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Writing Test Cases

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When you initialize a test directory using flit init, a test file called Empty.cpp will be placed in the tests directory. This test is as the name implies - empty. It basically shows you how to create a new test and is intended to be used as a template for creating tests.

To add a test, simply copy Empty.cpp and place it in the tests directory with an ending of .cpp. Rename the class inside, and you're good to go. If you name it with a different ending than .cpp, then you will need to ensure it is included from within in the SOURCE variable.

Test Case Requirements

The tests you write in the FLiT framework are different from unit tests or even verification tests. We will call them reproducibility tests or flit tests. One key difference is that, unlike unit tests, a golden value does not need to be known a priori. Instead, the return value from the ground-truth compilation will be used as the base comparison value.

This is also covered by the comments within the Empty.cpp file given to you. Each test class has the following pure virtual functions (which means functions you must implement for it to compile):

  • getInputsPerRun(): This function simply returns the number of floating-point inputs your test takes.
  • getDefaultInput(): This function returns the default input your test takes, in the form of a std::vector<T>. If you want different inputs for float, double, and long double, give a template specialization of this function for each of those precisions. You can also use this function to provide data-driven tests. If your test takes 3 inputs, and this function returns 9 values, then the test will be run 3 times, once for each set of inputs.
  • run_impl(): This is where the actual test lives. It receives a vector of floating-point values as input that will be exactly as long as what getInputsPerRun() returns. The test returns a flit::Variant object, which of the time of this writing can handle long double, std::string, std::vector<std::string>, and std::vector<T>, where T is the floating-point type of the templated test class instance.

There are some optional functions that you can override as well. The default implementation is provided for you in Empty.cpp so you can see if you would like to override that behavior.

  • compare(): This is a custom comparison value that is used to compare the results from the ground-truth compilation and all other compilations. There are multiple versions of this function. Override the correct one for the value returned from run_impl().
    • compare(long double, long double): used if your test returns a floating-point value. The default implementation is to calculate the absolute error (using flit::abs_compare()).
    • compare(string, string): used if your test returns a string. There is no good default implementation, so be sure to override this if used.
    • compare(std::vector<string>, std::vector<string>): used if your test returns a vector of strings. There is no good default implementation, so be sure to override this if used.
    • compare(std::vector<T>, std::vector<T>): used if your test returns a vector of floating-point values. The default implementation calculates the L2 norm (using flit::l2norm()), which is great if that is what you want. Otherwise, you will want to override this function.

Default Comparison Details

The flit::abs_compare() function used as the default implementation for compare(long double ground_truth, long double test_value) does more than just std::abs(test_value - ground_truth). It handles NaN and inf in a special way. The table below has only the instances where the behavior of flit::abs_compare() is different from std::abs():

ground truth test value Return
NaN NaN 0.0
-NaN -NaN 0.0
inf inf 0.0
-inf -inf 0.0

The differences from using the regular std::abs() is that

  • If the ground truth and the test value exactly match (type, value, and sign), then return 0.0. If the value from the ground truth is NaN, then we return 0.0 if the test value is also NaN to signify that we got the expected value.

The flit::l2norm() function uses the flit::abs_compare() function to take the difference element-wise between the two vectors before doing summation. Therefore, if the two vectors have NaN and inf in the same locations in the vector, it will be accounted for.

Disabling Test Cases

Since all files ending with .cpp in the tests directory and the parent directory are included in the compilation by default, the best way to disable a test is simply to move it into a new directory. Suppose the test I want to disable is called BrokenTest.cpp.

mkdir disabled
mv tests/BrokenTest.cpp disabled

That's it.

Only Using Particular Precisions

You may have code you want tested that only has implemented one precision, for example double precision. That's okay, you can still use flit for your code without having lots of trouble.

In the class declaration of the templated test class of yours, simply have an empty run_impl() function like the following:

// Default implementation does nothing
virtual flit::Variant run_impl(const std::vector<T>& ti) override {
  return flit::Variant();

If an empty flit::Variant() is returned from run_impl(), then that test is considered disabled. The beauty is that you can specialize this and only implement it for a particular precision. After the template class declaration, you can now implement only the double precision version to return something meaningful:

flit::Variant MyTestClass<double>::run_impl(const std::vector<double>& ti) {
   // test logic here ...
   return something_meaningful;

Using this approach, you can have this test only implemented for double precision, and have the other precisions disabled. That way, you will not have misleading information of your test case using float or long double precision taking up space in your results database.

Writing Tests With More Template Parameters

There may be times when you want to write tests that have more than one template parameter. For example, you may want an integer template parameter that specifies the size of the problem to solve. This section will guide you to be able to leverage templates to create many tests in a few number of lines of code.

As an example, let us take the example of code that takes the dot product, but with different sizes of vectors.

