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A repository to keep track of problem solving practice, containing solutions from platforms:

  • Codeforces   Codeforces


# Title Solution Tags Submitted
208 A - Helpful Maths GNU C++20 (64) greedy implementation sortings strings *800 Jan/13/2024 12:22
207 A - Petya and Strings GNU C++20 (64) implementation strings *800 Jan/13/2024 12:04
206 A - Way Too Long Words GNU C++20 (64) strings *800 Jan/13/2024 11:55
205 A - In Search of an Easy Problem GNU C++20 (64) implementation *800 Nov/10/2023 22:40
204 B - Binary Removals GNU C++20 (64) brute force dp greedy implementation *1000 Nov/10/2023 22:32
203 C - Kill the Monster GNU C++20 (64) brute force math *1100 Nov/10/2023 22:02
202 C - ABBB GNU C++20 (64) brute force data structures greedy strings *1100 Nov/10/2023 13:42
201 A - Split it! GNU C++20 (64) brute force constructive algorithms greedy strings *900 Nov/10/2023 12:56
200 A - Equation GNU C++20 (64) brute force math *800 Nov/09/2023 17:06
199 A - Hexadecimal's theorem GNU C++20 (64) brute force constructive algorithms implementation number theory *900 Nov/09/2023 16:56
198 A - Required Remainder GNU C++20 (64) math *800 Nov/09/2023 15:09
197 A - Holiday Of Equality GNU C++20 (64) implementation math *800 Nov/09/2023 14:51
196 A - Magic Numbers GNU C++20 (64) brute force greedy *900 Nov/09/2023 13:07
195 A - System of Equations GNU C++20 (64) brute force *800 Nov/09/2023 12:47
194 A - Medium Number GNU C++20 (64) implementation sortings *800 Feb/10/2023 21:35
193 A - Make it Beautiful GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms math sortings *800 Feb/10/2023 21:34
192 B - Going to the Cinema GNU C++20 (64) brute force greedy sortings *1000 Feb/10/2023 21:29
191 C - K-th Not Divisible by n GNU C++20 (64) binary search math *1200 Feb/10/2023 21:19
190 B - Two Arrays And Swaps GNU C++20 (64) greedy sortings *800 Feb/10/2023 21:05
189 A - Median Maximization GNU C++20 (64) binary search greedy math *800 Feb/10/2023 21:01
188 A - Favorite Sequence GNU C++20 (64) implementation two pointers *800 Feb/03/2023 23:00
187 A - Sereja and Dima GNU C++20 (64) greedy implementation two pointers *800 Feb/03/2023 22:48
186 B - Rebellion GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms greedy two pointers *800 Feb/03/2023 21:47
185 C - Remove the Bracket GNU C++20 (64) dp greedy math *1600 Jan/29/2023 21:59
184 B - Number Factorization GNU C++20 (64) greedy math number theory *1100 Jan/29/2023 20:47
183 A - Exponential Equation GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms math *800 Jan/29/2023 20:11
182 C - Premutation GNU C++20 (64) brute force implementation math Jan/27/2023 21:44
181 E - Vlad and a Pair of Numbers GNU C++20 (64) bitmasks constructive algorithms Jan/27/2023 21:36
180 D - Matryoshkas GNU C++20 (64) data structures greedy sortings Jan/27/2023 21:26
179 B - Taisia and Dice GNU C++20 (64) greedy greedy math Jan/27/2023 20:23
178 A - Polycarp and the Day of Pi GNU C++20 (64) implementation math strings Jan/27/2023 20:08
177 B - GCD Partition GNU C++20 (64) brute force greedy math number theory Jan/25/2023 20:45
176 A - Hayato and School GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms greedy Jan/25/2023 20:23
175 C - Min Max Sort GNU C++20 (64) binary search brute force greedy math two pointers Jan/24/2023 22:06
174 B - Stand-up Comedian GNU C++20 (64) greedy math Jan/24/2023 21:41
