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tinyAVR 0/1-series Errata Summary

Microcontrollers, like any other product, often have bugs which are discovered only after the product is released. Sometimes these are fixed in later "silicon revisions" - other times they are not, and sometimes subsequent revisions of the part are released without fixing any of these issues at all. These defects are documented in the "Silicon Errata" documents provided by the manufacturer. On the classic AVR parts, this was often a chapter near the end of the datasheet - and was generally quite short (off the top of my head, the only classic AVR that I can think of where it's frequently an issue is the ATtiny1634, where one pin can't be used as an input if the WDT is not running).

The tinyAVR 0-series and 1-series parts have a particularly large number of errata - likely because these were some of the first parts released with many of the new peripherals (though the megaAVR 0-series had come out slightly earlier - in many cases with similar issues - the 1-series had many peripherals not featured in the megaAVR 0-series). The specific errata relevant to a given part vary depending on the part and silicon revision. The silicon revision can be read from the SYSCFG.REVID register (0 = A, 1 = B, etc). It is also marked on the chip - though determining how to decipher the markings can be challenging.

Serial.print("Silicon revision is: ");

Thankfully, most of these issues will not be encountered by most Arduino users. The impact column indicates the liklihood that someone working with an effected part through megaTinyCore and Arduino would encounter it.

  • 0 - Impact extremely unlikely
  • 1 - Impact only when using exotic features for which megaTinyCore does not provide wrappers
  • 2 - Impact likely when using normal features which may be used through libraries or register configuration.
  • 3 - Issue impacted functions provided by megaTinyCore or included libraries in previous versions, but worked around in current version, and will impact users of this functionality if reconfigured manually, or unavoidably impacts functionality exposed by core or included libraries, but can be worked around.
  • 4 - Issue impacts functions provided by megaTinyCore or included libraries in the current released version, but will be worked around in future versions.
  • 5 - Issue impacts functions provided by megaTinyCore or included libraries and cannot be worked around.
      • Issure is high impact but effected devices are rare

tinyAVR 1-series

. . ATtiny212 . ATtiny214/414 . ATtiny417 ATtiny1614 ATtiny3216 .
. . ATtiny412 . ATtiny416 . ATtiny816 ATtiny1616 ATtiny3217 .
. Impact . . ATtiny814 . ATtiny817 ATtiny1617 . .
Silicon Revision . A B A B A,B A A C
Device . . . . . . . . .
Writing the OSCLOCK Fuse in FUSE.OSCCFG to ‘1’ Prevents Automatic Loading of Calibration Values 0 - - - - - X X X
The Temperature Sensor is Not Calibrated on Parts with Date Code 727, 728 and 1728 (Year 2017, Week 27/28) 1 - X - X - - - -
AC . . . . . . . . .
Coupling Through AC Pins 2 - - - - X - - -
AC Interrupt Flag Not Set Unless Interrupt is Enabled 2 X - X - X X - -
False Triggers May Occur Under Certain Conditions 1 X - X - X X - -
False Triggering When Sweeping Negative Input of the AC When the Low Power Mode is Disabled 1 - - - - X X - -
ADC . . . . . . . . .
ADC Functionality Cannot be Ensured with CLKADC Above 1.5 MHz and a Setting of 25% Duty Cycle 1 X X X X X X X X
ADC Interrupt Flags Cleared When Reading RESH 1 - - - - X X - -
ADC Performance Degrades with CLKADC Above 1.5 MHz and VDD < 2.7V 1 X X X X X X X X
ADC Wake-Up with WCOMP 1 X - X - X X - -
Changing ADC Control Bits During Free-Running Mode not Working 2 X - X - X X - -
One Extra Measurement Performed After Disabling ADC FreeRunning Mode 2 X X X X X X X X
Pending Event Stuck When Disabling the ADC 2 - - - - X X X -
SAMPDLY and ASDV Does Not Work Together With SAMPLEN 2 X - X - - X - -
CCL . . . . . . . . .
Connecting LUTs in Linked Mode Requires OUTEN Set to ‘1’ 4 X X X X X X X -
D-latch is Not Functional 4 X X X X X X X -
PORTMUX . . . . . . . . .
Selecting Alternative Output Pin for TCA0 Waveform Output 0-2 also Changes Waveform Output 3-5 3 - - X X - - - -
RTC . . . . . . . . .
Any Write to the RTC.CTRLA Register Resets the RTC and PIT Prescaler 2 X X X X X X X -
Disabling the RTC Stops the PIT 2 X X X X X X X -
TCB . . . . . . . . .
Minimum Event Duration Must Exceed the Selected Clock Period 1 X X X X X X X X
The TCB Interrupt Flag is Cleared When Reading CCMPH 2 X - X - X X - -
TCB Input Capture Frequency and Pulse-Width Measurement Mode Not Working with Prescaled Clock 1 X - X - X X - -
The TCA Restart Command Does Not Force a Restart of TCB 1 X X X X X X X X
TCD . . . . . . . . .
TCD Auto-Update Not Working 3 - - - - X X - -
TCD Event Output Lines May Give False Events 1 - - - - X X - -
TWI . . . . . . . . .
TIMEOUT Bits in the TWI.MCTRLB Register are Not Accessible 1 X - X - X X - -
TWI Smart Mode Gives Extra Clock Pulse 2 X - X - X X - -
TWI Master Mode Wrongly Detects the Start Bit as a Stop Bit 2 X - X - X X - -
The TWI Master Enable Quick Command is Not Accessible 1 X - X - X X - -
USART . . . . . . . . .
TXD Pin Override Not Released When Disabling the Transmitter 4 X X X X X X X X
Full Range Duty Cycle Not Supported When Validating LIN Sync Field 1 - - - - - X - -
Frame Error on a Previous Message May Cause False Start Bit Detection 3 X X X X X X X -
Open-Drain Mode Does Not Work When TXD is Configured as Output 3 - - - - - X X X

