diff --git a/lib/api-request.js b/lib/api-request.js
index c874b61b..1c1fcd7d 100644
--- a/lib/api-request.js
+++ b/lib/api-request.js
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
 * This class wraps request params to ease interpretting the query
+const { SEARCH_SCOPES } = require('./elasticsearch/config')
 // Build regex pattern for matching a phrase fully enclosed in quotes (or smart quotes):
 const QUOTE_CHARS = '"\u201C\u201D\u201E\u201F\u2033\u2036'
 class ApiRequest {
-  static ADVANCED_SEARCH_PARAMS = ['title', 'subject', 'contributor']
+  static ADVANCED_SEARCH_PARAMS = ['title', 'subject', 'contributor', 'callnumber']
   static IDENTIFIER_NUMBER_PARAMS = ['isbn', 'issn', 'lccn', 'oclc']
   constructor (params) {
@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ class ApiRequest {
   advancedSearchParamsThatAreAlsoScopes () {
     // Return search params that are also valid search_scope values
     return ApiRequest.ADVANCED_SEARCH_PARAMS
+      .filter((key) => SEARCH_SCOPES[key])
       .filter((key) => this.params[key])
diff --git a/lib/elasticsearch/elastic-query-builder.js b/lib/elasticsearch/elastic-query-builder.js
index b3774370..db3a6697 100644
--- a/lib/elasticsearch/elastic-query-builder.js
+++ b/lib/elasticsearch/elastic-query-builder.js
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 const ElasticQuery = require('./elastic-query')
+const ApiRequest = require('../api-request')
 const { escapeQuery, namedQuery, prefixMatch, termMatch, phraseMatch } = require('./utils')
 const { regexEscape } = require('../util')
@@ -60,17 +61,6 @@ class ElasticQueryBuilder {
-    // Coming from Adv Search? Add additional multi-match clauses for subject,
-    // contributor, title:
-    if (this.request.advancedSearchParamsThatAreAlsoScopes()) {
-      this.request
-        .advancedSearchParamsThatAreAlsoScopes()
-        .forEach((param) =>
-          // Require a match on subject, contributor, or title fields:
-          this.requireMultiMatch(SEARCH_SCOPES[param].fields, this.request.params[param])
-        )
-    }
     if (this.request.hasSearch()) {
       // Apply common boosting:
@@ -90,6 +80,9 @@ class ElasticQueryBuilder {
+    // Look for query params coming from Adv Search:
+    this.applyAdvancedSearchParams()
     // Lastly, if any identifier-number params are present (lccn=, isbn=, etc),
     // add those clauses:
     if (this.request.hasIdentifierNumberParam()) {
@@ -464,6 +457,37 @@ class ElasticQueryBuilder {
     this.query.addMust(should.length === 1 ? should[0] : { bool: { should } })
+  /**
+  * Handle use of subject=, contributor=, title=, & callnumber= Adv Search
+  * params.
+  * Note that the RC Adv Search page may also apply filters, which are
+  * handled by `applyFilters`.
+  **/
+  applyAdvancedSearchParams () {
+    // We're specifically interested in params that match supported search-
+    // scopes because we can build a whole ES query just using the existing
+    // logic for that search scope:
+    if (this.request.advancedSearchParamsThatAreAlsoScopes()) {
+      this.request
+        .advancedSearchParamsThatAreAlsoScopes()
+        .forEach((advSearchParam) => {
+          const advSearchValue = this.request.params[advSearchParam]
+          // Build a new ApiRequest object for this search-scope:
+          const request = ApiRequest.fromParams({
+            q: advSearchValue,
+            search_scope: advSearchParam
+          })
+          // Build the ES query for the search-scope and value:
+          const builder = ElasticQueryBuilder.forApiRequest(request)
+          const subquery = builder.query.toJson()
+          // Add the query to the greater ES query's must clauses:
+          this.query.addMust(subquery)
+        })
+    }
+  }
   * Examine request for user-filters. When found, add them to query.
diff --git a/lib/resources.js b/lib/resources.js
index fbf99997..e7a37210 100644
--- a/lib/resources.js
+++ b/lib/resources.js
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ const parseSearchParams = function (params) {
     filters: { type: 'hash', fields: FILTER_CONFIG },
     items_size: { type: 'int', default: 100, range: [0, 200] },
     items_from: { type: 'int', default: 0 },
+    callnumber: { type: 'string' },
     contributor: { type: 'string' },
     title: { type: 'string' },
     subject: { type: 'string' },
diff --git a/lib/util.js b/lib/util.js
index 53c19005..b559ad86 100644
--- a/lib/util.js
+++ b/lib/util.js
@@ -177,12 +177,6 @@ exports.parseParam = function (val, spec) {
   return val
-exports.arrayIntersection = (a1, a2) => {
-  return a1.filter(function (n) {
-    return a2.indexOf(n) !== -1
-  })
  * Get array of key-value pairs for object
@@ -193,19 +187,6 @@ exports.objectEntries = (obj) => {
     .map((key) => [key, obj[key]])
-exports.gatherParams = function (req, acceptedParams) {
-  // If specific params configured, pass those to handler
-  // otherwise just pass `value` param (i.e. keyword search)
-  acceptedParams = (typeof acceptedParams === 'undefined') ? ['page', 'per_page', 'value', 'q', 'filters', 'contributor', 'subject', 'title', 'isbn', 'issn', 'lccn', 'oclc', 'merge_checkin_card_items', 'include_item_aggregations'] : acceptedParams
-  const params = {}
-  acceptedParams.forEach((k) => {
-    params[k] = req.query[k]
-  })
-  if (req.query.q) params.value = req.query.q
-  return params
  * Expects array of strings, numbers
diff --git a/routes/resources.js b/routes/resources.js
index b315cdb4..d70fa3b3 100644
--- a/routes/resources.js
+++ b/routes/resources.js
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-const gatherParams = require('../lib/util').gatherParams
 const VER = '0.1'
 module.exports = function (app) {
@@ -11,29 +9,6 @@ module.exports = function (app) {
-  const standardParams = ['page',
-    'per_page',
-    'q',
-    'filters',
-    'expandContext',
-    'ext',
-    'field',
-    'sort',
-    'sort_direction',
-    'search_scope',
-    'all_items',
-    'items_size',
-    'items_from',
-    'contributor',
-    'title',
-    'subject',
-    'isbn',
-    'issn',
-    'lccn',
-    'oclc',
-    'merge_checkin_card_items',
-    'include_item_aggregations']
   const respond = (res, _resp, params) => {
     let contentType = 'application/ld+json'
     if (params.ext === 'ntriples') contentType = 'text/plain'
@@ -65,7 +40,7 @@ module.exports = function (app) {
   app.get(`/api/v${VER}/discovery/resources$`, function (req, res) {
-    const params = gatherParams(req, standardParams)
+    const params = req.query
     return app.resources.search(params, { baseUrl: app.baseUrl }, req)
       .then((resp) => respond(res, resp, params))
@@ -73,7 +48,7 @@ module.exports = function (app) {
   app.get(`/api/v${VER}/discovery/resources/aggregations`, function (req, res) {
-    const params = gatherParams(req, standardParams)
+    const params = req.query
     return app.resources.aggregations(params, { baseUrl: app.baseUrl })
       .then((resp) => respond(res, resp, params))
@@ -81,7 +56,7 @@ module.exports = function (app) {
   app.get(`/api/v${VER}/discovery/resources/aggregation/:field`, function (req, res) {
-    const params = Object.assign({}, gatherParams(req, standardParams), req.params)
+    const params = req.query
     return app.resources.aggregation(params, { baseUrl: app.baseUrl })
       .then((resp) => respond(res, resp, params))
@@ -95,11 +70,11 @@ module.exports = function (app) {
    *   /api/v${VER}/request/deliveryLocationsByBarcode?barcodes[]=12345&barcodes[]=45678&barcodes=[]=78910
   app.get(`/api/v${VER}/request/deliveryLocationsByBarcode`, function (req, res) {
-    const params = gatherParams(req, ['barcodes', 'patronId'])
+    const params = req.query
     const handler = app.resources.deliveryLocationsByBarcode
-    return handler(params, { baseUrl: app.baseUrl })
+    return handler(req.query.params, { baseUrl: app.baseUrl })
       .then((resp) => respond(res, resp, params))
       .catch((error) => handleError(res, error, params))
@@ -125,7 +100,7 @@ module.exports = function (app) {
    * e.g. discovery/resources/b1234
   app.get(`/api/v${VER}/discovery/resources/:uri.:ext?`, function (req, res) {
-    const gatheredParams = gatherParams(req, ['uri', 'items_size', 'items_from', 'merge_checkin_card_items', 'include_item_aggregations', 'all_items'])
+    const gatheredParams = req.query
     const params = Object.assign({}, req.query, { uri: req.params.uri })
     if (Number.isInteger(parseInt(gatheredParams.items_size))) params.items_size = gatheredParams.items_size
diff --git a/test/elastic-query-builder.test.js b/test/elastic-query-builder.test.js
index d0cc3b81..f4384ab7 100644
--- a/test/elastic-query-builder.test.js
+++ b/test/elastic-query-builder.test.js
@@ -138,4 +138,129 @@ describe('ElasticQueryBuilder', () => {
         .include({ 'bool.filter[0].term.buildingLocationIds': 'ma' })
+  describe('Advanced Search query params', () => {
+    describe('callnumber=', () => {
+      it('applies callnumber clauses to query', () => {
+        const request = new ApiRequest({ callnumber: 'toast' })
+        const inst = ElasticQueryBuilder.forApiRequest(request)
+        expect(inst.query.toJson()).to.nested
+          .include({
+            // Match on bib shelfmark:
