diff --git a/docs/sipnet_inputs_outputs.doc b/docs/sipnet_inputs_outputs.doc deleted file mode 100644 index e5ab569..0000000 Binary files a/docs/sipnet_inputs_outputs.doc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/docs/sipnet_inputs_outputs.md b/docs/sipnet_inputs_outputs.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c0dbdba --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/sipnet_inputs_outputs.md @@ -0,0 +1,232 @@ +# SIPNET Input and Output Parameters + +## Table of Contents + +1. [Run-time Parameters](#1-run-time-parameters) + - [Initial state values](#initial-state-values) + - [Photosynthesis parameters](#photosynthesis-parameters) + - [Phenology-related parameters](#phenology-related-parameters) + - [Autotrophic respiration parameters](#autotrophic-respiration-parameters) + - [Soil respiration parameters](#soil-respiration-parameters) + - [Moisture-related parameters](#moisture-related-parameters) + - [Quality model parameters](#quality-model-parameters) +2. [Compile-time parameters](#2-compile-time-parameters) +3. [Climate driver inputs](#3-climate-driver-inputs) +4. [Outputs](#4-outputs) + +## 1. Run-time Parameters + +Model parameters that can change from one run to the next. These include initializations of state, allocations, and biophysical rate constants. + + +### Initial state values + +| | Parameter Name | Definition | Units | notes | +| :---- | :---- | :---- | :---- | :---- | +| 1 | plantWoodInit | Initial wood carbon | g C * m^-2 ground area | above-ground + roots | +| 2 | laiInit | initial leaf area | m^2 leaves * m^-2 ground area | multiply by leafCSpWt to get initial plant leaf C | +| 3 | litterInit | Initial litter carbon | g C * m^-2 ground area | | +| 4 | soilInit | Initial soil carbon | g C * m^-2 ground area | | +| 5 | litterWFracInit | | unitless | fraction of litterWHC | +| 6 | soilWFracInit | | unitless | fraction of soilWHC | +| 7 | snowInit | Initial snow water | cm water equiv. | | + + +### Photosynthesis parameters + +| | Parameter Name | Definition | Units | notes | +| :---- | :---- | :---- | :---- | :---- | +| 8 | aMax | max photosynthesis | nmol CO2 * g^-1 leaf * sec^-1 | assuming max. possible par, all intercepted, no temp, water or vpd stress | +| 9 | aMaxFrac | avg. daily aMax as fraction of instantaneous | | | +| 10 | baseFolRespFrac | basal foliage resp. rate | | as % of max. net photosynth. rate | +| 11 | psnTMin | min temp at which net photosynthesis occurs | °C | | +| 12 | psnTOpt | optimal temp at which net photosynthesis occurs | °C | | +| 13 | dVpdSlope | used to calculate VPD effect on Psn | dimensionless | dVpd = 1 - dVpdSlope * vpd^dVpdExp | +| 14 | dVpdExp | used to calculate VPD effect on Psn | dimensionless | dVpd = 1 - dVpdSlope * vpd^dVpdExp | +| 15 | halfSatPar | par at which photosynthesis occurs at 1/2 theoretical maximum | Einsteins * m^-2 ground area * day^-1 | | +| 16 | attenuation | light attenuation coefficient | | | + +### Phenology-related parameters + +| | Parameter Name | Definition | Units | notes | +| :---- | :---- | :---- | :---- | :---- | +| 17 | leafOnDay | day when leaves appear | | | +| 18 | gddLeafOn | with gdd-based phenology, gdd threshold for leaf appearance | | | +| 19 | soilTempLeafOn | with soil temp-based phenology, soil temp threshold for leaf appearance | | | +| 20 | leafOffDay | day when leaves disappear | | | +| 21 | leafGrowth | additional leaf growth at start of growing season | g C * m^-2 ground | | +| 22 | fracLeafFall | additional fraction of leaves that fall at end of growing season | | | +| 23 | leafAllocation | fraction of NPP allocated to leaf growth | | | +| 24 | leafTurnoverRate | average turnover rate of leaves | fraction per day | read in as per-year rate | + + +### Autotrophic respiration parameters + +| | Parameter Name | Definition | Units | notes | +| :---- | :---- | :---- | :---- | :---- | +| 25 | baseVegResp | vegetation maintenance respiration at 0°C | g C respired * g^-1 plant C * day^-1 | read in as per-year rate only counts plant wood C; leaves handled elsewhere (both above and below-ground: assumed for now to have same resp. rate) | +| 26 | vegRespQ10 | scalar determining effect of temp on veg. resp. | | | +| 27 | growthRespFrac | growth resp. as fraction of (GPP - woodResp - folResp) | | | +| 28 | frozenSoilFolREff | amount that foliar resp. is shutdown if soil is frozen | | 0 = full shutdown, 1 = no shutdown | +| 29 | frozenSoilThreshold | soil temperature below which frozenSoilFolREff and frozenSoilEff kick in | °C | | + +### Soil respiration parameters + + +| | Parameter Name | Definition | Units | notes | +| :---- | :---- | :---- | :---- | :---- | +| 30 | litterBreakdownRate | rate at which litter is converted to soil / respired at 0°C and max soil moisture | g C broken down * g^-1 litter C * day^-1 | read in as per-year rate | +| 31 | fracLitterRespired | of the litter broken down, fraction respired (the rest is transferred to soil pool) | | | +| 32 | baseSoilResp | soil respiration at 0°C and max soil moisture | g C respired * g^-1 soil C * day^-1 | read in as per-year rate | +| 33 | baseSoilRespCold | soil respiration at 0°C and max soil moisture when tsoil < coldSoilThreshold | g C respired * g^-1 soil C * day^-1 | read in as per-year rate | +| 34 | soilRespQ10 | scalar determining effect of temp on soil resp. | | | +| 35 | soilRespQ10Cold | scalar determining effect of temp on soil resp. when tsoil < coldSoilThreshold | | | +| 36 | coldSoilThreshold | temp. at which use baseSoilRespCold and soilRespQ10Cold | °C | Not used if SEASONAL_R_SOIL is 0 | +| 37 | E0 | E0 in Lloyd-Taylor soil respiration function | | Not used if LLOYD_TAYLOR is 0 | +| 38 | T0 | T0 in Lloyd-Taylor soil respiration function | | Not used if LLOYD_TAYLOR is 0 | +| 39 | soilRespMoistEffect | scalar determining effect of moisture on soil resp. | | | + + +### Moisture-related parameters + +| | Parameter Name | Definition | Units | notes | +| :---- | :---- | :---- | :---- | :---- | +| 40 | waterRemoveFrac | fraction of plant available soil water which can be removed in one day without water stress occurring | | | +| 41 | frozenSoilEff | fraction of water that is available if soil is frozen (0 = none available, 1 = all still avail.) | | if frozenSoilEff = 0, then shut down psn. even if WATER_PSN = 0, if soil is frozen (if frozenSoilEff > 0, it has no effect if WATER_PSN = 0) | +| 42 | wueConst | water use efficiency constant | | | +| 43 | litterWHC | litter (evaporative layer) water holding capacity | cm | | +| 44 | soilWHC | soil (transpiration layer) water holding capacity | cm | | +| 45 | immedEvapFrac | fraction of rain that is immediately intercepted & evaporated | | | +| 46 | fastFlowFrac | fraction of water entering soil that goes directly to drainage | | | +| 47 | snowMelt | rate at which snow melts | cm water equiv./°C/day | | +| 48 | litWaterDrainRate | rate at which litter water drains into lower layer when litter layer fully moisture-saturated | c m water/day | | +| 49 | rdConst | scalar determining amount of aerodynamic resistance | | | +| 50 | rSoilConst1 | | | soil resistance = e^(rSoilConst1 - rSoilConst2 * W1) , where W1 = (litterWater/litterWHC) | +| 51 | rSoilConst2 | | | soil resistance = e^(rSoilConst1 - rSoilConst2 * W1) , where W1 = (litterWater/litterWHC) | +| 52 | m_ballBerry | slope for the Ball Berry relationship | | | +| 53 | leafCSpWt | | g C * m^-2 leaf area | | +| 54 | cFracLeaf | | g leaf C * g^-1 leaf | | +| 55 | woodTurnoverRate | average turnover rate of woody plant C | fraction per day | read in as per-year rate; leaf loss handled separately | + +### Quality