Automotive tinyAVR 1-series

. . ATtiny212/214 ATtiny814 ATtiny416/417 ATtiny1614 ATtiny3216
. . ATtiny412/414 . ATtiny816/817 ATtiny1616 ATtiny3217
. Impact . . . ATtiny1617 .
Silicon Revision . B A, B A, B A B
Device . . . . . .
On 24-Pin Automotive Devices Pin PC5 is Not Available * - - - X -
Writing the OSCLOCK Fuse in FUSE.OSCCFG to ‘1’ Prevents Automatic Loading of Calibration Values 0 X - - X X
The Temperature Sensor is Not Calibrated on Parts with Date Code 727, 728 and 1728 (Year 2017, Week 27/28) 1 X - - - -
AC . . . . . .
Coupling Through AC Pins 2 - X X - -
AC Interrupt Flag Not Set Unless Interrupt is Enabled 2 - X X X -
False Triggers May Occur Under Certain Conditions 2 - X X X -
False Triggering When Sweeping Negative Input of the AC When the Low Power Mode is Disabled 1 - X X X -
ADC . . . . . .
ADC Functionality Cannot be Ensured with CLKADC Above 1.5 MHz and a Setting of 25% Duty Cycle 1 X X X X X
ADC Interrupt Flags Cleared When Reading RESH 1 - X X X -
ADC Performance Degrades with CLKADC Above 1.5 MHz and VDD < 2.7V 1 - X - - -
ADC Wake-Up with WCOMP . - X X X -
Changing ADC Control Bits During Free-Running Mode not Working 2 - X X X -
One Extra Measurement Performed After Disabling ADC FreeRunning Mode 2 X X X X X
Pending Event Stuck When Disabling the ADC 1 - X X X -
SAMPDLY and ASDV Does Not Work Together With SAMPLEN 2 - - - X -
CCL . . . . . .
Connecting LUTs in Linked Mode Requires OUTEN Set to '1' 5 X X X X -
D-latch is Not Functional 3 X X X X -
PORTMUX . . . . . .
Selecting Alternative Output Pin for TCA0 Waveform Output 0-2 also Changes Waveform Output 3-5 3 X - - - -
RTC . . . . . .
Any Write to the RTC.CTRLA Register Resets the RTC and PIT Prescaler . X X X X -
Disabling the RTC Stops the PIT . X X X X -
TCB . . . . . .
Minimum Event Duration Must Exceed the Selected Clock Period 3 X X X X X
The TCB Interrupt Flag is Cleared When Reading CCMPH 2 - X X X -
TCB Input Capture Frequency and Pulse-Width Measurement Mode Not Working with Prescaled Clock 2 - X X X -
The TCA Restart Command Does Not Force a Restart of TCB 1 X X X X X
TCD . . . . . .
TCD Auto-Update Not Working 3 - X X X -
TCD Event Output Lines May Give False Events 1 - X X X -
TWI . . . . . .
TIMEOUT Bits in the TWI.MCTRLB Register are Not Accessible 1 - X X X -
TWI Smart Mode Gives Extra Clock Pulse 1 - X X X -
TWI Master Mode Wrongly Detects the Start Bit as a Stop Bit 1 - X X X -
The TWI Master Enable Quick Command is Not Accessible 1 - X X X -
USART . . . . . .
TXD Pin Override Not Released When Disabling the Transmitter 4 X X X X X
Full Range Duty Cycle Not Supported When Validating LIN Sync Field 1 X - - X -
Frame Error on a Previous Message May Cause False Start Bit Detection 1 X X X X -
Open-Drain Mode Does Not Work When TXD is Configured as Output 2 X - - X X

