The Diffie-Hellman private set intersection (DHPSI) [1] is one of the first PSI protocols and is communication efficient, but requires expensive computations from both parties: a sender and a receiver. We implement DHPSI using elliptic curve (specifically ristretto255
[2]) instead of finite field exponentiation for performance reasons. The point operation of kP is the multiplication of a ristretto point P with a scalar k over an ellipic curve (Curve25519).
- the receiver and the sender agree on a preset elliptic curve E (Curve25519).
- the sender generates his private key (scalar) a, and hashes each identifier from his input audience list to obtains points xi ∈ X on E. (Derive)
- for each of the derived points xi, the sender computes point multiplication: axi, and obtains the set of multiplied points aX. (Multiply)
- the sender permutes aX and sends them to the receiver. (ShuffleWrite)
- the receiver receives aX from the sender. The receiver generates his private key (scalar) b and multiplies each element axi ∈ aX with private key b: b(axi) to obtain the set of multiplied points baX and index it. (ReadMultiply)
- the receiver hashes each identifier from his input audience list to obtain points yi ∈ Y on E. (Derive)
- for each of the derived points yi, the receiver computes point multiplication: byi, and obtains the set of multiplied points bY. (Multiply)
- the receiver permutes bY and sends them to the sender. (ShuffleWrite)
- The sender receives bY, and multiplies each element byi ∈ bY with his private key a: a(byi) to obtain the set of multiplied points abY, and sends them back to the receiver. (ReadMultiply)
- the receiver receives abY, and finds the intersecting identifiers from the set baX and abY. (Intersect)
Sender Receiver
X, a Y, b
Stage 1 DM/Shuffle --------------aX-------------> M -> baX Stage 1
Stage 2 M -> abY +-------------bY-------------- DM/Shuffle Stage 2.1
+-------------abY------------> intersect(baX, abY) Stage 2.2
DM: ristretto255 derive/multiply
M: ristretto255 multiply
Shuffle: cryptographic quality shuffle
[1] C. Meadows. A more efficient cryptographic matchmaking protocol for use in the absence of a continuously available third party. In IEEE S&P’86, pages 134–137. IEEE, 1986.