diff --git a/examples/configure.ml b/examples/configure.ml
index 0d52a80a..ba5f8729 100644
--- a/examples/configure.ml
+++ b/examples/configure.ml
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ let () =
add_executable "spritesheet" [ "spritesheet.png" ];
add_executable "draw" [ "colors.png" ];
add_executable "window_with_textbox" [];
+ add_executable "suncities" [];
add_executable "demo1" [];
add_executable "demo2" [];
diff --git a/examples/dune.inc b/examples/dune.inc
index ce2c343f..e2ecc16c 100644
--- a/examples/dune.inc
+++ b/examples/dune.inc
@@ -175,6 +175,14 @@
(libraries ocaml-canvas react))
+ (name suncities)
+ (public_name ocaml-canvas-suncities)
+ (modes byte_complete native js)
+ (modules suncities)
+ (libraries ocaml-canvas react))
(name demo1)
(public_name ocaml-canvas-demo1)
diff --git a/examples/make_index/make_index.ml b/examples/make_index/make_index.ml
index 4b5e31b0..60612523 100644
--- a/examples/make_index/make_index.ml
+++ b/examples/make_index/make_index.ml
@@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
let gen_sample_index file =
- let tl = open_in "sample_template.html" in
- let out = open_out (file ^ ".html") in
- try
- while true do
- let l = input_line tl in
- let l' = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp_string "%%FILE%%") file l in
- Printf.fprintf out "%s\n" l'
- done;
- with End_of_file ->
- close_in tl;
- close_out out
+ let filename = file ^ ".html" in
+ if Sys.file_exists filename then () else
+ let tl = open_in "sample_template.html" in
+ let out = open_out filename in
+ try
+ while true do
+ let l = input_line tl in
+ let l' = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp_string "%%FILE%%") file l in
+ Printf.fprintf out "%s\n" l'
+ done;
+ with End_of_file ->
+ close_in tl;
+ close_out out
let gen_global_index file files =
let tl = open_in "global_template.html" in
diff --git a/examples/suncities.html b/examples/suncities.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7e1c5562
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/suncities.html
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ Sun Empire
Cities under the Sun
Space to change city
Left-click drag to move viewpoint
Right-click drag to change daytime
diff --git a/examples/suncities.ml b/examples/suncities.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f779f04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/suncities.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
+open OcamlCanvas.V1
+open Const
+module Color = struct
+ include Color
+ let (~$) = of_int
+ let sun = ~$ 0xffffbd
+ let red_sun = ~$ 0xff4d00
+ let sky = ~$ 0x82e4f5
+ let red_sky = ~$ 0xff9933
+ let night_sky = ~$ 0x050f24
+ let sand = ~$ 0xfcbf4e
+ let building = ~$ 0xfaf2d4
+ let shade_building = ~$ 0x857960
+ let night_filter = ~$ 0x1a1a51
+ let interpolate f c1 c2 =
+ let interp x y = int_of_float (float_of_int x *. (1.-.f) +. (float_of_int y) *. f) in
+ let r1, g1, b1 = Color.to_rgb c1 in
+ let r2, g2, b2 = Color.to_rgb c2 in
+ Color.of_rgb (interp r1 r2) (interp g1 g2) (interp b1 b2)
+module Coord = struct
+ type t = { x : float; y : float; z : float }
+ let _org = { x = 0.; y = 0.; z = 0. }
+ let mk x y z = {x;y;z}
+ let add p1 p2 = { x = p1.x +. p2.x; y = p1.y +. p2.y; z = p1.z +. p2.z; }
+ let sub p1 p2 = { x = p1.x -. p2.x; y = p1.y -. p2.y; z = p1.z -. p2.z; }
+ let mul p s = { x = p.x *. s; y = p.y *. s; z = p.z *. s; }
+ let dot p1 p2 = p1.x *. p2.x +. p1.y *. p2.y +. p1.z *. p2.z
+ let length p = sqrt (dot p p)
+ let normalize p =
+ let l = length p in
+ mul p (1./.l)
+ let of_angles theta phi =
