Displays a carousel that slides between slides, displaying some text over an image background.
- Required - true
- Data Type - STRING
- Functionality - Sets the id of the component and which id the carousel sliding references while it occurs.
- Required - false
- Data Type - NUMBER
- Functionality - The index of the slide desired to be set as the default.
- Default - 0
- Required - false
- Data Type - BOOLEAN
- Functionality - Whether you want to display the little indicator buttons that allow you to switch between slides.
- Default - false
- Required - false
- Data Type - BOOLEAN
- Functionality - Whether you want to display the left and right slide navigation buttons.
- Default - false
Required - false
Data Type - ARRAY
Functionality - An array of objects with details about each slide in the carousel.
Expected Data -
[ { caption: 'Text to display on the cell.', image: 'URL to an image.' } ]
Default - []
import ImageCarousel from './src/js/components/image-carousel/image-carousel.jsx';
caption: 'Item 1',
image: 'http://placehold.it/900x500/39CCCC/ffffff&text=I+Love+Bootstrap'
caption: 'Item 2',
image: 'http://placehold.it/900x500/3c8dbc/ffffff&text=I+Love+Bootstrap'
caption: 'Item 3',
image: 'http://placehold.it/900x500/f39c12/ffffff&text=I+Love+Bootstrap'