+            'bool.must[0].bool.must[0].bool.should[0].prefix.shelfMark\\.keywordLowercased.value': 'toast',
+            // Match on item shelfmark:
+            'bool.must[0].bool.must[0].bool.should[1].nested.path': 'items',
+            'bool.must[0].bool.must[0].bool.should[1].nested.query.prefix.items\\.shelfMark\\.keywordLowercased.value': 'toast'
+          })
+      })
+    })
+    describe('title=', () => {
+      it('applies title clauses to query', () => {
+        const request = new ApiRequest({ title: 'toast' })
+        const inst = ElasticQueryBuilder.forApiRequest(request)
+        // console.log('ES: ', JSON.stringify(inst.query.toJson(), null, 2))
+        const query = inst.query.toJson()
+        // Assert there's a multi-match:
+        expect(query).to.nested
+          .include({
+            // Multi-match on common title fields:
+            'bool.must[0].bool.must[0].multi_match.fields[0]': 'title^5',
+            'bool.must[0].bool.must[0].multi_match.query': 'toast'
+          })
+        // Assert there's at least one of the title boosting clauses:
+        const titleShoulds = query.bool.must[0].bool.should
+        const prefixMatch = titleShoulds.find((should) => should.prefix)
+        expect(prefixMatch).to.deep.equal({
+          prefix: {
+            'title.keywordLowercasedStripped': {
+              value: 'toast',
+              boost: 50
+            }
+          }
+        })
+      })
+    })
+    describe('contributor=', () => {
+      it('applies contributor clauses to query', () => {
+        const request = new ApiRequest({ contributor: 'toast' })
+        const inst = ElasticQueryBuilder.forApiRequest(request)
+        const query = inst.query.toJson()
+        // Assert there's a multi-match:
+        expect(query).to.nested
+          .include({
+            // Multi-match on common creator/contrib fields:
+            'bool.must[0].bool.must[0].multi_match.fields[0]': 'creatorLiteral^4',
+            'bool.must[0].bool.must[0].multi_match.query': 'toast'
+          })
+        // Assert there's at least one of the creator boosting clauses:
+        const contributorShoulds = query.bool.must[0].bool.should
+        const prefixMatch = contributorShoulds.find((should) => should.prefix)
+        expect(prefixMatch).to.deep.equal({
+          prefix: {
+            'creatorLiteralNormalized.keywordLowercased': {
+              value: 'toast',
+              boost: 100
+            }
+          }
+        })
+      })
+    })
+    describe('multiple adv search params', () => {
+      it('applies contributor clauses to query', () => {
+        const request = new ApiRequest({
+          title: 'title value',
+          contributor: 'contributor value',
+          callnumber: 'callnumber value'
+        })
+        const inst = ElasticQueryBuilder.forApiRequest(request)
+        console.log('ES: ', JSON.stringify(inst.query.toJson(), null, 2))
+        const query = inst.query.toJson()
+        // Assert there's a multi-match:
+        expect(query).to.nested
+          .include({
+            // Multi-match on title fields:
+            'bool.must[0].bool.must[0].multi_match.fields[0]': 'title^5',
+            'bool.must[0].bool.must[0].multi_match.query': 'title value',
+            // Multi-match on creator/contrib fields:
+            'bool.must[1].bool.must[0].multi_match.fields[0]': 'creatorLiteral^4',
+            'bool.must[1].bool.must[0].multi_match.query': 'contributor value'
+          })
+        // Assert there's at least one of the title boosting clauses:
+        const titleShoulds = query.bool.must[0].bool.should
+        const prefixMatch = titleShoulds.find((should) => should.prefix)
+        expect(prefixMatch).to.deep.equal({
+          prefix: {
+            'title.keywordLowercasedStripped': {
+              value: 'title value',
+              boost: 50
+            }
+          }
+        })
+        // Assert there's at least one of the creator boosting clauses:
+        const creatorShoulds = query.bool.must[1].bool.should
+        const creatorPrefixMatch = creatorShoulds.find((should) => should.prefix)
+        expect(creatorPrefixMatch).to.deep.equal({
+          prefix: {
+            'creatorLiteralNormalized.keywordLowercased': {
+              value: 'contributor value',
+              boost: 100
+            }
+          }
+        })
+      })
+    })
+  })
diff --git a/test/fixtures/query-0f39119a22aa5841e0de10b925f52b03.json b/test/fixtures/query-0f39119a22aa5841e0de10b925f52b03.json
index 91de7b39..60c9503b 100644
--- a/test/fixtures/query-0f39119a22aa5841e0de10b925f52b03.json
+++ b/test/fixtures/query-0f39119a22aa5841e0de10b925f52b03.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  "took": 11,
+  "took": 6,
   "timed_out": false,
   "_shards": {
     "total": 2,
@@ -12,12 +12,12 @@
       "value": 1,
       "relation": "eq"
-    "max_score": 15.631159,
+    "max_score": 15.73737,
     "hits": [
         "_index": "resources-2024-10-22",
         "_id": "b14937001",
-        "_score": 15.631159,
+        "_score": 15.73737,
         "_source": {
           "note": [
@@ -60,6 +60,10 @@
           "dateEndString": [
+          "buildingLocationIds": [
+            "rc",
+            "ma"
+          ],
           "title": [
             "Morgenblatt für gebildete leser."
@@ -521,227 +525,222 @@
         "inner_hits": {
-          "items": {
+          "allItems": {
             "hits": {
               "total": {
-                "value": 1,
+                "value": 4,
                 "relation": "eq"
-              "max_score": null,
+              "max_score": 0,
               "hits": [
                   "_index": "resources-2024-10-22",
                   "_id": "b14937001",
                   "_nested": {
                     "field": "items",
-                    "offset": 3
+                    "offset": 0
-                  "_score": null,
+                  "_score": 0,
                   "_source": {
-                    "accessMessage": [
-                      {
-                        "id": "accessMessage:1",
-                        "label": "Use in library"
-                      }
-                    ],
                     "accessMessage_packed": [
-                      "accessMessage:1||Use in library"
+                      "accessMessage:2||Request in advance"
-                    "catalogItemType": [
+                    "owner": [
-                        "id": "catalogItemType:3",
-                        "label": "serial"
+                        "id": "orgs:1000",
+                        "label": "Stephen A. Schwarzman Building"
+                    "identifier": [
+                      "urn:shelfmark:*DF+ (Morgenblatt für gebildete Leser) Jahrg. Mar.-May 1933",
+                      "urn:barcode:33433088646033"
+                    ],
+                    "physicalLocation": [
+                      "*DF+ (Morgenblatt für gebildete Leser)"
+                    ],
+                    "shelfMark_sort": "a*DF+ (Morgenblatt für gebildete Leser) Jahrg. Mar.-May 001933",
                     "catalogItemType_packed": [
                     "dateRange": [
-                        "gte": "1860",
-                        "lte": "1860"
+                        "gte": "1933",
+                        "lte": "1933"
-                    "enumerationChronology": [
-                      "Jahrg. 1860"
-                    ],
-                    "enumerationChronology_sort": [
-                      "          -1860"
-                    ],
-                    "formatLiteral": [
-                      "Text"
-                    ],
-                    "holdingLocation": [
+                    "accessMessage": [
-                        "id": "loc:mal92",
-                        "label": "Schwarzman Building M2 - General Research Room 315"
+                        "id": "accessMessage:2",
+                        "label": "Request in advance"
-                    "holdingLocation_packed": [
-                      "loc:mal92||Schwarzman Building M2 - General Research Room 315"
+                    "status_packed": [
+                      "status:a||Available"
-                    "idBarcode": [
-                      "33433097964930"
+                    "enumerationChronology_sort": [
+                      "          -1933"
-                    "identifier": [
-                      "urn:shelfmark:*DF+ (Morgenblatt für gebildete Leser) Jahrg. 1860",
-                      "urn:barcode:33433097964930"
+                    "type": [
+                      "bf:Item"
+                    "shelfMark": [
+                      "*DF+ (Morgenblatt für gebildete Leser) Jahrg. Mar.-May 1933"
+                    ],
+                    "uri": "i28309666",
                     "identifierV2": [
-                        "value": "*DF+ (Morgenblatt für gebildete Leser) Jahrg. 1860",
-                        "type": "bf:ShelfMark"
+                        "type": "bf:ShelfMark",
+                        "value": "*DF+ (Morgenblatt für gebildete Leser) Jahrg. Mar.-May 1933"
-                        "value": "33433097964930",
-                        "type": "bf:Barcode"
+                        "type": "bf:Barcode",
+                        "value": "33433088646033"
-                    "m2CustomerCode": [
