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374 lines (264 loc) · 17.7 KB

Make Your Git Easier

Pretty Git is browser-based git GUI program which supports basic browsing functionalities and several git-related commands. Git is a powerful version control system and it is easy to use once you get used to various git commands and its workflow. But For Beginners, it is true that git can be complex to use and it really takes time to apply git workflow to your project at the first time. Our team also stucked at this stage when we were beginner git and then started this project to make git usage more easier. It's always good starting point to understand git workflow with comprehensive GUI supports. we are sure that you will be familiar with git workflow while you using our project.

We are always open to get any feedbacks and anyone who wants to contribute this project.

Tested environment

machine version
MacOS Ventura 13.3.1
Windows OS 11
Runtime version
node.js v19.8.1
libraries version
axios v1.4.0
express v4.18.2
pug v3.0.2
nodemon v2.0.20
simple-git v.3.18.0
minimatch v9.0.0


1. prerequisites

Git config

  • If you don't have a git, Install git first and then config your git account

    • Git installation

    •   git config --global "your email"
        git config --global "your name"


  • Install node.js runtime corresponding your machine platform. We highly recommend you to install LTS version.

  • To run local server in your machine, you need to install 'nodemon' package globally. Follow below command.
    Before running this command, check node version and npm version by runngin below commands. If you got some errors, re-run your shell or terminal

      node -v
      npm -v

    If the node is successfully installed, run below command to install nodemon

     npm i -g nodemon

Chrome browser

  • Our project doesn't guarantee that it will work on every browser. We recommend you to use chrome browser.

2. Download source codes and Install Dependencies

  1. Clone our repo or Download source files.
     git clone
  2. First open your terminal or WindowsShell. Then, Go to root directory of cloned repository and install dependencies
    npm install

How to run

  1. First, To run the pretty-git local server, move to the directory path where you clone our project source code.
    Then, you can run the server by running below command

    npm run dev

    If the sever successfully running, you can see this lines in your terminal screen

    [nodemon] 2.0.20
    [nodemon] to restart at any time, enter rs
    [nodemon] watching path(s): *.*
    [nodemon] watching extensions: js,mjs,json
    [nodemon] starting node src/index.js
    Server running on port 3000
  2. [Warning] If you already running something on same port, you will see below error.

    Emitted 'error' event on Server instance at:
    at emitErrorNT (node:net:1801:8)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:82:21) {
    code: 'EADDRINUSE',
    errno: -48,
    syscall: 'listen',
    address: '::',
    port: 3000
    Node.js v19.8.1
    [nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting...

    You have two choices at this moment. a. Kill the port you use and re-run the sever. b. Go to src directory('~/pretty-git/src') and modify the PORT value inside index.js

    const PORT = 3000; //<-- modify the port number here.

New Features in v2.0.0

There are new features in version 2.
Branch management, Branch merge, Git commit history, and Git clone from GitHub.

1. Branch Mangement

Pretty-git provides you a menu to create, delete, rename, and checkout branches.
Now, you can mangage your branches on the browser.

  • Here is the branch menu button.
branch menu img

branch menu img

  • When you click the branch button to the right of the 'Go Back' button, you can find the branches you made in local environment.
branch menu img

  • Hovering over the current branch, entry loads the rename button.
current branch menu

  • Hovering over other branches, entry loads below buttons. You can checkout, delete, merge, and rename the branches. Use the option you want.
current branch menu

2. Branch merge

  • As seen in the image above, you can merge the target branch into the current branch.

  • If branch merging process get a problem, like conflict, Pretty-git automatically aborted merge process.

current branch menu

  • On the other hand, to merge the target branch get no prblem, you can check the success message like this.
current branch menu

3. Git commit history

  • When you click the 'Git Log' button to the left of the 'Git Status' button, Pretty-git will show you the commit history of your project in the form of a graph.

  • Click 'Git Log' button.

current branch menu

  • Pretty-git will show you the graph. The graph includes the workflow of the current branch.
current branch menu

  • Furthermore, If you choose a commit object shaped yellow circle, Pretty-git will provide the detailed information about the commit.
current branch menu

  • If you want to close the detailed commit tab, just click the 'close' button.

4. Git clone from GitHub

You can easily clone both private and public repository using HTTPS of it.

  • Click the 'Git Clone' button in the upper-right of the screen.
current branch menu

  • You should choose 'pubic' or 'private repo' button depending on the type of the repository you want to clone.