#include <flit/flit.h>

#include <limits>
#include <random>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include <cmath>

// Define a highly templatized class to make many tests
template <typename T, int Len>
class DotProduct : public flit::TestBase<T> {
  DotProduct(std::string id) : flit::TestBase<T>(std::move(id)) {}
  virtual size_t getInputsPerRun() override { return Len * 2; }
  virtual std::vector<T> getDefaultInput() override {
    // Could come up with a better mechanism to generate inputs
    std::vector<T> inputs(getInputsPerRun());
    size_t seed = 42;
    std::minstd_rand engine(seed);
    std::uniform_real_distribution<T> dist(
        T(), std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) / 2);
    for (T &x : inputs) {
      x = dist(engine);
    return inputs;
  virtual flit::Variant run_impl(const std::vector<T> &ti) override {
    std::vector<T> a(ti.begin(), ti.begin() + Len);
    std::vector<T> b(ti.begin() + Len, ti.end());
    long double val{0.0};
    for (int i = 0; i < Len; i++) {
      val += a[i] * b[i];
    return val;

  template <typename T> \
  class DotProduct_Len##len : public DotProduct<T, len> { \
    using DotProduct<T, len>::DotProduct; \
  }; \

// Create 8 tests with different vector sizes

Wrapping Around a Main Function

Often times, we want to test our entire application with FLiT. In that case, you may want to wrap around the main() function of all of your code. Well, you would be in luck. FLiT provides a means and a pattern to wrap around your main() function. Here is an example of such a use case:

// rename main() to mpiapp_main() to not cause linker problems
#define main myapp_main
#include "myapp.cpp"
#undef main

// this allows flit to use this in call_main() and call_mpi_main()

#include <flit/flit.h>

template <typename T>
class MyAppTest : public flit::TestBase<T> {
  MyAppTest(std::string id) : flit::TestBase<T>(std::move(id)) {}
  virtual size_t getInputsPerRun() override { return 0; }
  virtual std::vector<T> getDefaultInput() override { return {}; }
  virtual long double compare(const std::vector<std::string> &baseline,
                              const std::vector<std::string> &results)
  const override {
    // your custom comparison implementation
  virtual flit::Variant run_impl(const std::vector<T> &ti) override {
    return flit::Variant();
  using flit::TestBase<T>::id;

flit::Variant MyAppTest<float> run_impl(const std::vector<float> &ti) {
  auto results = flit::call_main(myapp_main, "myapp", "--iters 20 -v");
  std::vector<std::string> vec_results;
  if (results.ret != 0) {
    throw std::logic_error("mpi_app failed in its execution");
  return vec_results;

In the above example, we only use the float precision variant of the test class (see Only Using Particular Precisions]). Also, the main() function is being called in a separate process using the function flit::call_mpi_main().

Let's step through this example:

// rename main() to mpiapp_main() to not cause linker problems
#define main myapp_main
#include "myapp.cpp"
#undef main

// this allows flit to use this in call_main() and call_mpi_main()

This is how to wrap around a main() function using FLiT.

  1. Exclude the source file containing the main() function from FLiT test compilation.
  2. Include that source file in your test class, but before doing so, rename main to something else so that we can use the main() function provided by the FLiT testing framework.
  3. Register this newly named main() function (in this example, it was renamed to myapp_main()) using FLIT_REGISTER_MAIN(). This macro must be placed in the global scope (it also works from within a namespace).

Once you do these three steps, you are allowed to then use flit::call_main().

#include <flit/flit.h>

template <typename T>
class MyAppTest : public flit::TestBase<T> {
  MyAppTest(std::string id) : flit::TestBase<T>(std::move(id)) {}
  virtual size_t getInputsPerRun() override { return 0; }
  virtual std::vector<T> getDefaultInput() override { return {}; }
  virtual long double compare(const std::vector<std::string> &baseline,
                              const std::vector<std::string> &results)
  const override {
    // your custom comparison implementation
  virtual flit::Variant run_impl(const std::vector<T> &ti) override {
    return flit::Variant();
  using flit::TestBase<T>::id;

The above you might recognize as a simple empty test with a std::vector<std::string> comparison override. Nothing new here.

flit::Variant MyAppTest<float> run_impl(const std::vector<float> &ti) {
  auto results = flit::call_main(myapp_main, "myapp", "--iters 20 -v");
  std::vector<std::string> vec_results;
  if (results.ret != 0) {
    throw std::logic_error("mpi_app failed in its execution");
  return vec_results;

Above, we implement only the float variant of the run_impl() function. Within, we call flit::call_main() with the following arguments:

  1. The function pointer that follows the same signature as a main() function (i.e., returns int and takes an int and a char**). In this case, the pointer to the myapp_main() function.
  2. The name you want to be used as the executable name when that myapp_main() function is called. The value of this argument will be placed in arg[0]. In this example, we want the arg[0] parameter to be "myapp". Some applications behave differently depending on the name of the executable being run. For example, bash behaves differently if it is called from a symbolic link called sh.
  3. The rest of the command-line parameters are given. This is a single string to encode the rest of the parameters. This is to be formed in a way that it would work when calling your application from the shell. That means escaping certain characters that would be interpretted by the shell. Here, you can use pipes, semicolons and other tricks, but tread carefully as some unexpected behavior may follow.

