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-# TED XML Data Converter 0.1
+# TED XML Data Converter 0.2.0 Release Notes
+Below is a list of the major updates made to the Converter repository in this release. There was no substantial change to the XSLT code.
+## Folder names changed
+The four root folders were renamed to more clearly reflect their contents and purposes.
+## Removal of unnecessary files
+A number of files that were used during initial development, but are now no longer required, were removed.
+## File names changed
+The names of the Markdown files were changed to "kebab-case", to improve readability.
+## Markdown documentation
+The documentation in the various Markdown files was re-written to improve understanding of the different topics.
+A README.md file was added to every main folder to describe the contents of the folder.
+## Converted development test files
+The test notices in folder development-notices/ted-xml were all converted using this version of the converter, updating the output files in folder development-notices/eforms-files.
+## XSLT template location
+Some XSLT templates used in more than one location were moved into a new XSLT file, common.xslt.
-This is the first release of the TED XML Data Converter. In future releases, this file will list the changes made between each release.
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# Disclaimer
-This project is currently under development. We may update the current version and replace it with a new version at any time. In this case, we recommend you retrieve the latest version in order to ensure technical compliance. The Publications Office cannot guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of this information and accepts no responsibility for any use you may make of this project’s component parts.
+This project is currently under development. We may update the current version and replace it with a new version at any time. For this reason, we recommend you retrieve the latest version in order to ensure technical compliance. The Publications Office of the European Union cannot guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of this information and accepts no responsibility for any use you may make of this project’s component parts.
The code and data in this repository is created by the Publications Office of the European Union and is licensed under the terms of the [EUPL-1.2 license](LICENSE).
-# Purpose
+# Summary
-The purpose of the TED XML Data Converter is to assist eSenders in the migration to eForms.
+This project is managed by the Publications Office of the European Union to assist organisations publishing procurement notices in their migration from TED XML to eForms.
-An eSender may wish to switch the production of notices in their system from the TED schemas to the eForms schema on a single date. In this case, they will have published some initial notices (PIN, Contract Notice, etc.) for an ongoing Procedure using the TED schemas. They will want to publish following notices, continuing the Procedure, using the eForms schema.
+An organisation publishing procurement notices may wish to switch the production of notices in their system from the TED schemas to the eForms schema at a point in time. In this case, they will have published some initial notices (PIN, Contract Notice, etc.) for an ongoing Procedure using the TED schemas. They will want to publish following notices, continuing the Procedure, using the eForms schema.
-The TED XML Data Converter is designed to help with this process, by converting a notice published in the TED schemas, to a draft form of the same notice in eForms. The eSender can then correct and complete this notice, and use it as a basis for creating a following notice in eForms.
+The TED XML Data Converter is designed to help with this process, by converting a notice published in the TED schemas, to a draft form of the same notice in eForms. The publisher can then correct and complete this notice, and use it as a basis for creating a following notice in eForms.
-# How to use
-The code for the TED XML Data Converter is contained in this repository. Basic usage instructions for developers to run the code in their own system is available [here](Usage-Information.md).
-An API will be developed for the converter. A user will specify the TED notice number, and the API will retrieve the published TED notice XML, convert it to eForms XML and return it to the user.
-# About the converter
-## XML output will be incomplete and invalid.
-The XML output from the TED XML Data Converter will not be complete, and will also contain some errors. It will not pass all the eForms Schematron checks. This is because:
+The repository contains the following folders:
-* Some information required by eForms is not used in the TED schemas (for example: Internal ID (BT-22) has no equivalent in the TED schema )
-* Some information present in the TED XML is in a different format from that required by eForms (for example: a textual description in TED XML, a specific code from a codelist in eForms XML)
+| Folder | Purpose |
+| --- | --- |
+| `xslt` | The xslt and data for the conversion |
+| `development-notices` | Sample source TED XML files used for testing during development and their equivalent converted eForms XML files |
+| `eforms-structure-files` | Sample files for the structure of eForms XML |
+| `test-notices` | Sample notices in TED schema XML to be used for testing the converter |
-The TED XML Data Converter will report these issues as comments and application-level warnings.
+The repository contains the following documentation files in Markdown format:
+| File | Purpose |
+| --- | --- |
+| [README.md](README.md) | This file |
+| [usage-information.md](usage-information.md) | General information on usage of this repository |
+| [installation.md](installation.md) | Basic instructions on installation in a Unix environment |
+| [development-methodology.md](development-methodology.md) | The technical approach to developing this conversion |
+| [CHANGELOG.md](CHANGELOG.md) | The list of changes made since the last release |
-## Limited Scope
+Each folder also contains a README.md file listing the files in that folder and their purpose.
-The current version of the TED XML Data Converter will only convert a limited subset of published TED notices:
-* TED Schema: only TED schema R.2.0.9 is supported. Notices published under Directive 23 cannot be converted with this version of the Converter.
-* TED Schema version: only the latest version of the TED schema R.2.0.9 (S05) is supported. Notices published under earlier versions of the schema may be converted, but may contain more errors.
-* Document Types: only Contract Notices are currently supported:
- * All elements in TED XML form F02 are supported
- * Most elements in TED XML forms F05, F12 and the Contract Notice variants of forms F21, F22, F23 and F24 are supported
-* Languages: currently the converter only converts the main (original) language of each notice. Other languages which may be present in the TED XML are not included.
-## HTML Comments in output eForms XML
-Each leaf element in the output eForms XML will be preceded by an HTML comment naming the Business Term it is associated with.
-Where an XML element or Business Term is mandatory for an eForms notice, and the source TED XML does not contain the required information:
+# How to use
-* The eForms XML element associated with the mandatory Business Term will be included in the output.
-* An HTML comment will precede the XML element stating that required information was not found in the source TED XML.
-* In some cases, such as dates, valid values will be added to make the XML schema-valid.
+Basic usage instructions for developers to run the code in their own system is available [here](usage-information.md).
## Versioning scheme
The versioning scheme which will be adopted for the TED XML Data Converter will be similar to that for the [eForms SDK](https://docs.ted.europa.eu/eforms/latest/versioning.html).
-## Developer information
-Information about the code and associated files, and brief information on how to use them, can be found [here](Usage-Information.md).
## Feedback
-Feedback on this converter is welcome. Please address questions, comments and bug reports using the [Contact details on SIMAP](https://simap.ted.europa.eu/contact). Please ensure you include "TEDXDC Converter" in the Subject line.
+Feedback on this converter is welcome. Please address questions, comments and bug reports using [Github Discussions](https://github.com/OP-TED/ted-xml-data-converter/discussions).
## What's next?
Work on conversion of the remaining Contract Notice TED XML forms (F05, F12, F21, F22, F23 and F24) is ongoing.
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-# TED schema elements which cannot be converted to eForms
-This table lists the elements defined in the TED schemas, but whose data cannot be converted to any data structures in eForms.
-This table is under development.
-|| TED Element || TED schema || Number of notices || Content format Usage || Description || Reason for inability to convert ||
-| CA_ACTIVITY_OTHER | R.2.0.9 | 80000 | Text | Alternative to CA_ACTIVITY, containing textual description | Cannot convert text to a code |
-| CA_TYPE_OTHER | R.2.0.9 | 97000 | Text | Alternative to CA_TYPE, containing textual description | Cannot convert text to a code |
-| CRITERIA_CANDIDATE | R.2.0.9 | 11000 | Text | Objective criteria for choosing the limited number of candidates: | eForms does not record the criteria used for selecting candidates for the second stage |
-| FT | R.2.0.9 | 27000 | Text | Subscript and Superscript text within P (paragraph) elements | eForms does not support emphasised text. |
-| LEGAL_BASIS_OTHER | R.2.0.9 | 530 | Text | LEGAL_BASIS_OTHER contains text which describes the legal basis for the notice | Cannot convert text to a code; eForms uses a codelist for Procedure Legal Basis (BT-01) |
-| LOT_COMBINING_CONTRACT_RIGHT | R.2.0.9 | 7000 | Text | The contracting authority reserves the right to award concessions combining the following lots or groups of lots - Text | Group of Lots described as text cannot be converted into a structural group of lots |
-| NO_LOT_DIVISION | R.2.0.9 | 350000 | Text | This contract is not divided into lots | No need to convert as no eForms output is required to state that there is no lot division |
-| ECONOMIC_CRITERIA_DOC | R.2.0.9 | 60000 | Text | Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents | eForms does not allow for Selection Criteria to be contained in external documents |
-| TECHNICAL_CRITERIA_DOC | R.2.0.9 | 60000 | Text | Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents | eForms does not allow for Selection Criteria to be contained in external documents |
-| REFERENCE_TO_LAW | R.2.0.9 | 450000 | Text | Reference to the relevant law, regulation or administrative provision (Execution of the service is reserved to a particular profession) | eForms does not have a BT to hold the reference to law for reserving the procurement for a particular profession |
-| REFERENCE_NUMBER | R.2.0.9 | 450000 | Text | Reference number (Object section) | eForms does not have a BT to hold a reference number |
-| URL_NATIONAL_PROCEDURE | R.2.0.9 | 900 | URL | Information about national procedures is available at (URL) | eForms does not have a BT to hold a national procedure URL |
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-# TED XML to eForms XML Converter Usage information
-## Summary
-The repository contains the following folders:
-| Folder | Purpose |
-| --- | --- |
-| `xslt` | The xslt and data for the conversion |
-| `sample-files/ted-xml` | Sample source TED XML files. See [Files-Selected-for-Testing.md](sample-files/Files-Selected-for-Testing.md) |
-| `sample-files/eforms-xml` | The sample source TED XML files converted to eForms XML files. |
-| `structure-files` | Sample files for the structure of eForms XML. Only the notice-structure-CN.xml is complete. |
-| `examples` | Some files in this folder should be removed. Sample XML in TED schema XML and eForms XML format for testing the converter |
-## XSLT files
-Currently, the `xslt` folder contains these files:
-| File | Purpose |
-| --- | --- |
-| XSLT |
-| [ted-to-eforms.xslt](xslt/ted-to-eforms.xslt) | The main (starting) XSLT file |
-| [functx-1.0.1-doc.xsl](xslt/lib/functx-1.0.1-doc.xsl) | The FunctX XSLT Function Library, available [here](http://www.xsltfunctions.com/) |
-| [functions-and-data.xslt](xslt/functions-and-data.xslt) | An XSLT file for retrieving data from the mapping files, and common functions |
-| [simple.xslt](xslt/simple.xslt) | An XSLT file containing simple templates (one-to-one mappings) |
-| [addresses.xslt](xslt/addresses.xslt) | An XSLT file containing templates for converting addresses |
-| [award-criteria.xslt](xslt/award-criteria.xslt) | An XSLT file containing templates for converting Award Criteria (BG-38) |
-| [procedure.xslt](xslt/procedure.xslt) | An XSLT file containing templates for converting information at Procedure level |
-| [lot.xslt](xslt/lot.xslt) | An XSLT file containing templates for converting information at Lot level |
-| Mapping files |
-| [ted-notice-type-mapping.xml](xslt/ted-notice-mapping.xml) | Mapping file to determine eForms Notice Subtype from TED XML content |
-| [languages.xml](xslt/languages.xml) | The "Language" codelist XML file, downloaded from https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/e-procurement/tables |
-| [other-mappings.xml](xslt/other-mappings.xml) | A file containing other data mappings |
-## Usage
-The TEDXDC Converter has been developed and tested using the Saxon-9 HE XSLT processor, available from https://sourceforge.net/projects/saxon/files/Saxon-HE/9.9/. However any XSLT 2 processor can be used. The main template is ted-to-eforms.xslt, the other templates and data XML files are called by the main template.
-Project to convert notices in TED XML format to eForms XML format.
-Please see [Conversion-Methodology.md](Conversion-Methodology.md) for the approach and methodology for developing the conversion XSLT.
-Please see [Installation.md](Installation.md) for installation and usage instructions.
-Content below this line is relevant to the eForms developers, and ma be moved to another Markdown file in this repository or deleted.
-### Analysis files in the `structure-files` folder
-These files are in draft status.