tinyAVR 0-series Errata

. . ATtiny202 ATtiny204 ATtiny202/204 ATtiny804/806/807
. . ATtiny402 ATtiny404 ATtiny402/404/406 ATtiny1604/1606/1607
. Impact . ATtiny406 Automotive Both
Silicon Revision . B B B A
Device . . . . .
The Temperature Sensor is Not Calibrated on Parts with Date Code 727, 728 and 1728 (Year 2017, Week 27/28) 1 X X X -
ADC . . . . .
ADC Functionality Cannot be Ensured with CLKADC Above 1.5 MHz and a Setting of 25% Duty Cycle 1 X X X X
ADC Performance Degrades with CLKADC Above 1.5 MHz and VDD < 2.7V 1 X X - X
One Extra Measurement Performed After Disabling ADC FreeRunning Mode 1 X X X X
Pending Event Stuck When Disabling the ADC 1 - - - X
CCL . . . . .
Connecting LUTs in Linked Mode Requires OUTEN Set to ‘1’ 5 X X X X
D-latch is Not Functional 3 X X X X
PORTMUX . . . . .
Selecting Alternative Output Pin for TCA0 Waveform Output 0-2 also Changes Waveform Output 3-5 3 - X X -
RTC . . . . .
Any Write to the RTC.CTRLA Register Resets the RTC and PIT Prescaler 2 X X X X
Disabling the RTC Stops the PIT 2 X X X X
TCB . . . . .
Minimum Event Duration Must Exceed the Selected Clock Period 2 X X X X
The TCA Restart Command Does Not Force a Restart of TCB 1 X X X X
USART . . . . .
TXD Pin Override Not Released When Disabling the Transmitter 4 X X X X
Frame Error on a Previous Message May Cause False Start Bit Detection 1 X X X -

tinyAVR 0/1-series Errata Details

These errata details are taken verbatim from the Silicon Errata and Datasheet Clarification documents except as noted below - see the links in the datasheet pages - they have only been formatted for markdown, and gathered from the multiple errata sheets into a single document for ease of comparison and reference. Be sure to check that a given item applies to the part you are working with on the above tables.

For each issue, we have added a megaTinyCore note describing impact on megaTinyCore users. In a very small number of cases, we have marked annotated the text for clarity in the context of this combined errata document, these notes are in italics and the old wording in strikethrough.


On 24-Pin ATtiny1617 Automotive Devices Pin PC5 is Not Available

On 24-pin ATtiny1617 automotive devices pin PC5 is not available.

Workaround: Do not connect pin PC5 and disable input on pin (PORTC.PINTCRL5.ISC=0x4)

megaTinyCore note: The effected part is unlikely to be used with megaTinyCore

Writing the OSCLOCK Fuse in FUSE.OSCCFG to '1' Prevents Automatic Loading of Calibration

Values Writing the OSCLOCK fuse in FUSE.OSCCFG to '1' prevents the automatic loading of calibration values from the signature row. The device will run with an uncalibrated OSC20M oscillator.

Workaround: Do not use OSCLOCK for locking the oscillator calibration value. The oscillator calibration value can be locked by writing LOCK in CLKCTRL.OSC20MCALIBB to '1'.

megaTinyCore note: No concern

The Temperature Sensor is Not Calibrated on Parts with Date Code 727, 728 and 1728 (Year 2017, Week 27/28)

The temperature sensor is not calibrated on parts with date code 727/728 (used on QFN packages) and 1728 (used on SOIC packages). Workaround: If temperature sensor calibration data is required, devices with the affected date code may be returned through the Microchip RMA service. Devices with this date code are no longer shipped by Microchip.

megaTinyCore note: These are unlikely to be found in the wild anymore.

AC - Analog Comparator

Coupling Through AC Pins

There is a capacitive coupling through the Analog Comparator. Toggling the selected positive AC pin may affect the selected negative input pin and vice versa.

