!REDIRECT "https://docs.px4.io/master/zh/contribute/dev_call.html"
The PX4 dev team syncs up on platform technical details and in-depth analysis. There is also space in the agenda to discuss pull requests, major impacting issues and Q&A.
{% if book.px4_version != 'master' %}
提示 Dev Call 计划, 日程, 和细节, 可以在这儿找到! {% else %}
- 核心项目维护者
- 组件维护者
- 测试团队负责人
- 无人机编码成员
- 社区成员
提示 开发调用对所有感兴趣的开发人员进行开放(不仅仅是核心开发团队)。 这是为持续可开发的平台做出贡献并与团队交流的绝佳机会。
The first/main part of the meeting runs for 45 minutes and provides a high-level forum to discuss where the project is going.
This is where we discuss contributions, including issues/PRs that have the dev call label. We expect the proposer and the assigned reviewer to be on the call!
注意 主要的调用被设计用来做出集中快速的决策。 我们希望不要过深的探究技术,同样也不会花费太多的时间用在功能请求上。 提案是受欢迎的,但这些提案需要赞助者(那些愿意实现这些提案工作的人)!
The second part of the meeting is for in-depth technical discussions and open ended questions. The core team/subsystem maintainers will be available for up to 45 additional minutes.
时间: 欧洲中部时间周二17:00, 东部标准时间12:00, 太平洋标准时间9:00 (订阅日历)
Join the call: https://meet.jit.si/PX4DeveloperCallWeekly
Agenda is published before the call on PX4 Discuss - weekly-dev-call
To nominate Issues and PRs for the call you can use the devcall label to flag them for discussion.
{% endif %}