+ let x = cos theta *. cos phi in
+ let y = sin theta *. cos phi in
+ let z = sin phi in
+ normalize (mk x y z)
+ let to_point va_p va_z : t -> Point.t =
+ let xx, xy = -. sin va_p, -. sin va_z *. cos va_p in
+ let yx, yy = cos va_p, -. sin va_z *. sin va_p in
+ let zx, zy = 0., cos va_z in
+ fun p ->
+ (p.x *. xx +. p.y *. yx +. p.z *. zx),
+ (p.x *. xy +. p.y *. yy +. p.z *. zy)
+module Block = struct
+ type t = {
+ pos : Coord.t;
+ size : Coord.t;
+ shape : shape;
+ }
+ and shape =
+ | Full
+ | Empty
+ | Frag of t array (* 8 parts *)
+ let z_rotate (p: Coord.t) ~around ~theta =
+ let z_axis = Coord.(around.x, around.y) in
+ let (x, y) =
+ Point.rotate (p.x,p.y) ~around:z_axis ~theta
+ in
+ { p with x;y }
+ let center b = Coord.(add b.pos (mul b.size 0.5))
+ let face_x b view_angle =
+ let o = b.pos in
+ let p = Coord.add o b.size in
+ if cos view_angle > 0. then
+ [ { p with z=o.z };
+ { p with z=o.z; y=o.y};
+ { p with y=o.y };
+ p;
+ ]
+ else
+ [ { o with z=p.z };
+ { o with z=p.z; y=p.y};
+ { o with y=p.y };
+ o;
+ ]
+ let face_y b view_angle =
+ let o = b.pos in
+ let p = Coord.add o b.size in
+ if sin view_angle > 0. then
+ [ { p with z=o.z };
+ { p with z=o.z; x=o.x};
+ { p with x=o.x };
+ p;
+ ]
+ else
+ [ { o with z=p.z };
+ { o with z=p.z; x=p.x};
+ { o with x=p.x };
+ o;
+ ]
+ let face_z b _view_angle =
+ let o = b.pos in
+ let p = Coord.add o b.size in
+ [ { p with x=o.x };
+ { p with x=o.x; y=o.y};
+ { p with y=o.y };
+ p;
+ ]
+ let outline light_angle =
+ let theta = (pi /.2. *. (floor ((light_angle +. pi) /. (pi /.2.)))) in
+ fun b ->
+ let o = b.pos in
+ let p = Coord.add o b.size in
+ List.map (z_rotate ~around:(center b) ~theta)
+ [ { p with x=o.x };
+ { p with x=o.x; y=o.y};
+ { p with y=o.y };
+ { p with y=o.y; z=o.z};
+ { p with z=o.z; };
+ { p with x=o.x; z=o.z };
+ ]
+let gen_block_better init_fuel =
+ Random.self_init ();
+ let rec aux fuel pos size =
+ if Random.int init_fuel >= fuel
+ then if Random.bool ()
+ then Block.{ pos; size; shape = Full }
+ else Block.{ pos; size; shape = Empty }
+ else
+ let ssize = Coord.mul size 0.5 in
+ let frag = Block.[|
+ { pos; size = ssize; shape = Full} ;
+ { pos = { pos with x = pos.x +. ssize.x };
+ size = ssize; shape = Full} ;
+ { pos = { pos with y = pos.y +. ssize.y };
+ size = ssize; shape = Full} ;
+ { pos = { pos with x = pos.x +. ssize.x;
+ y = pos.y +. ssize.y };
+ size = ssize; shape = Full} ;
+ { pos = { pos with z = pos.z +. ssize.z };
+ size = ssize; shape = Full} ;
+ { pos = { pos with z = pos.z +. ssize.z ;
+ x = pos.x +. ssize.x };
+ size = ssize; shape = Full} ;
+ { pos = { pos with z = pos.z +. ssize.z;
+ y = pos.y +. ssize.y };
+ size = ssize; shape = Full} ;
+ { pos = { z = pos.z +. ssize.z;
+ x = pos.x +. ssize.x;
+ y = pos.y +. ssize.y };
+ size = ssize; shape = Full } ;
+ |]
+ in
+ frag.(0) <- aux (fuel -1) frag.(0).pos ssize;
+ frag.(1) <- aux (fuel -1) frag.(1).pos ssize;
+ frag.(2) <- aux (fuel -1) frag.(2).pos ssize;
+ frag.(3) <- aux (fuel -1) frag.(3).pos ssize;
+ frag.(4) <- if frag.(0).shape = Full
+ then aux (fuel -1) frag.(4).pos ssize
+ else Block.{ pos; size; shape = Empty };
+ frag.(5) <- if frag.(1).shape = Full
+ then aux (fuel -1) frag.(5).pos ssize
+ else Block.{ pos; size; shape = Empty };
+ frag.(6) <- if frag.(2).shape = Full
+ then aux (fuel -1) frag.(6).pos ssize
+ else Block.{ pos; size; shape = Empty };
+ frag.(7) <- if frag.(3).shape = Full
+ then aux (fuel -1) frag.(7).pos ssize
+ else Block.{ pos; size; shape = Empty };
+ Block.{ pos; size; shape = Frag frag }
+ in
+ aux init_fuel (Coord.mk (-.50.) (-.50.) (0.)) (Coord.mk 100. 100. 100.)