-The "structure" files are intended to include all possible elements used in eForms. This excludes elements that are valid according to the relevant eForms schema, but which are not actually used in eForms. Use of the correct attributes and values is not guaranteed. These files will not pass the eForms business rules Schematron validation. Element values used are fictitious, and may be redundant or inconsistent or contradictory.
-Repeatability. Where elements are repeatable, it is not the purpose of these XML files to show that. Only one instance of these elements will usually be present. However, where the schema defines an exclusive choice of child elements for a parent element (meaning that the XML would be schema-invalid if the same parent element contained both child elements), then the parent element will be repeated to allow all possible child elements to be present, and maintain schema validity.
-| File | Purpose |
-| --- | --- |
-| notice-structure-CN.xml | XML file containing all possible used elements for any Contract Notice |
-| notice-structure-CAN.xml | XML file containing all possible used elements for any Contract Award Notice |
-| notice-structure-PIN-CFC.xml | XML file containing all possible used elements for any PIN used as a Call for Competition Notice |
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-# TED XML to eForms XML Converter - Methodology
-*Paul Donohoe, December 2021*
+# TED XML to eForms XML Converter: methodology
This page attemps to describe the technical approach to the conversion, and the process of analysis for determining the correct mapping and conversion between TED XML and eForms XML elements.
-## Technical Approach
+## Technical approach
### Business Terms
-The expression "Business Term" is exclusive to eForms. It has not been used previously in TED. It refers to an eForms business concept. Sometimes this will be expressed in only one structure/location in eForms XML. Often, it is relevant in multiple contexts ("top-level" Procedure, Lot, Result), and so could be expressed in more than one structure/location in eForms XML. The [eForms documentation](https://docs.ted.europa.eu) groups these contexts together (see section "4.4. Procedure, Group of Lots, Lot & Part related information"), so that each Business Term is described only once.
+The expression "Business Term" is exclusive to eForms. It has not been used previously for TED XML. It refers to an eForms business concept. Sometimes this will be expressed in only one structure/location in eForms XML. Often, it is relevant in multiple contexts ("top-level" Procedure, Lot, Result), and so could be expressed in more than one structure/location in eForms XML. The [Schema section of the eForms documentation](https://docs.ted.europa.eu/eforms/0.5.0/schema/index.html) groups these contexts together (see section [Procedure, Group of Lots, Lot & Part related information](https://docs.ted.europa.eu/eforms/0.5.0/schema/procedure-lot-part-information.html) ), so that each Business Term is described only once.
-Since this document is expressly about XSLT conversion, it will focus mainly on XML elements, and less about Business Terms. Hence, I will use the term "XML structure" to refer to a single XML element or XML structure; this may or may not be an expression of a single Business Term.
+Since this document is expressly about XSLT conversion, it will focus mainly on XML elements, and less about Business Terms. Hence, the term "XML structure" will be used to refer to a single XML element or XML structure; this may or may not be an expression of a single Business Term.
### Considerations
-There is not always a 1-to-1 mapping between a single TED XML structure and a single eForms structure.
+There is not always a 1-to-1 mapping between a single TED XML structure and a single eForms XML structure.
-* Some TED elements have no equivalent in eForms
-* Some TED XML structures map to multiple XML structures and locations in eForms
+* Some TED XML elements have no equivalent in eForms XML
+* Some TED XML structures map to multiple XML structures and locations in eForms XML
* Some eForms Business Terms are mandatory in some contexts; their expression as XML structures are thus also mandatory, even if no equivalent TED XML structure is present in the source XML notice.
-### XSLT Processing Model
+### XSLT processing model
In XSLT conversion, there are two main models. These can be mixed within one conversion.
@@ -45,19 +41,18 @@ In XSLT conversion, there are two main models. These can be mixed within one con
From the above comparison, it can be seen that the Push Model is used when there is great similarity between the structure and order of elements between the input XML and the output XML. The Pull Model is used when the structures or order differ significantly.
In this conversion XSLT, the Pull Model dominates. This is because:
-* Higher-level structures are significantly different between eForms and TED
+* Higher-level structures are significantly different between eForms and TED XML
* Results of complex data expressions can be used in multiple contexts
-* Some eForms elements are mandatory, while TED equivalents may not be
+* Some eForms elements are mandatory, while TED XML equivalents may not be
* Some TED XML structures require expression in multiple locations in eForms XML
However, where there is a consistent and simple mapping between TED XML elements and eForms XML elements, the Push Model is used. This is because:
* Push Model templates can be easier to understand
-* It supports abstraction into data maps for automatic XSLT template generation
* Only one template is required if conversion is the same in multiple locations
-## Source Data
+## Information used for the conversion
### Multiple dimensions
@@ -66,25 +61,24 @@ There are multiple dimensions to this conversion:
* Two main distinct sets of TED XML schemas:
* R.2.0.9 - "Standard" forms
* R.2.0.8 - "Defence" forms
-* 22 TED Forms map to 45 eForms Forms
+* 22 TED XML Forms map to 45 eForms Forms
* eForms schema is well written, consistent and well documented (but incomplete)
-* TED schema is poorly written, inconsistent and poorly documented
+* TED XML schema is less well written, inconsistent and poorly documented
* Organisation of information differs between the schemas
-* TED XML schemas evolved over time -> differences in published TED notices
-* eForms schema has more information points than TED schemas
-* Element occurrence rules are defined differently between eForms and TED
-* Millions of published TED XML notices can be used as examples
-* Less than 20 eForms example XML notices, these are not complete and not fully definitive
+* TED XML schemas evolved over time -> differences in published TED XML notices
+* eForms schema has more information points than TED XML schemas
+* Element occurrence rules are defined differently between eForms and TED XML
+* Less than 20 eForms example XML notices exist (at time of writing), these are not complete and not fully definitive
### Information sources
-#### TED
+#### TED XML
* TED XML Schemas
-* Millions of published XML notices [1](footnote1)
+* A million published XML notices
* Validation Rules spreadsheets
-* Deloitte mapping spreadsheets
-* TED procurement PDF forms
+* The spreadsheets created from the April 2021 mapping of TED XML form items to business terms by European Commission
+* TED XML procurement PDF forms
#### eForms
@@ -94,32 +88,21 @@ There are multiple dimensions to this conversion:
* eForms Regulation Annex spreadsheet
-| Aspect | TED Sources | eForms sources |
+| Aspect | TED XML Sources | eForms sources |
| --- | --- | --- |
-| Document structure | **TED XML schemas**
Published notices | **eForms XML Schemas**
**eForms documentation** |
-| Element occurrence
variations | **TED XML schemas**
Published notices
Validation Rules spreadsheets
Deloitte mapping spreadsheets | **eForms documentation**
*eForms Regulation Annex spreadsheet* |
-| Element purpose,
definitions, documentation | Element names *partly*
Validation Rules spreadsheets *poor and incomplete*
Deloitte mapping spreadsheets *unreliable*
TED PDF forms | **eForms XML Schemas**
**eForms documentation**
*eForms Regulation Annex spreadsheet*
eForms codelists |
-## Occurrence and Priority
+| Document structure | TED XML schemas
Published notices | eForms XML Schemas
eForms documentation |
+| Element occurrence
variations | TED XML schemas
Published notices
Validation Rules spreadsheets
TED XML form item mapping spreadsheets | **eForms documentation**
eForms Regulation Annex spreadsheet |
+| Element purpose,
definitions, documentation | Element names *partly*
Validation Rules spreadsheets *poor and incomplete*
TED PDF form item mapping spreadsheets *unreliable*
TED PDF forms | eForms XML Schemas
eForms documentation
*eForms Regulation Annex spreadsheet*
eForms codelists |
-There exists an extremely large number of variations of types of existing TED XML notice, arising from the combination of different TED schemas, the multiple Form types, and the historic schema evolution. These variations in types are far from evenly distributed. As it is considered not feasible to complete the conversion XSLT for all these variations, priority must be given to those with the greatest number of published notices.
+## Occurrence and priority
-### Calculation of notice occurrence counts
+There exists an extremely large number of variations of types of existing TED XML notice, arising from the combination of different TED XML schemas, the multiple Form types, and the historic schema evolution. These variations in types are far from evenly distributed. As it is considered not feasible to complete the conversion XSLT for all these variations, priority must be given to those with the greatest number of published notices.
-In preparation for this work, a year's worth (600.000 XML files) of TED XML notices were downloaded and prepared for analysis. This set spans from March 2020 to February 2021. It covers the two TED XML schemas, but only the latest versions of these. Previous versions are thus not currently considered.
+### Published TED XML data set
-These notices were analysed to determine the relative occurrence of:
-* TED XML Schema
-* Main Form type
-* Form subtypes
-* Languages
-* Legal basis
+In preparation for this work, two years' worth (1,200,000 XML files) of TED XML notices were prepared for analysis. This set spans from March 2020 to February 2022. It covers the two TED XML schemas, but only the latest versions of these. Previous versions are thus not currently considered.
-More details and the results of these analysis are available in the ["TED to eForms Converter" Teams channel](https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3ad422031f501349fbad5b2e49d90980ac%40thread.tacv2/TED%2520to%2520eForms%2520Converter?groupId=debf29ba-857a-4fda-8ee9-6303c7d7848b&tenantId=b24c8b06-522c-46fe-9080-70926f8dddb1), in the "TED XML Analysis.docx" document and the "ted-eforms-notice-type-mapping.xlsx" spreadsheet.
-Forms F02 (maps to eForms subtype 16) and F03 (maps to eForms subtype 29) of the R.2.0.9 schema are used by two-thirds of all the analysed notice sets. So these two forms will be focussed on during the first phase of conversion development. As Form F02 (Contract Notice) is easier to convert, it has been handled first.
-## Analysis Process
+## Analysis process
This section attempts to describe the analysis process used to determine the mapping and conversion templates required for each element. As the process relies heavily on analysis of the downloaded XML, which is currently only available on my laptop, this process is restricted to me.
@@ -143,45 +126,48 @@ Thus the main structures (of the first form to be analysed, the Contract Notice
Within each structure, the steps taken are:
-### 1. Identify the next structure in eForms to work on
+#### 1. Identify the next structure in eForms
In the eForms documentation for the section, read the table at the beginning of the section, which lists all the Business Terms used. Identify the next BT (or group of BTs) to work on. Read the occurrence symbol for that BT to ensure that it is relevant in the section context. Document this in a comment in the XSLT file.
Check that the order matches with the element order defined in the eForms schema.
-### 2. Check the Annex spreadsheet for Form relevance
-Review the Annex spreadsheet for the related BTs **and BGs**, determining which Forms they are allowed / forbidden / mandatory for. Document this in a comment in the XSLT file. If they are allowed for form 16, proceed with the next steps.
+#### 2. Check the Annex spreadsheet for eForms subtype relevance
+Review the Annex spreadsheet for the related BTs **and BGs**, determining which eForms subtypes they are allowed / forbidden / mandatory for. Document this in a comment in the XSLT file. If they are allowed for form 16, proceed with the next steps.
-### 3. Determine the cardinality(-ies) of the structure
-Identify the XML structure used for the selected BT or BTs. Examine the documentation for all the related BTs for the structure (those using the same parent elements or structures), reviewing the cardinalities of all the elements involved. You may want to consider them together as a group. If the structure is repeated, either for the current BT or for other BTs, check which elements in the overall structure should be repeated by reviewing the documentation and the schema.
+#### 3. Determine the cardinality(-ies) of the eForms structure
+Identify the XML structure used for the selected BT or BTs. Examine the documentation for all the related BTs for the structure (those using the same parent elements or structures), reviewing the cardinalities of all the elements involved. It may be helpful to consider them together as a group. If the structure is repeated, either for the current BT or for other BTs, check which elements in the overall structure should be repeated by reviewing the documentation and the schema.
-### 4. Determine the use / purpose of the structure
+#### 4. Determine the use / purpose of the eForms structure
Review the documentation and Annex spreadsheet to understand what information the structure is used for.
If the structure uses a codelist, extract the codes and labels for consideration. Consider adding the list of codes and labels as a comment in the XSLT file.
-### 5. Identify the structure used in TED XML for the same purpose
+#### 5. Identify the structure used in TED XML for the same purpose
Review the information sources listed above for the TED XML to find the appropriate structures used for the same information. If none are found, document this in a comment in the XSLT, and move on to the next eForms structure.
