This an example deployment, which is using ansible roles to deploy consul and vault.
By default, rks-server is deployed with rks.local.pem and rks.local.key, if you want to use a custom certificate, please put certificate and private key in 'roles/ansible-rks-server/files/'.
Then you will have to set to right values in:
And set target host IP in './hosts' file (multiple hosts for a cluster)
You will also have to set ANSIBLE_SSH_USER to target host user in 'Makefile'.
Then run:
make rks-install
For more documentations on consul and vault ansible deployment roles, please see:
##Set up deployed components
In commands below, please replace 'rks-vault', 'rks-server' with your target host ip.
If this is the first install of : Consul, Vault, RKS on this target host, you have to initialize Vault. You can do this by calling the init endpoint on vault:
curl http://rks-vault:8200/v1/sys/init -X PUT -d '{"secret_shares": 1, "secret_threshold": 1}'
export KEY=ef8243a53feccc73001812950d9822d77975fab20beff5e3946c076bd972ae6f
export root_token=s.YXBSZBpCqwjizLekuONvzsRe
This will generate a master key used to unseal Vault. There could be several master keys which will all be required to unseal Vault, please, see Vault documentation. This will also generate a root_token that we will use to configure vault.
Next step is to unseal vault:
curl http://rks-vault:8200/v1/sys/unseal -X PUT -d "{\"key\": \"$KEY\"}"
Please see Vault documentation to unseal with several master keys.
Vault initialization is done. You are now able to authenticate to vault with root_token.
Once Consul and Vault are installed, initialized and unsealed, you need to call the RKS Initialization API endpoint, to configure vault for RKS use and create an RKS admin user:
curl -k -X POST -H "X-Vault-Token: $root_token" https://rks-server/rks/v1/init
Vault and Consul can be configured to run in cluster mode, that is, running several instances of each component. It is the recommended production setup because it is more resilient to failure.
For more information about a cluster installation (see Vault documentation), you will need to call init on one vault node, then unseal each vault node.
please see rks-handguide