Once in a while, packages must be upgraded. This must be done according to each packages compatibility matrix.
nx migrate @nrwl/[email protected]
nx migrate @angular/[email protected] nx migrate @angular/[email protected] nx migrate @angular/[email protected] nx migrate @angular/[email protected] nx migrate @angular/[email protected] nx migrate @angular/[email protected] nx migrate @angular/[email protected] nx migrate @angular/[email protected] nx migrate @angular/[email protected] nx migrate @angular/[email protected]
nx migrate @angular-devkit/[email protected] nx migrate @angular-eslint/[email protected] nx migrate @angular-eslint/[email protected] nx migrate @angular-eslint/[email protected] nx migrate @angular/[email protected] nx migrate @angular/[email protected] nx migrate @angular/[email protected]
nx migrate --run-migrations
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