If an equivalent TED XML structure is found, check:
-* If the structure is used in only one, or more, locations in the TED schema
-* If the structure is an enumerated set of alternatives, consider an eForms codelist
-* Which TED forms allow the structure, and for each the cardinality and requirement (Optional or Mandatory)
+* If the structure is used in only one, or more, locations in the TED XML schema
+* If the structure is an enumerated set of alternatives (consider mapping to an eForms codelist)
+* Which TED XML forms allow the structure, and for each the cardinality and requirement (Optional or Mandatory)
-### 6. Optional: Analyse text content of the TED structure
-If the identified TED XML structure contains text (such as a \
element), write a script to extract and collate all the text variations from the downloaded TED XML data set.
+#### 6. Optional: analyse text content of the TED XML structure
+If the identified TED XML structure contains text (such as a \
element), extract and collate all the text variations from the TED XML data set.
-If the text is an enumerated set (either an attribute with an enumerated set of values, or a set of empty elements (the element names are considerered values)), list them. Determine the meaning behind each, and map to the equivalent eForms codelist code.
+If the text is an enumerated set (either an attribute with an enumerated set of values, list them. Determine the meaning behind each, and map to the equivalent eForms codelist code.
If the text is expressed in the language of the form, consider only the English versions. Read enough to confirm understanding of the meaning / use of the structure.
-### Choose the appropriate conversion approach (processing model, template structure)
+#### Choose the appropriate conversion approach (processing model and template structure)
*This is more of a guide than definitive*
-* If the mapping is simple, and there is no mapping required for "missing" TED elements (that is, no eForms subtypes have this BT as mandatory), choose the Push model, and write \ and \ templates.
+* If the mapping is simple, and there is no mapping required for "missing" TED XML elements (that is, no eForms subtypes have this BT as mandatory), choose the Push model, and write \ and \ templates.
* If the eForms element is mandatory according to either the Annex or the documentation (also consider the parent BG), and the TED XML element is not always present, choose the Pull model, and write \ and \ templates.
+### TED XML elements which cannot be converted
+Some elements that exist in TED XML notices contain information which cannot be included in eForms XML. These, and the reasons they cannot be included in eForms, are listed in [ted-elements-not-convertible.md](ted-elements-not-convertible.md).
diff --git a/sample-files/Files-Selected-for-Testing.md b/development-notices/README.md
similarity index 88%
rename from sample-files/Files-Selected-for-Testing.md
rename to development-notices/README.md
index a447cb8..5998f48 100644
--- a/sample-files/Files-Selected-for-Testing.md
+++ b/development-notices/README.md
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-# TED XML files selected for testing the converter
+# TED XML files selected for testing during development
-This table lists the TED XML files chosen to test the Converter, and the reasons for their choosing.
+This table lists the TED XML files selected to test development of the Converter, and the reasons for their selection.
-| File | Form Type | Form Type | Topic | Reasons for selection |
+| File | Form Type | Document Type | Topic | Reasons for selection |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| 20-155018-001-EXP.xml | F01 | PIN | Subtype mapping | PRI_ONLY Maps to |
+| 20-155018-001-EXP.xml | F01 | PIN | Subtype mapping | PRI_ONLY Maps to subtype 4 |
| 21-000061-001-EXP.xml | F03 | CAN | CAN | First CAN |
| 21-000934-001-EXP.xml | F03 | CAN | Translations | One original English, 23 translations |
| 21-010961-001-EXP.xml | F03 | CAN | Legal Basis | Other Legal Basis for EIB - no eForms subtype mapping available for this Notice |
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ This table lists the TED XML files chosen to test the Converter, and the reasons
| 20-213571-001-EXP.xml | F02 | CN | NUTS | No NUTS3 codes, no MAIN_SITE |
| 20-164186-001-EXP.xml | F02 | CN | NUTS | 1 NUTS3 code, no MAIN_SITE |
| 20-560391-001-EXP.xml | F21 | CN | NUTS | 3 NUTS3 codes, no MAIN_SITE |
-| 20-261593-001-EXP.xml | F20 | CAN | NUTS | 1 NUTS3 code, MAIN_SITE with 1 P |
| 21-051959-001-EXP.xml | F02 | CN | NUTS | 1 NUTS3 code, MAIN_SITE with 2 P |
| 20-246700-001-EXP.xml | F02 | CN | NUTS | 1 NUTS3 code, MAIN_SITE with 3 P |
| 20-156983-001-EXP.xml | F02 | CN | NUTS | 2 NUTS3 codes, MAIN_SITE with 1 P |
diff --git a/sample-files/eforms-xml/20-155018-001-EXP.xml b/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-155018-001-EXP.xml
similarity index 89%
rename from sample-files/eforms-xml/20-155018-001-EXP.xml
rename to development-notices/eforms-xml/20-155018-001-EXP.xml
index 91edf9f..a481ca7 100644
--- a/sample-files/eforms-xml/20-155018-001-EXP.xml
+++ b/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-155018-001-EXP.xml
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@
@@ -66,7 +67,7 @@
- eforms-sdk-0.4
+ eforms-sdk-0.6
@@ -111,7 +112,7 @@
@@ -123,8 +124,10 @@
@@ -190,7 +193,7 @@
@@ -200,8 +203,6 @@
@@ -211,9 +212,7 @@
@@ -223,7 +222,6 @@
@@ -247,8 +245,8 @@
- TBD: unique ID required here
Gemeinde Veitshöchheim, Sportplatzbauarbeiten an der Freisportanlage
diff --git a/sample-files/eforms-xml/20-156049-001-EXP.xml b/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-156049-001-EXP.xml
similarity index 90%
rename from sample-files/eforms-xml/20-156049-001-EXP.xml
rename to development-notices/eforms-xml/20-156049-001-EXP.xml
index d588ff0..e95abcc 100644
--- a/sample-files/eforms-xml/20-156049-001-EXP.xml
+++ b/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-156049-001-EXP.xml
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
@@ -16,8 +17,9 @@
@@ -56,8 +58,9 @@
@@ -96,8 +99,9 @@
@@ -136,8 +140,9 @@
@@ -176,7 +181,7 @@
@@ -223,7 +228,7 @@
- eforms-sdk-0.4
+ eforms-sdk-0.6
@@ -310,7 +315,7 @@
@@ -323,8 +328,10 @@
@@ -339,6 +346,7 @@
+ 1. AK jelen eljárását a Kbt.53§ (6)bek. alapján indítja meg.A Kbt.135. §(12)bek.-ben foglaltakra is tekintettel,AK felhívja AT figyelmét,hogy támogatásra irányuló igényt(pályázatot;támogatási szerz.-módosítást,változásbejelentést)nyújtott be.AK tájékoztatja AT-t,hogy a támogatásra irányuló igény el nem fogadását vagy az igényeltnél kisebb összegben történő elfogadását vagy amennyiben releváns a Támogatási Szerződés (TSZ)mód-ot vagy vált. bej. el nem fogadását olyan körülménynek tekinti,amelyre az AK a szerződés megkötésére (Kbt. 131. § (9) bek.)vagy teljesítésére képtelenné válása okaként hivatkozhat.AK a Kbt.53.§(6)bek. és a Ptk.6:116. § (1)bek. alapján az eljárást akkor is eredménytelenné nyilváníthatja,ha szerz. pénzügyi fedezetét biztosító TSZ nem kerül megkötésre,vagy a TSZ mód. nem kerül aláírásra vagy a vált. bej. nem kerül elfogadásra.Jelen feltételek a szerz. hatályba lépésének felfüggesztő feltételei. 2. Ajánlattevő (AT), alkalmasság (alk) igazolásában résztvevő szervezet csatolja: Ajánlatot aláírók aláírási címpéldányát,vagy 2006. évi V. tv 9.§ (1) szerinti aláírásmintáját,külföldi illetőségű AT esetén ennek megfeleltethető dokumentumot (ha ilyen dokumentum az adott országban nem ismert,teljes bizonyító erejű magánokiratba v. ügyvéd/közjegyző/kamarai jogtanácsos előtt tett okiratba foglalt aláírásminta) cégkivonatban nem szereplő kötelezettségvállaló(k) esetében cégjegyzésre jogosult személytől származó, ajánlat aláírására vonatkozó (meghatalmazó és meghatalmazott aláírását is tartalmazó) írásos meghatalmazást egyéni vállalkozó és magánszem. esetében ajánlatkérő elfogadja bármely olyan dokumentum egyszerű másolatának csatolását, amely alkalmas a képviseletre való jogosultság igazolására (így például: személyi igazolvány) 3. Ajánlatnak tartalmaznia kell: — Kbt.66.§(6) a) és b) szerinti nyíl.(nemleges tartalommal is) — Kbt.66.§(2)bek. nyil, — Kbt.66.§(5)alapján felolvasólap — szakmai aj-ot a dok. szerint. 4. Az Ért. szempontok szerinti értékelés során adható pontszám alsó-felső határa: 0,00-10,00pont; 0,00pont legrosszabb,10,00 pont legjobb érték. Módszerek: az 1. ért. szempont: a KH 2019.11.26-i útmutatója („Útm.”) 1.m.A.1.aa)pontja szerinti fordított ar. A 2.rszpt.1-4 alszempontok esetében a KH 2019.11.26-i útm.1.sz. mell.A 1.ab) egyenesar.(Részl.AD.I.kötet) (legkedvezőbb: 36 hónap, legkedvezőtlenebb 0 hónap). A 2. részszempont alátámasztására az önéletrajzok csatolása már az ajánlatban szükséges. 5. III.1.2)P.1. valamint III.1.3)M.1.-M.2.pontokban előírt feltételek és ig. módok minősített ajánlattevők jegyzékébe történő felvétel feltételeinél szigorúbbak. 6. Ajánlati biztosíték 10 000 000 HUF. Az AT választása szerint teljesíthető az előírt pénzösszegnek az AK 10032000-00332945-00000024 sz. fizetési számlájára történő befizetésével pénzügyi intézmény vagy biztosító által vállalt garancia vagy készfizető kezesség biztosításával,vagy biztosítási szerz. alapján kiállított – készfizető kezességvállalást tartalmazó – kötelezvénnyel. Igazolása: készpénz átutalással való teljesítése esetén a banki terhelési értesítő, pénzügyi intézmény vagy biztosító által vállalt garanciával/készfizető kezességgel való teljesítés esetén a garancia/kezességvállaló nyilatkozat, biztosítási szerződéssel való teljesítés esetén a kötelezvény. A garancialevél, a kezességvállalásról szóló dok.valamint a kötelezvény tekintetében AK előírja és kiemelten is felhívja a figyelmet az alábbiakra: Az olyan nyilatkozat,amely közvetlenül valamely követelés érvényesítésének alapjául szolgál (különösen garanciavállaló nyilatkozat vagy kezességvállalásról szóló nyilatkozat),elektronikus okiratként feleljen meg a polgári perrendtartásról szóló törvény szerinti teljes bizonyító erejű magánokirat követelményeinek! Az igazolást az ajánlatban csatolni szükséges. 7. Kbt.35.§(8)alapján nem lehetséges gazdálkodó szervezet (projekttársaság)létrehozása. 8. AK alkalmazza a Kbt.75.§ (2) bekezdés e) pontját. Folyt.: AF VI.4.3.)
@@ -460,11 +468,12 @@
Késedelmi kötbér: a szerz szerinti áfa nélkül számított ellenszolgáltatás 1 %-a/nap Meghiúsulási kötbér: a szerz szerinti áfa nélkül számított ellenszolgáltatás 25 %-a Jótállás: 36 hónap. Teljesítési biztosíték: szerz. szerinti, áfa nélkül számított ellenszolgáltatás 5 %-a. Jótállási biztosíték: szerz. szerinti, áfa nélkül számított ellenszolgáltatás 5 %-a. Részletesen:ADII Előleg: max.a szerz elszám.összege 30 %-a. Előleg-visszafiz.bizt. szerz.elszám.összege 10 %-án felül, a szerz.elszám.összegének 10 %-a és az igényelt előleg különbözetére jutó összegnek megfelelő, 272/2014. (XI.5.) Kr. 118/A.§ (2a) szerint. A szerz. és a kifizetés pénzneme: HUF. Vonatkozó jogszabályok: 2007.éviCXXVII.tv, Ptk. 6:130.§ (1)-(2), Kbt. 135. § (1)-(6) bek., 322/2015.(X.30.)Kr., 272/2014. (XI.5.). szállítói finanszírozás, támogatás intenzitása: a mindenkori TSZ szerinti, Részl: AD II. kötet. Tartkeret:AK a tartalékkeret jogintézményét nem alkalmazza. AK a részszámla benyújtására lehetőséget biztosít.
