refs folder
    • custom_refs is an empty folder where the user can store their own reference profiles
  • tests contains sample files when running run_test
  • config
    • MANTIS.cfg config file for Mantis
  • mantis contains the all of MANTIS' code
    • cython_src contains the Cython code responsible for compiling the hit extraction algorithm. Cython was used to increase efficiency.
    • is the front of the program
    • has all the methods for setting up paths.
    • handles the generation of query sequences consensus. It inherits from It contains the algorithms for finding the best query hits.
    • has all the methods for setting up the databases.
    • contains several custom exceptions
    • used for parsing results from HMMER and Diamond
    • contains main front for launching the annotations, it inherits from all other classes
    • handles the interpretation of the generated annotations. Most references need to be linked to their respective metadata in order to extract usable information.
    • handles the generation of SQL databases from the metadata.tsv files.
    • contains all the code responsible for multiprocessing
    • handles the SQL databases for the lineage retrieval of NCBI and GTDB taxonomies.
    • wrapper for UniFunc, a text mining tool to measure functional descriptions similarity.
    • contains small functions that are universal to Mantis