173 A - GamingForces GNU C++20 (64) greedy sortings Jan/24/2023 20:12
172 B - Emordnilap GNU C++20 (64) combinatorics greedy math Jan/21/2023 20:39
171 A - Everybody Likes Good Arrays! GNU C++20 (64) greedy math Jan/21/2023 20:13
170 B - Gardener and the Array GNU C++20 (64) bitmasks constructive algorithms Jan/10/2023 18:08
169 A2 - Gardener and the Capybaras (hard version) GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms greedy implementation strings Jan/10/2023 17:43
168 A1 - Gardener and the Capybaras (easy version) GNU C++20 (64) brute force implementation strings Jan/10/2023 17:14
167 B - Matrix of Differences GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms Jan/08/2023 21:20
166 A - Construct a Rectangle GNU C++20 (64) geometry math *800 Jan/07/2023 16:27
165 C - Elemental Decompress GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms greedy implementation sortings Jan/05/2023 21:35
164 B - Quick Sort GNU C++20 (64) greedy math Jan/05/2023 20:44
163 A - Greatest Convex GNU C++20 (64) greedy math number theory Jan/05/2023 20:08
162 B - Before an Exam GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms greedy *1200 Dec/31/2022 12:29
161 C - Koxia and Number Theory GNU C++20 (64) chinese remainder theorem math number theory Dec/30/2022 22:34
160 B - Koxia and Permutation GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms greedy Dec/30/2022 20:43
159 A - Koxia and Whiteboards GNU C++20 (64) brute force greedy Dec/30/2022 20:36
158 B - GCD Arrays GNU C++20 (64) greedy math number theory *800 Dec/30/2022 15:40
157 A - Red and Blue Beans GNU C++20 (64) math *800 Dec/30/2022 15:25
156 A - Mean Inequality GNU C++17 constructive algorithms sortings *800 Dec/30/2022 15:06
155 A - Expression GNU C++17 brute force math *1000 Dec/28/2022 17:04
154 B - Kill Demodogs GNU C++17 greedy math Dec/27/2022 21:12
153 A - Joey Takes Money GNU C++17 greedy math Dec/27/2022 20:11
152 B - Incinerate GNU C++17 binary search brute force sortings Dec/19/2022 21:28
151 A - Absolute Maximization GNU C++17 bitmasks bitmasks bitmasks bitmasks bitmasks bitmasks bitmasks bitmasks bitmasks bitmasks bitmasks greedy Dec/19/2022 20:15
150 A - Greg's Workout GNU C++17 implementation *800 Dec/19/2022 17:48
149 A - Worms Evolution GNU C++17 implementation *1200 Dec/19/2022 17:48
148 B - Coloring GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy math *1500 Dec/19/2022 17:48
147 A - Football GNU C++17 strings *1000 Dec/19/2022 17:47
146 A - Levko and Table GNU C++17 constructive algorithms implementation *800 Dec/19/2022 17:47
145 C - Ice and Fire GNU C++17 constructive algorithms dp greedy Dec/17/2022 21:19
144 A - Add Plus Minus Sign GNU C++17 constructive algorithms math Dec/17/2022 20:18
143 D - Playoff GNU C++17 constructive algorithms dp greedy number theory Dec/16/2022 22:13
142 A - Cut the Triangle GNU C++17 geometry implementation Dec/16/2022 21:54
141 B - Block Towers GNU C++20 (64) greedy sortings Dec/16/2022 20:42
140 C - Binary Strings are Fun GNU C++20 (64) combinatorics fft math meet-in-the-middle Dec/15/2022 22:01
139 B - Make Array Good GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms implementation number theory sortings Dec/15/2022 21:53
138 A - Divide and Conquer GNU C++20 (64) greedy math number theory Dec/15/2022 20:27
137 A - Doremy's Paint GNU C++20 (64) greedy *800 Dec/14/2022 18:32
136 C - Doremy's City Construction GNU C++20 (64) graphs greedy *1400 Dec/14/2022 18:30