Workaround: When the AC is disabled, configure AC.MUXCTRLA.MUXNEG to DAC or internal reference.

megaTinyCore note: megaTinyCore does not provide any functionality related to the analog comparators. If your code or libraries do, and you disable them and use the input pins for other purposes, you must take account of this.

AC Interrupt Flag Not Set Unless Interrupt is Enabled

ACn.STATUS.CMP is not set if the ACn.INTCTRL.CMP is not set.

Workaround: Enable ACn.INTCTRL.CMP or use ACn.STATUS.STATE for polling.

megaTinyCore note: megaTinyCore does not provide any functionality related to the analog comparators. If your code or libraries do, you cannot poll the interrupt flag to see whether it has been triggered. You can poll ACn.STATUS.CMP (though if the comparison condition becomes true, and then false again, between the occasions on which you check this bit, you would miss it).

False Triggers May Occur Under Certain Conditions

False triggers may occur on falling input pin:

  • If the slew rate on the input signal is greater than 2 V/µs for common-mode voltage below 0.5V
  • If the slew rate on the input signal is greater than 10 V/µs for common-mode voltage above 0.5V
  • If the slew rate on the input signal is greater than 10 V/µs for any common-mode voltage and Low-Power mode is enabled

Workaround: None.

False Triggering When Sweeping Negative Input of the AC When the Low-Power Mode is Disabled

A false trigger may occur if sweeping the negative input of the AC with a negative slope, and the AC has Low-Power mode disabled.

Workaround: Enable Low-Power mode in AC.CTRLA.LPMODE.

megaTinyCore note: megaTinyCore does not provide any functionality related to the analog comparators. If your code or libraries do, this must be accounted for)

ADC - Analog-to-Digital Converter

SAMPDLY and ASDV Does Not Work Together With SAMPLEN

Using SAMPCTRL.SAMPLEN at the same time as CTRLD.SAMPDLY or CTRLD.ASDV will cause an unpredictable sampling length.

Workaround: When setting SAMPCTRL.SAMPLEN greater than 0x0, the CTRLD.SAMPDLY and CTRLD.ASDV must be cleared.

megaTinyCore note: Not an issue unless you reconfigure the ADC manually, but be aware that megaTinyCore does set SAMPLEN by default.

Pending Event Stuck When Disabling the ADC

If the ADC is disabled during an event-triggered conversion, the event will not be cleared.

Workaround: Clear ADC.EVCTRL.STARTEI and wait for the conversion to complete before disabling the ADC.

megaTinyCore note: Only an issue if you reconfigure the ADC to use the event system as a start trigger, and then disable the ADC. Use suggested workaround in this case.

ADC Functionality Cannot be Ensured with CLKADC Above 1.5 MHz and a Setting of 25% Duty Cycle

The ADC functionality cannot be ensured if CLKADC > 1.5 MHz with ADCn.CALIB.DUTYCYC set to '1'.

Workaround: If ADC is operated with CLKADC > 1.5 MHz, ADCn.CALIB.DUTYCYC must be set to '0' (50% duty cycle).

megaTinyCore note: megaTinyCore sets CLKADC at 1.0 - 1.25 MHz. Suggest not clocking ADC above 1.5 MHz.

ADC Performance Degrades with CLKADC Above 1.5 MHz and VDD < 2.7V

The ADC INL performance degrades if CLKADC > 1.5 MHz and ADCn.CALIB.DUTYCYC set to '0' for VDD < 2.7V.

Workaround: None.

megaTinyCore note: megaTinyCore sets CLKADC at 1.0 - 1.25 MHz. Suggest not clocking ADC above 1.5 MHz.

ADC Interrupt Flags Cleared When Reading RESH

ADCn.INTFLAGS.RESRDY and ADCn.INTFLAGS.WCOMP are cleared when reading ADCn.RESH.

Workaround: In 8-bit mode, read ADCn.RESH to clear the flag or clear the flag directly.

megaTinyCore note: megaTinyCore always reads the whole register, so this is not an issue unless you write your own routine for reading the ADC result in 8-bit mode.

Changing ADC Control Bits During Free-Running Mode not Working

If control signals are changed during Free-Running mode, the new configuration is not properly taken into account in the next measurement. This is valid for the ADC.CTRLB, ADC.CTRLC, ADC.SAMPCTRL registers and the ADC.MUXPOS, ADC.WINLT and ADC.WINHT registers.

