diff --git a/Examples/eeuq-0000/README.rst b/Examples/eeuq-0000/README.rst index b87c56dd..197ecaae 100644 --- a/Examples/eeuq-0000/README.rst +++ b/Examples/eeuq-0000/README.rst @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ For the moment frame and stick model, the columns of each story are provided a u .. figure:: figures/LA_3Story.png :align: center + :alt: A black and white technical drawing with three sections labeled PLAN, ELEVATION, and MOMENT FRAMES, representing a 3-story building's structural design. The PLAN shows a top view with a grid indicating 6 bays at 30 feet by 4 bays at 30 feet, one shaded area in the grid center. The ELEVATION depicts the side view of a building with three levels on support columns. The MOMENT FRAMES show another grid with labeled columns A through E. Below the diagrams, tables list the specifications for columns and beams for the North-South moment resisting frame and gravity frames, including steel beam designations like W14X257 and girder sizes like W30X116. :width: 400 :figclass: align-center diff --git a/Examples/eeuq-0001/README.rst b/Examples/eeuq-0001/README.rst index 8cc54ca7..0e16c322 100644 --- a/Examples/eeuq-0001/README.rst +++ b/Examples/eeuq-0001/README.rst @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ Consider the problem of uncertainty quantification for a three-story shear build .. figure:: figures/model2.png :align: center + :alt: A diagram depicting a structure with three horizontally aligned rigid beams, each separated by an equally distributed vertical force labeled "w". At the top beam, the force is labeled "w/2". The beams are supported on each end by a symbol indicating a fixed support, and the structure appears to be a simplified representation of a statically determinate beam or bridge under distributed loads. :width: 400 :figclass: align-center @@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ To perform a Sampling or Forward propagation uncertainty analysis the user would .. figure:: figures/shearUQ.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a user interface with a left-side menu showing categories like UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES. On the right, there is a section titled "UQ Engine" with a dropdown menu selecting "Dakota," another dropdown for "Dakota Method Category" selecting "Forward Propagation," with options below for "Method" choosing "LHS," a field to input the number of samples (set to 1000), and a field for the seed value (set to 20). The interface has a clean design with mainly blue and gray colors. :figclass: align-center .. note:: @@ -59,6 +61,7 @@ To perform a Sampling or Forward propagation uncertainty analysis the user would .. figure:: figures/shearSIM.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a Building Model Generator software interface with various input fields for defining building specifications such as number of stories, floor weights, story heights, and stiffness values. On the right side of the screen is a diagram representing a multi-degree of freedom (MDOF) model of a building with three levels, indicated by blue squares, and a vertical line representing the structure's height. :figclass: align-center .. note:: @@ -67,18 +70,21 @@ To perform a Sampling or Forward propagation uncertainty analysis the user would .. figure:: figures/shearSIM-OpenSees.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a Building Model Generator software interface showing a selected file path for an Input Script labeled "ShearBuilding3.tcl", fields for specifying Response Nodes, Spatial Dimension, and Degrees Of Freedom (DOF) at Nodes. There are tabs on the left side for various modules like UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES, with SIM currently selected or highlighted. A drop-down menu at the top right corner indicates the software is integrated with or supports OpenSees. :figclass: align-center 4. Next select the **EVT** panel. From the **Load Generator** pull-down menu select the **Multiple PEER** option. This will present a panel with three buttons: **Add**, **Remove** and **Load Directory**. Click the **Add** button. Give the motion a name, here enter ``elCentro`` in the first line edit. Now for the motion, enter the path to the ``elCentro.AT2`` motion. Leave the motion acting in the **1** dof direction and for the scale factor in this direction, enter **factorEC**. .. figure:: figures/shearEVT.png :align: center + :alt: A screenshot of a software interface with a sidebar on the left containing menu items such as UQ, GI, SIM, EVT (highlighted), FEM, EDP, RV, and RES. The main area is titled "Load Generator" and includes a dropdown menu with the option "Multiple PEER" selected, a section titled "List of PEER Events" with a radio button option labeled "elCentro" and another radio button option next to a file path input box. There are buttons labeled "Add," "Remove," and "Load Directory," as well as a "Choose" button next to the file path. At the end, there are input boxes for "DOF" with a value of "1" and a "Factor" labeled "factorEC." The interface appears to be for configuring events, possibly for engineering simulations or analyses. :figclass: align-center 5. Next choose the **FEM** panel. Here we will change the entries to use Rayleigh damping, with Rayleigh factor chosen using the first and third modes. For the **MDOF** model generator, because it generates a model with two translational and one rotational degree-of-freedom in each direction and because we have provided the same ``k`` values in each translational direction (i.e. we will have duplicate eigenvalues), we specify as shown in the figure modes **1** and **6**. .. figure:: figures/shearFEM.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface for finite element application with various parameter fields. The dropdown at the top is set to "OpenSees." The parameters include settings for "Analysis," "Integration," "Algorithm," "ConvergenceTest," "Solver," "Damping Model," "Damping Ratio," "Selected Tangent Stiffness," and modes 1 and 2 with numerical input fields. There's also a field for "Analysis Script" at the bottom. The interface has a sidebar with tabs labeled "UQ," "GI," "SIM," "EVT," "FEM," "EDP," "RV," "RES," with the "FEM" tab highlighted. :figclass: align-center .. note:: @@ -87,6 +93,7 @@ To perform a Sampling or Forward propagation uncertainty analysis the user would .. figure:: figures/shearFEM-OpenSees.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface with the title "FE Application" selected from a menu. The interface is divided into various settings grouped under Analysis, Integration, Algorithm, ConvergenceTest, Solver, and Damping Model, with parameters like "Transient -numSubLevels 2 -numSubSteps 10", "Newmark 0.5 0.25", "Newton", "NormUnbalance 1.0e-2 10", and "Umfpack" filled in the respective text fields. There is also a section for Damping Model showing "Rayleigh Damping" selected from a dropdown menu, alongside fields for Damping Ratio, Selected Tangent Stiffness, Mode 1, and Mode 2 with numerical values set. A button labeled "Choose" next to an empty field for Analysis Script is located at the bottom of the interface. :figclass: align-center @@ -97,6 +104,7 @@ To perform a Sampling or Forward propagation uncertainty analysis the user would .. figure:: figures/shearRV.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface showing a table titled "Input Random Variables" with fields for variable name, distribution type, mean, standard deviation, and a button to "Show PDF". Four variables are defined: 'wR' with a normal distribution, mean of 50, and standard deviation of 5; 'w' with a normal distribution, mean of 100, and standard deviation of 10; 'k' with a normal distribution, mean of 326.32, and standard deviation of 25; 'factorEC' with a uniform distribution and a range from 1.2 to 1.8. To the left, a vertical navigation bar lists categories such as UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES, with RV highlighted in blue. :figclass: align-center .. warning:: @@ -107,18 +115,21 @@ To perform a Sampling or Forward propagation uncertainty analysis the user would .. figure:: figures/shearRES1.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a computer interface showing a statistical data analysis with several entries. The interface includes categories on the left such as UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES which are highlighted one by one. The main panel displays tables of different datasets, each with a Name, Mean, StdDev (standard deviation), Skewness, and Kurtosis values. The data fields show numerical values for different parameters named 1-PFA-0-1, 1-PFA-1-1, 1-PFD-1-1, among others, indicating different mean values and variation measures. The top of the main panel has tabs labeled 'Summary' and 'Data Values,' with 'Summary' currently selected. :figclass: align-center If the user selects the **Data** tab in the **RES** panel, they will be presented with both a graphical plot and a tabular listing of the data. By left- and right-clicking with the mouse in the individual columns the axis changes (the left mouse click controls the vertical axis, right mouse clicks the horizontal axis). .. figure:: figures/shearRES7.png :align: center + :alt: Two side-by-side images of graphical user interfaces containing scatter plots with numerous blue dots representing data points. The plots are labeled with various factor levels on the x-axis and a FP-BF metric on the y-axis. There are tables below the scatter plots with numerical data, and elements of the user interface, such as buttons labeled "Save Data," "Summary," and "Data Values," are visible in each image. The interfaces have additional sections labeled with acronyms such as UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES. The exact data values and specific interface functionality are not discernible. :figclass: align-center Various views of the graphical display can be obtained by left- and right-clicking in the columns of the tabular data. If a singular column of the tabular data is selected with both right and left mouse buttons, a frequency and CDF plot will be displayed, as shown in the figure below. .. figure:: figures/shearRES6.png :align: center + :alt: The image displays two charts side by side within a software interface. On the left is a histogram with the x-axis labeled '-1*PFD-p-1' showing a distribution of values with various frequencies. On the right is a cumulative distribution curve that gradually increases and flattens out as it progresses along the same x-axis label. Below each chart, there is a table titled 'RES' with columns 'Run #', 'W', 'R', 'N', 'a', 'factor_EC', 'factor_FC-p-1', 'factor_FC-p+1', 'factor_FC-p+1.10', 'factor_FC-p+3', 'factor_FC-p+1.50', 'factor_FC-p+3.01'. The first row of the table displays numerical data. The top of the interface includes tabs labeled 'Summary' and 'Data Values' suggesting these charts are part of a data analysis or simulation program. :figclass: align-center @@ -150,6 +161,7 @@ The steps are the same as the previous example, with the exception of step 4 def .. figure:: figures/shearEDP-U.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a user interface titled "Engineering Demand Parameter Generator" with the option set to "User Defined." The UI includes fields for "Additional Input" with a file path entered and two "Processing Script" fields each accompanied by a "Choose" button. There's a "Response Parameters" section with "Name Node_4_Disp_1" listed, and two buttons labeled "Add" and "Remove." To the left, there is a sidebar with various options including UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP (highlighted), RV, and RES. :figclass: align-center @@ -157,6 +169,7 @@ The steps are the same as the previous example, with the exception of step 4 def .. figure:: figures/shearRES-UO.png :align: center + :alt: A screenshot of a statistical analysis software interface displaying a table under the tab "Summary." The table lists statistical values for an entity named "Node_4_Disp_1," with the mean value at 1.99797, standard deviation at 0.327398, skewness at 0.615724, and kurtosis at 3.88743. On the left side, a vertical menu with various options like UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES is partially visible. The RES option is highlighted in blue, suggesting it is the current selection. :figclass: align-center @@ -170,12 +183,14 @@ To perform a reliability analysis, the steps above would be repeated with the ex .. figure:: figures/shearSensitivityUQ.