@@ -561,6 +570,7 @@
@@ -596,9 +606,9 @@
+ false
@@ -642,7 +652,7 @@
@@ -671,13 +681,14 @@
- TBD: unique ID required here
Békésszentandrás-Dévaványa-Mezőberény szennyvíz
diff --git a/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-156983-001-EXP.xml b/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-156983-001-EXP.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b70b7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-156983-001-EXP.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2313 @@
+ 16
+ true
+ http://www.langstane-ha.co.uk
+ ORG-001
+ Langstane Housing Association Ltd
+ 680 King Street
+ Aberdeen
+ AB24 1SL
+ UKM50
+ UK
+ +44 1224423000
+ info@langstane-ha.co.uk
+ false
+ https://www.castlehillha.co.uk/
+ ORG-002
+ Castlehill Housing Association
+ 4 Carden Place
+ Aberdeen
+ AB10 1UT
+ UKM5
+ UK
+ +44 1224625822
+ info@castlehillha.co.uk
+ false
+ https://www.ospreyhousing.org.uk/
+ ORG-003
+ Osprey Housing
+ 22 Abercrombie Court, Arnhall Business Park
+ Westhill
+ AB32 6FE
+ UKM50
+ UK
+ +44 1224548000
+ enquiries@ospreyhousing.org.uk
+ false
+ http://www.angusha.org.uk
+ ORG-004
+ Angus Housing Association Ltd
+ 93 High Street
+ Arbroath
+ DD11 1DP
+ UKM71
+ UK
+ +44 3451772244
+ +44 1241430355
+ contactus@angusha.org.uk
+ ORG-005
+ Aberdeen Sheriff Court
+ 53 Castle Street
+ Aberdeen
+ AB11 5BB
+ UK
+ 12345678-2023
+ 123/2023
+ 2023-03-14+01:00
+ 2.3
+ eforms-sdk-0.6
+ f252f386-55ac-4fa8-9be4-9f950b9904c8
+ aff2863e-b4cc-4e91-baba-b3b85f709117
+ 2020-03-27+01:00
+ 12:00:00+01:00
+ 01
+ 32014L0024
+ cn-standard
+ https://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/search/Search_AuthProfile.aspx?ID=AA14482
+ body-pl
+ buyer-contracting-type
+ ORG-001
+ https://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/search/Search_AuthProfile.aspx?ID=AA12562
+ body-pl
+ buyer-contracting-type
+ ORG-002
+ https://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/search/Search_AuthProfile.aspx?ID=AA11682
+ body-pl
+ buyer-contracting-type
+ ORG-003
+ https://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/search/Search_AuthProfile.aspx?ID=AA15743
+ body-pl
+ buyer-contracting-type
+ ORG-004
+ 7
+ restricted
+ 2019/S 090-214462
+ Kitchen and Bathroom Framework 2020-2024
+ Langstane Housing Association, Castlehill Housing Association, Osprey Housing and Angus Housing Association (otherwise not referred to as ‘the Associations’) are undertaking the creation of a Local Aberdeen, Dundee and surrounding areas kitchen and bathroom installation framework across seven lots.
+ works
+ Please ensure that you comprehensively read, understand and complete the ESPD submission all as stated in the attached Project Particulars and ESPD Guidance — vFinal. Failure to complete this correctly may result in your ESPD being deemed as non-compliant and removed from the ESPD selection process. Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Public Contracts Scotland website at https://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=619060 The buyer has indicated that it will accept electronic responses to this notice via the postbox facility. A user guide is available at https://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/sitehelp/help_guides.aspx Suppliers are advised to allow adequate time for uploading documents and to dispatch the electronic response well in advance of the closing time to avoid any last minute problems. A subcontract clause has been included in this contract. For more information see: http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/info/InfoCentre.aspx?ID=2363 Community benefits are included in this requirement. For more information see: http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/info/InfoCentre.aspx?ID=2361 A summary of the expected community benefits has been provided as follows: Details will be provided at stage 2 (SC Ref:619060)
+ 12000000.00
+ 45000000
+ LOT-0002
+ sui-act
+ As stated in the Project Particulars and ESPD Guidance — vFinal.
+ ef-stand
+ As stated in the Project Particulars and ESPD Guidance — vFinal.
+ tp-abil
+ As stated in the Project Particulars and ESPD Guidance — vFinal.
+ not allowed
+ no-eu-funds
+ true
+ As stated in the Project Particulars and ESPD Guidance — vFinal.
+ non-restricted-document
+ http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/
+ none
+ false
+ allowed
+ performance
+ KPIs will be issued with stage 2.
+ Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents.
+ http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/
+ 3
+ ORG-005
+ true
+ true
+ 2020-05-08+01:00
+ 12:00:00+01:00
+ allowed
+ false
+ true
+ 2020-05-08+01:00
+ 12:00:00+01:00
+ 2020-05-15+01:00
+ true
+ 6
+ 6
+ false
+ fa-wo-rc
+ none
+ Lot 2: Aberdeenshire North
+ The successful contractor/s key objectives will be to provide high-quality kitchen and bathroom replacement works which will include survey of existing properties, design, liaison with tenants and contract administrator, removal and disposal of existing kitchens and bathrooms, the supply and fit of replacement kitchens and bathrooms meeting the specification set out in the ITT documentation and ensuring compliance with SHQS and a defects service for 1 year after completion.
+ works
+ Housing Associations may use the framework as defined by the Public Contracts Regulations (Scotland) 2015.
+ 45000000
+ Lot 2: Aberdeenshire North.
+ UKM50
+ Lot 2: Aberdeenshire North.
+ UKM62
+ 24
+ The contract shall commence in 3 August 2020 until 2 August 2022 with an option to extend for two single 12-month periods until 2024 subject to performance and compliance with contract KPI’s.
+ LOT-0001
+ sui-act
+ As stated in the Project Particulars and ESPD Guidance — vFinal.
+ ef-stand
+ As stated in the Project Particulars and ESPD Guidance — vFinal.
+ tp-abil
+ As stated in the Project Particulars and ESPD Guidance — vFinal.
+ not allowed
+ no-eu-funds
+ true
+ As stated in the Project Particulars and ESPD Guidance — vFinal.
+ non-restricted-document
+ http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/
+ none
+ false
+ allowed
+ performance
+ KPIs will be issued with stage 2.
+ Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents.
+ http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/
+ 3
+ ORG-005
+ true
+ true
+ 2020-05-08+01:00
+ 12:00:00+01:00
+ allowed
+ false
+ true
+ 2020-05-08+01:00
+ 12:00:00+01:00
+ 2020-05-15+01:00
+ true
+ 6
+ 6
+ false
+ fa-wo-rc
+ none
+ Lot 1: Aberdeen City
+ The successful contractor/s key objectives will be to provide high-quality kitchen and bathroom replacement works which will include survey of existing properties, design, liaison with tenants and contract administrator, removal and disposal of existing kitchens and bathrooms, the supply and fit of replacement kitchens and bathrooms meeting the specification set out in the ITT documentation and ensuring compliance with SHQS and a defects service for 1 year after completion.
+ works
+ Housing Associations may use the framework as defined by the Public Contracts Regulations (Scotland) 2015.
+ 45000000
+ Lot 1: Aberdeen City.
+ UKM50
+ Lot 1: Aberdeen City.
+ UKM62
+ 24
+ The contract shall commence in 3 August 2020 until 2 August 2022 with an option to extend for two single 12-month periods until 2024 subject to performance and compliance with contract KPI’s.
+ LOT-0003
+ sui-act
+ As stated in the Project Particulars and ESPD Guidance — vFinal.
+ ef-stand
+ As stated in the Project Particulars and ESPD Guidance — vFinal.
+ tp-abil
+ As stated in the Project Particulars and ESPD Guidance — vFinal.
+ not allowed
+ no-eu-funds
+ true
+ As stated in the Project Particulars and ESPD Guidance — vFinal.
+ non-restricted-document
+ http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/
+ none
+ false
+ allowed
+ performance
+ KPIs will be issued with stage 2.
+ Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents.
+ http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/
+ 3
+ ORG-005
+ true
+ true
+ 2020-05-08+01:00
+ 12:00:00+01:00
+ allowed
+ false
+ true
+ 2020-05-08+01:00
+ 12:00:00+01:00
+ 2020-05-15+01:00
+ true
+ 6
+ 6
+ false
+ fa-wo-rc
+ none
+ Lot 3: Aberdeenshire South
+ The successful contractor/s key objectives will be to provide high-quality kitchen and bathroom replacement works which will include survey of existing properties, design, liaison with tenants and contract administrator, removal and disposal of existing kitchens and bathrooms, the supply and fit of replacement kitchens and bathrooms meeting the specification set out in the ITT documentation and ensuring compliance with SHQS and a defects service for 1 year after completion.
+ works
+ Housing Associations may use the framework as defined by the Public Contracts Regulations (Scotland) 2015.
+ 45000000
+ Lot 3: Aberdeenshire South
+ UKM50
+ Lot 3: Aberdeenshire South
+ UKM62
+ 24
+ The contract shall commence in 3 August 2020 until 2 August 2022 with an option to extend for two single 12-month periods until 2024 subject to performance and compliance with contract KPI’s.
+ LOT-0004
+ sui-act
+ As stated in the Project Particulars and ESPD Guidance — vFinal.
+ ef-stand
+ As stated in the Project Particulars and ESPD Guidance — vFinal.
+ tp-abil
+ As stated in the Project Particulars and ESPD Guidance — vFinal.
+ not allowed
+ no-eu-funds
+ true
+ As stated in the Project Particulars and ESPD Guidance — vFinal.
+ non-restricted-document
+ http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/
+ none
+ false
+ allowed
+ performance
+ KPIs will be issued with stage 2.
+ Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents.
+ http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/
+ 3
+ ORG-005
+ true
+ true
+ 2020-05-08+01:00
+ 12:00:00+01:00
+ allowed
+ false
+ true
+ 2020-05-08+01:00
+ 12:00:00+01:00
+ 2020-05-15+01:00
+ true
+ 6
+ 6
+ false
+ fa-wo-rc
+ none
+ Lot 4: Aberdeenshire West
+ The successful contractor/s key objectives will be to provide high-quality kitchen and bathroom replacement works which will include survey of existing properties, design, liaison with tenants and contract administrator, removal and disposal of existing kitchens and bathrooms, the supply and fit of replacement kitchens and bathrooms meeting the specification set out in the ITT documentation and ensuring compliance with SHQS and a defects service for 1 year after completion.
+ works
+ Housing Associations may use the framework as defined by the Public Contracts Regulations (Scotland) 2015.
+ 45000000
+ Lot 4: Aberdeenshire West
+ UKM50
+ Lot 4: Aberdeenshire West
+ UKM62
+ 24
+ The contract shall commence in 3 August 2020 until 2 August 2022 with an option to extend for two single 12-month periods until 2024 subject to performance and compliance with contract KPI’s.
+ LOT-0005
+ sui-act
+ As stated in the Project Particulars and ESPD Guidance — vFinal.
+ ef-stand
+ As stated in the Project Particulars and ESPD Guidance — vFinal.
+ tp-abil
+ As stated in the Project Particulars and ESPD Guidance — vFinal.
+ not allowed
+ no-eu-funds
+ true
+ As stated in the Project Particulars and ESPD Guidance — vFinal.
+ non-restricted-document
+ http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/
+ none
+ false
+ allowed
+ performance
+ KPIs will be issued with stage 2.
+ Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents.