135 A - Playing with Dice GNU C++17 brute force *800 Dec/13/2022 08:07
134 A - Dreamoon and Stairs GNU C++17 implementation math *1000 Dec/13/2022 07:45
133 C - Hamiltonian Wall GNU C++17 dp greedy implementation Dec/12/2022 21:51
132 B - Notepad# GNU C++17 brute force greedy implementation Dec/12/2022 20:57
131 A - Extremely Round GNU C++17 implementation math Dec/12/2022 20:19
130 B - Hossam and Friends GNU C++17 binary search constructive algorithms dp two pointers Dec/11/2022 23:01
129 A - Hossam and Combinatorics GNU C++17 combinatorics math sortings Dec/11/2022 21:19
128 A - Roma and Lucky Numbers GNU C++17 implementation *800 Dec/10/2022 17:04
127 A - Perfect Permutation GNU C++17 implementation math *800 Dec/10/2022 16:55
126 A - Lunch Rush GNU C++17 implementation *900 Dec/10/2022 16:39
125 A - Cakeminator GNU C++17 brute force implementation *800 Dec/10/2022 16:22
124 A - Team Olympiad GNU C++17 greedy implementation sortings *800 Dec/10/2022 15:55
123 A - Dragons GNU C++17 greedy sortings *1000 Dec/07/2022 11:54
122 A - Anton and Letters GNU C++17 constructive algorithms implementation *800 Dec/07/2022 11:36
121 A - Cheap Travel GNU C++17 implementation *1200 Dec/06/2022 15:55
120 A - I Wanna Be the Guy GNU C++17 greedy implementation *800 Dec/01/2022 22:35
119 A - Lever GNU C++17 implementation math *900 Dec/01/2022 20:03
118 A - Stone Game GNU C++17 brute force dp greedy *800 Dec/01/2022 19:23
117 A - Choosing Teams GNU C++17 greedy implementation sortings *800 Dec/01/2022 18:23
116 B - Friends and Candies GNU C++17 greedy math *800 Dec/01/2022 16:41
115 B - Fair Division GNU C++17 dp greedy math *800 Nov/29/2022 14:49
114 A - Linear Keyboard GNU C++17 implementation strings *800 Nov/29/2022 14:33
113 A - Download More RAM GNU C++17 brute force greedy sortings *800 Nov/29/2022 14:33
112 B - Doremy's Perfect Math Class GNU C++17 math number theory *900 Nov/26/2022 20:02
111 A - Cherry GNU C++17 greedy *800 Nov/26/2022 13:38
110 A - Puzzles GNU C++17 greedy *900 Nov/26/2022 12:26
109 A - Gregor and Cryptography GNU C++17 math number theory *800 Nov/26/2022 12:08
108 C - Almost All Multiples GNU C++20 (64) greedy number theory *1400 Nov/25/2022 23:02
107 B - XOR = Average GNU C++17 constructive algorithms *900 Nov/25/2022 21:18
106 A - SSeeeeiinngg DDoouubbllee GNU C++17 constructive algorithms strings *800 Nov/25/2022 21:11
105 A - Robot Program GNU C++17 math *800 Nov/25/2022 20:06
104 A - Ezzat and Two Subsequences GNU C++17 brute force math sortings *800 Nov/24/2022 16:37
103 A - Doors and Keys GNU C++17 implementation *800 Nov/23/2022 13:08
102 F - Quests GNU C++17 binary search greedy sortings *1500 Nov/23/2022 12:31
101 B - Unique Bid Auction GNU C++20 (64) implementation *800 Nov/22/2022 18:44
100 A - Special Permutation GNU C++20 (64) constructive algorithms probabilities *800 Nov/22/2022 13:22
99 E - Binary Inversions GNU C++17 data structures greedy math *1100 Nov/21/2022 21:41
98 D - Challenging Valleys GNU C++17 implementation two pointers *1000 Nov/21/2022 21:23
97 C - Advantage GNU C++17 data structures implementation sortings *800 Nov/21/2022 20:19
96 B - Atilla's Favorite Problem GNU C++17 greedy implementation strings *800 Nov/21/2022 20:13
95 A - Strange Functions GNU C++17 math number theory *800 Nov/21/2022 18:55
94 B - Ordinary Numbers GNU C++17 brute force math number theory *800 Nov/21/2022 18:20
