A command line tool to interact with DSS object storage. It supports the following operations.
PUT: Uploads posix based file system data to DSS object storage.
LIST: List object keys from the object storage.
GET: Download objects and store in the shared / local file system.
DEL: Remove objects from DSS object storage.
DataIntegrity: Perform data-integrity with md5sum enabled.
The tool works in a distributed and standalone mode ( single node execution ). In the distributed version, it uses a master node to initiate overall process and a set of client nodes to perform in parallel. The remote ClientApp are spawns using ssh connection from paramiko library. The "ClientApplication" running on the client node interact with "MasterApplication" running on master node via TCP socket communication.
Install following packages on the client nodes before launching client application to those nodes.
python3 -m pip install paramiko
python3 -m pip install boto3
python3 -m pip install pyminio
python3 -m pip install ntplib
Use isntall.sh on each master/client node.
pip3 install requirements.txt
As a non-root user, please run the below commands with '''sudo''' and make sure the non-root user is part of sudoers file.
sh -c ' source /usr/local/bin/setenv-for-gcc510.sh && python3 master_application.py PUT '
sh -c ' source /usr/local/bin/setenv-for-gcc510.sh && python3 master_application.py PUT --compaction yes'
sh -c ' source /usr/local/bin/setenv-for-gcc510.sh && python3 master_application.py LIST --dest_path <Destiniation Path> '
sh -c ' source /usr/local/bin/setenv-for-gcc510.sh && python3 master_application.py LIST --prefix <prefix>/ --dest_path <Destiniation Path>'
sh -c ' source /usr/local/bin/setenv-for-gcc510.sh && python3 master_application.py DEL '
sh -c ' source /usr/local/bin/setenv-for-gcc510.sh && python3 master_application.py DEL --prefix bird/'
sh -c ' source /usr/local/bin/setenv-for-gcc510.sh && python3 master_application.py GET --dest_path <Destination Path>'
sh -c ' source /usr/local/bin/setenv-for-gcc510.sh && python3 master_application.py GET --prefix bird/ --dest_path <Destination Path>'
Dry Run:
- Read files from NFS shares, but skip the upload operation. Show RAW NFS read performance
sh -c ' source /usr/local/bin/setenv-for-gcc510.sh && python3 master_application.py PUT --dryrun'
- It performa every steps involved in DELETE operation except actual DELETE from S3 storage.
sh -c ' source /usr/local/bin/setenv-for-gcc510.sh && python3 master_application.py DEL --dryrun'
- It performs every steps involved in GET operation except actual S3 GET operation
sh -c ' source /usr/local/bin/setenv-for-gcc510.sh && python3 master_application.py GET --dest_path <"Destination File Path"> --dryrun'
NFS Cluster:
- Use "--debug/-d" switch to run DataMover in debug mode.
- This functionality and testing checks data integrity. First DM upload data for each prefix, subsequently
run GET and perform md5sum. During the upload process it collect md5sum hash key from each file and store them in
temporary buffer and during GET call it uses that to check data integrity.
python3 master_application.py TEST --data_integrity --dest_path <Destination Path> --debug
The master node is the node where, the DataMover starts. It does indexing for PUT operation and distribute the file index to the ClientApps running on client nodes evenly. It has MasterApp running multiple workers to perform indexing. The MasterApp also consist three monitors such as IndexDistribution, StatusPoller, OperationProgress monitors. IndexDistributionMonitor: Distribute the file-indices or object_keys to the client nodes for PUT or LIST operation respectively. StatusPollerMonitor: Read status messages from each clients and add them to a status queue. OperationProgressMonitor: Read all status data from status queue and calculate the progress. Display the result. The file upload is performed by the ClientApplication running in each TESS client node.
Update master section in the config.json
"master": {
"ip_address": "", # Make sure master IP address is sepcified correctly
"workers": <Specify no of workers>,
"max_index_size": <Maximum no of indexes to be sent through a Message>,
"size": <Overall Size of each set of message, say 1GB. Thats mean the message to be sent with
x number of file name of size 1GB>
Default is file count based indexing.
- Incorporate size based indexing too. Support size based indexing if specified.
The ClientApplication (ClientApp) running in each client node performs the actual operation PUT/DEL/GET. Further, the received messages are enqueued to a TaskQ. Multiple workers running on that client node, process each task independently and add send the operation status to MasterApp for aggregation of status.
Specify TESS client nodes, ip address or DNS name
"tess_clients_ip":["", "", ""],
Update client section in config.json
"client": {
"workers": <Specifiy Workers>,
"max_index_size": <Maximum indexes to be processed by each worker in a Task>,
"user_id": "user-id",
"password": "msl-ssg"
**Passwordless lauch of ClientApp:** User doesn't require to specify password to launch ClientApp
on differ nodes as long as ssh-key is coppied to all the nodes where ClientApp will be launched.
Keep the "password" section blank.
