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Releases: No-Cash-7970/txnDuck


09 Jan 02:04
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Building transactions is now less painful with the fee and validation rounds automatically set to suggested values! Also, you can have txnDuck your way with the many new settings. 💪


  • compose_txn: add ability to automatically set all the asset addresses to the sender address (21f2bd7)
  • compose_txn: add ability to use suggested fee (b739685)
  • compose_txn: add ability to use suggested first valid round & last valid round (8ff0ed6)
  • compose_txn: add validation for fields for application approval and clear-state programs (b357692)
  • compose_txn: add warnings about empty asset addresses (8d88597)
  • compose_txn: allow Base64 input for note, lease, and metadata hash fields (4d8b3ad)
  • compose_txn: enforce max value for asset amount for asset-transfer transactions (56b99bb)
  • compose_txn: get asset info & use it to set how the numerical values of the asset are shown (1848ea3)
  • compose_txn: set manager, freeze, clawback & reserve when reconfiguring asset (ce17de5)
  • settings: add ability to turn off retrieving asset information when entering asset ID (251cfd1), closes #122
  • settings: add buttons for clearing data (2e9932e), closes #100 #127
  • settings: add setting for always clear transaction data after sending (5fac2a3), closes #117
  • settings: add setting for hiding "More information" panel on send-txn page details by default (abc5416), closes #135
  • settings: add setting for number of rounds to wait for transaction confirmation (28feead), closes #99
  • settings: add settings for automatically setting asset creation address as sender address (e49467b), closes #98
  • settings: add settings for automatically setting fee & valid rounds by default (e9d0fec)
  • sign_txn: add option to automatically send transaction immediately after signing (52dd1ee), closes #101
  • sign_txn: include node network name in transaction data table (d4c8f14), closes #129

Bug Fixes

  • app: redirect only once when navigating to base URL (58e87c8), closes #131
  • app: work around errors caused by upgrading to algokit-utils-ts v5.1.3 (b2cfac8)
  • compose_txn: adjust height of switch skeleton to better match actual toggle switches (81f18b5)
  • compose_txn: change minimum value for "total" in asset config transactions to 0 (8c65180)
  • compose_txn: communicate that setting an account as "nonparticipating" is permanent (593ac33)
  • compose_txn: mark toggle fields as "touched" when they are changed (5aeeae7)
  • form: allow more flexibility in labels and help messages for fields (2e6da62)
  • form: reduce minimum widths of fields with a side label (77e888d)
  • home: use correct grammar on start button in English version (72b3372), closes #130
  • i18n: make the Spanish translation for asset creation address toggles more consistent (599b179)
  • i18n: use "ID" for ID instead of "identificación" in Spanish translation (f84769c)
  • i18n: use more approprate verb form for buttons in Spanish translation (87b06d0)
  • send_txn: clear validation state of compose-transaction form after transaction is sent (cc46a88), closes #133
  • send_txn: make sure "always clear" setting is loaded before checking for setting value (21c3507)
  • send_txn: prevent double attempts to send when in dev environment (7d0788f), closes #132
  • settings: prevent "reset settings" button from attempt to submit the settings form (360d54b)
  • settings: remove attempt to disconnect wallet when resetting settings (ae1cf4b)
  • sign_txn: show suggested rounds when "use suggested rounds" is enabled (ff00134)
  • sign_txn: stop setting the fee in the stored data to 0 (an invalid value) (6351f8e)

Performance Improvements

  • a11y: make the clear & reset buttons in the settings easier to see in both light & dark mode (29f9914)
  • aesthetics: adjust spacing of toggles on compose-transaction page (5847e0f)
  • aesthetics: place in fallback background for hero section in home page (01fb1b7)
  • i18n: use a better word for "claw back" in Spanish (4f41b72)
  • sign_txn: rearrange fields in data table to provide clearer orangization (93816cd)
  • usability: add more instructions and enlarge info buttons for Base64 fields (58e2579), closes #119
  • sign_txn: rearrange fields in data table to provide clearer orangization (93816cd)
  • usability: add more instructions and enlarge info buttons for Base64 fields (58e2579), closes #119
  • usability: adjust spacing and arrangement of fields in compose-transaction form (cc97c73), closes #120
  • usability: change "ignore error" checkbox into "disallow errors" toggle in settings (6fb6c86)
  • usability: hide warnings for rekey, close-to and asset close-to unless they are not empty ([2...
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08 Dec 10:54
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Bug Fixes

