Create workspace:
mkdir -p mocap_ws/src && cd mocap_ws/src
Download optitrack repo:
git clone
Install dependencies:
vcs import < mocap4ros2_optitrack/dependency_repos.repos
Compiling workspace:
cd .. && colcon build --symlink-install
Source workspace:
source install/setup.bash
Setup your optitrack configuration:
Launch optitrack system:
ros2 launch mocap_optitrack_driver
Check that Optitrack configuration works fine and is connected. As the driver node is a lifecycle node, you should transition to activate:
ros2 lifecycle set /mocap_optitrack_driver_node activate
Similarly you can shutdown with the following:
ros2 lifecycle set /mocap_optitrack_driver_node shutdown
Visualize in rViz:
ros2 launch mocap_optitrack_driver