Basic guide to color and change your ASCII art with "tput xterm" and PS1 Shell
Set text color "foreground" with setaf
echo "$(tput -T xterm setaf 'color_number')"
echo "$(tput -T xterm setaf 2)"
Set background color with setab
echo "$(tput -T xterm setab 'color_number')"
echo "$(tput -T xterm setab 6)"
The basic 8 color options for tput
0 = black
1 = red
2 = green
3 = yellow
4 = blue
5 = magenta
6 = cyan
7 = white
PS1 Shell to underline ASCII chars
PS1 Shell for Bold text / ASCII
For both Bold and underlined option on one line
Example Linux bash script "bold, underline, and color cyan"
Add printf "\n" (newline) if needed
printf "\e[1m\e[4m"
echo "$(tput -T xterm setaf 6)"
printf "\n"
cat /your/path/to/ascii_art.txt
printf "\n"
for using lolcat instead to color the ascii for motd or other
sudo apt install lolcat
cat /path/to/ascii_art.txt | lolcat
Color the text based on a programming language instead.
useful for quickly coloring help menus in bash scripts
pygmentize -l <language_option> <<eof
pygmentize -l csh <<eof