-                      "XA"
+                    "holdingLocation_packed": [
+                      "loc:rc2ma||Offsite"
-                    "physicalLocation": [
-                      "*DF+ (Morgenblatt für gebildete Leser)"
+                    "enumerationChronology": [
+                      "Jahrg. Mar.-May 1933"
+                    ],
+                    "idBarcode": [
+                      "33433088646033"
+                    ],
+                    "owner_packed": [
+                      "orgs:1000||Stephen A. Schwarzman Building"
                     "requestable": [
-                    "shelfMark": [
-                      "*DF+ (Morgenblatt für gebildete Leser) Jahrg. 1860"
+                    "catalogItemType": [
+                      {
+                        "id": "catalogItemType:3",
+                        "label": "serial"
+                      }
+                    ],
+                    "formatLiteral": [
+                      "Text"
+                    ],
+                    "holdingLocation": [
+                      {
+                        "id": "loc:rc2ma",
+                        "label": "Offsite"
+                      }
+                    ],
+                    "recapCustomerCode": [
+                      "NA"
-                    "shelfMark_sort": "a*DF+ (Morgenblatt für gebildete Leser) Jahrg. 001860",
                     "status": [
                         "id": "status:a",
                         "label": "Available"
-                    ],
-                    "status_packed": [
-                      "status:a||Available"
-                    ],
-                    "type": [
-                      "bf:Item"
-                    ],
-                    "uri": "i28543800"
-                  },
-                  "sort": [
-                    "          -1860"
-                  ]
-                }
-              ]
-            }
-          },
-          "allItems": {
-            "hits": {
-              "total": {
-                "value": 4,
-                "relation": "eq"
-              },
-              "max_score": 0,
-              "hits": [
+                    ]
+                  }
+                },
                   "_index": "resources-2024-10-22",
                   "_id": "b14937001",
                   "_nested": {
                     "field": "items",
-                    "offset": 0
+                    "offset": 1
                   "_score": 0,
                   "_source": {
-                    "accessMessage": [
-                      {
-                        "id": "accessMessage:2",
-                        "label": "Request in advance"
-                      }
-                    ],
                     "accessMessage_packed": [
                       "accessMessage:2||Request in advance"
-                    "catalogItemType": [
+                    "owner": [
-                        "id": "catalogItemType:3",
-                        "label": "serial"
+                        "id": "orgs:1000",
+                        "label": "Stephen A. Schwarzman Building"
+                    "identifier": [
+                      "urn:shelfmark:*DF+ (Morgenblatt für gebildete Leser) Jahrg. 49 (1855)",
+                      "urn:barcode:33433096425198"
+                    ],
+                    "physicalLocation": [
+                      "*DF+ (Morgenblatt für gebildete Leser)"
+                    ],
+                    "shelfMark_sort": "a*DF+ (Morgenblatt für gebildete Leser) Jahrg. 49 (1855)",
                     "catalogItemType_packed": [
                     "dateRange": [
-                        "gte": "1933",
-                        "lte": "1933"
+                        "gte": "1855",
+                        "lte": "1855"
-                    "enumerationChronology": [
-                      "Jahrg. Mar.-May 1933"
+                    "accessMessage": [
+                      {
+                        "id": "accessMessage:2",
+                        "label": "Request in advance"
+                      }
+                    ],
+                    "status_packed": [
+                      "status:a||Available"
                     "enumerationChronology_sort": [
-                      "          -1933"
+                      "          -1855"
-                    "formatLiteral": [
-                      "Text"
+                    "type": [
+                      "bf:Item"
-                    "holdingLocation": [
+                    "shelfMark": [
+                      "*DF+ (Morgenblatt für gebildete Leser) Jahrg. 49 (1855)"
+                    ],
+                    "uri": "i28309648",
+                    "identifierV2": [
-                        "id": "loc:rc2ma",
-                        "label": "Offsite"
+                        "type": "bf:ShelfMark",
+                        "value": "*DF+ (Morgenblatt für gebildete Leser) Jahrg. 49 (1855)"
+                      },
+                      {
+                        "type": "bf:Barcode",
+                        "value": "33433096425198"
                     "holdingLocation_packed": [
+                    "enumerationChronology": [
+                      "Jahrg. 49 (1855)"
+                    ],
                     "idBarcode": [
-                      "33433088646033"
+                      "33433096425198"
-                    "identifier": [
-                      "urn:shelfmark:*DF+ (Morgenblatt für gebildete Leser) Jahrg. Mar.-May 1933",
-                      "urn:barcode:33433088646033"
+                    "owner_packed": [
+                      "orgs:1000||Stephen A. Schwarzman Building"
-                    "identifierV2": [
-                      {
-                        "value": "*DF+ (Morgenblatt für gebildete Leser) Jahrg. Mar.-May 1933",
-                        "type": "bf:ShelfMark"
-                      },
-                      {
-                        "value": "33433088646033",
-                        "type": "bf:Barcode"
-                      }
+                    "requestable": [
+                      true
-                    "owner": [
+                    "catalogItemType": [
-                        "id": "orgs:1000",
-                        "label": "Stephen A. Schwarzman Building"
+                        "id": "catalogItemType:3",
+                        "label": "serial"
-                    "owner_packed": [
-                      "orgs:1000||Stephen A. Schwarzman Building"
+                    "formatLiteral": [
+                      "Text"
-                    "physicalLocation": [
-                      "*DF+ (Morgenblatt für gebildete Leser)"
+                    "holdingLocation": [
+                      {
+                        "id": "loc:rc2ma",
+                        "label": "Offsite"
+                      }
                     "recapCustomerCode": [
-                    "requestable": [
-                      true
-                    ],
-                    "shelfMark": [
-                      "*DF+ (Morgenblatt für gebildete Leser) Jahrg. Mar.-May 1933"
-                    ],
-                    "shelfMark_sort": "a*DF+ (Morgenblatt für gebildete Leser) Jahrg. Mar.-May 001933",
                     "status": [
                         "id": "status:a",
                         "label": "Available"
-                    ],
-                    "status_packed": [
-                      "status:a||Available"
-                    ],
-                    "type": [
-                      "bf:Item"
-                    ],
-                    "uri": "i28309666"
+                    ]
@@ -749,210 +748,215 @@
                   "_id": "b14937001",
                   "_nested": {
                     "field": "items",
-                    "offset": 1
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-            "Ink painting -- Sweden",
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-            "Swedish artist Gunnel Wåhlstrand (b. 1974) creates extraordinary large-scale ink wash paintings featuring monumental landscapes, compelling portraits and serene interiors with intriguing compositions. The point of departure for Wåhlstrand's work was a box of family photographs, the only connection that she had to her father while growing up. To fill the silence surrounding his life and disappearance, she began to use these photographs: enlarging the image, delving into every detail and using her imagination to complete any information that is lacking or obscured. Each work takes months to complete, as the ink washes are applied in successive layers, gradually filling the white paper through a process that the artist likens to a slowly developing photograph. This book assembles all of the artist's works, including an interview with the artist and a text by Lars Norén."
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-            "Klintenberg Gedda, Ellen, 1989-",
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-            "Artists -- Sweden -- Biography.",
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-            "Gunnel Wåhlstrand / editors: Ellen Klintenberg Gedda, Jennifer Lindblad ; texts: David Neuman [and 3 others] ; translation: Karin Altenberg, Robin Robertson, Suzanne Cheadle Martin."