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a user interface for an UQ (Uncertainty Quantification) Engine, specifically displaying the adaptation for the Dakota engine. There are dropdown menus for 'Dakota Method Category' with 'Sensitivity Analysis' selected and 'Method' with 'LHS' selected. Below the dropdown menus are input fields for 'Number of Samples' set to 1000 and 'Seed' set to 20. On the left side, there is a vertical navigation bar with various acronyms such as UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES, indicating different sections of the software. The rest of the graphical user interface elements are minimally displayed and the overall color scheme is a combination of light and dark blue with white text. :figclass: align-center After the user fills in the rest of the tabs as per the previous section, the user would then press the **RUN** button. The application (after spinning for a while with the wheel of death) will present the user with the results. .. figure:: figures/shearSensitivityRES.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface displaying a table titled "Node_4_Disp_1_Sobol' indices:" with columns for Random Variable, Main, and Total. The Random Variable column lists four items: wR, w, k, and factorEC, each with corresponding numerical values in the Main and Total columns. The interface has tabs labeled Summary and Data Values at the top and a sidebar on the left with options UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES highlighted in teal. :figclass: align-center The results showing that the earthquake factor has the largest influence on the response followed by the stiffness value k, as the results graphically would indicate. @@ -188,12 +203,14 @@ If the user is interested in the probability that certain response measures will .. figure:: figures/shearReliabilityUQ.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface for uncertainty quantification (UQ) featuring the UQ Engine section. The selected engine is "Dakota" with a "Reliability Analysis" Dakota Method Category. Below, the "Reliability Method" is set to "Global Reliability," the "GP Approximation" is chosen as "x_gaussian_process," "Response Levels" has a value of 2.50, and "Seed" is set to 48. The sidebar contains abbreviations like GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES, each indicating different sections of the software interface. :figclass: align-center After the user fills in the rest of the tabs as per the previous section, the user would then press the **RUN** button. The application (after spinning for a while with the wheel of death) will present the user with the results, which as shown below, indicate that the probability is **91.5%**. .. figure:: figures/shearReliabilityRes.png :align: center + :alt: A screenshot of a software interface displaying a graph with a single data point plotted. The horizontal axis is labeled from 2.25 to 2.75 and the vertical axis is labeled 'Probability' from 0.00 to 1.00. The data point is located around 2.50 on the horizontal axis and approximately 0.92 on the vertical axis. Below the graph, there is a table with numerical data corresponding to the plotted point, showing a value of approximately 0.92, and a second value aligned with the position on the horizontal axis labeled "2.5000000000e+00". The interface includes menu options on the left, but the labels are not completely visible, with only the leftmost portion of each label shown, such as "UQ", "GI", "SIM", and so on. A blue tab labeled "RES" is highlighted on the left side menu and there are text boxes or indicators for "Node_4_Disp:1" above and below the plot which suggest the graph relates to some node displacement measurement. :figclass: align-center .. warning:: diff --git a/Examples/eeuq-0002/README.rst b/Examples/eeuq-0002/README.rst index 074a60ed..d0fe34a8 100644 --- a/Examples/eeuq-0002/README.rst +++ b/Examples/eeuq-0002/README.rst @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ maximum shear strain and excess pore pressure ratio plots are also important. .. figure:: figures/siteResponse2.png :scale: 50% + :alt: "Illustration depicting a cross-section of soil over elastic halfspace representing a geological model. The left side of the image shows a curving boundary between the 'elastic halfspace' in dark gray and the 'soil' in light beige above it. In the middle, there is a stylized drawing of a spring with an arrow indicating upward 'Bedrock "within" motion.' To the right, a rectangle represents a cross-section through soil layers, with a dashed line, indicating a reference level." :align: center :figclass: align-center @@ -27,6 +28,7 @@ These components are illustrated below. .. figure:: figures/InherentVariability.png :scale: 60 % + :alt: The image depicts a schematic representation of soil layers and a variability profile used in geotechnical or geological analysis. At the top is the ground surface, followed by labeled horizontal layers 'Layer 1', 'Layer i', and 'Layer j'. On the right side of 'Layer j', the profile illustrates a vertical trend line labeled 'Trend, t(z)' that shows a wavy deviation around it labeled 'Deviation from trend, w(z)'. This depicts the fluctuating nature of a specific soil property. At the bottom of the trend, there are two labels: 'Soil Property, ξ(z)' which points to the trend line, and 'Scale of Fluctuation, δv', which indicates the distance between peaks of the wavy pattern representing variance in soil properties. Vertical double-headed arrows show the depths 'l1', 'li', and 'lj' from the ground surface to the respective layers. :align: center :figclass: align-center @@ -61,6 +63,7 @@ results from multiple runs. .. figure:: figures/randomField-UQ.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a graphical user interface for a software, with a navigation menu on the left side containing options like UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, RES in a vertical alignment. On the right, there is a section titled "UQ Engine" with "Dakota" selected from a dropdown menu. Below, the "Dakota Method Category" is set to "Forward Propagation" and the "Method" chosen is "LHS." Two fields labeled "# Samples" with a value "20" and "Seed" with a value "273" are displayed. The rest of the interface is mostly blank, indicating potential areas for input or interaction. :figclass: align-center 2. Next select the **GI** panel. In this panel, the building properties and units are set. For this example enter **1** for the number of stories, **144** for building height, **360** for building width, @@ -68,6 +71,7 @@ and **360** for building depth. .. figure:: figures/randomField-GI.png :align: center + :alt: The image displays a user interface with a section labeled "Building Information". It contains fields for inputting the name, properties such as the number of stories, height, width, depth, and plan area of a building. There is also a location section with fields for latitude and longitude, and a unit selection area where force is set to Kips, length to inches, and temperature to Celsius. The form is partially filled out with numerical values for the building's dimensions and geographic coordinates. There are sidebar navigation tabs with various abbreviations like UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, and others. The interface appears to be part of a software application used for building simulation or analysis. :figclass: align-center 4. Next select the **SIM** tab from the input panel. This will default in the MDOF model generator. @@ -75,6 +79,7 @@ Define other input variables as shown in figure: .. figure:: figures/randomField-SIM.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a "Building Model Generator" interface with various parameters for building simulation. The left panel includes inputs for number of stories, floor weights, story stiffness, yield strength, hardening ratio, rotational story stiffness, and mass and response eccentricity along X and Y directions. The right panel is mostly empty with a small blue rectangle in the upper corner, possibly representing a model or graphical output area. There's a navigation menu on the left with tabs labeled as UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES. :figclass: align-center 5. Next select the **EVT** panel. From the Load Generator pull-down menu select the **Site Response** option. Define soil profile, groundwater table (GWT), and mesh. Then select interested material, e.g., @@ -85,18 +90,21 @@ Define other input variables as shown in figure: .. figure:: figures/randomField-EVT.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a geotechnical engineering software interface with "Load Generator" and "Site Response" sections. On the left, a vertical navigation bar lists options like UQ, GI, SIM, and others, highlighted on SIM. The main area shows a graphical representation of soil layers and a corresponding table with parameters like height, total layer, density, Vs, and material. The right portion displays detailed settings for the "PM4Sand model with spatial variability," including parameters like Dr, G0, hp0, density, and hydraulic properties. Various dropdown menus and input fields indicate the program's complexity and customization capabilities. :figclass: align-center 6. Next choose the **FEM** panel. Here we will change the entries to use Rayleigh damping, with the Rayleigh factor chosen using **1** mode. .. figure:: figures/randomField-FEM.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a user interface for an FE (Finite Element) Application titled "OpenSees." The interface contains various dropdown menus and input fields for configuring a finite element analysis. Options include setting the type of analysis (Transient with additional numerical parameters), integration method (Newmark), algorithm (Newton), and others such as convergence test, solver, damping models, damping ratio, and selecting tangent stiffness. There are numeric input fields for Mode 1 and Mode 2, along with a field for an analysis script. The interface includes sidebar navigation with acronyms like UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES. :figclass: align-center 7. We will skip the **EDP** panel leaving it in its default condition, that being to use the **Standard Earthquake** EDP generator. .. figure:: figures/randomField-EDP.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface with a dark theme, displaying a vertical navigation bar on the left side with various options such as UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, RES, highlighted in light blue and dark gray. Along the top is a heading labeled "Engineering Demand Parameter Generator" with a dropdown menu next to it titled "Standard Earthquake." The rest of the screen remains largely empty and awaiting interaction. :figclass: align-center 8. For the **RV** panel, we will enter the distributions and values for our random variables. If only the uncertainty related to spatial variability is of interest, a dummy random variable can be defined in this tab. @@ -104,6 +112,7 @@ Then all the variability shown in the response will solely be due to spatial var .. figure:: figures/randomField-RV.