93 C - Thermostat GNU C++17 greedy math shortest paths *1100 Nov/21/2022 18:06
92 A - Do Not Be Distracted! GNU C++17 brute force implementation *800 Nov/21/2022 17:59
91 C - Set Construction GNU C++17 constructive algorithms dfs and similar graphs greedy Nov/20/2022 22:00
90 B - Elimination of a Ring GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy implementation Nov/20/2022 20:51
89 A - Two Permutations GNU C++17 brute force constructive algorithms Nov/20/2022 20:28
88 A - Yes-Yes? GNU C++17 implementation strings *800 Nov/19/2022 17:37
87 B - Lost Permutation GNU C++17 math *800 Nov/19/2022 17:36
86 A - Soft Drinking GNU C++17 implementation math *800 Nov/17/2022 16:50
85 A - Fox And Snake GNU C++17 implementation *800 Nov/16/2022 17:23
84 A - IQ test GNU C++17 brute force *1300 Nov/15/2022 15:54
83 A - Games GNU C++17 brute force *800 Nov/14/2022 18:30
82 A - Square String? GNU C++17 implementation strings *800 Nov/13/2022 21:32
81 A - Min Max Swap GNU C++17 greedy *800 Nov/13/2022 21:22
80 B - Diverse Substrings GNU C++17 brute force implementation strings *1400 Nov/12/2022 21:03
79 A - The Ultimate Square GNU C++17 math *800 Nov/12/2022 20:11
78 A - Hard Way GNU C++17 geometry *800 Nov/09/2022 15:22
77 A - Binary Decimal GNU C++17 greedy math *800 Nov/09/2022 08:04
76 A - Digits Sum GNU C++17 math number theory *800 Nov/08/2022 15:10
75 B - Pillars GNU C++17 greedy implementation *1000 Nov/08/2022 14:07
74 A - Sum of 2050 GNU C++17 greedy math *800 Nov/08/2022 14:07
73 B - Merge it! GNU C++17 math *1100 Nov/08/2022 14:06
72 A - Dislike of Threes GNU C++17 implementation *800 Nov/07/2022 18:26
71 A - Div. 7 GNU C++17 brute force *800 Nov/07/2022 16:57
70 A - Arithmetic Array GNU C++17 greedy math *800 Nov/07/2022 14:41
69 A - Polycarp and Coins GNU C++17 greedy math *800 Nov/07/2022 10:54
68 B - Maximum Substring GNU C++17 brute force greedy Nov/06/2022 20:24
67 A - Indirect Sort GNU C++17 constructive algorithms math Nov/06/2022 20:12
66 C - Book Reading GNU C++17 math *1200 Nov/05/2022 22:02
65 B - Fix You GNU C++17 brute force greedy implementation *800 Nov/05/2022 22:02
64 C - Swap Game GNU C++17 games Nov/04/2022 20:58
63 B - BAN BAN GNU C++17 constructive algorithms Nov/04/2022 20:52
62 A - Two Groups GNU C++17 constructive algorithms Nov/04/2022 20:17
61 B - Sport Mafia GNU C++17 binary search brute force math *1000 Nov/03/2022 09:33
60 A - New Bus Route GNU C++17 implementation sortings *1100 Nov/03/2022 09:33
59 A - There Are Two Types Of Burgers GNU C++17 brute force greedy implementation math *800 Nov/03/2022 09:32
58 A - CME GNU C++17 math *800 Nov/01/2022 19:42
57 A - Stones on the Table GNU C++17 implementation *800 Nov/01/2022 13:32
56 A - Word Capitalization GNU C++17 implementation strings *800 Nov/01/2022 12:17
55 A - Team GNU C++17 brute force greedy *800 Nov/01/2022 12:08
54 A - Game of Life GNU C++17 implementation *800 Oct/31/2022 10:41
53 C - Bricks and Bags GNU C++17 constructive algorithms games greedy sortings Oct/29/2022 16:39
52 B - Jumbo Extra Cheese 2 GNU C++17 geometry greedy sortings Oct/29/2022 15:17
51 A - Factorise N+M GNU C++17 math number theory Oct/29/2022 14:44
50 A - Tram GNU C++17 implementation *800 Oct/27/2022 18:30
49 A - Arrival of the General GNU C++17 implementation *800 Oct/26/2022 22:39
48 A - Ultra-Fast Mathematician GNU C++17 implementation *800 Oct/26/2022 21:56
47 A - Even Odds GNU C++17 math *900 Oct/26/2022 21:20