model parameters + +| | Parameter Name | Definition | Units | notes | +| :---- | :---- | :---- | :---- | :---- | +| 56 | qualityLeaf | value for leaf litter quality | | | +| 57 | qualityWood | value for wood litter quality | | | +| 58 | efficiency | conversion efficiency of ingested carbon | | | +| 59 | maxIngestionRate | maximum ingestion rate of the microbe | hr-1 | | +| 60 | halfSatIngestion | half saturation ingestion rate of microbe | mg C g-1 soil | | +| 61 | totNitrogen | Percentage nitrogen in soil | | | +| 62 | microbeNC | microbe N:C ratio | mg N / mg C | | +| 63 | microbeInit | | mg C / g soil microbe | initial carbon amount | +| 64 | fineRootFrac | fraction of wood carbon allocated to fine roots | | | +| 65 | coarseRootFrac | fraction of wood carbon that is coarse roots | | | +| 66 | fineRootAllocation | fraction of NPP allocated to fine roots | | | +| 67 | woodAllocation | fraction of NPP allocated to wood | | | +| 68 | fineRootExudation | fraction of GPP exuded to the soil | | | +| 69 | coarseRootExudation | fraction of NPP exuded to the soil | | | +| 70 | fineRootTurnoverRate | turnover of fine roots | per year rate | | +| 71 | coarseRootTurnoverRate | turnover of coarse roots | per year rate | | +| 72 | baseFineRootResp | base respiration rate of fine roots | per year rate | | +| 73 | baseCoarseRootResp | base respiration rate of coarse roots | per year rate | | +| 74 | fineRootQ10 | Q10 of fine roots | | | +| 75 | coarseRootQ10 | Q10 of coarse roots | | | +| 76 | baseMicrobeResp | base respiration rate of microbes | | | +| 77 | microbeQ10 | Q10 of coarse roots | | | +| 78 | microbePulseEff | fraction of exudates that microbes immediately use | | | + +## 2. Compile-time parameters + +| CSV_OUTPUT 0 | 0 | output .out file as a CSV file | +| :---- | :---- | :---- | +| ALTERNATIVE_TRANS 0 | 0 | do we want to impliment alternative transpiration? | +| BALL_BERRY 0 | 0 | impliment a Ball Berry submodel to calculate gs from RH, CO2 and A | +| PENMAN_MONTEITH_TRANS 0 | 0 | impliment a transpiration calculation based on the Penman-Monteith Equation | +| GROWTH_RESP 0 | 0 | explicitly model growth resp., rather than including with maint. resp. | +| LLOYD_TAYLOR 0 | 0 | use Lloyd-Taylor model for soil respiration, in which temperature sensitivity decreases at higher temperatures? | +| SEASONAL_R_SOIL 0 && !LLOYD_TAYLOR | 0 | use different parameters for soil resp. (baseSoilResp and soilRespQ10) when tsoil < (some threshold)? | +| WATER_PSN 1 | 1 | does soil moisture affect photosynthesis? | +| WATER_HRESP 1 | 1 | does soil moisture affect heterotrophic respiration? | +| DAYCENT_WATER_HRESP 0 && WATER_HRESP | 0 | use DAYCENT soil moisture function? | +| MODEL_WATER 1 | 1 | do we model soil water (and ignore soilWetness)? | +| COMPLEX_WATER 1 && MODEL_WATER | 1 | do we use a more complex water submodel? (model evaporation as well as transpiration) | +| LITTER_WATER 0 && (COMPLEX_WATER) | 0 | do we have a separate litter water layer, used for evaporation? | +| LITTER_WATER_DRAINAGE 1 && (LITTER_WATER) | 0 | does water from the top layer drain down into bottom layer even if top layer not overflowing? | +| SNOW (1 || (COMPLEX_WATER)) && MODEL_WATER | 1 | keep track of snowpack, rather than assuming all precip. is liquid | +| GDD 0 | 0 | use GDD to determine leaf growth? (note: mutually exclusive with SOIL_PHENOL) | +| SOIL_PHENOL 0 && !GDD | 0 | use soil temp. to determine leaf growth? (note: mutually exclusive with GDD) | +| LITTER_POOL 0 | 0 | have extra litter pool, in addition to soil c pool | +| SOIL_MULTIPOOL 0 && !LITTER_POOL | 0 | do we have a multipool approach to model soils? | +| NUMBER_SOIL_CARBON_POOLS 3 | 3 | number of pools we want to have. Equal to 1 if SOIL_MULTIPOOL is 0 | +| SOIL_QUALITY 0 && SOIL_MULTIPOOL | 0 | do we