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface related to statistical or data analysis. On the left side, there's a vertical menu with options such as UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES highlighted in different shades of blue. The selected option is "RV," which is highlighted in a lighter blue shade. On the right side, there's a section titled "Input Random Variables" with options to 'Add' and 'Remove' variables, as well as access a 'Correlation Matrix.' Below, a table lists one variable named "dummy" with 'Distribution' set to 'Normal,' 'Mean' to 10, and 'Standard Dev' to 1. There's also a button to 'Show PDF.' The overall interface has a minimalist design with shades of blue and gray. :figclass: align-center .. warning:: @@ -115,6 +124,7 @@ The peak displacement of the roof is the quantity **PFD**. The **PFA** and **PFD .. figure:: figures/Elastic-RES.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a computer interface displaying a table of statistical data. The categories along the top include 'Name', 'Mean', 'StdDev' (Standard Deviation), 'Skewness', and 'Kurtosis'. Each row lists a different item designated as '1-PFA-0-1', '1-PFA-1-1', '1-PFD-1-1', '1-PID-1-1', and '1-PRD-1-1', with values provided for each statistical category. The layout includes tabs on the left for 'UQ', 'GI', 'SIM', 'EVT', 'FEM', 'EDP', 'RV', with 'RES' highlighted, and two tabs on the top for 'Summary' and 'Data Values'. :figclass: align-center @@ -132,6 +142,7 @@ For the **Elastic_Random** material, shear wave velocity (Vs) can be selected to .. figure:: figures/Elastic-Random.png :scale: 60 % + :alt: Screenshot of a geotechnical engineering software interface featuring 'Load Generator' and 'Site Response' tabs. The left side shows a graphical representation of soil layers with a blue highlighted section and red border, possibly indicating loading conditions. The right side includes input fields and parameters such as 'Height,' 'GWT,' 'Total Layer,' and 'LayerName' with 'Rock' listed as a layer. Detailed settings include 'Elastic modulus,' 'Poisson's ratio,' 'Vs,' 'COV,' and 'Correlation Length.' The interface also has options for adding or removing layers, configuring layers, and setting various properties, indicating that the software is used for simulating and analyzing soil response under various conditions. :align: center :figclass: align-center @@ -143,6 +154,7 @@ Ru is always zero since there is no volumetric strain in ElasticIsotropic materi .. figure:: figures/Elastic-Average-Profile.png :scale: 40 % + :alt: The image shows four adjacent line graphs on a white background, representing different geotechnical parameters with depth from 0 to 6 meters. The first graph from the left depicts 'Shear Wave Velocity' in meters per second, with multiple overlaid blue lines indicating variability and a prominent thick black line showing the average. The second graph presents 'PHA' in units of g, again with multiple blue lines and a thick black average. The third graph shows 'Max Shear Strain' in percentage, with a similar pattern of individual lines and an average. The fourth graph illustrates 'Max Ru' with only two lines: one dark blue representing individual realization, and a light grey for the average. Each graph has its own x-axis scale relevant to the parameter it represents. :align: center :figclass: align-center @@ -150,6 +162,7 @@ Ru is always zero since there is no volumetric strain in ElasticIsotropic materi .. figure:: figures/Elastic-Average-RespSpect.png :scale: 20 % + :alt: A line graph displaying spectral acceleration (S_a in g) on the y-axis and period (sec) on the logarithmic x-axis. Multiple light blue lines representing individual realizations fluctuate and overlap, peaking around a period of 0.1 seconds. A bold black line, labelled 'Average', tracks the central tendency of these realizations, showing a sharp peak at the same period. The peak of the black line indicates a spectral acceleration of just above 1.5 g. A legend in the upper right corner distinguishes between 'Average' (black line) and 'Individual Realization' (blue lines). The background is white with a grid to facilitate reading of values. :align: center :figclass: align-center @@ -163,6 +176,7 @@ For the **PM4Sand_Random** material, relative density (Dr) can be selected to be .. figure:: figures/PM4Sand-Random.png :scale: 60 % + :alt: Screenshot of a geotechnical engineering software interface showing the Load Generator and Site Response sections. The left side of the screen includes a vertical navigation menu with options such as UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES. In the center, there are two graphical representations of soil layers; the left graph depicts a single red-framed blue layer while the right graph shows a series of smaller blue layers stacked vertically. On the right side of the screen, there are input fields and parameters related to the PM4Sand model with spatial variability, including various engineering coefficients and values like Dr, Go, hpo, and Den. The Hydraulic properties of this layer are displayed at the bottom right corner with additional parameters like kPerm and vPerm. Highlighted sections in the interface indicate a focus on specific variables such as Dr mean and correlation length. :align: center :figclass: align-center @@ -178,6 +192,7 @@ Compared to elastic material, more variability is shown among these realizations .. _fig_PM4Sand-Average-Profile: .. figure:: figures/PM4Sand-Average-Profile.png :scale: 40 % + :alt: "A set of four closely aligned vertical graphs showing various geotechnical parameters as a function of depth. Each graph has a collection of thin blue lines representing individual realizations and a thick black line indicating the average. From left to right, the graphs are titled Relative Density, PHA(g), Max Shear Strain (%), and Max Ru, with the depth indicated in meters on the vertical axis ranging from 0 to 6. The x-axes represent different scales for each parameter. The graphs illustrate the variability and complexity of soil behavior with depth." :align: center :figclass: align-center @@ -187,6 +202,7 @@ Compared to elastic material, more variability is shown among these realizations .. _fig_PM4Sand-Average-RespSpect: .. figure:: figures/PM4Sand-Average-RespSpect.png :scale: 20 % + :alt: A graph displaying spectral acceleration (Sa) in g (gravity) against the period in seconds (sec) on a logarithmic scale. Multiple light blue lines representing individual realizations are shown, varying across the graph, with a bold black line highlighting the average of these realizations. The spectral acceleration fluctuates, with higher values at certain periods, indicating a significant response at specific frequencies. A legend in the upper right corner indicates the color coding for the average and individual realizations. :align: center :figclass: align-center diff --git a/Examples/eeuq-0002/randomField.rst b/Examples/eeuq-0002/randomField.rst index 7c061b9e..639ae2ce 100644 --- a/Examples/eeuq-0002/randomField.rst +++ b/Examples/eeuq-0002/randomField.rst @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ These components are illustrated in :numref:`fig_InherentVariability`. .. _fig_siteResponse: .. figure:: ./figures/siteResponse.png :scale: 50% + :alt: Diagram illustrating the concept of soil-structure interaction with a representation of soil over an elastic halfspace. A building foundation is depicted above the soil, with an arrow indicating the bedrock "within" motion. To the right, a vertical cross-section of the foundation shows its interaction with different soil layers, with a red dashed line suggesting a reference level. :align: center :figclass: align-center @@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ These components are illustrated in :numref:`fig_InherentVariability`. .. _fig_InherentVariability: .. figure:: ./figures/InherentVariability.png :scale: 60 % + :alt: A diagram representing stratified geological layers beneath the ground surface. The image shows several horizontal lines, each labeled as "Layer 1," "Layer i," and "Layer j," indicating different strata. A vertical line labeled "z" has arrows pointing downwards with distances l1 and li marking the depth of the first two layers. In layer j, there is an irregular, wavy line representing the "Deviation from trend, w(z)." This irregular line is superposed on a smooth, undulating line labeled "Trend, t(z)." The diagram also includes annotations for "Scale of Fluctuation, δv" and "Soil Property, ξ(z)", suggesting a focus on the variability of soil properties with depth. The image is likely from a geotechnical or geological educational resource, illustrating concepts such as stratification, soil property variation, and scales of fluctuation within soil layers. :align: center :figclass: align-center @@ -68,6 +70,7 @@ results from multiple runs. .. figure:: ./figures/randomField-UQ.png :align: center + :alt: A screenshot of a software interface with a section labeled "UQ Engine" displaying settings for Dakota Method Category with "Forward Propagation" selected. Below, a method "LHS" is chosen with fields for "# Samples" set to 20 and "Seed" set to 273. To the left, a sidebar with abbreviations "UQ," "GI," "SIM," "EVT," "FEM," "EDP," "RV," and "RES" is visible, suggesting sections or modules within the application. The right side of the screen is mostly blank, indicating that additional content might be generated or displayed upon further interaction with the software. :figclass: align-center 2. Next select the **GI** panel. In this panel the building properties and units are set. For this example enter **1** for the number of stories, **144** for building height, **360** fow building width, @@ -75,6 +78,7 @@ and **360** for building depth. .. figure:: ./figures/randomField-GI.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a user interface with a section labeled "Building Information" which includes input fields for the building's name, properties such as the number of stories, height, width, depth, and plan area, and location details including latitude and longitude coordinates. Below that, there is a "Units" section with dropdown menus for selecting the units for force, length, and temperature, set to Kips, Inches, and Celsius respectively. The image shows a comprehensive form for entering and customizing building information for an engineering or architectural software application. :figclass: align-center 3. Next select the **SIM** tab from the input panel. This will default in the MDOF model generator. @@ -82,6 +86,7 @@ Define other input variables as shown in figure: .. figure:: ./figures/randomField-SIM.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a Building Model Generator software interface with various fields for inputting structural parameters such as number of stories, floor weights, stiffness, and yield strength. The interface is divided into sections labeled 'Building Information', 'Rotational Story Stiffness', 'Mass Eccentricity', and response parameters. The screen is mostly filled with text boxes for data entry, with a scrollbar on the right side and a visual representation of a building model with a single blue square denoting a story or mass. :figclass: align-center 3. Next select the **EVT** panel. From the Load Generator pull down menu select the **Site Response** option. Define soil profile, ground water table (GWT), and mesh. Then select interested material, e.g., @@ -92,18 +97,21 @@ Define other input variables as shown in figure: .. figure:: ./figures/randomField-EVT.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of an engineering software interface with multiple panels. On the left, there is a vertical navigation menu with options such as UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES, highlighting the current selection, "UQ." Beside the menu, two graphical representations of soil layers appear, with the left graph labeled "Load Generator" displaying a single red column, and the right graph labeled "Site Response" showing multiple blue layers. In the center and right portions of the screen, there are input fields and dropdown menus for configuring soil layer properties and parameters, such as thickness, density, and material type, with options like "Rock," "PM4Sand_Random," and others. The interface also includes sections for configuring the parameters of the PM4Sand model and the hydraulic properties of the selected layer. :figclass: align-center 3. Next choose the **FEM** panel. Here we will change the entries to use Rayleigh damping, with rayleigh factor chosen using **1** mode. .. figure:: ./figures/randomField-FEM.