+type scene = {
+ blocks : Block.t;
+ shadows : Coord.t list list;
+ sun_angle_xy : float;
+ sun_angle_z : float;
+ view_angle_z : float;
+ view_angle_xy : float;
+ projection : Coord.t -> Point.t;
+let lightvec_of_scene scene =
+ let vec = Coord.of_angles scene.sun_angle_xy scene.sun_angle_z in
+ if vec.z >= 0.
+ then Coord.mul vec (-.1.)
+ else vec
+let light_factor_of_scene scene =
+ let sa = sin (scene.sun_angle_z +. pi) in
+ let evening_thres = 0.3 in
+ let dusk_thres = 0.1 in
+ if sa > evening_thres then 1.
+ else if sa > 0. then sa /. evening_thres
+ else if sa > -. dusk_thres then sa /. dusk_thres
+ else -. 1.
+let shadow_plane scene =
+ let sunvec = lightvec_of_scene scene in
+ let light_factor = light_factor_of_scene scene in
+ let block_outline =
+ Block.outline
+ (if light_factor < 0.
+ then scene.sun_angle_xy +. pi
+ else scene.sun_angle_xy)
+ in
+ let ztransform p =
+ let zproj = Coord.{ p with z=0. } in
+ let pz = Coord.sub zproj p in
+ let d = Coord.dot pz sunvec in
+ if d <= 0. then zproj else
+ Coord.(add p (mul sunvec (abs_float (p.Coord.z/.sunvec.Coord.z))))
+ in
+ let rec aux polys block =
+ match block.Block.shape with
+ | Empty -> polys
+ | Full ->
+ let outline = block_outline block in
+ let ztrans_outline = List.map ztransform outline in
+ ztrans_outline::polys
+ | Frag frag ->
+ Array.fold_left aux polys frag
+ in
+ aux [] scene.blocks
+let draw_poly c clr pl =
+ let round (x, y) = floor x, floor y in
+ let p = Path.create () in
+ List.iter (fun pt -> Path.lineTo p (round pt)) pl;
+ Canvas.setFillColor c clr;
+ Canvas.fillPath c p ~nonzero:true
+let draw_face c scene face color =
+ let trans_coord = scene.projection in
+ draw_poly c color (List.map trans_coord face)
+let draw_block c scene =
+ let perm, xnorm, ynorm =
+ let cosv = cos scene.view_angle_xy in
+ let sinv = sin scene.view_angle_xy in
+ if cosv >= 0. && sinv >= 0. then
+ [|0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7|],
+ Coord.mk 1. 0. 0.,
+ Coord.mk 0. 1. 0.
+ else if cosv >= 0. && sinv < 0. then
+ [|2;0;3;1;6;4;7;5|],
+ Coord.mk 1. 0. 0.,
+ Coord.mk 0. (-.1.) 0.
+ else if cosv < 0. && sinv < 0. then
+ [|3;2;1;0;7;6;5;4|],
+ Coord.mk (-.1.) 0. 0.,
+ Coord.mk 0. (-.1.) 0.
+ else
+ [|1;3;0;2;5;7;4;6|],
+ Coord.mk (-.1.) 0. 0.,
+ Coord.mk 0. 1. 0.