Workaround: Disable ADC Free-Running mode before updating the ADC.CTRLB, ADC.CTRLC, ADC.SAMPCTRL, ADC.MUXPOS, ADC.WINLT or ADC.WINHT registers.

megaTinyCore note: If you reconfigure the ADC for free running mode, you must be aware of this.

One Extra Measurement Performed After Disabling ADC Free-Running Mode

The ADC may perform one additional measurement after clearing ADCn.CTRLA.FREERUN.

Workaround: Write ADCn.CTRLA.ENABLE to '0' to stop the Free-Running mode immediately.

megaTinyCore note: If you reconfigure the ADC for free running mode, you must be aware of this.

ADC Wake-Up with WCOMP

When waking up from STANDBY sleep mode with ADC WCOMP interrupt, the ADC is disabled for a few cycles before the device enters ACTIVE mode. A new INITDLY is required before the next conversion.

Workaround: Use INITDLY before the next conversion.

PORTMUX - Port Multiplexer

Selecting Alternative Output Pin for TCA0 Waveform Output 0-2 also Changes Waveform Output 3-5

Selecting alternative output pin for TCA0 in PORTMUX.CTRLC does not work as described when TCA0 operates in split mode.

  • Writing PORTMUX.CTRLC bit 0 to '1' will shift the pin position for both WO0 and WO3
  • Writing PORTMUX.CTRLC bit 1 to '1' will shift the pin position for both WO1 and WO4
  • Writing PORTMUX.CTRLC bit 2 to '1' will shift the pin position for both WO2 and WO5 PORTMUX.CTRLC[5:3] are non-functional. Workaround: None. megaTinyCore note: megaTinyCore only reconfigures the output pins by default on the 8-pin parts, none of those are impacted by this.

CCL - Configurable Custom Logic

Connecting LUTs in Linked Mode Requires OUTEN Set to '1'

Connecting the LUTs in linked mode requires LUTnCTRLA.OUTEN set to '1' for the LUT providing the input source.

Workaround: Use an event channel to link the LUTs or do not use the corresponding I/O pin for other purposes.

D-latch is Not Functional

The CCL D-latch is not functional.

Workaround: None.

megaTinyCore note: This is broken almost everywhere, don't try to use the D-latch sequential logic. The D Flip Flop can be used instead for almost all use cases (as far as I can tell, the only difference is the R signal, which is not there on the D-latch). It's not like many people are using the CCL's at all, let alone sequential logic, however nifty the functionality is.

RTC - Real-Time Counter

Any Write to the RTC.CTRLA Register Resets the RTC and PIT Prescaler

Any write to the RTC.CTRLA register resets the RTC and PIT prescaler.

Workaround: None.

megaTinyCore note: Neither RTC as millis source nor megaTinySleep are impacted; users manually configuring these timers on effected parts must take account of this.

Disabling the RTC Stops the PIT

Writing RTC.CTRLA.RTCEN to '0' will stop the PIT. Writing RTC.PITCTRLA.PITEN to '0' will stop the RTC.

Workaround: Do not disable the RTC or the PIT if any of the modules are used.

megaTinyCore note: Neither RTC as millis source nor megaTinySleep are impacted; users manually configuring these timers on effected parts must take account of this.

TCB - Timer/Counter B

Minimum Event Duration Must Exceed the Selected Clock Period

Event detection will fail if TCBn receives an input event with a high/low period shorter than the period of the selected clock source (CLKSEL in TCBn.CTRLA). This applies to the TCB modes (CNTMODE in TCBn.CTRLB) Time-Out Check and Input Capture Frequency and Pulse-Width Measurement mode.

Workaround: Ensure that the high/low period of input events is equal to or longer than the period of the selected clock source (CLKSEL in TCBn.CTRLA).

megaTinyCore note: Only impacts users who reconfigure a Type B timer for input capture.

The TCB Interrupt Flag is Cleared When Reading CCMPH

TCBn.INTFLAGS.CAPT is cleared when reading TCBn.CCMPH instead of CCMPL.

Workaround: Read both TCBn.CCMPL and TCBn.CCMPH.

megaTinyCore note: Only impacts users who reconfigure a Type B timer for input capture and tried to read only the low byte of CCMP; impact on someone who tried that would be severe if workaround above not used. Manually clearing the interrupt flag should also work.

TCB Input Capture Frequency and Pulse-Width Measurement Mode Not Working with Prescaled

Clock The TCB Input Capture Frequency and Pulse-Width Measurement mode may lock to Freeze state if CLKSEL in TCB.CTRLA is set to any other value than 0x0.