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface titled 'FE Application' with various parameters and options for an analysis setup. The parameters include Analysis, Integration, Algorithm, ConvergenceTest, Solver, Damping Model, Damping Ratio, Selected Tangent Stiffness, and Mode specifications, with text boxes and dropdown menus for user input. A 'Choose' button is located beneath the 'Analysis Script' field. The interface has a sidebar with various options such as UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES, possibly indicating different modules or sections within the software. :figclass: align-center 4. We will skip the **EDP** panel leaving it in it's default condition, that being to use the **Standard Earthquake** EDP generator. .. figure:: ./figures/randomField-EDP.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a user interface with a navigation menu on the left side, featuring various tabs such as UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES. The main area of the interface has a title bar with the text "Engineering Demand Parameter Generator" and a dropdown menu option labeled "Standard Earthquake." The rest of the screen is mostly blank, indicating either a minimalist design or that content has not been loaded or is not visible in this view. :figclass: align-center 5. For the **RV** panel, we will enter the distributions and values for our random variables. If only the uncertainty related to spatial variability is interested, a dummy random variable can be defined in this tab. @@ -111,6 +119,7 @@ Then all the variability shown in the response will solely be due to spatial var .. figure:: ./figures/randomField-RV.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface with a sidebar on the left featuring options such as UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES in a vertical list, with the RV option highlighted. The main part of the interface has a heading titled "Input Random Variables" followed by an Add and Remove button and a Correlation Matrix button. Below there is a table with columns for Variable Name, Distribution, Mean, and Standard Dev; a single row contains the variable name 'dummy,' a dropdown indicating 'Normal' distribution selected, a mean of 10, and a standard deviation of 1. There is also a Show PDF button located to the right of the table. The interface has a minimalist design with a color scheme of blues and grays. :figclass: align-center .. warning:: @@ -122,6 +131,7 @@ The peak displacement of the roof, is the quantity **PFD**. The **PFA** and **PF .. figure:: ./figures/Elastic-RES.png :align: center + :alt: A screenshot of a statistical analysis software interface displaying a table of summary statistics for different data sets. The columns include 'Name', 'Mean', 'StdDev' (standard deviation), 'Skewness', and 'Kurtosis'. There are five sets of data labeled from '1-PFA-0-1' to '1-PRD-1-1' with respective mean values ranging from 139.483 to 0.0326987, standard deviations ranging from 12.2984 to 0.00502987, skewness fixed at 2.52653 for four datasets, and kurtosis fixed at 10.0967 also for four datasets. On the left side, tabs labeled 'UQ', 'GI', 'SIM', 'EVT', 'FEM', 'EDP', 'RV', and a selected 'RES' tab are visible, indicating different modules or sections within the software. :figclass: align-center @@ -139,6 +149,7 @@ For the **Elastic_Random** material, shear wave velocity (Vs) can be selected to .. figure:: ./figures/Elastic-Random.png :scale: 60 % + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface for geotechnical analysis. The left side, labeled "Load Generator," displays two vertical bars representing layers of soil or rock with a green arrow indicating direction. The right side, labeled "Site Response," contains input fields and tables with parameters for geotechnical properties, like "Layer Name," "Thickness," "Density," "Vs," "Material," and "Element Size." A section below contains fields for "Elastic modulus," "Poisson's ratio," and "Stochastic field parameters," including "Mean," "COV," and "Correlation Length," reflecting settings for an ElasticIsotropic model. The interface is designed for configuring and analyzing the response of geological layers to load. :align: center :figclass: align-center @@ -150,6 +161,7 @@ Ru are always zero since there is no volumetric strain in ElasticIsotropic mater .. _fig_Elastic-Average-Profile: .. figure:: ./figures/Elastic-Average-Profile.png :scale: 40 % + :alt: The image displays a series of four vertical graphs side by side, plotting various geotechnical parameters against depth in meters. The first graph shows numerous wavy, overlapping lines representing shear wave velocity, with values ranging from 0 to 300 meters per second. The second graph depicts peak horizontal acceleration (PHA) with a thick dark line and multiple thinner lines around it. The third graph illustrates maximum shear strain percentage, with a similar pattern of a central bold line and lighter lines. The last graph shows maximum Ru, with individual realizations depicted as thin lines and the average as a bold line, though this graph has significantly fewer data points compared to the others. Each graph has a y-axis labeled "Depth (m)" ranging from 0 to 6 meters, and x-axes labeled with their respective parameters. The color scheme is primarily shades of blue and black. :align: center :figclass: align-center @@ -158,6 +170,7 @@ Ru are always zero since there is no volumetric strain in ElasticIsotropic mater .. _fig_Elastic-Average-RespSpect: .. figure:: ./figures/Elastic-Average-RespSpect.png :scale: 20 % + :alt: A graph displaying spectral acceleration (S_a in g) on the y-axis and period (sec) on the x-axis on logarithmic scales. Multiple light blue lines represent individual realizations of a dataset, fluctuating around a prominent, bold black line that indicates the average value. The lines show increased spectral acceleration at certain periods, with a peak roughly between 0.1 to 1 second, before tapering off at longer periods. A legend on the top right labels the black line as "Average" and the blue lines as "Individual Realization." :align: center :figclass: align-center @@ -176,6 +189,7 @@ Comparing to elastic material, more variability are shown among these realizatio .. figure:: ./figures/PM4Sand-Random.png :scale: 60 % + :alt: "Screenshot of a geotechnical engineering software interface displaying options for load generation and site response analysis. The left side shows a sidebar with various module tabs like UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES; it also has a vertical graphical representation of a soil profile with two layers, the top one being blue and labelled 'Rock.' The main window is divided into sections, including 'Layer properties' and 'Response.' User-entered parameters are visible for a PM4Sand model, with input fields for properties like Density, Vs, Material, and ElementSize, along with more detailed parameters such as Dr, Go, and Den. Various other inputs for model configuration like Mean, COV, and Correlation Length are outlined in red. The bottom right corner indicates a 0% progress bar, suggesting that an analysis is yet to be run." :align: center :figclass: align-center @@ -187,6 +201,7 @@ Comparing to elastic material, more variability are shown among these realizatio .. _fig_PM4Sand-Average-Profile: .. figure:: ./figures/PM4Sand-Average-Profile.png :scale: 40 % + :alt: The image displays a collection of four line graphs, arranged side by side, each graph plotting multiple lines with a common Y-axis labeled 'Depth (m)' ranging from 0 to 6 meters. Each graph represents different geotechnical parameters against depth. The first graph is captioned 'Relative Density,' with lines ranging values between 0.00 and 0.75. The second graph is titled 'PHA(g),' with lines varying between 0.0 and 0.4 g. The third graph is marked 'Max Shear Strain (%)' with lines spreading from 0 to over 20 percent. The last graph is labeled 'Max Ru,' with lines extending from 0.00 to 1.00. In all graphs, multiple light blue lines represent individual realizations, and one bold black line indicates the average for each parameter. The plots highlight the variability of these parameters with depth, suggesting a probabilistic analysis. :align: center :figclass: align-center @@ -196,6 +211,7 @@ Comparing to elastic material, more variability are shown among these realizatio .. _fig_PM4Sand-Average-RespSpect: .. figure:: ./figures/PM4Sand-Average-RespSpect.png :scale: 20 % + :alt: Image showing error in description :align: center :figclass: align-center diff --git a/Examples/eeuq-0003/README.rst b/Examples/eeuq-0003/README.rst index 6acf60b0..e7856986 100644 --- a/Examples/eeuq-0003/README.rst +++ b/Examples/eeuq-0003/README.rst @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ use the column section of :math:`W24 \times 207` and the beam section of :math:` .. figure:: figures/frame2.png :name: fig_frame + :alt: The image displays a schematic diagram of a structural analysis model, which consists of a grid of nodes interconnected by lines representing elements of a frame structure. Red nodes indicate connection points for the frame elements, and blue lines represent beams or columns. On the left side, one node is labeled 'Geschoorde plastische hinge' (Braced plastic hinge) and another node below is labeled 'Kolom-/ligger element' (Column/beam element). On the right side, a yellow node is connected to a red node by a line labeled 'Truss element', and to another yellow node by a line with an arrow labeled 'Moment release spring'. Node numbers are marked as '1.1' to '5.5' in a grid formation. The background of the image is black, with text and schematics in red, blue, yellow, and white colors. :align: center :width: 800 :figclass: align-center @@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ Load OpenSees/tcl model and analysis script .. figure:: figures/sim.png :name: fig_sim + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface titled "EE-UQ: Response of Building to Earthquake" with a menu containing options like File and Help. The interface shows a section called "Building Model Generator" with a dropdown menu set to OpenSees, an input script path, and fields to enter response nodes and spatial dimensions for a building simulation. There are tabs labeled UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES on the left, and buttons at the bottom for RUN, RUN at DesignSafe, GET from DesignSafe, and Exit. :align: center :width: 800 :figclass: align-center @@ -39,6 +41,7 @@ Load OpenSees/tcl model and analysis script .. figure:: figures/fem.png :name: fig_fem + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface titled "EE-UQ: Response of Building to Earthquake". The interface is divided into several sections for user input including FE Application, Analysis, Integration, Solver, Damping Model, Damping Ratio, Selected Tangent Stiffness, and Analysis Script with options and fields like OpenSees, Transient analysis, Newmark integration, and Rayleigh damping. The application looks to be a scientific tool for simulating the response of structures to seismic events. There are buttons at the bottom for running the simulation, obtaining information from DesignSafe, and exiting the program. :align: center :width: 800 :figclass: align-center @@ -70,6 +73,7 @@ Select and scale ground motion records .. figure:: figures/evt.png :name: fig_evt + :alt: Screenshot of an earthquake engineering software interface titled "EE-UQ: Response of Building to Earthquake." The left side features various input fields and settings for load generation, target spectrum parameters, and scaling methods, with a section for selected ground motions from the PEER NGA Records, including metrics like acceleration, earthquake, station, magnitude, and distance. The right side displays a graph of response spectra with multiple lines representing mean, mean plus standard