+ in
+ let sunvec = lightvec_of_scene scene in
+ let light_factor = light_factor_of_scene scene in
+ let shade_blend = 0.1 +. abs_float light_factor in
+ let night_blend = if light_factor < 0. then -. light_factor *. 0.7 else 0. in
+ let color_of_norm n =
+ let na = max 0. (-. Coord.dot n sunvec) in
+ Color.(interpolate
+ night_blend
+ (interpolate
+ (na *. shade_blend)
+ shade_building
+ building)
+ night_filter)
+ in
+ let xcolor = color_of_norm xnorm in
+ let ycolor = color_of_norm ynorm in
+ let zcolor = color_of_norm Coord.(mk 0. 0. 1.) in
+ let rec aux b =
+ match b.Block.shape with
+ | Empty -> ()
+ | Full ->
+ draw_face c scene (Block.face_y b scene.view_angle_xy) ycolor;
+ draw_face c scene (Block.face_x b scene.view_angle_xy) xcolor;
+ draw_face c scene (Block.face_z b scene.view_angle_xy) zcolor
+ | Frag frag ->
+ Array.iter (fun i -> aux frag.(i)) perm
+ in
+ aux
+let draw_sky_and_ground scene c =
+ let x, y = Point.of_ints (Canvas.getSize c) in
+ let h =
+ let baseh = y*.0.6 in
+ floor @@ baseh -. (sin scene.view_angle_z *. baseh)
+ in
+ let light_factor = light_factor_of_scene scene in
+ let sun_size = min x y *. 0.05 in
+ let sun_pos =
+ let perspective_factor = 3. in
+ let axy =
+ if light_factor > 0.
+ then pi +. scene.sun_angle_xy -. scene.view_angle_xy
+ else scene.sun_angle_xy -. scene.view_angle_xy
+ in
+ if cos axy > 0. then -. sun_size, -. sun_size else
+ let sx = sin axy *. x *. perspective_factor +. (x *. 0.5) in
+ let sy = h -. y *. abs_float (sin scene.sun_angle_z) in
+ sx, sy
+ in
+ let dark_sand = Color.(interpolate 0.5 (~$0x800800) sand) in
+ let sand_color =
+ if light_factor > 0. then
+ Color.(interpolate
+ light_factor
+ dark_sand
+ sand)
+ else
+ Color.(interpolate (-. light_factor *. 0.8) dark_sand night_sky)
+ in
+ let shade_sand_color =
+ let blend_fact = if light_factor > 0. then 0.5 else 0.3 in
+ Color.(interpolate
+ ((abs_float light_factor +. 0.1) *. blend_fact)
+ sand_color
+ black)
+ in
+ let sky_color =
+ if light_factor > 0. then
+ Color.(interpolate light_factor red_sky sky)
+ else
+ Color.(interpolate
+ (-. light_factor)
+ red_sky night_sky)
+ in
+ let sun_color =
+ if light_factor > 0. then
+ Color.(interpolate light_factor red_sun sun)
+ else Color.sun
+ in
+ let draw_ground () =
+ Canvas.setFillColor c sand_color;
+ Canvas.fillRect c ~pos:(0.,h) ~size:(x,y-.h);
+ List.iter
+ (fun pl -> draw_poly c shade_sand_color
+ (List.map scene.projection pl))
+ scene.shadows;
+ in
+ let draw_sun () =
+ Canvas.setFillColor c sun_color;
+ Canvas.ellipse c ~center:sun_pos ~radius:(sun_size, sun_size)
+ ~rotation:0. ~theta1:0. ~theta2:(pi *.2.) ~ccw:false;
+ Canvas.fill c ~nonzero:false;
+ Canvas.clearPath c;
+ if light_factor < 0. then begin
+ Canvas.setFillColor c sky_color;
+ Canvas.ellipse c ~center:(fst sun_pos -. sun_size *. 0.5,snd sun_pos)
+ ~radius:(sun_size, sun_size) ~rotation:0. ~theta1:0.