+ http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/
+ 3
+ ORG-005
+ true
+ true
+ 2020-05-08+01:00
+ 12:00:00+01:00
+ allowed
+ false
+ true
+ 2020-05-08+01:00
+ 12:00:00+01:00
+ 2020-05-15+01:00
+ true
+ 6
+ 6
+ false
+ fa-wo-rc
+ none
+ Lot 5: Moray
+ The successful contractor/s key objectives will be to provide high-quality kitchen and bathroom replacement works which will include survey of existing properties, design, liaison with tenants and contract administrator, removal and disposal of existing kitchens and bathrooms, the supply and fit of replacement kitchens and bathrooms meeting the specification set out in the ITT documentation and ensuring compliance with SHQS and a defects service for 1 year after completion.
+ works
+ Housing Associations may use the framework as defined by the Public Contracts Regulations (Scotland) 2015.
+ 45000000
+ Lot 5: Moray.
+ UKM50
+ Lot 5: Moray.
+ UKM62
+ 24
+ The contract shall commence in 3 August 2020 until 2 August 2022 with an option to extend for two single 12-month periods until 2024 subject to performance and compliance with contract KPI’s.
+ LOT-0006
+ sui-act
+ As stated in the Project Particulars and ESPD Guidance — vFinal.
+ ef-stand
+ As stated in the Project Particulars and ESPD Guidance — vFinal.
+ tp-abil
+ As stated in the Project Particulars and ESPD Guidance — vFinal.
+ not allowed
+ no-eu-funds
+ true
+ As stated in the Project Particulars and ESPD Guidance — vFinal.
+ non-restricted-document
+ http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/
+ none
+ false
+ allowed
+ performance
+ KPIs will be issued with stage 2.
+ Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents.
+ http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/
+ 3
+ ORG-005
+ true
+ true
+ 2020-05-08+01:00
+ 12:00:00+01:00
+ allowed
+ false
+ true
+ 2020-05-08+01:00
+ 12:00:00+01:00
+ 2020-05-15+01:00
+ true
+ 6
+ 6
+ false
+ fa-wo-rc
+ none
+ Lot 6: Angus West and Dundee
+ The successful contractor/s key objectives will be to provide high-quality kitchen and bathroom replacement works which will include survey of existing properties, design, liaison with tenants and contract administrator, removal and disposal of existing kitchens and bathrooms, the supply and fit of replacement kitchens and bathrooms meeting the specification set out in the ITT documentation and ensuring compliance with SHQS and a defects service for 1 year after completion.
+ works
+ Housing Associations may use the framework as defined by the Public Contracts Regulations (Scotland) 2015.
+ 45000000
+ Lot 6: Angus West and Dundee.
+ UKM71
+ 24
+ The contract shall commence in 3 August 2020 until 2 August 2022 with an option to extend for two single 12-month periods until 2024 subject to performance and compliance with contract KPI’s.
+ LOT-0007
+ sui-act
+ As stated in the Project Particulars and ESPD Guidance — vFinal.
+ ef-stand
+ As stated in the Project Particulars and ESPD Guidance — vFinal.
+ tp-abil
+ As stated in the Project Particulars and ESPD Guidance — vFinal.
+ not allowed
+ no-eu-funds
+ true
+ As stated in the Project Particulars and ESPD Guidance — vFinal.
+ non-restricted-document
+ http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/
+ none
+ false
+ allowed
+ performance
+ KPIs will be issued with stage 2.
+ Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents.
+ http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/
+ 3
+ ORG-005
+ true
+ true
+ 2020-05-08+01:00
+ 12:00:00+01:00
+ allowed
+ false
+ true
+ 2020-05-08+01:00
+ 12:00:00+01:00
+ 2020-05-15+01:00
+ true
+ 6
+ 6
+ false
+ fa-wo-rc
+ none
+ Lot 7: Angus East
+ The successful contractor/s key objectives will be to provide high-quality kitchen and bathroom replacement works which will include survey of existing properties, design, liaison with tenants and contract administrator, removal and disposal of existing kitchens and bathrooms, the supply and fit of replacement kitchens and bathrooms meeting the specification set out in the ITT documentation and ensuring compliance with SHQS and a defects service for 1 year after completion.
+ works
+ Housing Associations may use the framework as defined by the Public Contracts Regulations (Scotland) 2015.
+ 45000000
+ Lot 7: Angus East.
+ UKM71
+ 24
+ The contract shall commence in 3 August 2020 until 2 August 2022 with an option to extend for two single 12-month periods until 2024 subject to performance and compliance with contract KPI’s.
diff --git a/sample-files/eforms-xml/20-162034-001-EXP.xml b/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-162034-001-EXP.xml
similarity index 80%
rename from sample-files/eforms-xml/20-162034-001-EXP.xml
rename to development-notices/eforms-xml/20-162034-001-EXP.xml
index eb6f741..b5b8436 100644
--- a/sample-files/eforms-xml/20-162034-001-EXP.xml
+++ b/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-162034-001-EXP.xml
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@
@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@
@@ -90,7 +91,7 @@
- eforms-sdk-0.4
+ eforms-sdk-0.6
@@ -139,7 +140,7 @@
@@ -152,8 +153,10 @@
@@ -166,6 +169,7 @@
+ Des offres partielles ne sont pas admises. Conditions pour les pays n'ayant pas adhéré aux accords de l'OMC: aucune. Négociations: néant. Le soumissionnaire est tenu de présenter sa meilleure offre. Conditions régissant la procédure: le pouvoir adjudicateur adjuge des marchés publics pour des prestations en Suisse uniquement à des adjudicataires qui garantissent le respect des dispositions sur la protection des travailleurs, les conditions de travail et l'égalité de salaire entre hommes et femmes. Indication des voies de recours: conformément à l’article 30 LMP, la présente publication peut être attaquée, dans un délai de 20 jours à compter de sa notification, auprès du Tribunal administratif fédéral, case postale, 9023 St. Gall. Le mémoire de recours, à présenter en deux exemplaires, indiquera les conclusions, motifs et moyens de preuve et portera la signature de la partie recourante ou de son mandataire; y seront jointes une copie de la présente publication et les pièces invoquées comme moyens de preuve, lorsqu'elles sont disponibles. Délai de clôture pour le dépôt des offres/remarques: lieu de dépôt: voir le chiffre 1.2. Important pour le respect du délai de dépôt: a) en cas de depôt en mains propres à Armasuisse (Centre administratif Guisanplatz 1): lors de la remise au «Verwaltungszentrum Guisanplatz 1», Guisanplatz 1, 3003 Berne, à l'attention du CC WTO Armasuisse, les points suivants doivent être respectés: — le soumissionnaire doit s'annoncer a la loge principale, Guisanplatz 1, en indiquant l'intitulé du projet (cf. chiffre 1.2). II sera alors redirige a la «gestion des rampes, Guisanplatz 1»; — heures d'ouverture de la gestion des rampes: lundi-vendredi 07h30 - 12h00/13h00-15h00 (en dehors de ces heures, aucune offre ne peut être remise); b) expédition par courrier postal: le timbre postal ou le code-barres du prestataire procédant a l'expédition est déterminant (la date du timbre appose par l'entreprise ne fait pas foi); c) en cas de remise a une représentation diplomatique ou consulaire de la Suisse: l'attestation de réception délivrée par la représentation en question fait foi. L'attestation de réception doit être envoyée a l'adresse électronique indiquée au chiffre 1.2 au plus tard jusqu'a la date-limite de remise de l'offre. Remarques: (délai souhaité pour poser des questions par écrit). Si des questions apparaissent lors de l’élaboration de l’offre, elles peuvent être posées exclusivement sous la forme de questions anonymes dans la foire aux questions du site simap.ch Chaque question doit être posée séparément dans le forum (une question par entrée). Les réponses sont données dans la foire aux questions du site simap.ch Toutes les questions et réponses peuvent être consultées par tous les soumissionnaires qui se sont procurés la documentation pour l’appel d’offres. Le soumissionnaire est lui-même responsable de s’informer sur les éventuelles questions et réponses figurant dans la foire aux questions. Publication de référence nationale: SIMAP du 1.4.2020, doc. 1120749. Délai souhaité pour poser des questions par écrit: 15.5.2020. Conditions à l'obtention du dossier d'appel d'offres: la documentation peut être téléchargée exclusivement à partir la plate-forme électronique www.simap.ch — rubrique «marchés publics, Confédération». À cet effet, vous devez tout d'abord vous enregistrer dans le projet en question et vous pourrez ensuite accéder à la documentation au moyen du login et du mot de passe que vous recevrez par courrier électronique. Un forum est à disposition pour les questions.
@@ -263,11 +267,12 @@
@@ -302,6 +307,7 @@
@@ -331,9 +337,11 @@
+ false
+ false
@@ -346,6 +354,7 @@
@@ -362,6 +371,7 @@
@@ -375,7 +385,7 @@
@@ -400,13 +410,14 @@
- TBD: unique ID required here
Testeur de radiocommunication LTE pour 3.9G et 4.xG
diff --git a/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-164186-001-EXP.xml b/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-164186-001-EXP.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c1b00e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-164186-001-EXP.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+ 16
+ http://www.ku.dk/
+ ORG-001
+ Københavns Universitet
+ Nørregade 10
+ København K
+ 1165
+ DK011
+ DK
+ 29979812
+ Morten Have
+ +45 35334781
+ morten.have@adm.ku.dk
+ https://erhvervsstyrelsen.dk/klagenaevnet-for-udbud
+ ORG-002
+ Klagenævnet for Udbud
+ Toldboden 1
+ Viborg
+ 8800
+ DK
+ +45 72405600
+ nh@naevneneshus.dk
+ 12345678-2023
+ 123/2023
+ 2023-03-14+01:00
+ 2.3
+ eforms-sdk-0.6
+ f252f386-55ac-4fa8-9be4-9f950b9904c8
+ aff2863e-b4cc-4e91-baba-b3b85f709117
+ 2020-04-01+01:00
+ 12:00:00+01:00
+ 01
+ 32014L0024
+ cn-standard
+ https://eu.eu-supply.com/ctm/Company/CompanyInformation/Index/166597
+ body-pl
+ buyer-contracting-type
+ ORG-001
+ open
+ 110-0012/20-7000
+ The Purpose of this Tender is to Purchase a Custom-built Spinning-disc Confocal Microscope
+ The University of Copenhagen’s Center for Advanced Bioimaging (CAB) facility will establish new capacity to deliver spinning-disc confocal microscopy to users and partners. The purpose of this tender is to purchase a custom-built spinning-disc confocal microscope. On this basis, the purpose of the contract is to help the Contracting Entity achieve installation of a functional custom-built spinning disc confocal microscope in the assigned location.
+ supplies
+ 38515200
+ LOT-0001
+ not allowed
+ no-eu-funds
+ false
+ non-restricted-document
+ http://eu.eu-supply.com/app/rfq/rwlentrance_s.asp?PID=267399&B=KU
+ none
+ false
+ not-allowed
+ Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents.
+ http://eu.eu-supply.com/app/rfq/rwlentrance_s.asp?PID=267399&B=KU
+ ORG-001
+ 184
+ ORG-002
+ false
+ false
+ 2020-05-06+01:00
+ 12:00:00+01:00
+ allowed
+ false
+ true
+ 2020-05-06+01:00
+ 12:00:00+01:00
+ false
+ 0
+ 2020-05-06+01:00
+ 12:00:00+01:00
+ false
+ none
+ none
+ The Purpose of this Tender is to Purchase a Custom-built Spinning-disc Confocal Microscope
+ The University of Copenhagen’s Center for Advanced Bioimaging (CAB) facility will establish new capacity to deliver spinning-disc confocal microscopy to users and partners. The purpose of this tender is to purchase a custom-built spinning-disc confocal microscope. On this basis, the purpose of the contract is to help the Contracting Entity achieve installation of a functional custom-built spinning disc confocal microscope in the assigned location.