deviation, and target spectral acceleration over a range of periods in seconds. There are options to run analysis and download data, as well as a login button in the top right corner. :align: center :width: 800 :figclass: align-center @@ -83,6 +87,7 @@ Run the analysis and postprocess results .. figure:: figures/uq.png :name: fig_uq + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface titled 'EE-UQ: Response of Building to Earthquake'. The interface shows a menu with the tabs UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES listed vertically on the left. In the open UQ tab, there are settings for UQ Engine with 'Dakota' selected, Dakota Method Category set to 'Forward Propagation', Method as 'LHS', a field for '# Samples' with '11' entered, and a 'Seed' number '633'. Below are options to 'Keep Samples' with a checkbox, and three buttons at the bottom: 'RUN', 'RUN at DesignSafe', and 'GET from DesignSafe'. On the top right, there is a 'Login' button. The interface has a clean, minimalistic design with a light grey and white color scheme. :align: center :width: 800 :figclass: align-center @@ -93,6 +98,7 @@ Run the analysis and postprocess results .. figure:: figures/res.png :name: fig_res + :alt: Screenshot of a software application showing a table titled "EE-UQ: Response of Building to Earthquake". The table contains columns for Name, Mean, StdDev, Skewness, and Kurtosis, with multiple rows of data grouped under headings such as GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES. At the bottom, there are three buttons labeled "RUN", "RUN at DesignSafe", and "Exit", and a "Login" button in the top right corner. :align: center :width: 800 :figclass: align-center @@ -103,6 +109,7 @@ Run the analysis and postprocess results .. figure:: figures/sdr_pfa.png :name: fig_res + :alt: Two side-by-side scatter plots displaying structural engineering data. The left plot shows the relationship between peak story drift ratio (in/in) on the x-axis and story number on the y-axis. The right plot shows peak floor acceleration (g) on the x-axis and story number on the y-axis. Both plots include a series of black dashed lines representing 11 ground motions (GM), a red line with circle markers for the mean, a blue line with square markers for the median, and a pair of dashed blue lines indicating plus or minus one standard deviation (+/- 1σ) from the mean. The data points suggest a trend of increasing values from the bottom of the structure (story number 0) to the top (story number 4). :align: center :width: 600 :figclass: align-center diff --git a/Examples/eeuq-0004/README.rst b/Examples/eeuq-0004/README.rst index 194e63ce..882a1a5a 100644 --- a/Examples/eeuq-0004/README.rst +++ b/Examples/eeuq-0004/README.rst @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ of steel moment resisting frames (**AutoSDA**) ([GBS20]_). .. figure:: figures/sbm2.png :name: fig_frame + :alt: A data table titled "Building Information" with input fields and values for various building parameters. It includes the number of stories (3), typical story height (13.0 ft), first story height (13.0 ft), number of bays in both X and Z directions (4 each), width of bays in both X and Z directions (30.0 ft each), and number of Lateral Force Resisting Systems (LFRS) in both X and Z directions (2 each). :align: center :width: 50% :figclass: align-center @@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ Design and create a numerical model .. figure:: figures/sbm.png :name: fig_sbm + :alt: Screenshot of a software application titled "EE-UQ: Response of Building to Earthquake" with interface sections for inputting building model information, including parameters such as the number of stories, story height, and various loading data. There are options for saving and loading files, and buttons for running simulations, with additional references to ELF parameters and a literature citation for users to follow. The interface is designed with various tabs, input fields, drop-down menus, checkboxes, and buttons organized in a structured layout. :align: center :width: 100% :figclass: align-center @@ -33,6 +35,7 @@ Design and create a numerical model .. figure:: figures/bim.png :name: fig_bim + :alt: Screenshot of a form labeled "Building Information" with fields and numeric values. It specifies details such as Number Stories (3), Typical Story Height (13.0), First Story Height (13.0), Number and Width of bays in X direction (4 and 30.0 respectively), Number and Width of bays in Z direction (4 and 30.0 respectively), and Number of LFRS (Lateral Force Resisting System) in X and Z directions (2 for each). All values are given in text boxes that seem editable. :align: center :width: 50% :figclass: align-center @@ -43,6 +46,7 @@ Design and create a numerical model .. figure:: figures/elf.png :name: fig_elf + :alt: A screenshot of a table labeled "ELF Parameters - Reference: ASCE 7-10 Section 12.8" displaying seismic design parameters. The table includes fields for Ss (1.5g), TL (8), Cd (5.5), Ie (1), Site Class (D), S1 (0.6g), R (8), rho (1), Ct (0.028), and x (0.8), with some values filled in and others left blank for user input. :align: center :width: 50% :figclass: align-center @@ -54,6 +58,7 @@ Design and create a numerical model .. figure:: figures/mem.png :name: fig_mem + :alt: Screenshot of a table with the header "Member Depth" and three columns titled "Exterior Column," "Interior Column," and "Beam." Each column lists "W14" in the first three rows under "Exterior Column" and "Interior Column," and "W27, W30, W33" in the first three rows under "Beam." There are no entries in the fourth row across all columns. :align: center :width: 100% :figclass: align-center @@ -64,6 +69,7 @@ Design and create a numerical model .. figure:: figures/ldg.png :name: fig_ldg + :alt: A screenshot of a table labeled "Loading" with six columns titled Floor Weight [kips], Floor Dead Load [psf], Floor Live Load [psf], Beam Dead Load [lb/ft], Beam Live Load [lb/ft], Leaning Column Dead Load [kips], and Leaning Column Live Load [kips]. Each column contains three identical numerical entries, with "2289" under Floor Weight, "106" under Floor Dead Load, "50" under Floor Live Load, "1590" under Beam Dead Load, "750" under Beam Live Load, "954" under Leaning Column Dead Load, and "450" under Leaning Column Live Load. :align: center :width: 100% :figclass: align-center @@ -76,6 +82,7 @@ Design and create a numerical model .. figure:: figures/bdf.png :name: fig_bdf + :alt: Screenshot of a user interface titled "Building Data Files" with options for "Building Data Folder," a text box displaying a file path "C:/Users/kuans/Desktop/Test," a "Choose" button, and two buttons below labeled "Save File" and "Load File." :align: center :width: 50% :figclass: align-center @@ -107,6 +114,7 @@ Select and scale ground motion records .. figure:: figures/evt.png :name: fig_evt + :alt: Screenshot of the EE-UQ software interface showing the 'Response of Building to Earthquake' module with various input parameters and a graph of the response spectra. On the left side, input fields are visible for selection of earthquake records from the PEER NGA database with options like 'Target Spectrum,' 'Scaling,' and 'Ground Motions.' In the center, a table lists earthquake events with details such as scale, station, and magnitude. On the right side, the graph displays multiple lines representing the mean, mean plus and minus standard deviation, target, and selected response spectra for earthquakes, with the spectral acceleration on the y-axis and the period in seconds on the x-axis. The bottom of the interface has a 'RUN' button and two mentions to GET from DesignSafe and Exit options. :align: center :width: 100% :figclass: align-center @@ -120,6 +128,7 @@ Run the analysis and post-process results .. figure:: figures/uq.png :name: fig_uq + :alt: Screenshot of a graphical user interface titled "EE-UQ: Response of Building to Earthquake" with a menu of options on the left including UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES. In the right panel, under UQ Engine, there are fields for selecting 'Dakota' and method settings with options like 'Forward Propagation' and 'LHS' selected, and fields for '# Samples' set to 11 and 'Seed' with a value of 633. At the bottom, there are buttons for 'RUN', 'RUN at DesignSafe', 'GET from DesignSafe', and 'Exit'. The overall layout suggests a software application for uncertainty quantification and simulation in engineering or scientific analysis related to earthquake response. :align: center :width: 100% :figclass: align-center @@ -130,6 +139,7 @@ Run the analysis and post-process results .. figure:: figures/res.png :name: fig_res + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface titled "EE-UQ: Response of Building to Earthquake" that displays a tabbed panel with tabs like "Summary" and "Data Values". Several rows of data are shown including terms like 'Mean', 'StdDev', 'Skewness', 'Kurtosis' and numerical values associated with each term under event names like '1-PFA-0-1' and '1-PED-3-1'. The interface includes options like "RUN", "RUN at DesignSafe", "GET from DesignSafe", and "Exit" at the bottom. The software appears to be related to engineering or scientific analysis for earthquake response. :align: center :width: 100% :figclass: align-center diff --git a/Examples/eeuq-0005/README.rst b/Examples/eeuq-0005/README.rst index 5263b9f6..78f3051c 100644 --- a/Examples/eeuq-0005/README.rst +++ b/Examples/eeuq-0005/README.rst @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ represented by synthetic ground motion records based on two methods ([VPD18]_, [ .. figure:: figures/model2.png :align: center + :alt: A simplified engineering diagram depicting a vertical stack of three rigid beams connected by equally spaced joints with a force 'w' at the center of each joint. The structure is symmetric with forces labeled 'w/2' at the topmost and bottommost connection points to the beams. The bottom of the structure appears fixed to the ground with diagonal hatching, indicating it is immovable or anchored. :width: 400 :figclass: align-center @@ -34,6 +35,7 @@ on structural dynamic responses, using the Vlacho-Papakonstantinou-Deodatis synt .. figure:: figures/uq.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a software application titled "EE-UQ: Response of Building to Earthquake" with a user interface comprising various tabs on the left, such as UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES. The UQ tab is currently selected and displays settings for a 'UQ Engine' named 'Dakota', including 'Dakota Method Category' set to 'Forward Propagation' and 'Method' set to 'LHS'. There are fields for 'Number of Samples' set to 100, 'Seed' set to 530, and an unchecked option to 'Keep Samples'. There are buttons at the bottom for 'RUN', 'RUN at DesignSafe', 'GET from DesignSafe', and 'Exit'. Additionally, there is a 'Login' button at the top right corner. :width: 100% :figclass: align-center @@ -46,6 +48,7 @@ on structural dynamic responses, using the Vlacho-Papakonstantinou-Deodatis synt .. figure:: figures/sim.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface titled "EE-UQ: Response of Building to Earthquake". The interface includes a section labeled "Building Model Generator" with options for software selection and input fields for an input script, response nodes, spatial dimension, and degrees of freedom at nodes. A navigation panel on the left lists categories like UQ, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES. At the bottom are buttons for running simulations, including "RUN", "RUN at DesignSafe", and "GET from DesignSafe". There is also a "Login" button on the top right corner of the window. :width: 100% :figclass: align-center @@ -56,6 +59,7 @@ on structural dynamic responses, using the Vlacho-Papakonstantinou-Deodatis synt .. figure:: figures/evt.