diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index c0973e0..d3d409f 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,23 +1,218 @@ -# Home Automation + -automatically controls lights, fans, appliances -## Installation and setup -### components needed -pir sensor(s) -relay(s) -an arduino board(s) -button(s) (for lazyboyproto) -16x2 LCD disp (for lazyboyproto) -leds (can be used in both the models (optional) ) -## Usage and guidelines -1st) -proto1 -does basic (only either of the 1 or more with same toggling) light / fan / appliance toggling for **single ๐ฉ๐ž๐ซ๐ฌ๐จ๐ง** entry / exit basis + + +[![Contributors][contributors-shield]][contributors-url] +[![Forks][forks-shield]][forks-url] +[![Stargazers][stars-shield]][stars-url] +[![Issues][issues-shield]][issues-url] +[![MIT License][license-shield]][license-url] +[![LinkedIn][linkedin-shield]][linkedin-url] -2nd) -Lazyboyproto -does the same thing(s) as above but also supports multiple lights / fans / appliances (can be toggled independently),detects entry and exit for multiple no of people, and lastly displays the stats on a 16x2 lcd + + + +

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Home Automation

+ +

+ Toggling appliances with less effort +
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+ + + + +## Table of Contents + +* [About the Project](#about-the-project) + * [Built With](#built-with) +* [Getting Started](#getting-started) + * [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) + * [Installation](#installation) +* [Usage](#usage) +* [Roadmap](#roadmap) +* [Contributing](#contributing) +* [License](#license) +* [Contact](#contact) +* [Acknowledgements](#acknowledgements) + + + + +## About The Project + +This is the 2nd version of my home automation project where appliances are simply toggled via an app, and the MCU serves as chat server and parses info . For the previous older version see [arduino-oldversion]([arduino-oldversion]), where appliances were automatically toggled based on motion sensors ( however [cheap pir sensors]([[pir-sensor]]) are practically not so feasible ). + +[![home-automation][product-screenshot]](https://github.com/ParamDeshpande/Home_Automation) + + +### Built With + +* [Energia IDE](https://energia.nu/) +* [Kivy ( App dev )](https://kivy.org/#home) +* [TI CC3200](https://www.ti.com/product/CC3200) +* relays and a bunch of wires + + + + +## Getting Started + +The Ti's cc3200 is a overkill for this task, but I had it lying around hence I used it, the same stuff can be easliy achieved using any wifi supported board or ESP8266 and any arduino or bluepill or atmega ...etc. + +### Prerequisites + +There's not much setup to do make sure you have the respective toolchain setup ( eg [Energia here](https://energia.nu/)). For the app dev make sure you have kivy setup and running preferably in a virtual env. + + +### Installation + +1. Clone the home-automation +```sh +git clone https://github.com/ParamDeshpande/home-automation.git +``` +2. Install python requirements ( preferably in a venv ) +```sh +cd isntallationDir/home-automation +pip3 install -r ti_IOT/requirements.txt +``` + +3. Find and install the app from [here](https://github.com/ParamDeshpande/home-automation/tree/master/ti_IOT/bin), on your android device. +Make sure internet permissions are given to the app, ( it wont ask by itself ) else it will start stop and crash again and again. + + + + + +## Usage + +The GUI for mobile application is plain and simple and serves the basic tasks for which the project was intended for. +

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+ +I'm not really an app developer, so spare me the unfancy GUI. + +while building new app from changes made in [main.py]() make sure to enable internet and set other parametrs like app icon and stuff in [buildozer.spec](https://github.com/ParamDeshpande/home-automation/blob/master/ti_IOT/buildozer.spec) file. + +See [kivy installation docs](https://kivy.org/doc/stable/guide/packaging-android.html) for detailed steps to pack the application either google play or ios. + +To get the code on the toolchain compiling for the MCU, just change your SSID and password and flash it on your respective board. + +``` +char ssid[] = "wifiname"; +char password[] = "secret-or-not"; +``` + +Since the board has 3 leds ( aint that nice ) , +I made the red led denote offline or unconnected. +Green LED connected to the wifi netowrk. +Orange LED to blip away when parsing a message. + +You may change the sleep freqeuncy `sleep(1000);` from 1Hz to whatever you like, if you find the response slow enough. + +See the [ti_chat.ino in ti_IOT](https://github.com/ParamDeshpande/home-automation/tree/master/ti_IOT/ti_chat). I have tweaked this file from the official examples that were provided for the chat server. + + + +## Roadmap + +See the [open issues](https://github.com/ParamDeshpande/home-automation/issues) for a list of proposed features (and known issues). + +Few enhacements or bug fixes I may / may not make might/coud be made are .. + +* Ping server before hand when the app opens and not when the button is pressed. +* Add timeout mechanisms for both MCU server and in app. +* a connection notification in the app to tell if the mcu server received the msg, and other debug msgs. +* Integrating motion sensors. +* Adding a widget for home screen instead of opening the app and permission and auto permisions and stuff. +* ... + + +## Contributing + +Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are **greatly appreciated**. + +1. Fork the Project +2. Create your Feature Branch (`git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature`) +3. Commit your Changes (`git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'`) +4. Push to the Branch (`git push origin feature/AmazingFeature`) +5. Open a Pull Request + + + + +## License + +Distributed under the MIT License. See `LICENSE` for more information. + + + + +## Contact + +Param Deshpande - [@https://twitter.com/ParamDeshpande](https://twitter.com/https://twitter.com/ParamDeshpande) - deshpandeparam10@gmail.com + +Project Link: [https://github.com/ParamDeshpande/home-automation](https://github.com/ParamDeshpande/home-automation) + + + + +## Acknowledgements + +* [Ti](https://www.ti.com/) , well I got the MCU free of cost. + + + + + +[contributors-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/contributors/ParamDeshpande/home-automation.svg?style=flat-square +[contributors-url]: https://github.com/ParamDeshpande/home-automation/graphs/contributors +[forks-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/forks/ParamDeshpande/home-automation.svg?style=flat-square +[forks-url]: https://github.com/ParamDeshpande/home-automation/network/members +[stars-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/stars/ParamDeshpande/home-automation.svg?style=flat-square +[stars-url]: https://github.com/ParamDeshpande/home-automation/stargazers +[issues-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/issues/ParamDeshpande/home-automation.svg?style=flat-square +[issues-url]: https://github.com/ParamDeshpande/home-automation/issues +[license-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/license/ParamDeshpande/home-automation.svg?style=flat-square +[license-url]: https://github.com/ParamDeshpande/home-automation/blob/master/LICENSE.txt +[linkedin-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/-LinkedIn-black.svg?style=flat-square&logo=linkedin&colorB=555 +[linkedin-url]: https://linkedin.com/in/param-deshpande-743690148/ +[product-screenshot]: ti_IOT/proj-photo.jpg +[arduino-oldversion]: https://github.com/ParamDeshpande/home-automation/tree/master/arduinoversion_old +[pir-sensor]: https://www.electronicscomp.com/pir-motion-detector-sensor-module-india?gclid=Cj0KCQiA-rj9BRCAARIsANB_4AAF0HnG_aIdEzVV4I0W9vzDvzB7P0PeiM_GnL5jKBPPJgrUxdbE6TYaAi7LEALw_wcB