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-            "Price, Leontyne",
-            "Freni, Mirella, 1935-2020.",
-            "Corelli, Franco",
-            "Merrill, Robert, 1917-2004.",
-            "Karajan, Herbert von",
-            "Mérimée, Prosper, 1803-1870.",
-            "Konzertvereinigung Wiener Staatsopernchor",
-            "Wiener Philharmoniker"
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+            "Freni, Mirella, 1935-2020.",
+            "Corelli, Franco",
+            "Merrill, Robert, 1917-2004.",
+            "Karajan, Herbert von",
+            "Mérimée, Prosper, 1803-1870.",
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             "[Disc 1]. Blues. 44 blues / (James \"Son Ford\" Thomas) -- I feel so good / (Lovey Williams) -- Stackalee and Billy Lyons / (Wallace \"Pine-Top\" Johnson & Maudie Shirley with Jasper Love) -- Lil' Liza Jane / (Scott Dunbar) -- Big fat mama / (Mississippi Fred McDowell) -- Bottle blowing / (Louis Dotson) -- Bring me my shotgun / (Sonny Boy Watson) -- Eyesight to the blind / (Sam Myers) -- Cairo / (James \"Son Ford\" Thomas) -- Jaybird / (Scott Dunbar) -- Cotton eyed Joe / (Tom Dumas) -- Coal black mare / (Lovey Williams) -- I dreamed I went to the U.N. / (Unidentified musician with Mississippi Fred McDowell) -- Darling if you must leave / (Walter Lee Hood) -- I got a letter from Hot Springs / (Mississippi Fred McDowell) -- Baby loves to boogie / (Wallace \"Pine-Top\" Johnson & Maudie Shirley with Jasper Love) -- Nothing / (Wash Heron & \"Big\" Jack Johnson) -- Dust my broom / (James \"Son Ford\" Thomas) -- The Memphis mail / (Scott Dunbar) -- Have you seen my baby / (Sonny Boy Watson) -- Instrumental guitar piece in A / (James Hughes) -- Train I ride / (Lovey Williams) -- Little red rooster / (Unidentified musician with Mississippi Fred McDowell) -- Darlin' why you treat me so? / (Leland musician) -- Water boy drowned in the Mobile Bay / (Inmates at Parchman Farm) -- I ain't gonna live it no more / (George Lee \"Sun Bud\" Spears) -- I cannot stay here baby / (James \"Son Ford\" Thomas with Sonny Boy Watson).",
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-            "Le nozze di Figaro. Voi che sapete (2:50) ; Porgi amor (4:16) / Mozart -- Don Giovanni. Deh, vieni alla finestra (2:03) ; Batti, batti, o bel masetto (3:52) / Mozart -- Die Zauberflöte. Der hölle rache (2:56) ; O Isis und Osiris (3:12) / Mozart -- Cosí fan tutte. Temerari-- come scoglio / Mozart (5:51) -- Il Barbiere di Siviglia. La calunnia è un venticello / Rossini (4:53) -- Don Carlo. Nei giardin del bello / Verdi (4:56) -- Norma. Casta diva / Bellini (5:32) -- Aida. Se quel guerrier-- Celeste Aida / Verdi (4:41) -- La traviata. Tenesta la promessa-- Addio del passato / Verdi (5:43) -- Otello. Niun mi tema / Verdi (6:01) -- Madama Butterfly. Un bel di vendremo / Puccini (4:37) -- Tosca. E lucevan le stelle / Puccini (2:53) -- La Bohème. Si, mi chiamano Mimi / Puccini (4:52) -- Manon Lescaut. In quelle trine morbide / Puccini (2:17) -- Turandot. Signore, ascolta / Puccini (2:37) -- I Pagliacci. Recitar-- vesti la giubba / Leoncavallo (3:44) -- Fedora. Amor ti vieta di non amar / Giordano (1:46) --",
+            "Le nozze di Figaro. Voi che sapete (2:50) ; Porgi amor (4:16) / Mozart -- Don Giovanni. Deh, vieni alla finestra (2:03) ; Batti, batti, o bel masetto (3:52) / Mozart -- Die Zauberflöte. Der hölle rache (2:56) ; O Isis und Osiris (3:12) / Mozart -- Cosí fan tutte. Temerari-- come scoglio / Mozart (5:51) -- Il Barbiere di Siviglia. La calunnia è un venticello / Rossini (4:53) -- Don Carlo. Nei giardin del bello / Verdi (4:56) -- Norma. Casta diva / Bellini (5:32) -- Aida. Se quel guerrier-- Celeste Aida / Verdi (4:41) -- La traviata. Tenesta la promessa-- Addio del passato / Verdi (5:43) -- Otello. Niun mi tema / Verdi (6:01) -- Madama Butterfly. Un bel di vendremo / Puccini (4:37) -- Tosca. E lucevan le stelle / Puccini (2:53) -- La Bohème. Si, mi chiamano Mimi / Puccini (4:52) -- Manon Lescaut. In quelle trine morbide / Puccini (2:17) -- Turandot. Signore, ascolta / Puccini (2:37) -- I Pagliacci. Recitar-- vesti la giubba / Leoncavallo (3:44) -- Fedora. Amor ti vieta di non amar / Giordano (1:46).",
             "Faust. Le veau d'or est toujours debout / Gounod (2:03) -- Lakmé. Oú va la jeune hindoue? / Delibes (6:29) -- Roméo et Juliette. L'amour, l'amour-- ah! Lève-toi, soleil / Gounod (4:18) -- Manon. Allons! Il le faut-- Adieu notre petite table / Massenet (3:49) -- Werther. Toute mon âme est là-- pourquoi me réveiller / Massenet (2:36) -- La jolie fille de Perth. Quand la flamme de l'amour / Bizet (4:57) -- Carmen. L'amour est un oiseua rebelle / Bizet (4:35) -- Les Pècheurs de perles. À cette voix-- je crois entendre encore / Bizet (4:32) -- La damnation de Faust. Une puce gentille / Berlioz (1:24) -- Les Troyens. Je vais mourir-- Adieu, fière cité / Berlioz (6:00) -- Samson et Delilah. Mon coeur s'ouvre à ta voix / Saint-Saëns (5:17) -- Tannhäuser. Wie todesahnung-- O du mein holder Abendstern / Wagner (4:15) -- Der fliegende Holländer. Johohoe! Traft ihr das schiff im Meere an? / Wagner (8:12) -- Lohengrin. In fernem land / Wagner (4:42) -- Siegfried. Heil dir, Sonne! / Wagner (5:17) -- Tristan und Isolde. Mild und leise / Wagner (7:19).",
             "Orfeo ed Euridice. Che farò senza Euridice? / Gluck (5:26) -- Die Zauberflöte. Der Vogelfänger bin ich ja / Mozart (2:36) -- Don Giovanni. Finch'han dal vino / Mozart (1:27) -- Le nozze di Figaro. E Susanna non vien!-- Dove sono / Mozart (6:27) -- Fidelio. Abscheulicher! / Beethoven (8:18) -- Guillaume Tell. Ne m'abandonne pas, espoir de la vengeance-- Asile héréditaire / Rossini (6:59) -- Il barbiere di siviglia. Largo al factotum / rossini (4:42) -- Don Carlo. Ella giammai m'amò! / Verdi (7:32) -- Rigoletto. La donna è mobile / Rossini (2:14) -- Il trovatore. Di quella pira / Rossini (2:02) -- Otello. Esultate! (2:24) ; Dio! mi potevi scagliar (4:39) / Rossini -- Tosca. Vissi d'arte, vissi d'amore / Puccini (3:00) -- Turandot. In questa reggia (5:58) ; Tanto amore (2:22) / Puccini -- Gianni Schicchi. O mio babbino caro / Puccini (2:40) -- L'amico Fritz. Ed anche beppe amo / Mascagni (3:16) -- Adriana Lecouvreur. Poveri fiori / Cilea (3:10) -- Andrea Chénier. Come un bel di di maggio / Giordano (3:04).",
             "Faust. Les grande seigneurs-- Ah! Je ris de me voir si belle / Gounod (5:50) -- Le Jongleur de Notre-Dame. Marie, avec l'enfant Jésus / Massenet (5:30) -- Mirielle. Heureux petit berger / Massenet (2:05) -- Mignon. Connais-tu le pays (5:39) ; Elle ne croyait pas dans sa candeur (3:31) / Thomas -- Carmen. Votre toast, je peux vous le rendre-- Toréadore / Bizet (4:55) -- Les contes d'Hoffmann. Les oiseaux dans la charmille / Offenbach (5:47) -- La damnation de Faust. Maintenant, chantons-- Devant la maison de celui qui t'adore / Berlioz (2:16) -- Louise. Depuis le jour / Charpentier (5:34) -- Der Rosenkavalier. Da geht er hin / Richard Strauss (5:22) -- Lohengrin. Einsam in trüben Tagen / Wagner (6:02) -- Tannhäuser. Dich, teure Halle / Wagner (4:44) -- Die Walküre. Leb wohl, du kühnes, herrliches Kind (15:41) ; Hojotoho hojotoho! (5:56) / Wagner.",
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             "One hundred best opera classics"
           "tableOfContents": [
-            "Le nozze di Figaro. Voi che sapete (2:50) ; Porgi amor (4:16) / Mozart -- Don Giovanni. Deh, vieni alla finestra (2:03) ; Batti, batti, o bel masetto (3:52) / Mozart -- Die Zauberflöte. Der hölle rache (2:56) ; O Isis und Osiris (3:12) / Mozart -- Cosí fan tutte. Temerari-- come scoglio / Mozart (5:51) -- Il Barbiere di Siviglia. La calunnia è un venticello / Rossini (4:53) -- Don Carlo. Nei giardin del bello / Verdi (4:56) -- Norma. Casta diva / Bellini (5:32) -- Aida. Se quel guerrier-- Celeste Aida / Verdi (4:41) -- La traviata. Tenesta la promessa-- Addio del passato / Verdi (5:43) -- Otello. Niun mi tema / Verdi (6:01) -- Madama Butterfly. Un bel di vendremo / Puccini (4:37) -- Tosca. E lucevan le stelle / Puccini (2:53) -- La Bohème. Si, mi chiamano Mimi / Puccini (4:52) -- Manon Lescaut. In quelle trine morbide / Puccini (2:17) -- Turandot. Signore, ascolta / Puccini (2:37) -- I Pagliacci. Recitar-- vesti la giubba / Leoncavallo (3:44) -- Fedora. Amor ti vieta di non amar / Giordano (1:46).",