have a soil quality submodel? | +| MICROBES 0 && !SOIL_MULTIPOOL | 0 | do we utilize microbes. This will only be an option if SOIL_MULTIPOOL is 0 and MICROBES is 1 | +| STOICHIOMETRY 0 && MICROBES | 0 | do we utilize stoichometric considerations for the microbial pool? | +| ROOTS 0 | 0 | do we model root dynamics? | +| MODIS 0 | 0 | do we use modis FPAR data to constrain GPP? | +| C_WEIGHT 12.0 | 12 | molecular weight of carbon | +| MEAN_NPP_DAYS 5 | 5 | over how many days do we keep the running mean | +| MEAN_NPP_MAX_ENTRIES | MEAN_NPP_DAYS*50 | assume that the most pts we can have is two per hour | +| MEAN_GPP_SOIL_DAYS 5 | 5 | over how many days do we keep the running mean | +| MEAN_GPP_SOIL_MAX_ENTRIES | MEAN_GPP_SOIL_DAYS*50 | assume that the most pts we can have is one per hour | +| LAMBDA | 2501000 | latent heat of vaporization (J/kg) | +| LAMBDA_S | 2835000 | latent heat of sublimation (J/kg) | +| RHO | 1.3 | air density (kg/m^3) | +| CP | 1005. | specific heat of air (J/(kg K)) | +| GAMMA | 66 | psychometric constant (Pa/K) | +| E_STAR_SNOW | 0.6 | approximate saturation vapor pressure at 0°C (kPa) | + +## 3. Climate driver inputs + +For each step of the model, for each location, the following inputs are needed. + +| 1 | loc | spatial location index | | maps to param-spatial file | +| :---- | :---- | :---- | :---- | :---- | +| 2 | year | year of start of this timestep | | e.g. 2010 | +| 3 | day | day of start of this timestep | | 1 = Jan 1 | +| 4 | time | time of start of this timestep | hour fraction | e.g. noon = 12.0, midnight = 0.0 | +| 5 | length | length of this timestep | days | allow variable-length timesteps | +| 6 | tair | avg. air temp for this time step | °C | | +| 7 | tsoil | avg. soil temp for this time step | °C | | +| 8 | par | average par for this time step | Einsteins * m^-2 ground area * day^-1 | input is in Einsteins * m^-2 ground area, summed over entire time step | +| 9 | precip | total precip. for this time step | cm water equiv. - either rain or snow | input is in mm | +| 10 | vpd | average vapor pressure deficit | kPa | input is in Pa | +| 11 | vpdSoil | average vapor pressure deficit between soil and air | kPa | input is in Pa ; differs from vpd in that saturation vapor pressure calculated using Tsoil rather than Tair | +| 12 | vPress | average vapor pressure in canopy airspace | kPa | input is in Pa | +| 13 | wspd | avg. wind speed | m/s | | +| 14 | soilWetness | fractional soil wetness | fraction of saturation - between 0 and 1 | Not used if MODEL_WATER is 1 | + + + +## 4. Outputs + +For each step of the model, for each location, the following outputs are generated. + +| | Parameter Name | Definition | Units | +| :---- | :---- | :---- | :---- | +| 1 | loc | spatial location index | | +| 2 | year | year of start of this timestep | | +| 3 | day | day of start of this timestep | | +| 4 | time | time of start of this timestep | | +| 5 | plantWoodC | carbon in wood | g C/m^2 | +| 6 | plantLeafC | carbon in leaves | g C/m^2 | +| 7 | soil | carbon in mineral soil | g C/m^2 | +| 8 | microbeC | carbon in soil microbes | | +| 9 | coarseRootC | carbon in coarse roots | | +| 10 | fineRootC | carbon in fine roots | | +| 11 | litter | carbon in litter | g C/m^2 | +| 12 | litterWater | moisture in litter layer | cm | +| 13 | soilWater | moisture in soil | cm | +| 14 | soilWetnessFrac | moisture in soil as fraction | | +| 15 | snow | snow water | cm | +| 16 | npp | net primary production | | +| 17 | nee | net ecosystem production | | +| 18 | cumNEE | cumulative nee | | +| 19 | gpp | gross ecosystem production | | +| 20 | rAboveground | plant respiration above ground | | +| 21 | rSoil | soil respiration | | +| 22 | rRoot | root respiration | | +| 23 | rtot | total respiration | | +| 24 | fluxestranspiration | transpiration | | + +