  • app: exclude robots.txt from redirects (90292b3), closes #118
  • compose_txn: add missing validation of the max rule for first voting round field (1bd3260)
  • compose_txn: use correct unit name for asset amount for asset transfers (15efc43)

Performance Improvements

  • compose_txn: separate fields into their own files & defer loading of fields (2b84b45)
  • home: disable prefetching for links (99c02f5)
  • settings: defer loading settings until user opens (by clicking button) the settings modal (26027ed)
  • usability: make field tip buttons larger and add more space (d1026f4)


04 Dec 21:07
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Added form validation, improved error handling, increased UI feedback, and made some performance improvements. Also added helper tips for each transaction field. 🪛


  • app: add privacy policy page (04528ff), closes #115
  • app: show temporary placeholders for sections that can take a while to load (b51e97b), closes #40
  • compose_form: add max length to fields (b692bf3)
  • compose_txn: add form field validation (cdd2acf), closes #56
  • compose_txn: add inline explanation tooltips to fields (07606c3), closes #103
  • compose_txn: force asset ID and application ID fields to be numeric (48e5569)
  • form: add containerId, onFocus and onBlur properties to fields (bd7c168)
  • form: add ability for fields to have a "field tip" (09e79f5)
  • not_found: add 404 Not Found page (6de8f4f), closes #97
  • settings: add setting to ignore form validation errors (cdbe8f5), closes #93

Bug Fixes

  • app: generate static parameters properly for each page (9cbeea2)
  • app: silence "metadata.metadataBase is not set" warning (b17e65e)
  • app: use wallet provider instead of wallet client to disconnect from wallet (38e8ee6), closes #116
  • compose_txn: change validation rule for asset metadata hash length (acc7d42)
  • compose_txn: correct label, description and validation logic box index (664b159)
  • i18n: fix index numbers in Spanish (cc5e5fb)
  • navbar: use correct translation for title for home link (fa281bb)
  • sign_txn: remove stored signed transaction if genesis information for node is changed (2678943)
  • sign_txn: show error message if transaction cannot be signed (87a3920)

Performance Improvements

  • app: add "robots" configuration (3054782)
  • app: defer initialization of use-wallet and loading wallet providers (864f88b)
  • app: fix canonical URLs and add "x-default" language alternate URL in metadata (64d3ca6)
  • home: add more spacing below button in hero section (e7e149a)
  • navbar: improve accessibility of language selector (a670cf0)
  • navbar: replace downloading stylesheet for all flags (200+) with embedding the two flag SVGs (a7bc600)


15 Nov 07:43
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Now making a transaction is easier with transaction presets! Choose one of the 22 presets to speed up composing a transaction. 🏃


  • compose_txn: implement transaction presets in "application" category (7f1d533), closes #75 #76 #77 #78 #79 #80 #81
  • compose_txn: implement transaction presets in "asset" category (fea4d4a), closes #60 #83 #84 #85 #86 #87 #88 #89 #90
  • compose_txn: implement transaction presets in "general" category (7bfe4cd), closes #57 #58 #59
  • compose_txn: implement transaction presets in "participation key" category (3cff307), closes #61 #62 #74
  • form: add label and label-text classes for fields (cb0a285)
  • txn_presets: add list of transaction presets (7bc4377), closes #38

Bug Fixes

  • app: allow asset manager, freeze, clawback & reserve addresses to be undefined (87c2d48)
  • compose_txn: convert asset amount fields into strings properly to prevent "undefined" values (f4b34a2)
  • lib: convert empty approval program & clear program values to undefined (40296f0)
  • lib: interpret an address field with empty string value as undefined in asset transactions (59b4c85)
  • lib: use correct value for "default frozen" transaction field (1bca966)
  • navbar: eliminate page refresh when disconnecting wallet in settings (03b7f5a)
  • sign_txn: remove stored signed transaction if it is invalid (547c842)
  • txn_presets: disable prefetch caching for links in the presets list (94bea0d)