+            "Le nozze di Figaro. Voi che sapete (2:50) ; Porgi amor (4:16) / Mozart -- Don Giovanni. Deh, vieni alla finestra (2:03) ; Batti, batti, o bel masetto (3:52) / Mozart -- Die Zauberflöte. Der hölle rache (2:56) ; O Isis und Osiris (3:12) / Mozart -- Cosí fan tutte. Temerari-- come scoglio / Mozart (5:51) -- Il Barbiere di Siviglia. La calunnia è un venticello / Rossini (4:53) -- Don Carlo. Nei giardin del bello / Verdi (4:56) -- Norma. Casta diva / Bellini (5:32) -- Aida. Se quel guerrier-- Celeste Aida / Verdi (4:41) -- La traviata. Tenesta la promessa-- Addio del passato / Verdi (5:43) -- Otello. Niun mi tema / Verdi (6:01) -- Madama Butterfly. Un bel di vendremo / Puccini (4:37) -- Tosca. E lucevan le stelle / Puccini (2:53) -- La Bohème. Si, mi chiamano Mimi / Puccini (4:52) -- Manon Lescaut. In quelle trine morbide / Puccini (2:17) -- Turandot. Signore, ascolta / Puccini (2:37) -- I Pagliacci. Recitar-- vesti la giubba / Leoncavallo (3:44) -- Fedora. Amor ti vieta di non amar / Giordano (1:46) --",
             "Faust. Le veau d'or est toujours debout / Gounod (2:03) -- Lakmé. Oú va la jeune hindoue? / Delibes (6:29) -- Roméo et Juliette. L'amour, l'amour-- ah! Lève-toi, soleil / Gounod (4:18) -- Manon. Allons! Il le faut-- Adieu notre petite table / Massenet (3:49) -- Werther. Toute mon âme est là-- pourquoi me réveiller / Massenet (2:36) -- La jolie fille de Perth. Quand la flamme de l'amour / Bizet (4:57) -- Carmen. L'amour est un oiseua rebelle / Bizet (4:35) -- Les Pècheurs de perles. À cette voix-- je crois entendre encore / Bizet (4:32) -- La damnation de Faust. Une puce gentille / Berlioz (1:24) -- Les Troyens. Je vais mourir-- Adieu, fière cité / Berlioz (6:00) -- Samson et Delilah. Mon coeur s'ouvre à ta voix / Saint-Saëns (5:17) -- Tannhäuser. Wie todesahnung-- O du mein holder Abendstern / Wagner (4:15) -- Der fliegende Holländer. Johohoe! Traft ihr das schiff im Meere an? / Wagner (8:12) -- Lohengrin. In fernem land / Wagner (4:42) -- Siegfried. Heil dir, Sonne! / Wagner (5:17) -- Tristan und Isolde. Mild und leise / Wagner (7:19).",
             "Orfeo ed Euridice. Che farò senza Euridice? / Gluck (5:26) -- Die Zauberflöte. Der Vogelfänger bin ich ja / Mozart (2:36) -- Don Giovanni. Finch'han dal vino / Mozart (1:27) -- Le nozze di Figaro. E Susanna non vien!-- Dove sono / Mozart (6:27) -- Fidelio. Abscheulicher! / Beethoven (8:18) -- Guillaume Tell. Ne m'abandonne pas, espoir de la vengeance-- Asile héréditaire / Rossini (6:59) -- Il barbiere di siviglia. Largo al factotum / rossini (4:42) -- Don Carlo. Ella giammai m'amò! / Verdi (7:32) -- Rigoletto. La donna è mobile / Rossini (2:14) -- Il trovatore. Di quella pira / Rossini (2:02) -- Otello. Esultate! (2:24) ; Dio! mi potevi scagliar (4:39) / Rossini -- Tosca. Vissi d'arte, vissi d'amore / Puccini (3:00) -- Turandot. In questa reggia (5:58) ; Tanto amore (2:22) / Puccini -- Gianni Schicchi. O mio babbino caro / Puccini (2:40) -- L'amico Fritz. Ed anche beppe amo / Mascagni (3:16) -- Adriana Lecouvreur. Poveri fiori / Cilea (3:10) -- Andrea Chénier. Come un bel di di maggio / Giordano (3:04).",
             "Faust. Les grande seigneurs-- Ah! Je ris de me voir si belle / Gounod (5:50) -- Le Jongleur de Notre-Dame. Marie, avec l'enfant Jésus / Massenet (5:30) -- Mirielle. Heureux petit berger / Massenet (2:05) -- Mignon. Connais-tu le pays (5:39) ; Elle ne croyait pas dans sa candeur (3:31) / Thomas -- Carmen. Votre toast, je peux vous le rendre-- Toréadore / Bizet (4:55) -- Les contes d'Hoffmann. Les oiseaux dans la charmille / Offenbach (5:47) -- La damnation de Faust. Maintenant, chantons-- Devant la maison de celui qui t'adore / Berlioz (2:16) -- Louise. Depuis le jour / Charpentier (5:34) -- Der Rosenkavalier. Da geht er hin / Richard Strauss (5:22) -- Lohengrin. Einsam in trüben Tagen / Wagner (6:02) -- Tannhäuser. Dich, teure Halle / Wagner (4:44) -- Die Walküre. Leb wohl, du kühnes, herrliches Kind (15:41) ; Hojotoho hojotoho! (5:56) / Wagner.",
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+            "Detailed exegesis of external and internal aspects of the visualization practice of the Hevajra tantra.",
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-            "Detailed exegesis of external and internal aspects of the visualization practice of the Hevajra tantra.",
-            "Life of the founder of the Ṅor-pa tradition, Ṅor-chen Kun-dgaʼ-bzaṅ-po."
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-              "label": "For voice and orchestra; music for orchestra only (includes cue for voice).",
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-              "noteType": "Note",
-              "label": "Alternate musical setting from mss. of Mar. 6, 1918.",
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-              "noteType": "Note",
-              "label": "Title from caption (in pencil); other caption title information illegible.",
+              "label": "At head of title: G.C. Baravelli.",
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@@ -5125,321 +5007,291 @@
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-            "Sousa, John Philip, 1854-1932",
-            "Sousa, John Philip, 1854-1932 -- Manuscripts"
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+            "Soviet Union -- Economic conditions -- 1917-1945."
+          ],
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+            "Stalin's toast."
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+              "label": "For voice and orchestra; music for orchestra only (includes cue for voice).",
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+              "noteType": "Note",
+              "label": "Alternate musical setting from mss. of Mar. 6, 1918.",
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-            "Blind people -- Juvenile fiction",
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-            "Human skin color -- Juvenile fiction",
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-            "While out on a walk with her blind grandmother, Phoebe tries to describe the skin color of members of her family by comparing them to various foods."
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-            "Thisdale, François, 1964-"
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-            "Self-esteem -- Juvenile fiction.",
-            "Picture books for children.",
-            "Blind people.",
-            "Grandmothers.",
-            "Human skin color.",
-            "Self-esteem."
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-            "French toast / written by Kari-Lynn Winters ; illustrated by François Thisdale."
-          ],
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+            "Self-esteem -- Juvenile fiction.",
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+              "label": "For voice and piano.",
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-            "A musical toast / Leonard Bernstein."
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-            "[Place of publication not identified] : New York, N.Y."
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@@ -6665,151 +6499,132 @@
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+        "_id": "cb1808514",
+        "_score": 539.6899,
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-            "1 sound disc (46 min.) : digital, mono. ;"
+            "1 score (3 unnumbered pages, 12 pages) ;"
           "note": [
               "noteType": "Note",
-              "label": "Audio portion of CBS Television broadcast.",
+              "label": "For orchestra.",
               "type": "bf:Note"
               "noteType": "Note",
-              "label": "Transfer to compact disc incomplete due to damage to the original lacquer discs; side one is completely delaminated, and other sides have minor damage.  Original program ran 60 min.",
+              "label": "Program notes by Jack Gottlieb.",
               "type": "bf:Note"
-              "noteType": "Access",
-              "label": "Access to original items restricted.",
+              "noteType": "Note",
+              "label": "Duration: ca. 2:30.",
               "type": "bf:Note"
-              "noteType": "Credits",
-              "label": "Marlo Lewis and Ed Sullivan (producers) ; John Wray (direction) ; Ray Bloch (musical direction)",
+              "noteType": "Note",
+              "label": "Recorded by the Israel Philharmonic, the composer conducting, on Deutsche Grammophon 2532 052.",
               "type": "bf:Note"
-              "noteType": "Linking Entry",
-              "label": "Forms part of the Oscar Hammerstein collection of noncommercial sound recordings, 1942-1955.",
+              "noteType": "Note",
+              "label": "Also available in a version for symphonic band.",
               "type": "bf:Note"
-          "partOf": [
-            "Oscar Hammerstein collection of noncommercial sound recordings, 1942-1955."
