If you have Java and Maven, you can build acceleo2.light.
Go to the parent project :
cd ./
In one command line:
mvn clean package -Pluna
To launch the tests :
mvn clean verify -Pluna
The build produces an update-site containing all the features of the project in :
If you need to sign the build artifacts, use the profile SIGN, for instance:
mvn clean verify -Pluna,SIGN
Creating the job
curl --user USER:PASS -H "Content-Type: text/xml" -s --data-binary "@config.xml" "http://JENKINS_ENDPOINT/createItem?name=acceleo2.light--master"
Updating the job
curl --user USER:PASS -H "Content-Type: text/xml" -s --data-binary "@config.xml" "http://JENKINS_ENDPOINT/job/acceleo2.light--master/config.xml