Good news: We have data on share on migrant working in health for the whole UK, based on annual population survey.
Bad news: Care needs, the questions in survey is daily activity that they cannot do in thier own, but only for 65+
We will leave out for now the people younger that report long term conditions.
Lower bound for care is one hour per week UKHLS.
We have information about who is helping them. We could in second step get the share of informal share.
We have the share of migrants providing care (always informal or formal) and needing care.
Klara will send me the the input life table data.
Literature found:
We created a repo in github called SCCM_care_workforce.
We will focus in the methodologies used in this papers:
Charlie suggestion: integrating data provided by Klara, Fixing the deterministic CCM code, Add some fancy stochastic modelling.
Klara will check ELSA data.
Mortality rate
Fertility rate
Migration rate (from survey)
Prepare the format (.csv, 1 year interval or 5 year intervals)
Index should be age ranges (string, cat).
Klara already has the care needs life table and is in our mails.
Charlie to work in the Code.
Again I need to work into adding stochastic modelling to the code.
Klara uploaded the necesary data and some plots.
Charlie will upload his sccm code in python.
I will controbute to the code in python.
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