Saturday June 24, 2017
As a GW Bootcamp student, I can't keep track of all of my classmates projects on Github.
- Add your Github information to this spreadsheet
- The application screens should implement the wireframes
- The student list on the application's home screen should be sorted alphabetically, at least initially
- A user should have the ability to filter the list of students by Github username
- When clicking a user's profile card, the application should navigate to a students full-profile screen (within the application)
- A full-profile screen should include the following:
- List of public repos
- Each public repo should include the repo's description, creation date, last updated date, star gazer count, and the languages used in the repo by percentage
- Provide the ability to sort the students by some criteria, such as follower count, public repo count, who used the most HTML, JS, or CSS in their public repos are good examples
- On the full-profile screen, include a widget with a graph that has the total aggregated percentage of each language used (html, css, JS) in all the student's public repos