GenM3U is a M3U playlist builder. It can be used to manage IPTV channels lists allowing you to easily create, check, import, export and share M3U playlist. It can check if a channel is online and allows you to export playlist that you build.
You can preview the client here!
- Add/Remove/Update single channel
- Change the channel position in the playlist
- Change the channel metadata
- Authentication with private key
- Check if the channel is online (BETA)
- Check if all the channels of the playlist are online (BETA)
- Import playlist from file
- Export playlist to file
- Get a public link where to access the playlist
- Mail notification of current playlist status
- Import from URL
- Manage multiple playlists
- Flask (Python) backend server to provide APIs
- AngularJS (JavaScript) frontend to consume APIs, built with the Bootstrap 4 boilerplate
Install these packages if you don't already have them
sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3-venv
pip3 install --upgrade pip setuptools
Let's clone the repo and create a virtual environment
git clone
cd GenM3U/genm3u_server
mkdir venv
python3 -m venv venv/
source venv/bin/activate
Then you need to install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then run the server with
export FLASK_DEBUG=1
flask run
At the first run the server will generate your private key and it will print it (e.g. S6BHQMHD6B). Copy this key because we need it!
Now you are ready to open /genm3u_client/dist/index.html and connect to the server. Before that, click on File -> Settings and paste your key under "Private Key" field.
Now you are ready to build your playlist!