This repository is what we call a "subtree split": a read-only copy of one directory of the main repository. It is used by Composer to allow developers to depend on specific bundles.
If you want to report or contribute, you should instead open your issue on the main repository:
Documentation is available in this repository via .md
files but also packaged here:
An eZPlatform bundle to let your contributor manage their website menus.
- Admin interface to create/edit/remove a menu
- Manage and organize links from menu edit interface
- Add an ezpublish content to a menu when publishing a content
Add NovaeZMenuManagerBundle in your composer.json:
composer require novactive/ezmenumanagerbundle
Register the bundle in the bundles.php
of your application.
Novactive\EzMenuManagerBundle\EzMenuManagerBundle::class => [ 'all'=> true ],
Add the following routing config
resource: "@EzMenuManagerBundle/Controller/"
type: annotation
prefix: /
Menu types are defined thougth the following siteaccess aware variable
<identifier>: <string or translation key>
main: menu.type.main
footer: menu.type.footer
First create a new menu in the "Menu manager" interface
While editing a menu, you will be able to define the following properties :
- name: Name of the menu
- root (location id): This is used to determine the menus availables when publishing a content
- items: This is where you can drag&drop, remove, edit and create the menu's links
Once a menu has been created, you can add the "Menu item" fieldtype to the content types you want to be able to add links to the menus.
Then when publishing a content having the "Menu item" fieldtype, you can select in which menu you want to add a link to the content.