- Install Chrome browser and Firefox
- Download Chrome driver and extract it to
- Download Gecko driver and extract it to
- IntelliJ IDEA instances with Git4C source directory
in "confluence-plugin" directory
Configuring your environmental variables can be done directly in IntelliJ IDEA.
Configuration panel can be found in Run > Edit Configurations
Configurations dialog should appear. Find default JUnit configuration
and open Environmental Variables configuration dialog
There will be 4 necessary variables to define
- FIREFOX_LOCATION: ip:port of firefox instance or location of gecko driver
- CONFLUENCE_LOCATION: url of Confluence location to test
- CONFLUENCE_USERNAME: username of the confluence user we want to test as
- CONFLUENCE_PASSWORD: password of the confluence user we want to test as
- Confluence must have anonymous access enabled
To run all data-safe tests find SeleniumSuite class in Selenium package.
Previously configured environment will allow you to run all crucial UI test from there
To do that, click on the run arrow near the class name, different options will appear.
Run or debug the Selenium Suite by clicking one of the options.
This test will proceed with automatic confluence setup, space creation and will provide all of the nescessery for testing requirements for you.
Tests that will be run are described in @SuiteClasses annotation.
Tests that are not safe on some instances like Admin panel tests that could potentially damage database of your confluence and will remove all of your macros are not included in the selenium suite.
To run Admin panel tests and any other specific test suite, find the class or single test that you want to run and proceed the same as it's explained with selenium suite
Each test will be done on the Selenium test space in confluence and get separate page that will be removed after test execution.
Every test will be retried 3 times given a failure occured, due to inconsistency of selenium tests and limited memory on test instances.
After each try the screenshoot will be taken at failure and saved to seleniumtests\target\surefire-reports\