+ supplies
+ 38515200
+ DK011
+ 1
diff --git a/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-198944-001-EXP.xml b/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-198944-001-EXP.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53ccad1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-198944-001-EXP.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+ 16
+ https://livvhousinggroup.com/
+ ORG-001
+ Livv Housing Group
+ Lakeview, Kings Business Park
+ Prescot
+ L34 1PJ
+ UK
+ Mrs Claire Paton
+ tenders@cirruspurchasing.co.uk
+ ORG-002
+ Royal Court of Justice
+ London
+ WC2A 2LL
+ UK
+ 12345678-2023
+ 123/2023
+ 2023-03-14+01:00
+ 2.3
+ eforms-sdk-0.6
+ f252f386-55ac-4fa8-9be4-9f950b9904c8
+ aff2863e-b4cc-4e91-baba-b3b85f709117
+ 2020-04-23+01:00
+ 12:00:00+01:00
+ 01
+ 32014L0024
+ cn-standard
+ https://livvhousinggroup.com/
+ body-pl
+ buyer-contracting-type
+ ORG-001
+ open
+ DN475213
+ Empty Homes Security
+ This tender is issued in accordance with Regulation 74 ‘Award of contracts for social and other specific services’ under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 #102. The client is seeking bids from service providers to participate in a tender exercise for the procurement of service providers to deliver empty homes security services. Livv Housing Group is looking for a single service provider to deliver empty home security services across a number of sites within the North West. Services required under this contract are expected to include the fitting of steel security doors, window screens and monitored alarms with PIR detectors to empty properties. The service provider will also provide glazing services, however Livv Housing Group reserve the right to remove this service if it does not prove to be of the expected quality and value for money. Livv Housing Group currently receives approximately 900 empty properties a year, typically fluctuating between 60 and 150 removals/installations per month. In addition to this approximately 100 properties will be managed by the Livv Homes Team. The estimated volume per year is based on historical usage. This is for information only, and no guarantees are given, nor are implied as to the value or quantity of business that will be placed with successful bidder. The outcome of the tender process will be a single contract with one service provider. The contract will be for an initial 3 years, with three annual options to extend by a further 12 months on each occasion, up to a maximum 6 years total contract term, subject to Livv Housing Group requirements and the performance of the successful service provider. The anticipated commencement date is estimated to be June 2020.
+ services
+ 1200000
+ 79711000
+ LOT-0001
+ sui-act
+ (a) conspiracy within the meaning of section 1 or 1A of the Criminal Law Act 1977(a) or article 9 or 9A of the Criminal Attempts and Conspiracy (Northern Ireland) Order 1983(b) where that conspiracy relates to participation in a criminal organisation as defined in Article 2 of Council Framework Decision 2008/841/JHA on the fight against organised crime(c); (b) corruption within the meaning of section 1(2) of the Public Bodies Corrupt Practices Act 1889(d) or section 1 of the Prevention of Corruption Act 1906(e); (c) the common law offence of bribery; (d) bribery within the meaning of sections 1, 2 or 6 of the Bribery Act 2010(f) or section 113 of the Representation of the People Act 1983(g); (e) where the offence relates to fraud affecting the European Communities’ financial interests as defined by Article 1 of the Convention on the protection of the financial interests of the European Communities(h): (i) the common law offence of cheating the revenue, (ii) the common law offence of conspiracy to defraud, (iii) fraud or theft within the meaning of the Theft Act 1968(i), the Theft Act (Northern Ireland) 1969(j), the Theft Act 1978(k) or the Theft (Northern Ireland) Order 1978(l), (iv) fraudulent trading within the meaning of section 458 of the Companies Act 1985(m), article 451 of the Companies (Northern Ireland) Order 1986(n) or section 993 of the Companies Act 2006(o), (v) fraudulent evasion within the meaning of section 170 of the Customs and Excise Management Act 1979(p) or section 72 of the Value Added Tax Act 1994(q), (vi) an offence in connection with taxation in the European Union within the meaning of section 71 of the Criminal Justice Act 1993(r), (vii) destroying, defacing or concealing of documents or procuring the execution of a valuable security within the meaning of section 20 of the Theft Act 1968(s) or section 19 of the Theft Act (Northern Ireland) 1969(t), (viii) fraud within the meaning of section 2, 3 or 4 of the Fraud Act 2006(u), or (ix) the possession of articles for use in frauds within the meaning of section 6 of the Fraud Act 2006 or the making, adapting, supplying or offering to supply articles for use in frauds within the meaning of section 7 of that Act; (f) any offence listed: (i) in section 41 of the Counter Terrorism Act 2008(a), or (ii) in Schedule 2 to that Act where the court has determined that there is a terrorist connection; (g) any offence under sections 44 to 46 of the Serious Crime Act 2007(b) which relates to an offence covered by subparagraph (f); (h) money laundering within the meaning of sections 340(11) and 415 of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002(c); (i) an offence in connection with the proceeds of criminal conduct within the meaning of section 93A, 93B or 93C of the Criminal Justice Act 1988(d) or article 45, 46 or 47 of the Proceeds of Crime (Northern Ireland) Order 1996(e); (j) an offence under section 4 of the Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc.) Act 2004(f); (k) an offence under section 59A of the Sexual Offences Act 2003(g); (l) an offence under section 71 of the Coroners and Justice Act 2009(h); (m) an offence in connection with the proceeds of drug trafficking within the meaning of section 49, 50 or 51 of the Drug Trafficking Act 1994(i); or (n) any other offence within the meaning of Article 57(1) of the Public Contracts Directive: (i) as defined by the law of any jurisdiction outside England and Wales and Northern Ireland, or (ii) created, after the day on which these Regulations were made, in the law of England and Wales or Northern Ireland.
+ not allowed
+ no-eu-funds
+ true
+ 72 months depending upon the ongoing needs of Livv Housing Group.
+ non-restricted-document
+ https://procontract.due-north.com/Advert/Index?advertId=a4368af9-4e85-ea11-80ff-005056b64545
+ none
+ false
+ not-allowed
+ dec-exa
+ 30
+ Quality
+ dec-exa
+ 70
+ https://procontract.due-north.com/Advert/Index?advertId=a4368af9-4e85-ea11-80ff-005056b64545
+ 4
+ This tender process will incorporate a minimum 10 calendar days standstill period at the point information on the award is communicated to bidders. Appeals can be directly raised via the contact points detailed in section VI.4.1) of this contract notice. The Public Contracts Regulations 2015 #102 provide for aggrieved parties who have been harmed or are at risk of harm by a breach of the rules to take action in the High Court (England,Wales and Northern Ireland).
+ ORG-002
+ false
+ false
+ 2020-05-25+01:00
+ 12:00:00+01:00
+ allowed
+ false
+ false
+ 2020-05-25+01:00
+ 12:00:00+01:00
+ false
+ 0
+ 2020-05-25+01:00
+ 12:05:00+01:00
+ Livv Housing Group staff members and their authorised agents only.
+ false
+ none
+ none
+ Empty Homes Security
+ Services required under this contract are expected to include the fitting of steel security doors, window screens and monitored alarms with PIR detectors to empty properties. The service provider will also provide glazing services, however Livv Housing Group reserve the right to remove this service if it does not prove to be of the expected quality and value for money. Livv Housing Group currently receives approximately 900 empty properties a year, typically fluctuating between 60 and 150 removals/installations per month. In addition to this approximately 100 properties will be managed by the Livv Homes Team. The estimated volume per year is based on historical usage. This is for information only and no guarantees are given, nor are implied as to the value or quantity of business that will be placed with successful bidder.
+ services
+ The contract will be available to the following, such that each of the following will be entitled to purchase services from the successful service provider at the discretion of Livv Housing Group: — Livv Housing Group and all subsidiary undertakings, both current and future; — all parts of any current or future group structure of which Livv Housing Group is or may become, a part; — any joint venture entities (whether companies, limited liability partnerships or otherwise) in which any member of the Group participates from time to time (whether as a shareholder, member or otherwise) and are permitted by Livv Housing Group to make particular purchases from the service provider from time to time.
+ 1200000
+ 35120000
+ Livv Housing Group is looking for a single service provider to deliver empty home security services across a number of sites within the North West.
+ Current stock consists of approximately 13 100 properties within the Borough of Knowsley, Merseyside. Plus, another 83 properties located within the North West area:
+ — 46 Cheshire,
+ — 6 Halton,
+ — 6 Preston,
+ — 5 St Helens,
+ — 10 Stockport.
+ 72
+ The contract will be an initial 3 year period with three annual options to extend by a further 12 months each, up to a maximum 6 years total contract term.
diff --git a/sample-files/eforms-xml/20-213571-001-EXP.xml b/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-213571-001-EXP.xml
similarity index 91%
rename from sample-files/eforms-xml/20-213571-001-EXP.xml
rename to development-notices/eforms-xml/20-213571-001-EXP.xml
index e415955..428df59 100644
--- a/sample-files/eforms-xml/20-213571-001-EXP.xml
+++ b/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-213571-001-EXP.xml
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@
@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@
@@ -90,7 +91,7 @@
- eforms-sdk-0.4
+ eforms-sdk-0.6
@@ -131,7 +132,7 @@
@@ -150,8 +151,10 @@
@@ -261,16 +264,18 @@
Please see tender documentation.
Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents.
@@ -292,9 +297,11 @@
+ false
+ false
@@ -360,13 +367,14 @@
- TBD: unique ID required here
Managed Services
@@ -404,7 +412,9 @@
- anyw
+ anyw
@@ -497,16 +507,18 @@
Please see tender documentation.
Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents.
@@ -528,9 +540,11 @@
+ false
+ false
@@ -596,13 +610,14 @@
- TBD: unique ID required here
Wide Area Network
@@ -640,7 +655,9 @@
- anyw
+ anyw
diff --git a/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-246700-001-EXP.xml b/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-246700-001-EXP.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2aec6d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-246700-001-EXP.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+ 16
+ www.barnet.gov.uk
+ ORG-001
+ London Borough of Barnet (LBB)
+ 2 Bristol Avenue, London
+ Colindale
+ NW9 4EW
+ UKI71
+ UK
+ +44 2083597212
+ susan.lowe@barnet.gov.uk
+ ORG-002
+ Public Procurement Review Service
+ Cabinet Office
+ London
+ UK
+ 12345678-2023
+ 123/2023
+ 2023-03-14+01:00
+ 2.3
+ eforms-sdk-0.6
+ f252f386-55ac-4fa8-9be4-9f950b9904c8
+ aff2863e-b4cc-4e91-baba-b3b85f709117
+ 2020-05-20+01:00
+ 12:00:00+01:00
+ 01
+ 32014L0024
+ cn-standard
+ www.barnetsourcing.co.uk
+ ra
+ buyer-contracting-type
+ ORG-001
+ neg-w-call
+ 702101
+ Delivery of Brent Cross Waste Transfer Station
+ The Brent Cross Cricklewood (BXC) programme will deliver comprehensive re-development of the 151-hectare site with 7 500 new homes, up to 27 000 new jobs and 455 000 square metres of commercial space. The comprehensive regeneration programme is dependent on the decommissioning of the existing Hendon Waste Transfer Station, which will be enabled by the delivery of the new Brent Cross Waste Transfer Station (WTS) facility, which will be located adjacent to the A5 (Edgware Road) and Geron Way, with a target completion date of the 1 July 2022. LBB invite interested suppliers with the necessary experience and capability (including of working alongside the railway) to successfully design, build, commission and handover a new WTS facility to express an interest and register for this opportunity.
+ works
+ Suppliers are to register interest for this opportunity at www.barnetsourcing.co.uk In addition a data room A-site will available with supporting documents for the later stages of procurement: initial tender (ITT); negotiation and Invitation to submit final tender (ISFT). Should technical difficulty be experienced with the procurement portal please contact support@curtisfitchglobal.com explaining these and that they relate to this opportunity. Please copy procurement@barnet.gov.uk into this contact. (MT Ref:219733)
+ 28000000.00
+ 45232470
+ LOT-0001
+ ef-stand
+ Information and formalities necessary for evaluating if the requirements are met: the economic operator must meet the requirements set out in Regulation 57 (Exclusion Grounds) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.
+ tp-abil
+ Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents.
+ not allowed
+ no-eu-funds
+ false
+ non-restricted-document
+ www.barnetsourcing.co.uk
+ none
+ false
+ allowed
+ Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents.