Workaround: Only use CLKSEL equal to 0x0 when using Input Capture Frequency and Pulse-Width Measurement mode.

megaTinyCore note: Only impacts users who reconfigure a Type B timer for these input capture modes.

The TCA Restart Command Does Not Force a Restart of TCB

The TCA restart command does not force a restart of the TCB when TCB is running in SYNCUPD mode. TCB is only restarted after a TCA OVF.

Workaround: None.

megaTinyCore note: No impact unless you are trying to use this unusual feature.

TCD - Timer/Counter D

TCD Event Output Lines May Give False Events

The TCD event output lines can give out false events.

Workaround: Use the delayed event functionality with a minimum of one cycle delay.

megaTinyCore note: Only an issue if using TCD0 as an event source.

TCD Auto-Update Not Working

The TCD auto-update feature is not working.

Workaround: None.

megaTinyCore note: This is accounted for in by the analogWrite() function on pins controlled by TCD0 after it was discovered the hard way.

TWI - Two-Wire Interface

TIMEOUT Bits in the TWI.MCTRLB Register are Not Accessible

The TIMEOUT bits in the TWI.MCTRLB register are not accessible from software.

Workaround: When initializing TWI, BUSSTATE in TWI.MSTATUS should be brought into IDLE state by writing 0x1 to it.

TWI Master Mode Wrongly Detects the Start Bit as a Stop Bit

If TWI is enabled in Master mode followed by an immediate write to the MADDR register, the bus monitor recognizes the Start bit as a Stop bit.

Workaround: Wait for a minimum of two clock cycles from TWI.MCTRLA.ENABLE until TWI.MADDR is written.

megaTinyCore note: No concern for megaTinyCore users unless you write your own I2C implementation.

TWI Smart Mode Gives Extra Clock Pulse

TWI Master with Smart mode enabled gives an extra clock pulse on the SCL line after sending NACK.

Workaround: None.

megaTinyCore note: No concern for megaTinyCore users unless you write your own I2C implementation, our Wire implementation doesn't use Smart Mode.

The TWI Master Enable Quick Command is Not Accessible

TWI.MCTRLA.QCEN is not accessible from software.

Workaround: None.

megaTinyCore note: No concern for megaTinyCore users unless you write your own I2C implementation, our Wire implementation doesn't use that either.

USART - Universal Synchronous and Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter

TXD Pin Override Not Released When Disabling the Transmitter

The USART will not release the TXD pin override if:

  • The USART transmitter is disabled by writing the TXEN bit in USART.CTRLB to '0' while the USART receiver is disabled (RXEN in USART.CTRLB is '0')
  • Both the USART transmitter and receiver are disabled at the same time by writing the TXEN and RXEN bits in USART.CTRLB to '0'

Workaround: There are two possible work arounds:

  • Make sure the receiver is enabled (RXEN in USART.CTRLB is '1') while disabling the transmitter (writing TXEN in USART.CTRLB to '0')
  • Writing to any register in the USART after disabling the transmitter will start the USART for long enough to release the pin override of the TXD pin

megaTinyCore note: This impacts versions of megaTinyCore prior to 2.0.6 when calling Serial.end() on effected devices.

Full Range Duty Cycle Not Supported When Validating LIN Sync Field

For the LIN sync field, the USART is validating each bit to be within ±15% instead of the time between falling edges as described in the LIN specification. This allows a minimum duty cycle of 43.5% and a maximum duty cycle of 57.5%.

Workaround: None.

megaTinyCore note: Only a concern if reconfiguring USART for LIN.

Frame Error on a Previous Message May Cause False Start Bit Detection

A false start bit detection will trigger if receiving a frame with RXDATAH.FERR set and reading the RXDATAL before the RxD line goes high.

Workaround: Wait for the RXD pin to go high before reading RXDATA, for instance, by polling the bit in PORTn.IN where the RXD pin is located. megaTinyCore note: This impacts our serial implementation on effected parts - we don't even read RXDATAH or report framing errors - but if you are receiving framing errors, the baud rates are probably mismatched, so it is likely that the received data garbage anyway.

Open-Drain Mode Does Not Work When TXD is Configured as Output

When the USART TXD pin is configured as an output, it can drive the pin high regardless of whether the Open-Drain mode is enabled or not.

Workaround: Configure the TXD pin as an input by writing the corresponding bit in PORTx.DIR to '0' when using Open-Drain mode. megaTinyCore note: We don't provide a wrapper around this mode, though it could be enabled manually, in which case it would be an issue on effected parts.