The DataMover uses TCP socket for the communication between MasterApp and ClientApps. The communication channel is established between the apps after they were launched. The indices are distributed through IndexDistributionMonitor and operation status are aggregated through StatusPollerMonitor.
The "port_index" is used by the IndexDistributionMonitor of MasterApp and message_server_index of ClientApp. The "port_status" is used by the StatusPoller of MasterApp and message_server_status of ClientApp.
"message": {
"port_index": 6000,
"port_status": 6001
Common Issues: If the default message port doesn't work, then change it to some other ports.
Specify NFS cluster information from configuration file.
"<NFS Cluster DNS/IP address>":[ "NFS share1", "NFS share2"]
The following CLI args are also supported
Command using NFS CLI args
sh -c "source /usr/local/bin/setenv-for-gcc510.sh && python3 /usr/dss/nkv-datamover/master_application.py PUT --config /etc/dss/datamover/config.json --compaction yes --nfs-server <nfs server ip> --nfs-port <nfs port #> --nfs-share <path to nfs share>"
The supported S3 client libraries minio-python-lib, dss-client-lib or boto3. minio-python-lib => "minio" dss-client-lib => "dss_client" boto3 => "boto3" Update the client library in the following location of configuration file.
"s3_storage": {
"minio": {"url": "", "access_key": "minio", "secret_key": "minio123"},
"bucket": "bucket",
"client_lib": "dss_client" <<== Update client library, supported values [ "minio" | "dss_clint" | "boto3" ]
Supported operations are PUT/DEL/GET
The PUT operation upload files into S3 storage for all NFS shares. The indexing is done in MasterNode. The actual upload is performed in client nodes. The index distribution is done through a IndexMonitor. It distribute indexes in round-robin fashion in all the clients. The actual file upload is done at the client node.
The DSS target compaction is by default initiated. The compaction can be toggled off by overriding using "--compaction no"
CLI arg
along with regular upload command, or by specifying the compaction field in the config file with the desired compaction option "compaction": "no"
sh -c ' source /usr/local/bin/setenv-for-gcc510.sh && python3 master_application.py PUT --compaction yes'
Config file
"compaction": "yes"
The partial data can be uploaded to S3 with proper prefix. A valid prefix should have following signature.
A prefix should start with "NFS" server "ip_address" and end with a forward slash "/".
sh -c ' source /usr/local/bin/setenv-for-gcc510.sh && python3 master_application.py PUT
--prefix <nfs_server_ip>/<prefix path>/ '
Include IP address of the DSS targets from the DataMover configuration file.
"dss_targets": [""] # Here "" is the ip address of the DSS target.
The LIST operation list all keys under a provided prefix. It is performed by MasterApplication only. Each prefix is processed by independent workers. Results are en-queued to IndexQueue for DEL/GET operation. Else, gets dumped into a local file.
sh -c ' source /usr/local/bin/setenv-for-gcc510.sh && python3 master_application.py LIST --dest_path <Destiniation Path> '
sh -c ' source /usr/local/bin/setenv-for-gcc510.sh && python3 master_application.py LIST --prefix <prefix>/ --dest_path <Destiniation Path>'
The DEL operation is dependent on LIST operation. The object keys from the LISTing operation gets among the client-nodes in round-robin fashion. The actual DELETE operation is performed by ClientApplication. If a prefix is specified from command line, then object_keys under that prefix should be removed. The object prefix should be ended with forward slash (/) such as bird/ , bird/bird1/
sh -c ' source /usr/local/bin/setenv-for-gcc510.sh && python3 master_application.py DEL --prefix bird/'
sh -c ' source /usr/local/bin/setenv-for-gcc510.sh && python3 master_application.py DEL '
The GET operation is dependent on LIST operation. The object keys from the LISTing operation gets among the client-nodes in round-robin fashion. The actual GET operation is performed by ClientApplication. The destination path should be provided from command line as sub-command along with GET.
sh -c ' source /usr/local/bin/setenv-for-gcc510.sh && python3 master_application.py GET --dest_path <destiniation path>'
sh -c ' source /usr/local/bin/setenv-for-gcc510.sh && python3 master_application.py GET --dest_path <destiniation path> --prefix bird/'
If prefix is not specified then accepts all the NFS shared mentioned in the configuration file as prefix.
The DataMover test can be initiated with TEST operation. The data integrity test can be initiated as below.
sh -c ' source /usr/local/bin/setenv-for-gcc510.sh && python3 master_application.py TEST --data_integrity --dest_path <destiniation path>'
The DataIntegrity test, first start indexing and start uploading data for each prefix through a worker from a client node. During that process, it keep track of file and corresponding md5sum hash in a buffer. Subsequently, a GET operation is initiated with same prefix and object keys which downloads files in the temporary destination path and compares md5sum with corresponding file key in buffer.