The function flit::call_main() actually creates a child process of the current test executable (a.k.a., recursion), but that child process shortcuts to calling the provided function pointer and returning. Since it is in a child process, you are safe to use standard out, standard error, and even functions like exit().

The value returned from flit::call_main() is a struct called flit::ProcResult.

namespace flit {

struct ProcResult {
  int ret;
  std::string out;
  std::string err;


You are given the standard output and standard error produced by your given function as well as the return code of the child process. Feel free to use these to convey your answer back to the test in order to return a value for later comparison. Alternatively, you can use output files from your main() function to communicate the results of the computations.

Note: There is no current way using FLiT functions to interact with the child process. By that I mean you cannot provide standard input. If that is desired, please issue a GitHub issue.

Writing MPI Tests

Most cases we have seen for MPI code to be tested has been when a main() function was to be wrapped in a FLiT test. Suppose then that we have a main() function in a file call mpi_app.cpp, and we want it called from our test called MpiAppTest. The test may look something like the following:

// rename main() to mpiapp_main() to not cause linker problems
#define main mpiapp_main
#include "mpi_app.cpp"
#undef main

// this allows flit to use this in call_main() and call_mpi_main()

#include <flit/flit.h>

template <typename T>
class MpiAppTest : public flit::TestBase<T> {
  MpiAppTest(std::string id) : flit::TestBase<T>(std::move(id)) {}
  virtual size_t getInputsPerRun() override { return 0; }
  virtual std::vector<T> getDefaultInput() override { return {}; }
  virtual long double compare(const std::vector<std::string> &baseline,
                              const std::vector<std::string> &results)
  const override {
    // your custom comparison implementation
  virtual flit::Variant run_impl(const std::vector<T> &ti) override {
    return flit::Variant();
  using flit::TestBase<T>::id;

flit::Variant MpiAppTest<double> run_impl(const std::vector<double> &ti) {
  auto results = flit::call_mpi_main(
      mpiapp_main, "mpirun -n 4", "mpi_app", "--data ../data/star.dat");
  std::vector<std::string> vec_results;
  if (results.ret != 0) {
    throw std::logic_error("mpi_app failed in its execution");
  return vec_results;

In the above example, we only use the double precision variant of the test class (see Only Using Particular Precisions]). Also, the main() function is being called in a separate process (see Wrapping Around a Main Function) with four processes, because of the "mpirun -n 4" argument passed to flit::call_mpi_main().

Let's step through this example:

// rename main() to mpiapp_main() to not cause linker problems
#define main mpiapp_main
#include "mpi_app.cpp"
#undef main

// this allows flit to use this in call_main() and call_mpi_main()

Similarly to how you would use call_main(), you do the same for any MPI test. This is done for many reasons:

  • it is safe to call MPI_Init() and MPI_Finalize() in this way as a child process. Otherwise, when would and could they be called?
  • user code will be executed as expected, no surprises
  • calls such as terminate(), abort(), exit(), or even MPI_abort() are totally fine to do, since it happens in a child process
  • each test can use a different MPI run configuration (e.g., one test can run with 2 MPI processes and another can run with 4 MPI processes).
  • we can safely run the MPI code more than once to get reliable timing

But that does mean that all MPI tests will need to have an entry point from a main-like function and will have to call MPI_Init() and MPI_Finalize() accorddingly.

#include <flit/flit.h>

template <typename T>
class MpiAppTest : public flit::TestBase<T> {
  MpiAppTest(std::string id) : flit::TestBase<T>(std::move(id)) {}
  virtual size_t getInputsPerRun() override { return 0; }
  virtual std::vector<T> getDefaultInput() override { return {}; }
  virtual long double compare(const std::vector<std::string> &baseline,
                              const std::vector<std::string> &results)
  const override {
    // your custom comparison implementation
  virtual flit::Variant run_impl(const std::vector<T> &ti) override {
    return flit::Variant();
  using flit::TestBase<T>::id;

Your basic FLiT test with no implementation of compare() or run_impl().

flit::Variant MpiAppTest<double> run_impl(const std::vector<double> &ti) {
  auto results = flit::call_mpi_main(
      mpiapp_main, "mpirun -n 4", "mpi_app", "--data ../data/star.dat");
  std::vector<std::string> vec_results;
  if (results.ret != 0) {
    throw std::logic_error("mpi_app failed in its execution");
  return vec_results;

We only define the double precision test and we call mpiapp_main under a child process of mpirun made into four processes. The app will look like it is called mpi_app (i.e., that will be the value of argv[0]). Finally, the command-line arguments (after args[0])are "--data", and "../data/star.dat".

The returned value from flit::call_mpi_main() is a flit::ProcessResult struct that has standard output, standard error, and the return status. Using these values and possibly files created or written from mpiapp_main().

For more examples, look in FLiT/tests/flit_mpi/data.

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