+ www.barnetsourcing.co.uk
+ 6
+ ORG-002
+ true
+ true
+ 2020-06-19+01:00
+ 12:00:00+01:00
+ allowed
+ true
+ false
+ 2020-06-19+01:00
+ 12:00:00+01:00
+ 2020-07-07+01:00
+ true
+ 3
+ 3
+ false
+ none
+ none
+ Delivery of Brent Cross Waste Transfer Station
+ The Brent Cross Cricklewood (BXC) programme will deliver comprehensive re-development of the 151-hectare site with 7 500 new homes, up to 27 000 new jobs and 455 000 square metres of commercial space. The comprehensive regeneration programme is dependent on the decommissioning of the existing Hendon Waste Transfer Station, which will be enabled by the delivery of the new Brent Cross Waste Transfer Station (WTS) facility, which will be located adjacent to the A5 (Edgware Road) and Geron Way, with a target completion date of the 1 July 2022. LBB invite interested suppliers with the necessary experience and capability (including of working alongside the railway) to successfully design, build, commission and handover a new WTS facility to express an interest and register for this opportunity. LBB will shortlist 3 highest scoring suppliers at SQ stage to the initial tender (ITT) stage.
+ works
+ 28000000.00
+ 45222110
+ London Borough of Barnet
+ Brent Cross Cricklewood
+ UKI71
+ Site Address: 2 Geron Way, Cricklewood, London NW2 6GJ
+ 2020-10-30+01:00
+ 2022-07-01+01:00
diff --git a/sample-files/eforms-xml/20-260117-001-EXP.xml b/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-260117-001-EXP.xml
similarity index 90%
rename from sample-files/eforms-xml/20-260117-001-EXP.xml
rename to development-notices/eforms-xml/20-260117-001-EXP.xml
index c42008d..a2bb2d6 100644
--- a/sample-files/eforms-xml/20-260117-001-EXP.xml
+++ b/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-260117-001-EXP.xml
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@
@@ -51,7 +52,7 @@
@@ -97,7 +98,7 @@
- eforms-sdk-0.4
+ eforms-sdk-0.6
@@ -130,7 +131,7 @@
@@ -143,8 +144,10 @@
@@ -258,16 +261,18 @@
Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents.
@@ -289,9 +294,11 @@
+ false
+ false
@@ -333,7 +340,7 @@
@@ -361,13 +368,14 @@
- TBD: unique ID required here
Government of Kenya Collections Strategy
@@ -402,7 +410,9 @@
- anyw
+ anyw
diff --git a/sample-files/eforms-xml/20-295737-001-EXP.xml b/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-295737-001-EXP.xml
similarity index 92%
rename from sample-files/eforms-xml/20-295737-001-EXP.xml
rename to development-notices/eforms-xml/20-295737-001-EXP.xml
index 075358a..2fff69d 100644
--- a/sample-files/eforms-xml/20-295737-001-EXP.xml
+++ b/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-295737-001-EXP.xml
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@
@@ -53,7 +54,7 @@
@@ -88,7 +89,7 @@
@@ -130,7 +131,7 @@
- eforms-sdk-0.4
+ eforms-sdk-0.6
@@ -178,7 +179,7 @@
@@ -192,8 +193,10 @@
See tender documents.
@@ -284,7 +287,7 @@
@@ -308,8 +311,6 @@
@@ -360,8 +361,8 @@
- TBD: unique ID required here
Procurement of Integrated Consultancy Team Services for Development of a Proposed Riverine Community Park
diff --git a/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-343258-001-EXP.xml b/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-343258-001-EXP.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2844ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-343258-001-EXP.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,690 @@
+ 16
+ https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/
+ ORG-001
+ European Commission, JRC — Joint Research Centre, JRC.A — Strategy, Work Programme and Resources (Brussels), JRC.A.6 — Quality Assurance and Evaluation
+ CDMA 05/035, Rue du Champ de Mars 21
+ Brussels
+ B-1050
+ BE100
+ BE
+ jrc-ispra-dir-a-procurement@ec.europa.eu
+ http://curia.europa.eu
+ ORG-002
+ General Court of the European Union
+ Rue du Fort Niedergrünewald
+ Luxembourg
+ 2925
+ LU
+ +352 4303-1
+ GC.Registry@curia.europa.eu
+ 12345678-2023
+ 123/2023
+ 2023-03-14+01:00
+ 2.3
+ eforms-sdk-0.6
+ f252f386-55ac-4fa8-9be4-9f950b9904c8
+ aff2863e-b4cc-4e91-baba-b3b85f709117
+ 2020-07-13+01:00
+ 12:00:00+01:00
+ 01
+ 32018R1046
+ cn-standard
+ eu-ins-bod-ag
+ buyer-contracting-type
+ ORG-001
+ open
+ 2020/S 091-215923
+ JRC/2020/OP/1033
+ JRC Multi-site Organisation Certification for ISO 9001 and Certification for ISO 45001 On-site Level
+ This framework contract is intended to select a certification body to maintain the certification of the JRC for ISO 9001:2015 as multi-site organisation (Brussels and Geel (Belgium), Karlsruhe (Germany), Petten (The Netherlands), Sevilla (Spain) and Ispra (Italy)) and includes also the maintenance of the certification for ISO 45001:2018 on site level for the Geel (Belgium), Karlsruhe (Germany), Petten (The Netherlands) and Ispra (Italy) sites.
+ services
+ See internet address provided in section I.3).
+ 400000.00
+ 79212000
+ LOT-0001
+ sui-act
+ See internet address provided in section I.3).
+ not allowed
+ eu-funds
+ true
+ non-restricted-document
+ https://etendering.ted.europa.eu/cft/cft-display.html?cftId=6282
+ none
+ false
+ allowed
+ performance
+ See internet address provided in section I.3).
+ Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents.
+ https://etendering.ted.europa.eu/cft/cft-display.html?cftId=6282
+ 6
+ See internet address provided in Section I.3).
+ ORG-002
+ false
+ true
+ 2020-08-24+01:00
+ 16:00:00+01:00
+ allowed
+ false
+ true
+ 2020-08-24+01:00
+ 16:00:00+01:00
+ false
+ 0
+ 2020-08-26+01:00
+ 10:00:00+01:00
+ See internet address provided in section I.3.
+ Via Enrico Fermi 2749, 21027 Ispra (VA), ITALY.
+ false
+ 1
+ fa-wo-rc
+ none
+ JRC Multi-site Organisation Certification for ISO 9001 and Certification for ISO 45001 On-site Level
+ This framework contract is intended to select a certification body to maintain the certification of the JRC for ISO 9001:2015 as multi-site organisation (Brussels and Geel (Belgium), Karlsruhe (Germany), Petten (The Netherlands), Sevilla (Spain) and Ispra (Italy)) and includes also the maintenance of the certification for ISO 45001:2018 on site level for the Geel (Belgium), Karlsruhe (Germany), Petten (The Netherlands) and Ispra (Italy) sites.
+ services
+ See internet address provided in section I.3).
+ 400000.00
+ 79212000
+ JRC-Geel and JRC-Brussels — BELGIUM
+ JRC-Ispra — ITALY
+ BE100
+ JRC-Karlsruhe — GERMANY
+ JRC-Sevilla — SPAIN
+ JRC-Geel and JRC-Brussels — BELGIUM
+ JRC-Ispra — ITALY
+ BE213
+ JRC-Karlsruhe — GERMANY
+ JRC-Sevilla — SPAIN
+ JRC-Geel and JRC-Brussels — BELGIUM
+ JRC-Ispra — ITALY
+ ITC41
+ JRC-Karlsruhe — GERMANY
+ JRC-Sevilla — SPAIN
+ JRC-Geel and JRC-Brussels — BELGIUM
+ JRC-Ispra — ITALY
+ NL328
+ JRC-Karlsruhe — GERMANY
+ JRC-Sevilla — SPAIN
+ JRC-Geel and JRC-Brussels — BELGIUM
+ JRC-Ispra — ITALY
+ ES618
+ JRC-Karlsruhe — GERMANY
+ JRC-Sevilla — SPAIN
+ 48
diff --git a/sample-files/eforms-xml/20-377805-001-EXP.xml b/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-377805-001-EXP.xml
similarity index 89%
rename from sample-files/eforms-xml/20-377805-001-EXP.xml
rename to development-notices/eforms-xml/20-377805-001-EXP.xml
index 48288fd..005a05b 100644
--- a/sample-files/eforms-xml/20-377805-001-EXP.xml
+++ b/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-377805-001-EXP.xml
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@
@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@
@@ -100,7 +101,7 @@
- eforms-sdk-0.4
+ eforms-sdk-0.6
@@ -144,7 +145,7 @@
@@ -157,8 +158,10 @@
@@ -265,11 +268,12 @@
@@ -291,10 +295,10 @@
+ false
@@ -337,7 +341,7 @@
@@ -365,13 +369,14 @@
- TBD: unique ID required here
Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) Sequencing
@@ -409,7 +414,9 @@
- anyw
+ anyw
diff --git a/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-560391-001-EXP.xml b/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-560391-001-EXP.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8dd523
--- /dev/null
+++ b/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-560391-001-EXP.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,774 @@
+ 20
+ https://permalink.mercell.com/142583906.aspx
+ ORG-001
+ Sykehusinnkjøp HF
+ Postboks 40
+ Vadsø
+ 9811
+ NO
+ NO
+ 916879067
+ Maja Elisa Kobbelhuus
+ +47 78950700
+ maja.elisa.kobbelhuus@sykehusinnkjop.no
+ ORG-002
+ Øst-Finnmark tingrett
+ Vadsø
+ NO
+ 12345678-2023
+ 123/2023
+ 2023-03-14+01:00
+ 2.3
+ eforms-sdk-0.6
+ f252f386-55ac-4fa8-9be4-9f950b9904c8
+ aff2863e-b4cc-4e91-baba-b3b85f709117
+ 2020-11-09+01:00
+ 12:00:00+01:00
+ 01
+ 32014L0024
+ cn-standard
+ http://www.sykehusinnkjop.no/
+ body-pl
+ buyer-contracting-type
+ ORG-001
+ 3
+ 2020/1256
+ Legal Services for Western Norway Regional Health Authority with Underlying Trusts
+ Western Norway Regional Health Authority with underlying health trusts (henceforth referred to as the Customer) has continuous requirements for legal services in connection with customer's activities. In order to ensure the customer’s interests a sufficient level of continuation the Norwegian Hospital Procurement Trust, on behalf of the customer, invites to an open tender contest for legal services. The tender contest includes the following lots: tenders can be submitted for one or several lots: Click here: https://permalink.mercell.com/142583906.aspx
+ services
+ 79100000
+ LOT-0001
+ no-eu-funds
+ non-restricted-document
+ https://permalink.mercell.com/142583906.aspx
+ none
+ false
+ https://permalink.mercell.com/142583906.aspx
+ ORG-002
+ 2020-12-11+01:00
+ 12:00:00+01:00
+ allowed
+ 2020-12-11+01:00
+ 12:00:00+01:00
+ Lot 1:
+ The tender contest includes the following lots: tenders can be submitted for one or several lots: the lots include the following legal are: Lot 1: — contract legislation, — real estate legislation, — planning and building legislation; Lot 2: — labour legislation and pension law (mandatory and rights); Lot 3: — public procurements, state subsidy and competition legislation (with emphasis on procurement legislation, and in particular procurements related to complex ICT contracts and health services); — administrative law and health legislation; — data protection and information security, copyright (including commercialization of research results) and technology and IT law; — the contract for lot 3 will also, if required, include other law areas, but not the areas included in lots 1 and 2.
+ services
+ 79100000
+ NO051
+ NO043
+ NO052
+ 2021-02-20+01:00
+ 2025-02-19+01:00
+ LOT-0002
+ no-eu-funds
+ non-restricted-document
+ https://permalink.mercell.com/142583906.aspx
+ none
+ false
+ https://permalink.mercell.com/142583906.aspx
+ ORG-002
+ 2020-12-11+01:00
+ 12:00:00+01:00
+ allowed
+ 2020-12-11+01:00
+ 12:00:00+01:00
+ Lot 2:
+ The tender contest includes the following lots: tenders can be submitted for one or several lots: the lots include the following legal are: Lot 1: — contract legislation, — real estate legislation, — planning and building legislation; Lot 2: — labour legislation and pension law (mandatory and rights); Lot 3: — public procurements, state subsidy and competition legislation (with emphasis on procurement legislation, and in particular procurements related to complex ICT contracts and health services); — administrative law and health legislation; — data protection and information security, copyright (including commercialization of research results) and technology and IT law; — the contract for lot 3 will also, if required, include other law areas, but not the areas included in lots 1 and 2.