-          ],
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-            "sierra-nypl"
+            "recap-cul"
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-            "Hammerstein, Oscar, II, 1895-1960",
-            "Hammerstein, Oscar, II, 1895-1960 -- Interviews",
-            "Lyricists",
-            "Lyricists -- United States",
-            "Lyricists -- United States -- Biography",
-            "Musicals",
-            "Musicals -- Excerpts"
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-            0
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-              "id": "lang:eng",
-              "label": "English"
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+            "Orchestral music",
+            "Orchestral music -- Scores"
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-            1
+          "publisherLiteral": [
+            "Jalni Publications ; Boosey & Hawkes, sole selling agent"
-          "createdYear": [
-            1951
+          "dateEndString": [
+            "1980"
-          "dateEndString": [
-            "0909"
+          "createdYear": [
+            1984
-          "title": [
-            "Toast of the town."
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-            "*LDC 37733"
+          "title": [
+            "A musical toast"
-          "numItemVolumesParsed": [
-            0
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+            "Bernstein, Leonard, 1918-1990."
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-            "1951"
+            "1984"
+          ],
+          "seriesStatement": [
+            "Hawkes pocket scores"
           "numElectronicResources": [
-          "contributorLiteral": [
-            "Sullivan, Ed, 1901-1974.",
-            "Hammerstein, Oscar, II, 1895-1960",
-            "Horne, Lena",
-            "Merrill, Robert, 1917-2004.",
-            "Benzell, Mimi.",
-            "Tabbert, William, 1919-1974.",
-            "Hall, George, 1916-2002.",
-            "Cox, Wally, 1924-1973."
-          ],
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-            1951
-          ],
-          "idOclc": [
-            "794597226"
+            1984
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-              "value": "794597226"
+              "value": "ocm11578466"
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-              "value": "(OCoLC)794597226"
+              "value": "H.P.S. 976 Boosey & Hawkes"
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+              "value": "(OCoLC)ocm11578466"
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+              "type": "bf:Identifier",
+              "value": "(NNC)1808514"
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+              "value": "1808514"
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+            "ocm11578466"
+          ],
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-            "Ed Sullivan show (Television program)"
+            "Musical toast",
+            "Hawkes pocket scores."
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-            909
+            1980
-          "updatedAt": 1712870775817,
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+          "updatedAt": 1664590433971,
           "publicationStatement": [
-            "1951."
-          ],
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-            "Variety shows (Television programs)",
-            "Television commercials."
+            "[Place of publication not identified] : Jalni Publications ; New York, N.Y. : Boosey & Hawkes, sole selling agent, 1984, ©1980."
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-            "urn:shelfmark:*LDC 37733",
-            "urn:bnum:19635190",
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+            "urn:undefined:(OCoLC)ocm11578466",
+            "urn:undefined:(NNC)1808514",
+            "urn:undefined:1808514"
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@@ -6819,7 +6634,7 @@
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-            "1951"
+            "1984"
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@@ -6828,14 +6643,21 @@
           "subjectLiteral": [
-            "Hammerstein, Oscar, II, 1895-1960 -- Interviews.",
-            "Lyricists -- United States -- Biography.",
-            "Musicals -- Excerpts."
+            "Orchestral music -- Scores."
           "titleDisplay": [
-            "Toast of the town. 1951-09-09, the Oscar Hammerstein story, pt. 1 [sound recording] / CBS-TV ; written by Ed Sullivan."
+            "A musical toast / Leonard Bernstein."
+          ],
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+            1
+          ],
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+            1
+          ],
+          "placeOfPublication": [
+            "[Place of publication not identified] : New York, N.Y."
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               "id": "urn:biblevel:m",
@@ -6843,19 +6665,15 @@
           "titleAlt": [
-            "Oscar Hammerstein story, pt. 1",
-            "Oscar Hammerstein collection of noncommercial sound recordings."
-          ],
-          "tableOfContents": [
-            "Opening commentary and early biography of Oscar Hammerstein II -- Indian love call (Mimi Benzell and Robert Merrill) -- Biography continued (incomplete) -- One alone (Bill Tabbert) (incomplete) -- Biography continued -- Can't help lovin' that man (Lena Horne) -- Biography continued (incomplete) -- Old man river (Robert Merrill) -- Biography continued (incomplete) -- Lover come back to me (Mimi Benzell) -- Comedy skit (incomplete) / George Hall ; Wally Cox -- Interview with Oscar Hammerstein II -- Ending commentary & sponsor's advertisements (Lincoln automobiles) -- Announcement for the next show."
+            "Musical toast"
           "dimensions": [
-            "4 3/4 in."
+            "27 cm."
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-          "b19635190"
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             "1 sound disc (46 min.) : digital, mono. ;"
@@ -6974,7 +6785,7 @@
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-              "label": "Audio distortion from original source. Transfer to compact disc incomplete due to damage to the original lacquer discs; side one, two, five, and seven are completely delaminated, and other sides have minor damage.  Original program ran 60 min.",
+              "label": "Transfer to compact disc incomplete due to damage to the original lacquer discs; side one is completely delaminated, and other sides have minor damage.  Original program ran 60 min.",
               "type": "bf:Note"
@@ -7002,8 +6813,6 @@
           "subjectLiteral_exploded": [
             "Hammerstein, Oscar, II, 1895-1960",
             "Hammerstein, Oscar, II, 1895-1960 -- Interviews",
-            "Rodgers, Richard, 1902-1979",
-            "Rodgers, Richard, 1902-1979 -- Interviews",
             "Lyricists -- United States",
             "Lyricists -- United States -- Biography",
@@ -7026,7 +6835,10 @@
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-            "0916"
+            "0909"
+          ],
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+            "pa"
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             "Toast of the town."
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-            "*LDC 50447"
+            "*LDC 37733"
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@@ -7049,43 +6861,42 @@
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             "Sullivan, Ed, 1901-1974.",
             "Hammerstein, Oscar, II, 1895-1960",
-            "Rodgers, Richard, 1902-1979",
-            "Rodgers, Richard, 1902-1979.",
-            "Deel, Sandra.",
+            "Horne, Lena",
             "Merrill, Robert, 1917-2004.",
-            "Rahn, Muriel.",
+            "Benzell, Mimi.",
             "Tabbert, William, 1919-1974.",
-            "Lawrence, Gertrude."
+            "Hall, George, 1916-2002.",
+            "Cox, Wally, 1924-1973."
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-            "794597454"
+            "794597226"
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-              "value": "(OCoLC)794597454"
+              "value": "(OCoLC)794597226"
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             "Ed Sullivan show (Television program)"
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-            916
+            909
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@@ -7096,10 +6907,10 @@
             "Television commercials."
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-            "urn:shelfmark:*LDC 50447",
-            "urn:bnum:19635203",
-            "urn:oclc:794597454",
-            "urn:identifier:(OCoLC)794597454"
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+            "urn:oclc:794597226",
+            "urn:identifier:(OCoLC)794597226"
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@@ -7127,14 +6938,13 @@
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             "Hammerstein, Oscar, II, 1895-1960 -- Interviews.",
-            "Rodgers, Richard, 1902-1979 -- Interviews.",
             "Lyricists -- United States -- Biography.",
             "Musicals -- Excerpts."
           "titleDisplay": [
-            "Toast of the town. 1951-09-16, the Oscar Hammerstein story, pt. 2 [sound recording] / CBS-TV ; written by Ed Sullivan."
+            "Toast of the town. 1951-09-09, the Oscar Hammerstein story, pt. 1 [sound recording] / CBS-TV ; written by Ed Sullivan."
-          "uri": "b19635203",
+          "uri": "b19635190",
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               "id": "urn:biblevel:m",
@@ -7142,19 +6952,22 @@
           "titleAlt": [
-            "Oscar Hammerstein story, pt. 2",
+            "Oscar Hammerstein story, pt. 1",
             "Oscar Hammerstein collection of noncommercial sound recordings."
           "tableOfContents": [
-            "[Sides 1 & 2 unplayable] -- Commentary on Oklahoma (Ed Sullivan, incomplete) -- People will say we're in love (Robert Merrill & Sandra Deel) -- Habanera from Carmen Jones (Murial Rahn, incomplete) -- [Side 5 unplayable] -- Some Enchanted Evening (Robert Merrill) -- You've Got To Be Carefully Taught (Bill Tabbert) -- Sullivan speaks with Hammerstein and Richard Rodgers about their partnership -- Whistle A Happy Tune & Getting To Know You (Gertrude Lawrence & Richard Rodgers, piano) -- You'll never walk alone (Merrill) -- Commercial announcement for Lincoln automobiles -- Concluding announcements (incomplete)"
+            "Opening commentary and early biography of Oscar Hammerstein II -- Indian love call (Mimi Benzell and Robert Merrill) -- Biography continued (incomplete) -- One alone (Bill Tabbert) (incomplete) -- Biography continued -- Can't help lovin' that man (Lena Horne) -- Biography continued (incomplete) -- Old man river (Robert Merrill) -- Biography continued (incomplete) -- Lover come back to me (Mimi Benzell) -- Comedy skit (incomplete) / George Hall ; Wally Cox -- Interview with Oscar Hammerstein II -- Ending commentary & sponsor's advertisements (Lincoln automobiles) -- Announcement for the next show."