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface titled "EE-UQ: Response of Building to Earthquake" with multiple tabs and input fields related to stochastic ground motion. The displayed tab, "Load Generator," includes a dropdown menu for selecting a stochastic loading model and input fields for moment magnitude, closest-to-site rupture distance, and average shear-wave velocity, with a provided seed value field set to 500. There are buttons for running the analysis and additional options for DesignSafe integration at the bottom. :width: 100% :figclass: align-center @@ -64,6 +68,7 @@ on structural dynamic responses, using the Vlacho-Papakonstantinou-Deodatis synt .. figure:: figures/fem.png :align: center + :alt: A screenshot of a software interface titled "EE-UQ: Response of Building to Earthquake". The interface has a menu bar at the top with options like File, Help, and Windows, and a login button at the top-right corner. On the left side, there's a vertical navigation menu with items such as UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES highlighted. The main part of the window shows options for a Finite Element (FE) Application with various parameters for analysis, integration, algorithm, convergence test, solver, damping model, and selected tangent stiffness. There are input fields, dropdown menus, and a 'Choose' button for an analysis script. At the bottom, there are buttons to "RUN", "RUN at DesignSafe", "GET from DesignSafe", and "Exit". The interface design is clean with mostly grayscale colors and blue highlights. :width: 100% :figclass: align-center @@ -76,6 +81,7 @@ on structural dynamic responses, using the Vlacho-Papakonstantinou-Deodatis synt .. figure:: figures/rv.png :align: center + :alt: A screenshot of an engineering software interface titled "EE-UQ: Response of Building to Earthquake." The screen displays a section with "Input Random Variables" where three variables (M, R, V) are listed with their corresponding distribution type (Normal), mean values (7, 20, 259), and standard deviations (1, 5, 50), with buttons to "Show PDF" for each variable. On the left side, there is a vertical menu with options such as UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES highlighted. At the bottom, there are buttons for "RUN," "RUN at DesignSafe," and "GET from DesignSafe," along with an "Exit" button on the bottom right. The user is not logged in as indicated by the Login button in the top right corner. :width: 100% :figclass: align-center @@ -83,6 +89,7 @@ on structural dynamic responses, using the Vlacho-Papakonstantinou-Deodatis synt .. figure:: figures/res1.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface titled "EE-UQ: Response of Building to Earthquake," displaying tabs for 'UQ,' 'GI,' 'SIM,' 'EVT,' 'FEM,' 'EDP,' 'RV,' and 'RES'. The visible tab shows a table with statistical data including 'Name', 'Mean', 'StdDev', 'Skewness', and 'Kurtosis' for various building response parameters. The interface includes navigation buttons 'RUN', 'RUN at DesignSafe', and 'Exit' at the bottom. :width: 100% :figclass: align-center @@ -94,16 +101,19 @@ ratio (:math:`1-PID-1-1`). .. figure:: figures/inf_m1.png :align: center + :alt: The image is a scatter plot with a horizontal axis labeled "1-PID-1-1" and a vertical axis labeled "M." The horizontal axis ranges from approximately 0.0003 to 0.0309, and the vertical axis ranges from approximately 4.1 to 10.3. The plot features a distribution of individual points, primarily concentrated between the 0.003 and 0.0156 marks on the horizontal axis, and between the 5.6 and 7.2 marks on the vertical axis, suggesting a potential correlation or trend within that particular range. There are a few outlier points scattered horizontally towards the higher end of the horizontal axis. The background is white with gray grid lines, and the points are shaded in a light blue color. :width: 100% :figclass: align-center .. figure:: figures/inf_r1.png :align: center + :alt: A scatter plot with a cluster of data points along the horizontal axis labeled '1-PID-1-1' ranging approximately from 0.0003 to 0.0309 and along the vertical axis labeled 'R' ranging approximately from 4.1 to 34.6. The data points are concentrated mostly within the middle of the graph, suggesting some form of correlation or data distribution pattern. The background is white with labeled axes, and the data points are blue. :width: 100% :figclass: align-center .. figure:: figures/inf_v1.png :align: center + :alt: A scatter plot with numerous light blue dots representing data points. The horizontal axis is labeled "1-PID-1-1" and ranges from approximately 0.0003 to 0.0309. The vertical axis, labeled with a right-pointing arrow, indicates a range from about 85.6 to 447.2, though the specific units are not visible. The distribution of dots does not show a clear pattern or correlation, with a somewhat even spread across the graph canvas. No trend line is visible. :width: 100% :figclass: align-center @@ -127,6 +137,7 @@ distinct characteristics of pulse-like and non-pulse-like records. .. figure:: figures/evt2.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface titled "EE-UQ: Response of Building to Earthquake" displaying various input fields and settings for simulating earthquake responses on structures. On the left side of the interface, there's a column with sections like "Load Generator", "EVT", "RV", and "RES" which include drop-down menus and numerical input fields for selecting earthquake characteristics such as the "Stochastic Loading Model," "Moment Magnitude," and "Average shear-wave velocity." On the right side, there are schematic diagrams illustrating "Strike Slip" and "Dip Slip" fault movements with a "Vertical Section" and "Plan View," showing the relationship between the fault lines and a site on the surface. Below the input sections, there's a "RUN" button and additional options to "RUN at DesignSafe" or "Get from DesignSafe." At the top right corner of the window is a "Login" button. :width: 100% :figclass: align-center @@ -134,6 +145,7 @@ distinct characteristics of pulse-like and non-pulse-like records. .. figure:: figures/rv2.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface for "EE-UQ: Response of Building to Earthquake" featuring a menu to input random variables. The interface is currently displaying one variable named "V" with a normal distribution, a mean value of 259, and a standard deviation of 50. There are options to add and remove variables as well as a "Show PDF" button. On the left sidebar, options such as UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES are selectable, with 'RV' currently highlighted. At the bottom, there are buttons for "RUN," "RUN at DesignSafe," "GET from DesignSafe," and "Exit." The "Login" option is available on the top right corner. :width: 100% :figclass: align-center @@ -143,16 +155,19 @@ distinct characteristics of pulse-like and non-pulse-like records. .. figure:: figures/all_sdr1.png :align: center + :alt: A line graph showing a cumulative probability distribution. The x-axis is labeled "1-PID-1-1" with values ranging from approximately -0.0008 to 0.002, and the y-axis is labeled "Cumulative Probability" with values ranging from 0.00 to 1.00. The line progresses steeply upwards in the negative range of the x-axis and flattens as it approaches the positive range, indicating a high probability as one moves from left to right on the graph. :width: 100% :figclass: align-center .. figure:: figures/all_pfa3.png :align: center + :alt: The image is a line graph displaying a cumulative probability distribution. The x-axis is labeled with numerical values ranging from approximately -82.4 to 1958.7, and the y-axis ranges from 0.00 to 1.00 in increments of 0.25, symbolizing probability. The graph features a continuously ascending line starting near the origin and flattening out as it approaches a cumulative probability of 1. It suggests a dataset where values accumulate towards a maximum probability of 1, characteristic of a cumulative distribution function. The specific details on the x-axis (e.g., '1-PFA-3-1') cannot be interpreted without additional context. :width: 100% :figclass: align-center .. figure:: figures/inf_v2.png :align: center + :alt: A scatter plot with numerous points plotted on a Cartesian coordinate system. The horizontal axis is labeled '1-PID-1-1' with values ranging from approximately 0.0008 to 0.0202. The vertical axis is on the left side and appears to represent some quantity or measurement scale, possibly in the hundreds, with values varying from about 106.6 to 434.9. The distribution of points does not suggest a clear trend or correlation, as they are spread out across the chart without forming a distinct pattern. :width: 100% :figclass: align-center @@ -163,6 +178,7 @@ distinct characteristics of pulse-like and non-pulse-like records. .. figure:: figures/sdr_pfa_comp.png :align: center + :alt: Two cumulative distribution function (CDF) plots side by side. The left plot shows the CDF of 'Roof PFA (g)' with lines representing 'Pulse-like' in blue and 'Non-pulse-like' in orange. The right plot shows the CDF of '1st story PID (in/in)' also with 'Pulse-like' in blue and 'Non-pulse-like' in orange. The plots are designed to compare the distribution of peak floor acceleration and peak inter-story drift for pulse-like and non-pulse-like scenarios, indicated by the reference lines and color key in the legend below each graph. :width: 100% :figclass: align-center diff --git a/Examples/eeuq-0006/README.rst b/Examples/eeuq-0006/README.rst index 84c443e0..e6b262de 100644 --- a/Examples/eeuq-0006/README.rst +++ b/Examples/eeuq-0006/README.rst @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ applied to predict new realizations more efficiently. .. figure:: figures/res_comp3.png :align: center + :alt: A scatter plot displaying two types of data points, labeled as 'Training' in blue and 'Surrogate' in orange. The x-axis is labeled "I-PFA-I (in/sec/sec)" with a range from 0 to 800, and the y-axis is labeled "I-PFA-l_2 (in/sec/sec)" with a range from 0 to 1000. The data points are mostly clustered in the lower left quadrant of the graph, indicating a correlation between the two variables for both the training and surrogate data. Some outlier points are spread out towards the higher values on both axes. :width: 400 :figclass: align-center @@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ Configure UQ Engine .. figure:: figures/uq_plom.png :name: fig_uq_plot + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface labeled 'UQ Engine' displaying settings for uncertainty quantification analysis. The interface shows options for 'SimCenterUQ Method Category' set to 'PLOM Model', 'Training Dataset' set to 'Sampling and Simulation', and 'Method' set to 'LHS'. There are fields for '# Samples' with a value of 20, 'Seed' with a value of 314, and 'New Sample Number Ratio' with a value of 2. The user interface has a clean, minimalistic design with drop-down menus and input boxes for various parameters. :align: center :width: 100% :figclass: align-center @@ -48,6 +50,7 @@ Configure UQ Engine .. figure:: figures/uq_imc.png :name: fig_bim + :alt: Screenshot of a graphical user interface for ground motion intensity calculation. It includes an "Advanced Options" section with a dropdown menu labeled "Type" set to "Ground Motion Intensity" and a selectable "Affiliate Variable" toggle. Below that, there's a section for "Intensity Measure Calculation" with "Add" and "Remove" buttons. Two radio button options are shown: "Pseudo Spectral Acceleration" with dropdown menus for "Gravitational constant (g)" set to a value and "Periods: 0.5"; and "SaRatio" with dropdown menus for "Unitless (scalar)" and "Periods: 0.1,0.5,1.5." The interface has a clean design with a light background and clear delineation of options. :align: center :width: 100% :figclass: align-center @@ -60,6 +63,7 @@ Configure Structural Analysis .. figure:: figures/sim.png :name: fig_sim + :alt: Screenshot of a computer interface titled 'Building Model Generator' with input fields for building information parameters such as 'Number Stories', 'Floor Weights', and 'Story Stiffness' among others. To the right side of the inputs, there is a visualization of a simple one-story building structure