Lot.rml.ttl # mappings valid across all SDK versions
+Lot.rml.ttl # mappings valid accross all SDK versions
Lot_v1.3-1.8.rml.ttl # mappings valid up to SDK version 1.8 (inclusive)
Lot_v1.4+.rml.ttl # mappings valid for all SDK versions starting with v1.4
Lot_v1.7+.rml.ttl # mappings valid for all SDK versions starting with v1.7
@@ -527,7 +488,7 @@
Important Note:
-The TriplesMaps in the various RML modules, especially those that represent version specific mappings, can spread across multiple files. For example, a TriplesMap can have it logical source/iterator, its subject map, and its various predicate-object maps in several files, depending on what aspect is specified in a given SDK version and/or belongs to a given module. However, this information needs to be provided and organized in such a manner that when they are combined together in a package, the RML mappings should be valid, complete, correct and non-conflicting. E.g. every TriplesMap, after the modules are combined, should have one and only one logical source and subject map, and the subject map and all predicate-object maps should work with the logical source that they are combined with.
+The TriplesMaps in the various RML modules, especially those that represent version specific mappings, can spread accross multiple files. For example, a TriplesMap can have it logical source/iterator, its subject map, and its various predicat-object maps in several files, depending on what aspect is specified in a given SDK version and/or belongs to a given module. However, this information needs to be provided and organized in such a manner that when they are combined together in a package, the RML mappings should be valid, complete, correct and non-conflicting. E.g. every TriplesMap, after the modules are combined, should have one and only one logical source and subject map, and the subject map and all predicate-obect maps should work with the logical source that they are conbined with.