46 A - Boy or Girl GNU C++17 brute force implementation strings *800 Oct/25/2022 22:49
45 A - Young Physicist GNU C++17 implementation math *1000 Oct/25/2022 18:55
44 A - Nearly Lucky Number GNU C++17 implementation *800 Oct/25/2022 18:35
43 A - Fair Playoff GNU C++17 brute force implementation *800 Oct/25/2022 17:44
42 B - Squares and Cubes GNU C++17 implementation math *800 Oct/25/2022 14:53
41 D - Factorial Divisibility GNU C++17 math *1600 Oct/24/2022 20:51
40 E - Wish I Knew How to Sort GNU C++17 dp dp probabilities probabilities Oct/23/2022 21:08
39 B - Kevin and Permutation GNU C++17 constructive algorithms constructive algorithms math Oct/23/2022 13:48
38 A - Technical Support GNU C++17 Oct/23/2022 13:40
37 B - Even-Odd Increments GNU C++17 implementation math *800 Oct/22/2022 18:29
36 C - Save the Magazines GNU C++17 constructive algorithms dp greedy *1100 Oct/22/2022 16:54
35 A - Everything Everywhere All But One GNU C++17 greedy *800 Oct/19/2022 07:41
34 B - Permutation Value GNU C++17 greedy implementation *800 Oct/18/2022 22:11
33 A - Password GNU C++17 combinatorics implementation Oct/17/2022 20:15
32 A - Food for Animals GNU C++17 greedy math *800 Oct/17/2022 19:28
31 B - Equal Candies GNU C++17 greedy math sortings *800 Oct/17/2022 18:07
30 A - Lucky? GNU C++17 implementation *800 Oct/17/2022 18:00
29 A - Sum GNU C++17 implementation *800 Oct/17/2022 14:05
28 A - Marathon GNU C++17 implementation *800 Oct/14/2022 12:28
27 A - Round Down the Price GNU C++17 constructive algorithms *800 Oct/13/2022 15:18
26 A - Grass Field GNU C++17 implementation *800 Oct/13/2022 14:58
25 B - Colourblindness GNU C++17 implementation *800 Oct/13/2022 10:48
24 A - Spell Check GNU C++17 implementation *800 Oct/13/2022 10:16
23 B - Vasya and Books GNU C++17 implementation math *1000 Aug/30/2022 21:54
22 A - Min Or Sum GNU C++17 bitmasks greedy *800 Jun/13/2022 20:42
21 B - Avoid Local Maximums GNU C++17 greedy *800 Feb/20/2022 20:45
20 B - MEX and Array GNU C++17 brute force dp greedy math *1100 Feb/12/2022 21:12
19 A - Sorting Parts GNU C++17 brute force sortings *800 Feb/12/2022 20:25
18 A - Spy Detected! GNU C++17 brute force implementation *800 Jan/29/2022 20:28
17 C - Not Assigning GNU C++17 constructive algorithms dfs and similar number theory trees *1400 Jan/15/2022 22:03
16 B - Not Sitting GNU C++17 games greedy sortings *1300 Jan/15/2022 21:52
15 A - Not Shading GNU C++17 constructive algorithms implementation *800 Jan/15/2022 20:42
14 A - Find The Array GNU C++17 greedy math *800 Jul/14/2021 23:13
13 A - Odd Set GNU C++17 math *800 Jul/03/2021 20:20
12 C - Double-ended Strings GNU C++17 brute force implementation strings *1000 Jun/30/2021 22:22
11 A - Pangram GNU C++17 implementation strings *800 Jun/30/2021 22:09
10 A - Anton and Danik GNU C++17 implementation strings *800 Jun/30/2021 22:00
9 A - Translation GNU C++17 implementation strings *800 Jun/30/2021 21:51
8 A - Word GNU C++17 implementation strings *800 Jun/30/2021 21:45
7 A - Lucky Division GNU C++17 brute force number theory *1000 Jun/26/2021 19:48
6 A - Beautiful Matrix GNU C++17 implementation *800 Jun/26/2021 19:37
5 A - Presents GNU C++17 implementation *800 Jun/26/2021 19:24
4 A - Chat room GNU C++17 greedy strings *1000 Jun/26/2021 19:05
3 A - Twins GNU C++17 greedy sortings *900 Jun/26/2021 18:57
2 A - String Task GNU C++17 implementation strings *1000 Jun/22/2021 18:56
1 A - Watermelon GNU C11 brute force math *800 Jun/21/2021 21:55