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44 lines (30 loc) · 1.97 KB

Environment setup

The toolchain is based on entreprise battle tested tools.

  • Workspace management: nx, nrwl, create-nx-workspace
  • Source management: git, husky, commitlint
  • Dev tools: angular, typescript, primeng, transloco


On windows, ensure nvm is installed, then run nvm list to check the installed node version if any. For our needs and at time of writing, we will use version 16.15.1 of node due to the tech stack dependencies.

On some windows setup, this version is not working. In this case, you can fallback onto version 16.13.2

Run nvm install <node_version> to install node.js verison then nvm use <node_version> to activate the newly installed version.

Global packages

Some packeages are required to build the application skeleton. First runs npm list -g --depth=0 to list the globally installed packages, then runs the following commands (adapt based on what you already have or need to update)

npm install -g nx@13 @nrwl/cli@13 @nrwl/workspace@13 create-nx-workspace@13 @ngrx/schematics@13 @angular/cli@13 @nrwl/schematics rimraf

Note that we are using version 13 on the whole toolcahin to match angular version.

As of writing this, latest angular version is 14 but some dependencies may not yet be updated to latest angular version.

TIP: You can audit global packages using the following command.

npx npm-global-audit

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