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Prefixes, Chat Commands and Other Non Menu Functions

SilkieSabra edited this page Dec 5, 2017 · 10 revisions

Using Chat Commands

In Second Life, the local chat line is also the line used for scripting calls. Any channel can be used; the channel that is visible as local chat is channel 0 and is used by default. OpenCollar script calls include a prefix to direct the call, plus the call name. For instance, to call a menu directly, you can use the chat command with your prefix plus the menu name:

[prefix] menu

calls the main menu.


Your default prefix is the first two letters of your user name. It can be changed by the collar owner only. Wearers who have set an owner cannot change the prefix unless OwnSelf is checked.

To change the prefix, type: [prefix] prefix [newprefix].

For instance: Suppose your user name is joezipcode and you want to change jo to jz:
Type: jo prefix jz.

Global Prefixes

There are two global prefixes. * issues commands to everyone in range with the required level of access, and # issues commands to everyone in range with the required level of access except yourself.

  • menu

calls the main menu for every wearer to whom you have access in range of the call (20m by default)

Please use this with care. Just because someone is set to public or group access does not mean they have given you blanket permission to mess with their collar without engaging them in play or conversation first.

Chat Commands

Some Useful Chat Commands

[Add list of chat commands that are not represented in the collar menus here]