If you want to display a todo-styled list for displaying todos.
- Required - false
- Data Type - STRING
- Functionality - The Bootstrap style class name to apply to the container of the component.
- Default - 'box-default'
- Required - false
- Data Type - STRING || ELEMENT
- Functionality - Text to place in the component's header area.
- Default - ''
- Required - false
- Data Type - STRING
- Functionality - The text you want to display on your add button.
- Default - ''
Required - false
Data Type - ARRAY
Functionality - A list of todo data to display in the todo list
Expected Data -
const todos = [ { complete: false, // Marks item as completed check: 'fa-check', // Gives a styled icon to the completd item checkColor: 'text-green' // Colors the completed icon value: 'done' // Gives an optional value to the item's checkbox content: 'Adopt the dog', // The "to do" theme: 'label-success', // The theme of the due-time label due: '8:00 am' // The due date/time of the item. } ];
Default - []
- Required - false
- Data Type - BOOLEAN
- Functionality - Can the user add data to the todo list? It displays or hides an add button
- Default - false
- Required - false
- Data Type - BOOLEAN
- Functionality - Can the user edit data from the todo list? It displays or hides an edit button on a list item
- Default - false
- Required - false
- Data Type - BOOLEAN
- Functionality - Can the user delete data from the todo list? It displays or hides a deletion button on a list item
- Default - false
- Required - false
- Data Type - FUNCTION
- Functionality - This function is activated when clicking the add button on the component. It can optionally receive event data.
- Default - () => {}
- Required - false
- Data Type - FUNCTION
- Functionality - This function is activated when clicking an edit button on the component. It can optionally receive event data.
- Default - () => {}
- Required - false
- Data Type - FUNCTION
- Functionality - This function is activated when clicking a delete button on the component. It can optionally receive event data.
- Default - () => {}
- Required - false
- Data Type - FUNCTION
- Functionality - This function is activated when checking off a todo item. It can optionally receive event data.
- Default - () => {}
import TodoList from './src/js/components/todo-list/todo-list.jsx';
headline="My Todo List"
addText="Add Text"
complete: false,
content: 'Walk the dog',
due: '3:45 pm'
complete: false,
content: 'Feed the dog',
theme: 'label-danger',
due: '12:30 pm'
complete: true,
content: 'Adopt the dog',
checkColor: 'text-green',
theme: 'label-success',
due: '8:00 am'