represented as a vertical line with a square on top, indicating a model generated based on the input parameters. The interface is designed for creating a multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) system for structural analysis. :align: center :width: 100% :figclass: align-center @@ -69,6 +73,7 @@ Configure Structural Analysis .. figure:: figures/evt.png :name: fig_evt + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface with two main sections related to earthquake engineering. The left panel is titled "Load Generator" with tabs for "PEER NGA Records" and options for Target Spectrum, Output Directory, Ground Motion Components, and Scaling/Selection Criteria. The right panel displays a chart titled "Response Spectra," showing multiple overlapping curves representing spectral acceleration vs. period, with associated legend indicating average and standard deviation values. The interface includes numerical inputs and dropdown menus for selecting and analyzing earthquake ground motion data. :align: center :width: 100% :figclass: align-center @@ -78,12 +83,14 @@ Configure Structural Analysis .. figure:: figures/fem.png :name: fig_fem + :alt: Screenshot of a computer interface for a finite element (FE) application, possibly named OpenSees, with various fields to set up a simulation. The fields include settings for Analysis (options for a Transient analysis with sub-levels and sub-steps), Integration (Newmark method with beta and gamma values), Algorithm (Newton), ConvergenceTest (NormUnbalance), Solver (Umfpack), Damping Model (Rayleigh Damping with a damping ratio), Selected Tangent Stiffness, and fields to input values for Mode 1 and Mode 2. There is also an input field for an Analysis Script, and a 'Choose' button at the bottom right. The interface is pragmatic with a focus on functionality. :align: center :width: 100% :figclass: align-center .. figure:: figures/edp.png :name: fig_edp + :alt: A screenshot of a computer interface with a dropdown menu titled "Engineering Demand Parameter Generator" next to a selected option named "Standard Earthquake" with a downward arrow indicating more options are available in the dropdown menu. :align: center :width: 100% :figclass: align-center @@ -99,12 +106,14 @@ Run the analysis and post-process results .. figure:: figures/res_summary.png :name: fig_res_summary + :alt: A screenshot of a software interface showing the results of a surrogate model training with a graph titled "PLOM Training Results." The graph plots 'PCA Error' against 'PCA Eigenvalues' in a scatter plot with a line connecting the points, indicating a decreasing trend in error with smaller eigenvalues. The interface also includes text indicating "Surrogate Modeling Completed! termination code unidentified," "# training samples 20," "# model simulations 0," and "Analysis time 0.0 min." A panel on the left side contains navigation tabs labelled UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES, with the PLOM Training Results displayed in the central section of the interface. Below the graph, there is a "Save PLOM Model" button. :align: center :width: 100% :figclass: align-center .. figure:: figures/res_kde.png :name: fig_res_kde + :alt: A graph titled "PLoM Training Results" displaying the relationship between 'Diff. Maps Eigenvalue' (y-axis) and 'Number of Component' (x-axis). The graph shows a blue line plot with eigenvalues starting high at the first component and decreasing sharply as the number of components increases before plateauing. A horizontal red line marks the 'Minimum eigen considered' threshold, which intersects the blue line plot around the sixth component, suggesting the point after which additional components have a lower eigenvalue than the considered minimum. :align: center :width: 60% :figclass: align-center @@ -115,6 +124,7 @@ Run the analysis and post-process results .. figure:: figures/res_save.png :name: fig_res_save + :alt: Screenshot of a Windows Save Data dialog box with 'This PC > Desktop > testFiles' as the save location. The file name is entered as 'SurrogatePLoM.h5' with the file type set to 'H5 File (*.h5)'. The dialog box shows an empty folder with columns for Name, Date modified, Type, and Size. Several folders are listed on the left side pane, and options to save or cancel are presented at the bottom of the window. :align: center :width: 100% :figclass: align-center @@ -123,6 +133,7 @@ Run the analysis and post-process results .. figure:: figures/res_data.png :name: fig_res_data + :alt: A screenshot displaying a scatter plot with various data points spread across the chart, which seems to depict some form of scientific or statistical data. On the bottom, a data table is visible with numerical values labeled "Run #," "1-PSA(0.5)-0-1," "1-SaRatio-0-1," and other headers, suggesting the scatter plot above correlates to these data entries. There are buttons to "Save Table" and "Save Columns Separately." The scatter plot has labeled axes, but the details are not fully legible in this image. :align: center :width: 70% :figclass: align-center @@ -132,12 +143,14 @@ Run the analysis and post-process results .. figure:: figures/res_comp1.png :name: fig_res_comp1 + :alt: A scatter plot with two sets of data points labeled as 'Training' in blue and 'Surrogate' in orange. The horizontal axis is labeled 'I-SaRatio-0-I' and ranges from 0 to 2. The vertical axis is labeled '|-PDi-l - I (in)' and ranges from 0 to 30. The distribution of data points is scattered mostly in the center of the graph with no clear pattern, and both 'Training' and 'Surrogate' points are interspersed throughout. :align: center :width: 60% :figclass: align-center .. figure:: figures/res_comp2.png :name: fig_res_comp1 + :alt: A scatter plot comparing two variables indicated as "|-PFA-1-|2 (in/sec/sec)" on the y-axis and "|-PFA-1-|" on the x-axis (also in units of in/sec/sec), with points plotted for 'Training' in blue and 'Surrogate' in orange. The data points are dispersed across the graph, with a concentration of points towards the lower left corner where both variables have smaller values. There's no clear trend or correlation visible from the distribution of points. The range of the x-axis is from 0 to approximately 800 in/sec/sec and the y-axis from 0 to roughly 1000 in/sec/sec. :align: center :width: 60% :figclass: align-center diff --git a/Examples/eeuq-0007/README.rst b/Examples/eeuq-0007/README.rst index dc05d9a1..2a0a165d 100644 --- a/Examples/eeuq-0007/README.rst +++ b/Examples/eeuq-0007/README.rst @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ Pre-trained Gaussian Process Surrogate Model .. figure:: figures/trainingData2.png :name: fig_trainingData + :alt: "A composite image showcasing two different types of graphical data analysis. On the left is a heat map representing data variations over geographic coordinates, with cooler blue shades indicating lower values and warmer red shades indicating higher values. The map is overlaid with a grid and marked by latitude and longitude coordinates, with a color scale on the right-hand side to interpret the data values. On the right is a log-log plot with a dark background, illustrating statistical distributions with a median trend shown in a solid red line and a range indicating plus and minus one standard deviation from the median represented by dashed red lines. The x-axis indicates period (s), while the y-axis represents spectral acceleration (g)." :align: center :width: 600 :figclass: align-center @@ -31,12 +32,14 @@ Pre-trained Gaussian Process Surrogate Model .. figure:: figures/trainingConfig.png :name: fig_trainingConfig + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface titled "quoFEM: Quantified Uncertainty with Optimization for the Finite Element Method." The interface includes dropdown menus and file path fields under categories like UQ Engine, FEM, RV, EDP, and RES. The UQ Engine selected is SimCenterUQ with the method category set to "Train GP Surrogate Model." File paths for "Training Points (Input) File" and "System Results (Output) File" are displayed, alongside an option to 'Choose' files. A checkbox for "Advanced Options for Gaussian Process Model" and a note stating "Any information entered on the FEM tab will be ignored" are visible at the bottom. :align: center :width: 100% :figclass: align-center .. figure:: figures/trainingRes.png :name: fig_trainingRes + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface displaying a summary of surrogate modeling results with goodness-of-fit statistics and a leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) prediction scatter plot. The summary indicates the modeling has been completed with 193 training samples, 0 model simulations, and an analysis time of 25.1 seconds. The goodness-of-fit section shows values for normalized error (NRMSE) ranging from 0.030 to 0.076 and corresponding R-squared (R2) values from 0.854 to 0.984 across different variables labeled sa_1 through sa_13. The scatter plot depicts a close alignment of predicted responses (LOOCV) against exact responses, with the points closely huddled along the diagonal line, suggesting a strong predictive performance. :align: center :width: 100% :figclass: align-center @@ -58,6 +61,7 @@ Configure Surrogate Target Spectrum .. figure:: figures/configSpectrum.png :name: fig_configSpectrum + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface for generating a target spectrum. The interface includes fields for Type (selected as "Spectrum from Hazard Surrogate"), file path input for Hazard SurrogateGP Info and Model with "Choose" buttons next to each, and a selection of options such as "Maximum Allowable Normalized Variance" and "Intensity Measures". There is also a dropdown menu for "GP output" and a list for "Intensity Measure Periods (secs)". Below is a section titled "Input Random Variables" with numerical values listed, and a button labeled "Get Spectrum" at the bottom. :align: center :width: 600 :figclass: align-center @@ -72,6 +76,7 @@ Configure Surrogate Target Spectrum .. figure:: figures/resSpectrum.png :name: fig_resSpectrum + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface titled "Target Spectrum," showing a table with two columns labeled "T [sec.]" and "SA [g]", with rows of values under each heading. These rows correspond to different time periods in seconds and spectral acceleration in g. The interface includes buttons labeled "Add," "Remove," and "Load CSV" at the bottom, and a dropdown menu at the top right with the option "User Specified" displayed. :align: center :width: 600 :figclass: align-center @@ -85,6 +90,7 @@ Select Ground Motion and Run Analysis .. figure:: figures/evt.png :name: fig_evt + :alt: Screenshot of an earthquake engineering software interface with various panels. On the left, a "Target Spectrum" panel shows a table with two columns labeled "T [sec.]" and "SA [g]" with numerical values. Below it is an "Output Directory" section and a "Ground Motion Components" list detailing earthquake records with columns like "RSN," "Scale," "Earthquake," and "Station." The top right panel is titled "Record Selection" with fields for specifying the number of records, fault type, magnitude range, and other seismic parameters. The main graph to the right displays a "Response Spectra" chart with multiple curves representing spectral acceleration over periods and shows mean, standard deviation, target, and selected response spectra. :align: center :width: 600 :figclass: align-center @@ -94,18 +100,21 @@ Select Ground Motion and Run Analysis .. figure:: figures/sim.png :name: fig_sim + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface titled "Building Model Generator" with input fields for building information such as Number of Stories, Floor Weights, Story Stiffness, and Yield Strength in X and Y directions. A simple line diagram representing a building structure is displayed on the right side of the interface. :align: center :width: 100% :figclass: align-center .. figure:: figures/fem.png :name: fig_fem + :alt: The image shows a user interface for an FE (Finite Element) Application, presumably