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What is the maximum period for the implementation of a new SDK? #222

Answered by rousso
IS-gmitov asked this question in Q&A
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Hi @IS-gmitov,

You should address non technical questions to the OP Helpdesk which can provide you with an official response on business topics such as this one.

From a technical perspective however, as a rule of thumb, there is no "maximum period".
Take an example:

  • Let's say you have implemented version 1.5.0.
  • Some time later 1.5.1 is released. Normally going from 1.5.0 to 1.5.1 should be automatic (for metadata-drive apps) or at least trivial (for traditional apps).
  • Some time later 1.6.0 is released but you are still in 1.5.0 or 1.5.1. That is ok for as long as 1.5.x is still accepted for submitting new notices. This could be months or even years as it mostly depends on legal and busin…

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Answer selected by rousso
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