A prefix based data_integrity test should be executed as below. User should provide a prefix
that start without forward slash and ending with forward slash **<nfs_server_ip>/<prefix path>/**
sh -c ' source /usr/local/bin/setenv-for-gcc510.sh && python3 master_application.py TEST --data_integrity --dest_path <destiniation path> --prefix <prefix/>'
Data-integrity can be performed on pre-existing S3 data uploaded through DataMover. If "--skip_upload" switch is specified then, DM skip uploading files under the specified prefix.
sh -c ' source /usr/local/bin/setenv-for-gcc510.sh && python3 master_application.py TEST --data_integrity --dest_path <destiniation path> --skip_upload'
The --server-as-prefix option will enable DataMover to perform PUT, GET, LIST, DEL operations on nfs shares that start with or without an ip address such as
To ensure that the prefixes do have a prepended ip address, you can specify the following arg.
--server-as-prefix yes
To ensure prefixes do not have a prepended ip address, specify the following arg. This is useful to closely mirror your file hierarchy in the object storage
--server-as-prefix no
*It is a requirement to list the server as prefix option in the config file such as. *Note: if no --server-as-prefix options is specified in the CLI, the default will revert back to the config file setting
"mounted": false,
"nfs": {
"<ip-addr>": ["/dir1", "/dir2"]
"nfsport": 2049,
"server_as_prefix": "yes"
Examples of commands with --server-as-prefix options
sh -c "source /usr/local/bin/setenv-for-gcc510.sh && python3 /usr/dss/nkv-datamover/master_application.py DEL
--config /etc/dss/datamover/config.json --compaction yes --prefix <ip-addr>/mnt/nfs_share/5gb/0_0/1_0/2_0/3_0/4_0/5_0/6_1/"
sh -c "source /usr/local/bin/setenv-for-gcc510.sh && python3 /usr/dss/nkv-datamover/master_application.py DEL
--config /etc/dss/datamover/config.json --compaction yes --prefix mnt/nfs_share/5gb/0_0/1_0/2_0/3_0/4_0/5_1/6_1/ --server-as-prefix no"
In this instance, PUT operation will upload all NFS shares specified in the config file without the prepended server ip address
sh -c "source /usr/local/bin/setenv-for-gcc510.sh && python3 /usr/dss/nkv-datamover/master_application.py PUT
--config /etc/dss/datamover/config.json --compaction yes --server-as-prefix no"
# NFS lib Installation
yum –y install nfs-utils libnfsidmap
# Start the services:
systemctl enable rpcbind
systemctl enable nfs-server
systemctl start rpcbind
systemctl start nfs-server
# The NFS server require to provide access of NFS shares to the client nodes.
“/etc/exports” file has to be updated as below.
<NFS Shared Directory> <Client IP>(opt1,opt2…)
o Restart export “exportfs –r”
o Show shared mount paths “exportfs -v”
Client Setup:
o NFS lib Installation:
yum –y install nfs-utils libnfsidmap
o Start the service
systemctl enable rpcbind
systemctl start rpcbind
o All client node should mount them before accessing shared directory.
Create local directory to be mapped to remote directory.(optional)
sudo mkdir /nfs-shared1”
o Mount the remote shared paths as below.
mount <nfs node ip address>:/<nfs Shared Directoyr> /nfs-shaed1”
o Show the remote mounts “df –kh”
Tests for DataMover are grouped into 2 categories.
unittests - Used to test code directly with zero reliance on the underlying system. Code the depends on the system is mocked / simulated with the pytest fixtures. Unittests are run during build pipelines to generate and display code coverage for each commit.
systemtests - System tests are to be used for testing the actual functionality of the code on the given system. Tests are intrusive and consume, execute, and potentially modify resources on the actualy system.
This module requires the following modules:
pytest pytest-mock pytest-cov pytest-gitcov
Also refer to requirements.txt file if you would like to install these packages with pip
In order to run system level test, such as those found in test_datamover.py you must make sure the correct environment is sourced with access to the compiler. For example;
source /usr/local/bin/setenv-for-gcc510.sh
You must be in the dss_datamover directory
python3 -m pytest <path to test folder or file> -v -rA --cov=<path to root folder of data mover> --cov-report term --color=yes --disable-warnings
Here are some examples run from the dss-ecosystem directory
Run all tests by specifying the test folder
python3 -m pytest unittests -v -rA --cov=. --cov-report term --color=yes --disable-warnings
Run on a specific test file
python3 -m pytest unittests/test_utils.py -v -rA --cov=. --cov-report term --color=yes --disable-warnings
Run on a specific test class
python3 -m pytest unittests/test_utils.py::TestUtils -v -rA --cov=. --cov-report term --color=yes --disable-warnings
Run on a specific unittest
python3 -m pytest unittests/test_utils.py::TestUtils::test_validate_s3_prefix -v -rA --cov=. --cov-report term --color=yes --disable-warnings