Released on 2019-07-20.
- Updated Ruby dependencies.
Released on 2019-05-12.
- Compatibility with Swift 5
Released on 2018-10-21.
- Compatibility with Xcode 10, Swift 4.2 and iOS 12
Released on 2018-01-11.
- iOS deployment target is now 9.3
- Using one target for all platform
Released on 2017-11-14.
- Compatibility with Xcode 9.1, Swift 4 and iOS 11
- Deployment target is now 10.3
Released on 2017-07-03.
- Information whether the application is running in the UI test environment.
Released on 2017-03-29.
- Compatibility with Xcode 8.3 and Swift 3.1.
Released on 2017-03-15.
- Disable UIView animations
- Managing events, reminders and contacts