Project: "Baro-meter"
Owner: "Luca Navilli"
Date: "2019:07"
Script Arduino that read six lidarLite V3 and send via USB the distances of all the sensors through the \LaserScan ROS topic.
You have to install rosserial_arduino, follow this procedure: HERE
You need also to install Arduino IDE and the LIDARV3 library if you want to modify the script.
You will find two folders:
- "GetDistanceI2C_changeAddr.ino" is the Arduino script that you have to upload on your arduino micro
- LIDARLite_Arduino_library-master is the arduino library of the LidarLite v3 that you have to install in order to modify the arduino script
If you want to modify the script download Arduino IDE or similar.
If you want just use the sensors, upload the script into your Arduino Micro and by terminale type:
'sudo chmod 777 /dev/YOURDEV'
'rosrun rosserial_python /dev/YOURDEV -baud:=115200'