+ services
+ 79100000
+ NO051
+ NO043
+ NO052
+ 2021-02-20+01:00
+ 2025-02-19+01:00
+ LOT-0003
+ no-eu-funds
+ non-restricted-document
+ https://permalink.mercell.com/142583906.aspx
+ none
+ false
+ https://permalink.mercell.com/142583906.aspx
+ ORG-002
+ 2020-12-11+01:00
+ 12:00:00+01:00
+ allowed
+ 2020-12-11+01:00
+ 12:00:00+01:00
+ Lot 3:
+ The tender contest includes the following lots: tenders can be submitted for one or several lots: the lots include the following legal are: Lot 1: — contract legislation, — real estate legislation, — planning and building legislation; Lot 2: — labour legislation and pension law (mandatory and rights); Lot 3: — public procurements, state subsidy and competition legislation (with emphasis on procurement legislation, and in particular procurements related to complex ICT contracts and health services); — administrative law and health legislation; — data protection and information security, copyright (including commercialization of research results) and technology and IT law; — the contract for lot 3 will also, if required, include other law areas, but not the areas included in lots 1 and 2.
+ services
+ 79100000
+ NO051
+ NO043
+ NO052
+ 2021-02-20+01:00
+ 2025-02-19+01:00
diff --git a/sample-files/eforms-xml/20-566267-001-EXP.xml b/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-566267-001-EXP.xml
similarity index 92%
rename from sample-files/eforms-xml/20-566267-001-EXP.xml
rename to development-notices/eforms-xml/20-566267-001-EXP.xml
index 2989ed4..f7509c7 100644
--- a/sample-files/eforms-xml/20-566267-001-EXP.xml
+++ b/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-566267-001-EXP.xml
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
@@ -16,10 +17,10 @@
- true
+ true
@@ -49,10 +50,10 @@
- false
+ false
@@ -82,10 +83,10 @@
- false
+ false
@@ -115,10 +116,10 @@
- false
+ false
@@ -148,10 +149,10 @@
- false
+ false
@@ -181,10 +182,10 @@
- false
+ false
@@ -214,10 +215,10 @@
- false
+ false
@@ -247,10 +248,10 @@
- false
+ false
@@ -280,10 +281,10 @@
- false
+ false
@@ -311,10 +312,10 @@
- false
+ false
@@ -342,10 +343,10 @@
- false
+ false
@@ -373,10 +374,10 @@
- false
+ false
@@ -404,10 +405,10 @@
- false
+ false
@@ -435,10 +436,10 @@
- false
+ false
@@ -466,10 +467,10 @@
- false
+ false
@@ -497,10 +498,10 @@
- false
+ false
@@ -528,10 +529,10 @@
- false
+ false
@@ -559,10 +560,10 @@
- false
+ false
@@ -590,10 +591,10 @@
- false
+ false
@@ -621,10 +622,10 @@
- false
+ false
@@ -652,10 +653,10 @@
- false
+ false
@@ -683,10 +684,10 @@
- false
+ false
@@ -714,10 +715,10 @@
- false
+ false
@@ -745,7 +746,7 @@
@@ -774,7 +775,7 @@
@@ -814,7 +815,7 @@
- eforms-sdk-0.4
+ eforms-sdk-0.6
@@ -1434,7 +1435,7 @@
@@ -1453,8 +1454,10 @@
@@ -1469,6 +1472,7 @@
+ The services are categorised in this FPS as ‘social and other specific services’ under Schedule 3 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (‘PCR 15’) and are therefore subject to the Light Touch Regime (‘LTR’) under PCR 15. The Council intend to make provision for the service divided into three lots under a Flexible Purchasing System (FPS) taking advantage of significant flexibilities provided under the LTR. CCS guidance on LTR defines ‘Pseudo’ as a practice in the LTR that inevitably looks and feels similar to the provision prescribed in the main rules in PCR 15, but is not substantively subject the formal procedural rules under PCR 15. Therefore, for the avoidance of doubt, requirements of Reg 34 of PCR 15, (‘Dynamic Purchasing systems: General features’) do not apply to this public contract. Service providers may be appointed to the FPS under one or more lots. New applicants may be appointed throughout the lifetime of the FPS. Please see tender documentation for further details. The FPS will close twice during the first year in May and November and a minimum of once per year for each subsequent year for evaluations. The lead authority reserve the right to close the FPS for evaluations at any time, but in any event, 28 days’ notice will be provided. There is no guaranteed activity within this FPS and providers will receive payment upon actual service delivery.
@@ -1561,16 +1565,18 @@
Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents.
@@ -1597,9 +1603,11 @@
+ false
+ false
@@ -1641,7 +1649,7 @@
@@ -1658,18 +1666,22 @@
- TBD: unique ID required here
Day Education Placement
@@ -1707,7 +1719,9 @@
- anyw
+ anyw
@@ -1795,16 +1809,18 @@
Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents.
@@ -1831,9 +1847,11 @@
+ false
+ false
@@ -1875,7 +1893,7 @@
@@ -1892,18 +1910,22 @@
- TBD: unique ID required here
Education with 38 Week Residential Placement
@@ -1941,7 +1963,9 @@
- anyw
+ anyw
@@ -2029,16 +2053,18 @@
Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents.
@@ -2065,9 +2091,11 @@
+ false
+ false
@@ -2109,7 +2137,7 @@
@@ -2126,18 +2154,22 @@
- TBD: unique ID required here
Education with 52 Week Residential Placement
@@ -2175,7 +2207,9 @@
- anyw
+ anyw
diff --git a/sample-files/eforms-xml/20-587026-001-EXP.xml b/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-587026-001-EXP.xml
similarity index 94%
rename from sample-files/eforms-xml/20-587026-001-EXP.xml
rename to development-notices/eforms-xml/20-587026-001-EXP.xml
index 69ae1ad..87a1497 100644
--- a/sample-files/eforms-xml/20-587026-001-EXP.xml
+++ b/development-notices/eforms-xml/20-587026-001-EXP.xml
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
@@ -16,8 +17,9 @@
@@ -55,8 +57,9 @@
@@ -89,8 +92,9 @@
@@ -123,8 +127,9 @@
@@ -157,7 +162,7 @@
@@ -189,7 +194,7 @@
@@ -237,7 +242,7 @@
- eforms-sdk-0.4
+ eforms-sdk-0.6
@@ -363,7 +368,7 @@
Udbud for: - Region Sjælland - Region Hovedstaden - Region Nordjylland - Region Midtjylland. Region Sjælland er udbudsansvarlig.
@@ -386,8 +391,13 @@
+ 2020/S 187-448857
@@ -518,11 +528,12 @@
Kontrakt punkt 7.3 - Miljø: Leverandøren skal aktivt medvirke til fortsatte forbedringer af miljø, teknologi og økonomi i forbindelse med kontrakten, herunder til at mængden af emballage mindskes mest muligt. Leverandøren skal sørge for at afhjælpe såvel miljø- som arbejdsmiljøproblemer, f.eks. med hensyn til emballagens udformning, materiale og vægt. Kontrakt punkt 22 - Socialt ansvar: Leverandøren skal i forbindelse med gennemførelsen af kontrakten respektere og overholde nationale og internationale love og regler vedrørende menneskerettigheder, arbejdstagerrettigheder, miljø og antikorruption, det vil sige: FN’s deklaration om menneskerettigheder, ILO’s deklaration om arbejdstagerrettigheder, Rio-deklarationen om miljø og udvikling, FN’s konvention mod korruption. Dette indebærer bl.a., at hverken leverandøren eller dennes eventuelle underleverandører må benytte sig af konventionsstridig børne- og voksenarbejdskraft.
@@ -555,6 +566,7 @@
@@ -595,10 +607,9 @@
@@ -670,13 +681,14 @@
- TBD: unique ID required here
IT-klientudstyr 2021-2025
diff --git a/sample-files/eforms-xml/21-000061-001-EXP.xml b/development-notices/eforms-xml/21-000061-001-EXP.xml
similarity index 91%
rename from sample-files/eforms-xml/21-000061-001-EXP.xml
rename to development-notices/eforms-xml/21-000061-001-EXP.xml
index ad32c3c..522797a 100644
--- a/sample-files/eforms-xml/21-000061-001-EXP.xml
+++ b/development-notices/eforms-xml/21-000061-001-EXP.xml
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
@@ -16,9 +17,8 @@
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@
- eforms-sdk-0.4
+ eforms-sdk-0.6
@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@
@@ -443,8 +443,13 @@
+ 2019/S 176-428607
@@ -457,6 +462,7 @@
+ This framework is enabled for the use of the following UK public sector organisations: 1) Highways England; 2) Department for Transport; 3) High Speed Two (HS2) Ltd; 4) Local highway authorities in the United Kingdom; 5) Metropolitan combined authorities in England and Wales; and 6) Transport for London. Where an enabled organisation transfers some or all of its functions to a successor organisation, following the date of dispatch of the contract notice, that successor organisation will also become an enabled organisation.
@@ -511,7 +517,7 @@
@@ -640,6 +646,7 @@
@@ -658,8 +665,6 @@
@@ -669,9 +674,7 @@
@@ -681,7 +684,6 @@
@@ -702,18 +704,22 @@
- TBD: unique ID required here
Technical Consultancy, Engineering Advice, Research and Innovation Services
@@ -801,7 +807,7 @@
@@ -930,6 +936,7 @@
@@ -948,8 +955,6 @@
@@ -959,9 +964,7 @@
@@ -971,7 +974,6 @@
@@ -992,18 +994,22 @@
- TBD: unique ID required here
Procurement Advice
diff --git a/sample-files/eforms-xml/21-000934-001-EXP.xml b/development-notices/eforms-xml/21-000934-001-EXP.xml
similarity index 91%
rename from sample-files/eforms-xml/21-000934-001-EXP.xml
rename to development-notices/eforms-xml/21-000934-001-EXP.xml
index ebabf0d..b829087 100644
--- a/sample-files/eforms-xml/21-000934-001-EXP.xml
+++ b/development-notices/eforms-xml/21-000934-001-EXP.xml
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@
@@ -46,7 +47,7 @@
@@ -71,7 +72,7 @@
@@ -96,7 +97,7 @@
@@ -121,7 +122,7 @@
@@ -169,7 +170,7 @@
- eforms-sdk-0.4
+ eforms-sdk-0.6
@@ -306,7 +307,7 @@
@@ -319,8 +320,13 @@
+ 2020/S 161-391292
@@ -335,6 +341,7 @@
+ See internet address provided in section I.3).
@@ -389,7 +396,7 @@
@@ -444,7 +451,7 @@
@@ -454,6 +461,7 @@
@@ -472,8 +480,6 @@
@@ -483,9 +489,7 @@
@@ -495,7 +499,6 @@
@@ -520,13 +523,14 @@
- TBD: unique ID required here
Assessment Support of Draft cap Strategic Plans with Respect to Environmental Requirements
diff --git a/sample-files/eforms-xml/21-010961-001-EXP.xml b/development-notices/eforms-xml/21-010961-001-EXP.xml
similarity index 88%
rename from sample-files/eforms-xml/21-010961-001-EXP.xml
rename to development-notices/eforms-xml/21-010961-001-EXP.xml
index 996980a..aa44f55 100644
--- a/sample-files/eforms-xml/21-010961-001-EXP.xml
+++ b/development-notices/eforms-xml/21-010961-001-EXP.xml
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@
@@ -52,7 +53,7 @@
@@ -83,7 +84,7 @@
@@ -123,7 +124,7 @@
- eforms-sdk-0.4
+ eforms-sdk-0.6
@@ -164,7 +165,7 @@
@@ -177,8 +178,13 @@
+ 2017/S 129-262839
@@ -247,14 +253,14 @@
@@ -270,7 +276,7 @@
@@ -286,7 +292,7 @@