+ ~theta2:(pi *.2.) ~ccw:false;
+ Canvas.fill c ~nonzero:false;
+ Canvas.clearPath c;
+ end
+ in
+ let draw_sky () =
+ Canvas.setFillColor c sky_color;
+ Canvas.fillRect c ~pos:(0.,0.) ~size:(x,h);
+ draw_sun ()
+ in
+ if snd sun_pos > 0. then
+ (draw_sky (); draw_ground ())
+ else
+ (draw_ground (); draw_sky ())
+let gen () = gen_block_better 6
+let sun_z_of_xy xy =
+ let f = sin (xy -. 0.2 +. pi) in
+ -. (pi *. 0.2 *. f +. 0.2)
+let scene =
+ let blocks = gen () in
+ let sun_angle_xy = -. pi /. 3. in
+ let sun_angle_z = sun_z_of_xy sun_angle_xy in
+ let scene = {
+ view_angle_xy = pi_4;
+ view_angle_z = pi /. 12.;
+ sun_angle_xy;
+ sun_angle_z;
+ blocks;
+ shadows = [];
+ projection = fun ({x;y;_} : Coord.t) -> (x,y);
+ }
+ in
+ let shadows = shadow_plane scene in
+ ref { scene with shadows }
+let canvas_transform c =
+ let x, y = Canvas.getSize c |> Point.of_ints in
+ let scl = 0.004*.(min x y) in
+ Transform.(id
+ |> fun t -> translate t (x/.2., y*.0.6)
+ |> fun t -> scale t (scl,-.scl))
+let compute_projection c =
+ let vaxy = !scene.view_angle_xy in
+ let vaz = !scene.view_angle_z in
+ let canvas_proj = canvas_transform c in
+ let projection coord =
+ Point.transform
+ (Coord.to_point vaxy vaz coord)
+ canvas_proj
+ in
+ scene := { !scene with projection }
+let regen_shadows () =
+ let shadows = shadow_plane !scene in
+ scene := { !scene with shadows }
+let regen () =
+ let blocks = gen () in
+ scene := { !scene with blocks };
+ regen_shadows ()
+let draw_scene c =
+ draw_sky_and_ground !scene c;
+ draw_block c !scene !scene.blocks
+let rotate_view c x y =
+ let cx, cy = Point.of_ints (Canvas.getSize c) in
+ let f = 2.6 in
+ let rx = f*. float_of_int x /. cx in
+ let ry = f*. float_of_int y /. cy in
+ let clamp a =
+ max 0. (min a pi_2)
+ in
+ let view_angle_xy = !scene.view_angle_xy +. rx in
+ let view_angle_z = clamp (!scene.view_angle_z +. ry) in
+ scene := { !scene with view_angle_xy; view_angle_z };
+ compute_projection c
+let rotate_light c x _y =
+ let cx, _cy = Point.of_ints (Canvas.getSize c) in
+ let f = -.6. in
+ let dx = f*. float_of_int x /. cx in
+ let sun_angle_xy = !scene.sun_angle_xy +. dx in
+ let sun_angle_z = sun_z_of_xy sun_angle_xy in
+ scene := { !scene with sun_angle_xy; sun_angle_z };
+ regen_shadows ()
+let stored_ev = ref []
+let store ev = stored_ev := ev::!stored_ev
+type maction =
+ | NoAction
+ | ViewRot of int * int
+ | LightRot of int * int
+let () =
+ let size_x, size_y = 1600, 800 in
+ Backend.init ();
+ let c =
+ Canvas.createOnscreen ~title:"Sun Empire"
+ ~pos:(0,0) ~size:(size_x, size_y)
+ ~target:"can" ~decorated:false ()
+ in
+ compute_projection c;
+ draw_scene c;
+ Canvas.show c;
+ let ev_regen = React.E.map
+ (fun ({ data = { Event.key; char = _; flags = _ }; _ } : _ Event.canvas_event) ->
+ if key = KeySpacebar then
+ (regen (); draw_scene c)
+ ) Event.key_down
+ in
+ let ev_resize = React.E.map
+ (fun ({ data = size; _ } : _ Event.canvas_event) ->
+ (Canvas.setSize c size; compute_projection c; draw_scene c)
+ ) Event.resize
+ in
+ let mpos = ref NoAction in
+ let ev_mousedown = React.E.map
+ (fun ({ data = { position = (x,y); button }; _ } : Event.button_data Event.canvas_event) ->
+ match button with
+ | ButtonLeft -> mpos := ViewRot (x,y)
+ | ButtonRight -> mpos := LightRot (x,y)
+ | _ -> ()
+ ) Event.button_down
+ in
+ let ev_mouseup = React.E.map
+ (fun ({ data = { button = _; _ }; _ } : Event.button_data Event.canvas_event) ->
+ mpos := NoAction
+ ) Event.button_up
+ in
+ let ev_mouse = React.E.map
+ (fun ({ data = (x, y); _ } : _ Event.canvas_event) ->
+ match !mpos with
+ | NoAction -> ()
+ | ViewRot (ox, oy) ->
+ mpos := ViewRot (x,y);
+ rotate_view c (ox-x) (y-oy);
+ draw_scene c
+ | LightRot (ox, oy) ->
+ mpos := LightRot (x,y);
+ rotate_light c (ox-x) (y-oy);
+ draw_scene c)
+ Event.mouse_move
+ in
+ List.iter store [ev_resize; ev_regen; ev_mouse; ev_mousedown; ev_mouseup];
+ Backend.run (fun () -> ())