  • If you click the 'public repo', Pretty-git will show you the pop-up window to get a repository address. Now you give the address and the cloning is done.

current branch menu

  • If you click the 'private repo', It will ask you the address of the repository.
current branch menu

  • If you already have the id and token that needed for cloning, Pretty-git directly clone the private repository.

  • Otherwise, if you have no information that needed for cloning, Pretty-git ask you the id, token about the repository.

current branch menu

current branch menu

  • By the way, you can't process 'git clone {remote_address}' command if there already exists a directory whose name is same with remote directory. You will get this error message in this case.
current branch menu

  • When you enter the ID and token through the prompt, you can see the information you entered on the global git cofig file. As follows the image, there are user and token inforamtion made below the [github] tag

  • If you think an information of the access token is wrong or want to renew the token information by yourselves, you can update it in .gitconfig, which is global config file of git VCS.

  • To enter and edit .gitconfig file, run the below command (The command might not work depending on your machine, especially Windows)

 vim ~/.gitconfig


[Warning] We assume that you're running our service on English language environment. You should set English to your terminal profile and git language as a default if you don't want to have any problems while using our service.(From v0.3.1, we started to support Korean git status parsing functionality. But it is still unstable)
Also, Keep in mind that it can't process some tasks if you include special cases and other languages like Korean in the name of your files.

1. Browse directories

You can browse directories by double clicking each directory item. But it is not allowed for you to access in files, no directories or directories that requires system permission.

browsing action

Also, it is possible to go back to previous browsing history by clicking 'Go to previous' button on the left-top corner.

browsing action

2. Git Commands

You can use some kinds of git commands on your browser. You can use different type of git functions depending on the file status.

When you right-click a file image, git commands that can be executed for each status are given as options. You can easily change git status by clicking options to suit your needs. You can see through the icon that the status of your file has changed as soon as you click the option.

For Untracked Files

For the untracked file, you can add the file into staged area. Clickk 'git add' option.

browsing action

For Modified Files

For the modified file, you have two choices, 'git restore' and 'git add'.

  1. If you want to change the status from modified to untracked?
    Click 'git restore' option.
  2. If you want to stage your modification?
    Click 'git add' option.
browsing action

For Staged Files

For the staged file, you can restore staged files to move it into modified stage or discard changes, 'git restore --staged'.

  1. If you want to change the git status from staged to untracked?
    Click 'git restore --staged' button.
browsing action

For Committed and Unmodified items

Pretty-git will give you three choices, delete, rename, and untrack.

  1. If you want to delete the file on the working directory?
    Click the 'git rm' option.
  2. If you want to rename your file?
    Click thd 'git mv' button, then you can face the pop up screen for typing new name you want.
browsing action
  1. If you want to untrack your file?, Click the 'git rm --cached' buttton, now the file will be untracked.
browsing action
  1. You should notice that we don't support 'git rm' and 'git rm --cached' with '-r', which means you can't run these commands about directories
browsing action


1. git repository

As you browse through the files, you can easily tell if a directory is a git repository by looking at the 'git' icon.

browsing action

Of course, you can also make your working directory into a git repository by right-clicking on the directory and selecting the 'git init' option. Then 'git' icon will show you on that file.

browsing action

2. git status

You can check the approximate file status through the icon above the file.

  • Untracked File Icon
    browsing action

  • Staged File Icon
    browsing action

  • Committed and Modified Icon
    browsing action

  • Modified File
    browsing action

  • Ignored Icon
    browsing action

If you request 'git rm', 'git restore', you can't see any of the modified or staged files in GUI view. Instead, If you click 'git status' button, You can view more detailed file status(renamed, deleted, modified) of your git repostory in a modal view via the 'git status' button in the upper right corner of the screen.

browsing action

We are providing Integrated commit interface in this modal screen. If you want to commit all the staged at once, you just need to click 'Let`s commit!' button on the right-top corner.

browsing action
Then, Type any message that you want to include in your new commit.
browsing action
Finally, if you click '확인' or 'yes' buttom on prompt, you can get this alert after successful commit
browsing action

You are allowed to browse in ignored directories, but are restricted to do functionalities that we supports.


  • axios for sending Request to APIs(MIT License)
  • express to handle views and server logic(MIT License)
  • pug for view template engine(MIT License)
  • node runtime, node fs module, node path module(MIT License)
  • minimatch for regular expression pattern check(ISC License)
  • simple-git for git commands(MIT License)
  • icons from flaticon (private use and commercial usage allowed)


Licensed under MIT Copyright (c) 2023- codernineteen, devrocket, dogmania