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-        "_score": 526.2649,
+        "_id": "b19635203",
+        "_score": 535.7688,
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           "extent": [
-            "on 1 side of 1 sound disc : analog, 78 rpm, mono. ;"
+            "1 sound disc (46 min.) : digital, mono. ;"
           "note": [
               "noteType": "Note",
-              "label": "Victor: 4074; matrix no.: B1105.",
+              "label": "Audio portion of CBS Television broadcast.",
               "type": "bf:Note"
-              "noteType": "Language",
-              "label": "Sung in French.",
+              "noteType": "Note",
+              "label": "Audio distortion from original source. Transfer to compact disc incomplete due to damage to the original lacquer discs; side one, two, five, and seven are completely delaminated, and other sides have minor damage.  Original program ran 60 min.",
+              "type": "bf:Note"
+            },
+            {
+              "noteType": "Access",
+              "label": "Access to original items restricted.",
+              "type": "bf:Note"
+            },
+            {
+              "noteType": "Credits",
+              "label": "Marlo Lewis and Ed Sullivan (producers) ; John Wray (direction) ; Ray Bloch (musical direction)",
+              "type": "bf:Note"
+            },
+            {
+              "noteType": "Linking Entry",
+              "label": "Forms part of the Oscar Hammerstein collection of noncommercial sound recordings, 1942-1955.",
               "type": "bf:Note"
+          "partOf": [
+            "Oscar Hammerstein collection of noncommercial sound recordings, 1942-1955."
+          ],
           "nyplSource": [
           "subjectLiteral_exploded": [
-            "Operas",
-            "Operas -- Excerpts"
+            "Hammerstein, Oscar, II, 1895-1960",
+            "Hammerstein, Oscar, II, 1895-1960 -- Interviews",
+            "Rodgers, Richard, 1902-1979",
+            "Rodgers, Richard, 1902-1979 -- Interviews",
+            "Lyricists",
+            "Lyricists -- United States",
+            "Lyricists -- United States -- Biography",
+            "Musicals",
+            "Musicals -- Excerpts"
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-            "Victor"
-          ],
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-              "id": "lang:fre",
-              "label": "French"
+              "id": "lang:eng",
+              "label": "English"
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-            1908
+            1951
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-            "1913"
+            "0916"
+          ],
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+            "pa"
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-            "Carmen. [Votre toast]"
+            "Toast of the town."
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-            "*LO 338"
+            "*LDC 50447"
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-            "1908"
-          ],
-          "creatorLiteral": [
-            "Bizet, Georges, 1838-1875."
+            "1951"
           "numElectronicResources": [
           "contributorLiteral": [
-            "Gogorza, Emilio de, 1872-1949.",
-            "Victor Orchestra. prf"
+            "Sullivan, Ed, 1901-1974.",
+            "Hammerstein, Oscar, II, 1895-1960",
+            "Rodgers, Richard, 1902-1979",
+            "Rodgers, Richard, 1902-1979.",
+            "Deel, Sandra.",
+            "Merrill, Robert, 1917-2004.",
+            "Rahn, Muriel.",
+            "Tabbert, William, 1919-1974.",
+            "Lawrence, Gertrude."
           "dateStartYear": [
-            1908
+            1951
           "idOclc": [
-            "71232236"
+            "794597454"
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               "type": "bf:ShelfMark",
-              "value": "*LO 338"
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-              "value": "16436832"
+              "value": "19635203"
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-              "value": "71232236"
-            },
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-              "type": "bf:Identifier",
-              "value": "4074 Victor"
-            },
-            {
-              "type": "bf:Identifier",
-              "value": "B1105 Victor"
+              "value": "794597454"
               "type": "bf:Identifier",
-              "value": "(WaOLN)M010000216"
+              "value": "(OCoLC)794597454"
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-            "Carmen. Chanson du toréador"
+            "Ed Sullivan show (Television program)"
           "dateEndYear": [
-            1913
+            916
-          "updatedAt": 1712868747443,
+          "updatedAt": 1712870775817,
           "publicationStatement": [
-            "Camden, NJ : Victor, [between 1908 and 1913]"
+            "1951."
+          ],
+          "genreForm": [
+            "Variety shows (Television programs)",
+            "Television commercials."
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-            "urn:shelfmark:*LO 338",
-            "urn:bnum:16436832",
-            "urn:oclc:71232236",
-            "urn:identifier:4074 Victor",
-            "urn:identifier:B1105 Victor",
-            "urn:identifier:(WaOLN)M010000216"
+            "urn:shelfmark:*LDC 50447",
+            "urn:bnum:19635203",
+            "urn:oclc:794597454",
+            "urn:identifier:(OCoLC)794597454"
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@@ -7396,7 +7232,7 @@
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-            "1908"
+            "1951"
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@@ -7405,15 +7241,15 @@
           "subjectLiteral": [
-            "Operas -- Excerpts."
+            "Hammerstein, Oscar, II, 1895-1960 -- Interviews.",
+            "Rodgers, Richard, 1902-1979 -- Interviews.",
+            "Lyricists -- United States -- Biography.",
+            "Musicals -- Excerpts."
           "titleDisplay": [
-            "Carmen. Toreador song [sound recording] = [Votre toast] / Bizet."
-          ],
-          "uri": "b16436832",
-          "placeOfPublication": [
-            "Camden, NJ"
+            "Toast of the town. 1951-09-16, the Oscar Hammerstein story, pt. 2 [sound recording] / CBS-TV ; written by Ed Sullivan."
+          "uri": "b19635203",
           "issuance": [
               "id": "urn:biblevel:m",
@@ -7421,17 +7257,22 @@
           "titleAlt": [
-            "Carmen. Chanson du toréador",
-            "Toreador song",
-            "Votre toast"
+            "Oscar Hammerstein story, pt. 2",
+            "Oscar Hammerstein collection of noncommercial sound recordings."
+          ],
+          "tableOfContents": [
+            "[Sides 1 & 2 unplayable] -- Commentary on Oklahoma (Ed Sullivan, incomplete) -- People will say we're in love (Robert Merrill & Sandra Deel) -- Habanera from Carmen Jones (Murial Rahn, incomplete) -- [Side 5 unplayable] -- Some Enchanted Evening (Robert Merrill) -- You've Got To Be Carefully Taught (Bill Tabbert) -- Sullivan speaks with Hammerstein and Richard Rodgers about their partnership -- Whistle A Happy Tune & Getting To Know You (Gertrude Lawrence & Richard Rodgers, piano) -- You'll never walk alone (Merrill) -- Commercial announcement for Lincoln automobiles -- Concluding announcements (incomplete)"
           "dimensions": [
-            "10 in."
+            "4 3/4 in."
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-            "124 p. ;"
+            "on 1 side of 1 sound disc : analog, 78 rpm, mono. ;"
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+              "noteType": "Note",
+              "label": "Victor: 4074; matrix no.: B1105.",
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+            },
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+              "noteType": "Language",
+              "label": "Sung in French.",
+              "type": "bf:Note"
+            }
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-            "Mein Lieblings-Toast : 300 heisse Tips für Toast-Fans"
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+            "Gogorza, Emilio de, 1872-1949.",
+            "Victor Orchestra. prf"
+          ],
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-            1993
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-            "Leoben : Kneipp, 1993."
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+            "Operas -- Excerpts."
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-            "Mein Lieblings-Toast : 300 heisse Tips für Toast-Fans / Gabriele Heindel."
+            "Carmen. Toreador song [sound recording] = [Votre toast] / Bizet."
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-            1920
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-            "The royal toast"
+            "Mein Lieblings-Toast : 300 heisse Tips für Toast-Fans"
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+            "Burchenal, Elizabeth. Folk-dance music. New York, c1908. p 46"
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-            "Twist, John, 1898-1976.",
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-            "Burchenal, Elizabeth. Folk-dance music. New York, c1908. p 46"
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+            "Just in time.",
+            "Promise me a rose.",
+            "Til tomorrow.",
+            "Hey there.",
+            "Climb every mountain.",
+            "I enjoy being a girl.",
+            "Tonight.",
+            "Aisle talk."
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-            "Rossiĭskiĭ dzhaz : v dvukh tomakh / pod redak︠t︡sieĭ K. Moshkova i A. Filipʹevoĭ."
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-            "Российский джаз : в двух томах / под редакцией К. Мошкова и А. Филипьевой."
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+            "Russian jazz : ninety years of history"
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-            "Moskva ; Krasnodar ; Sankt Peterburg"
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+            "Jazz -- Russia (Federation) -- History -- 20th century",
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-            "Wåhlstrand, Gunnel, 1974-",
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-            "Artists -- Sweden -- Exhibitions",
-            "Artists -- Sweden -- Biography",
-            "Ink painting",
-            "Ink painting -- Sweden",
-            "Ink painting -- Sweden -- Exhibitions",
-            "Painting, Swedish",
-            "Painting, Swedish -- 21st century",
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-            "Swedish artist Gunnel Wåhlstrand (b. 1974) creates extraordinary large-scale ink wash paintings featuring monumental landscapes, compelling portraits and serene interiors with intriguing compositions. The point of departure for Wåhlstrand's work was a box of family photographs, the only connection that she had to her father while growing up. To fill the silence surrounding his life and disappearance, she began to use these photographs: enlarging the image, delving into every detail and using her imagination to complete any information that is lacking or obscured. Each work takes months to complete, as the ink washes are applied in successive layers, gradually filling the white paper through a process that the artist likens to a slowly developing photograph. This book assembles all of the artist's works, including an interview with the artist and a text by Lars Norén."
