How to create kubectl alias (optional):
alias k=kubectl
Pod alias:
k get pod mypod
k get pods mypod
k get po mypod
Get pods with aditional details:
k get pods -o wide
Create a pod
k run nginx --image=nginx
Describe pod
k describe pod nginx
Delete pod
k delete pod nginx
Create pod with generated yml
k run redis --image=redis123 --dry-run=true -o yaml > redis.yaml
k run --generator=run-pod/v1 --image=reid123 redis --dry-run --env=foo=bar -o yaml > redis.yml
k run --generator=run-pod/v1 --image=reid123 redis --dry-run -o yaml > redis.yml
If you don't have de definition you can run:
k get pod <pod-name> -o yaml > pod-definition.yaml
You can as well edit the pod definitions:k edit pod <pod-name>
Create and expose a POD on port 8080:
k run custom-nginx --image=nginx --port=8080
To see more details of the a POD:
k get po -o wide