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Radar Chart

Olivier Carpentier edited this page Nov 6, 2016 · 6 revisions

Note: The SharePoint Framework is currently in preview and is subject to change. SharePoint Framework client-side web parts are not currently supported for use in production environments.

Radar Chart Web Part Overview

The Radar Chart Web Part is a SharePoint client side web part built with the SharePoint Framework (SPFx). This web part insert a Radar Chart in your pages, and you can manage the radar settings as items, color, title, legends, etc. This web part uses chart.js lib. This web part uses also the Custom Fields library to enhance the web part edition experience.

Radar Chart


You can manage the following settings:

  • items: a collection of items with the following properties: Label, Value
  • responsive: indicates if the chart will automatically fit the parent zone size
  • width: if responsive is false, sets the chart width
  • height: if responsive is false, sets the chart height
  • fill: boolean to indicate if the area after the line is filled or not
  • fillColor: fill Color
  • lineTension: line tension (0 is straight)
  • pointStyle: point style (point, circle, star, etc.)
  • xAxesEnable: scale animation enabled or not
  • yAxesEnable: scale animation enabled or not
  • titleEnable: show the title
  • title: title text
  • position: title position (left, top, bottom, right)
  • titleFont: title font
  • titleSize: title font size
  • titleColor: title font color
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