Performance Improvements

  • home: simplify hero section (6866dcd)


09 Nov 12:46
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Bug Fixes

  • app: ensure "title" metadata is in the correct format for each page (b4d65e0)

Performance Improvements

  • compose_txn: replace <section>s with field sets (c69af12)


06 Nov 09:23
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A huge release that adds the ability to compose, sign, and send most types of transactions. 📝


  • add environment variable for debug mode for wallet connection library (cc7b239)
  • add environment variable for suppressing hydration warnings (754ebef)
  • add more descriptive metadata to all pages (286c7a1), closes #32 #63
  • add nav bar (e52cf02), closes #25
  • add page footer (9e130fa), closes #33
  • add page title headings (878849e)
  • add ShowIf component (d94c4ae), closes #42
  • add transaction-building steps display (81ac048)
  • app: add theme-switcher (3b6abd5), closes #30
  • app: set app name presented to user when connecting wallet (756e450)
  • app: set up use-wallet and wallet providers (07d4a48)
  • compose_form: add mechanism to convert submitted form data into a Transaction object (990d0b0), closes #71
  • compose_txn: add fields for pay type & add form buttons (e618612), closes #65
  • compose_txn: add fields for application call transaction type (4610375), closes #70
  • compose_txn: add fields for asset configuration transaction type (05ae113), closes #67
  • compose_txn: add fields for asset freeze transaction type (138ea80), closes #68
  • compose_txn: add fields for asset transfer transaction type (3421609), closes #66
  • compose_txn: add fields for key registration transaction type (6a453a0), closes #69
  • compose_txn: add form instructions (72c3f0d)
  • compose_txn: add page (7d6f75a)
  • compose_txn: fill form with transaction data in sessionStorage (f160933)
  • form: add type property to text field component (9852b89)
  • form: add value & onChange properties to field components (03034ae)
  • form: add checkbox & toggle form field components (80f001e), closes #49 #50
  • form: add field group form component (213c442), closes #55
  • form: add input mode to text field (3703083)
  • form: add name, disabled, autocomplete, spellcheck, defaultValue attributes (43146fa)
  • form: add radio button group field (6efd15e), closes #72
  • form: add selection field form component (f316da5), closes #46
  • form: add text & number field form components (47a22bf), closes #45 #47
  • form: add text-area field form component (891f084), closes #48
  • form: allow number field to have string value (b09f49f)
  • home: replace placeholder with real page that has info & links (3f11693), closes #24
  • navbar: add language selector (581ed35), closes #34
  • navbar: add node selector (145f19d), closes #29
  • navbar: add settings button & modal (d440d0f), closes #35
  • navbar: add wallet connect/disconnect in settings (0d80346), closes #36
  • send_txn: add ability to send transaction after being signed (49f8b24), closes #28
  • send_txn: add page (bc6a028)
  • sign_txn: add "Compose" and "Send" buttons (e59d29f)
  • sign_txn: add ability to sign transaction (180d4a1), closes #27
  • sign_txn: add connect wallet button (5e25150), closes #64
  • sign_txn: add datatable for transaction data (95411f8)
  • sign_txn: add page (6160c18)
  • sign_txn: add warning text for "Compose" button (2027343)
  • txn_template: add page (7db87aa)

Bug Fixes

  • app: remove text color change & "done" step (96351a3)
  • compose_form: change tab order of submit and back buttons (aed5326)
  • compose_txn: adjust alignment of items that become misaligned on small screens (35c718e)
  • compose_txn: allow empty numeric fields (54a8c55)
  • footer: make color of license link consistent with rest of text (19fa626)
  • form: enable value & onChange props for number fields outside label & with side label (8383953)
  • ...
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17 Aug 21:32
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First release! 🎉


  • i18n: use YAML for locale (translation) files (b59c09e)

Bug Fixes

  • make sure fonts load for slower internet connections (27e7d13)
  • move opengraph-image.png file to correct location (42c633c)
  • tell Git not to convert line-endings in image files (9fb1cae)

Performance Improvements

  • minimize the app icon file (864fb14)
  • remove fonts that are not currently needed (4b207f2)