All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- GGWP: finalised project (fe86454)
- external links and info page (ae6a659)
- final ui touches (ad00d30)
- add: fix identifier program & webui facelift (02b208a)
- did: add context, id, aka and auth (c1016bd)
- did: added initial did state and init project (8aebdba)
- did: round trip with u8 ints (f7e574e)
- frontend: added simple frontend with querys (b7fb825)
- license-service: add license program (e70547c)
- service: add service to did document (7f07e28)
- service: adding a service to did document (03dfd19)
- vcs: data structure and (e9f32f0)
- webui: add auth to did document (eeb75da)
- webui: creating and querying data (8c89c0f)
- license-service: fix logic to store data (c1c74dc)