+            "American Novelists' Cooperative Publications,"
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-            "589 pages ;"
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-              "label": "Includes bibliographical references and index.",
+              "label": "Includes biography and list of works (pages 95-97).",
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-              "label": "Summary in English.",
+              "label": "Text in English and Swedish.",
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-            "1900-1999",
-            "Lithuanian literature",
-            "Lithuanian literature -- 20th century",
-            "Lithuanian literature -- 20th century -- History and criticism",
-            "Lithuanian literature -- 21st century",
-            "Lithuanian literature -- 21st century -- History and criticism",
-            "Lithuanian literature -- Themes, motives",
-            "Christianity and literature",
-            "Littérature lituanienne",
-            "Littérature lituanienne -- 21e siècle",
-            "Littérature lituanienne -- 21e siècle -- Histoire et critique",
-            "Christianisme et littérature",
-            "Christianity in literature",
-            "Religion in literature"
+            "Wåhlstrand, Gunnel, 1974-",
+            "Artists",
+            "Artists -- Sweden",
+            "Artists -- Sweden -- Exhibitions",
+            "Artists -- Sweden -- Biography",
+            "Ink painting",
+            "Ink painting -- Sweden",
+            "Ink painting -- Sweden -- Exhibitions",
+            "Painting, Swedish",
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+            "Painting, Swedish -- 21st century -- Exhibitions"
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-            "Vilniaus universiteto leidykla"
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+          "description": [
+            "Swedish artist Gunnel Wåhlstrand (b. 1974) creates extraordinary large-scale ink wash paintings featuring monumental landscapes, compelling portraits and serene interiors with intriguing compositions. The point of departure for Wåhlstrand's work was a box of family photographs, the only connection that she had to her father while growing up. To fill the silence surrounding his life and disappearance, she began to use these photographs: enlarging the image, delving into every detail and using her imagination to complete any information that is lacking or obscured. Each work takes months to complete, as the ink washes are applied in successive layers, gradually filling the white paper through a process that the artist likens to a slowly developing photograph. This book assembles all of the artist's works, including an interview with the artist and a text by Lars Norén."
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-            "Krikščionybė ir šiuolaikinė lietuvių literatūra : kolektyvinė monografija"
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-            "Čiočytė, Dalia"
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+            "Magasin 3 Stockholm konsthalls utställningskatalog ; no. 45"
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-            "Gustaitienė, Asta",
-            "Jakaitė, Dalia",
-            "Marijus Šidlauskas"
+            "Klintenberg Gedda, Ellen, 1989-",
+            "Lindblad, Jennifer",
+            "Neuman, David."
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-            "Lithuanian literature -- 20th century -- History and criticism.",
-            "Lithuanian literature -- 21st century -- History and criticism.",
-            "Lithuanian literature -- Themes, motives.",
-            "Christianity and literature.",
-            "Littérature lituanienne -- 21e siècle -- Histoire et critique.",
-            "Christianisme et littérature.",
-            "Christianity in literature.",
-            "Lithuanian literature.",
-            "Religion in literature."
+            "Wåhlstrand, Gunnel, 1974-",
+            "Artists -- Sweden -- Exhibitions.",
+            "Artists -- Sweden -- Biography.",
+            "Ink painting -- Sweden -- Exhibitions.",
+            "Painting, Swedish -- 21st century -- Exhibitions."
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-            "Krikščionybė ir šiuolaikinė lietuvių literatūra : kolektyvinė monografija / Dalia Čiočytė (sudarytoja), Asta Gustaitienė, Dalia Jakaitė, Marijus Šidlauskas."
+            "Gunnel Wåhlstrand / editors: Ellen Klintenberg Gedda, Jennifer Lindblad ; texts: David Neuman [and 3 others] ; translation: Karin Altenberg, Robin Robertson, Suzanne Cheadle Martin."
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+            "Detailed exegesis of external and internal aspects of the visualization practice of the Hevajra tantra.",
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-            "Detailed exegesis of external and internal aspects of the visualization practice of the Hevajra tantra.",
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+            "Detailed exegesis of external and internal aspects of the visualization practice of the Hevajra tantra.",
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-            "Detailed exegesis of external and internal aspects of the visualization practice of the Hevajra tantra.",
-            "Life of the founder of the Ṅor-pa tradition, Ṅor-chen Kun-dgaʼ-bzaṅ-po."
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+            "Rgyal ba rdo rje ʼchan Kun dgaʼ bzaṅ poʼi rnam par thar pa legs bśad chu bo ʼdus paʼi rgya mtsho yon tan yid bźin nor buʼi byuṅ gnas.",
+            "Detailed exegesis of external and internal aspects of the visualization practice of the Hevajra tantra.",
+            "Life of the founder of the Ṅor-pa tradition, Ṅor-chen Kun-dgaʼ-bzaṅ-po."
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-            "Detailed exegesis of external and internal aspects of the visualization practice of the Hevajra tantra.",
-            "Life of the founder of the Ṅor-pa tradition, Ṅor-chen Kun-dgaʼ-bzaṅ-po."
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+            "Detailed exegesis of external and internal aspects of the visualization practice of the Hevajra tantra.",
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-            "Detailed exegesis of external and internal aspects of the visualization practice of the Hevajra tantra.",
-            "Life of the founder of the Ṅor-pa tradition, Ṅor-chen Kun-dgaʼ-bzaṅ-po."
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-            "Swedish artist Gunnel Wåhlstrand (b. 1974) creates extraordinary large-scale ink wash paintings featuring monumental landscapes, compelling portraits and serene interiors with intriguing compositions. The point of departure for Wåhlstrand's work was a box of family photographs, the only connection that she had to her father while growing up. To fill the silence surrounding his life and disappearance, she began to use these photographs: enlarging the image, delving into every detail and using her imagination to complete any information that is lacking or obscured. Each work takes months to complete, as the ink washes are applied in successive layers, gradually filling the white paper through a process that the artist likens to a slowly developing photograph. This book assembles all of the artist's works, including an interview with the artist and a text by Lars Norén."
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-            "Magasin 3 Stockholm konsthalls utställningskatalog ; no. 45"
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-            "Klintenberg Gedda, Ellen, 1989-",
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-            "Artists -- Sweden -- Biography.",
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-            "Painting, Swedish -- 21st century -- Exhibitions."
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-            "Gunnel Wåhlstrand / editors: Ellen Klintenberg Gedda, Jennifer Lindblad ; texts: David Neuman [and 3 others] ; translation: Karin Altenberg, Robin Robertson, Suzanne Cheadle Martin."
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/resources.test.js b/test/resources.test.js
index d794480c..91a92d61 100644
--- a/test/resources.test.js
+++ b/test/resources.test.js
@@ -94,21 +94,18 @@ describe('Resources query', function () {
     it('accepts advanced search parameters', function () {
       const params = resourcesPrivMethods.parseSearchParams({ contributor: 'Poe', title: 'Raven', subject: 'ravens' })
       const body = resourcesPrivMethods.buildElasticQuery(params)
-      expect(body).to.be.a('object')
-      expect(body.bool).to.be.a('object')
-      expect(body.bool.must).to.be.a('array')
-      expect(body.bool.must[0].multi_match).to.be.a('object')
-      expect(body.bool.must[0].multi_match.fields).to.be.a('array')
-      expect(body.bool.must[0].multi_match.fields[0]).to.equal('title^5')
-      expect(body.bool.must[0].multi_match.query).to.equal('Raven')
-      expect(body.bool.must[1].multi_match).to.be.a('object')
-      expect(body.bool.must[1].multi_match.fields).to.be.a('array')
-      expect(body.bool.must[1].multi_match.fields[0]).to.equal('subjectLiteral^2')
-      expect(body.bool.must[1].multi_match.query).to.equal('ravens')
-      expect(body.bool.must[2].multi_match).to.be.a('object')
-      expect(body.bool.must[2].multi_match.fields).to.be.a('array')
-      expect(body.bool.must[2].multi_match.fields[0]).to.equal('creatorLiteral^4')
-      expect(body.bool.must[2].multi_match.query).to.equal('Poe')
+      expect(body).to.nested.include({
+        // Expect a title match on Raven:
+        'bool.must[0].bool.must[0].multi_match.fields[0]': 'title^5',
+        'bool.must[0].bool.must[0].multi_match.query': 'Raven',
+        // Expect a subject match on 'ravens'
+        'bool.must[1].bool.must[0].multi_match.fields[0]': 'subjectLiteral^2',
+        'bool.must[1].bool.must[0].multi_match.query': 'ravens',
+        // Expect a creator match on Poe:
+        'bool.must[2].bool.must[0].multi_match.fields[0]': 'creatorLiteral^4',
+        'bool.must[2].bool.must[0].multi_match.query': 'Poe'
+      })