from a software used for structural analysis or similar engineering computations. The interface includes options for setting up a transient analysis with OpenSees, defining numerical integration parameters, selecting an algorithm (Newton), specifying convergence tests, solvers, damping models, damping ratios, and selecting tangent stiffness options. There is also an input field for an analysis script and a "Choose" button, possibly for loading or confirming settings. :align: center :width: 100% :figclass: align-center .. figure:: figures/edp.png :name: fig_fem + :alt: A screenshot of a user interface with a misspelled title reading "Engineering Demand Paramater Generator" instead of "Parameter," with a dropdown menu option labeled "Standard Earthquake." :align: center :width: 100% :figclass: align-center @@ -115,12 +124,14 @@ Select Ground Motion and Run Analysis .. figure:: figures/res1.png :name: fig_res_data + :alt: A screenshot of a spreadsheet containing statistical data. There are columns for "Summary," "Name," "Mean," "StdDev" (standard deviation), "Skewness," and "Kurtosis" with various numerical values listed for each category. The rows are categorized by different sections such as UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES, each with specific entries like "1-PFA-0-1," "1-PFA-0-2," "1-PFA-1-1," and so on, followed by their corresponding statistical measurements. :align: center :width: 100% :figclass: align-center .. figure:: figures/res2.png :name: fig_res_comp1 + :alt: Screenshot of a computer interface showing a scatter plot on the left with data points labeled 'Run # 1' along the horizontal axis and 'HP-R' on the vertical axis. A single red data point is highlighted among blue data points. The right side of the image displays a data table titled 'MultipleEvent' with columns including 'Run #', '1-PFA-0-1', '1-PFA-0-2', '1-PFA-1-1', '1-PFA-1-2', '1-PFD-1-1', '1-PFD-1-2', '1-PID-1-1', and '1-PRD-1-1', among others. Each row corresponds to a numbered run with various numerical values. The top of the interface offers options to 'Save Table', 'Save Columns Separately', 'Save RVs', and 'Save QoIs'. :align: center :width: 100% :figclass: align-center \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Examples/eeuq-0008/README.rst b/Examples/eeuq-0008/README.rst index 90a6f913..8b438d06 100644 --- a/Examples/eeuq-0008/README.rst +++ b/Examples/eeuq-0008/README.rst @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ Non-linear time history analysis is conducted using OpenSees, employing a simple .. figure:: figures/ee8-main.png :align: center + :alt: This image displays two overlapping normal distribution curves on a black background. The curve on the left is shaded in blue and the one on the right in orange, with their overlapping region showing a blend of these two colors. The curves represent statistical data with different means and similar variances. :width: 40% :figclass: align-center @@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ Configure UQ Engine .. figure:: figures/ee8-UQ.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a graphical user interface for uncertainty quantification settings, showing options under the 'UQ Method' section such as 'Forward Propagation,' 'UQ Engine: Dakota,' toggles for 'Parallel Execution' and 'Save Working dirs,' and fields to set 'Method' as 'LHS,' '# Samples' to '50,' and 'Seed' to '56.' The sidebar on the left contains tabs labeled 'GI,' 'SIM,' 'EVT,' 'FEM,' 'EDP,' 'RV,' and 'RES,' with the 'UQ' tab highlighted. :width: 80% :figclass: align-center @@ -31,11 +33,13 @@ Configure Structural Analysis .. figure:: figures/ee8-SIM1.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface showing the Building Model Generator tool. The tool includes fields for inputting data such as Number of Stories (5), Floor Weights (144), and various parameters for stiffness, damping, and yield strength in different directions, with some values filled in (e.g., Damping Ratio 0.05, Story Heights 3.16667, Yield Strength X and Y dirn 1e+06). Several buttons like 'Add', 'Remove', and tabs for 'Modeling-1' and 'Modeling-2' indicate interactive options for the user. The interface has a blue and gray color scheme. :width: 80% :figclass: align-center .. figure:: figures/ee8-SIM2.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a "Building Model Generator" interface with various input fields and parameters for building design. The interface includes options for adding or removing models and tabs named Multi Model, Modeling-1, and Modeling-2. Parameters such as "Number Stories," "Floor Weights," "Damping Ratio," and "Story Stiffness X dirn" are displayed, with numerical values provided for each. The color scheme consists of blues and grays with a simple, user-friendly layout. :width: 80% :figclass: align-center @@ -46,11 +50,13 @@ Configure Structural Analysis .. figure:: figures/ee8-FEM1.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface with a focus on finite element (FE) application settings. The interface includes options and parameters such as "Add" and "Remove" buttons, tabs for "Simulation-1" and "Simulation-2", input fields for analysis configurations like "Integration: Newmark 0.5 0.25", "Algorithm: Newton", "ConvergenceTest: NormUnbalance 1.0e-2 10", and a selection for "Solver: Umfpack". There's also an option for "Damping Model: Rayleigh Damping" and fields for selecting "Tangent Stiffness" and defining modes with numerical inputs. The left sidebar shows additional menu items like "UQ", "GI", "SIM", "EVT", "FEM", "EDP", "RV", and "RES", suggesting this is part of a larger engineering or simulation software. :width: 80% :figclass: align-center .. figure:: figures/ee8-FEM2.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface related to Finite Element (FE) application settings. The panel includes options to add or remove simulations, tabs for "Simulation-1" and "Simulation-2," and various input fields for specifying analysis parameters such as Analysis Type, Integration, Algorithm, Convergence Test, Solver, and Damping Model. Settings indicate the use of a transient analysis with Newmark integration, Newton algorithm, norm unbalance convergence test, Umfpack solver, and modal damping. :width: 80% :figclass: align-center @@ -60,6 +66,7 @@ Configure Structural Analysis .. figure:: figures/ee8-EDP.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface with a left sidebar showing options labeled "UQ," "GI," "SIM," "EVT," "FEM," "EDP" highlighted in blue, "RV," and "RES." The main panel is titled "Engineering Demand Parameter Generator" with an option for "Standard Earthquake" and a checkmark icon on the right. The rest of the main panel content is not visible. :width: 80% :figclass: align-center @@ -68,6 +75,7 @@ Configure Structural Analysis .. figure:: figures/ee8-RV.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface displaying a probability distribution function. On the left side, there is a navigation panel with options like UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES, with RV highlighted. In the main panel, a section titled "Input Random Variables" lists a variable named 'k' with a normal distribution, mean of 100, and standard deviation of 1. There are buttons for "Add," "Clear All," and "Correlation Matrix," as well as "Export" and "Import." On the right side, there's a plot showing a bell-shaped normal distribution curve centered around the value 100 on the x-axis with probability density on the y-axis. The area under the curve is shaded blue. At the bottom, there are status messages that read "Analysis done" and "Results Displayed." :width: 80% :figclass: align-center @@ -87,6 +95,7 @@ Run the analysis and observe the results .. figure:: figures/ee8-RES.png :align: center + :alt: Screenshot of a data analysis software interface with a scatter plot on the left and a data table on the right. The scatter plot is titled "1-P(Pb> 5)" versus "MultiModel-Modeling" with a series of blue dots showing a downward trend and a noted correlation coefficient of -0.67. On the right, the data table, under "Data Values" tab, has columns labeled "Run #," "k," and several others with numerical data. Row number 10 is highlighted, indicating a selected data point corresponding to one of the scatter plot points. Options to "Save Table," "Save Columns Separately," "Save RVs," and "Save QoIs" are visible at the top of the data table. :width: 80% :figclass: align-center diff --git a/Examples/eeuq-0009/README.rst b/Examples/eeuq-0009/README.rst index 8b41b751..4e43b781 100644 --- a/Examples/eeuq-0009/README.rst +++ b/Examples/eeuq-0009/README.rst @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ This example shows how to train a surrogate model that can be later imported int .. figure:: figures/EE09_main3.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: The image showcases a variety of data visualization graphics against a black background. On the left, there are four 2D plots including a normal distribution curve, three scatter plots with varying densities and sizes of dots, and an audio waveform with one point highlighted in red. On the right, a 3D plot features a surface graph with peaks in a grid pattern, superimposed with red dots at various heights and corresponding to the peaks, and transparent bell curves extending from the surface. The axes suggest the plot may represent some multivariate data. :align: center :width: 40% :figclass: align-center @@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ Set Up GP Surrogate Modeling Options .. figure:: figures/EE09_UQ.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface for uncertainty quantification using surrogate modeling. The UQ Engine selected is SimCenterUQ, and the option to Train GP Surrogate Model is chosen. There are options for setting the number of samples, computation time, target accuracy, random seed, and allowing for parallel execution. Advanced options for a Gaussian Process Model are available, as well as earthquake-specific advanced options, including input postprocess for ground motion intensity and a section for adding intensity measure calculations with options such as significant duration and pseudo spectral acceleration. :align: center :width: 100% :figclass: align-center @@ -57,6 +59,7 @@ Define Target Structure .. figure:: figures/EE09_GI.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: Screenshot of a building information interface with various input fields for data. It includes sections for "Building Information" with an empty 'Name' field, "Properties" listing year built as 1990, number of stories as 3, structural type as RM1, and dimensions in height, width, depth, and plan area. The "Location" section provides latitude and longitude coordinates, and there is a "Units" section to select force, length, and temperature units like Kips, inches, and Celsius. On the left side of the interface, there are navigation menu options such as UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES. :align: center :width: 100% :figclass: align-center @@ -68,6 +71,7 @@ Define Target Structure .. figure:: figures/EE09_SIM.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: Screenshot of a Building Model Generator software interface, with an MDOF (Multiple Degrees of Freedom) tab selected. The interface displays input fields for building information such as Number Stories, Floor Weights, and Story Stiffness among others, complete with values and parameters for X and Y directions. It includes options for defining characteristics like Damping Ratio, Hardening Ratio, and Response Eccentricity. Additional parameters including Weight, Height, and stiffness and yield strength coefficients for X and Y directions are entered into a table format at the bottom. :align: center :width: 100% :figclass: align-center @@ -81,6 +85,7 @@ Select Ground Motions for the Training .. figure:: figures/EE09_EVT1.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: Screenshot of a Load Generator interface from a software application with sections for Target Spectrum and Intensity Measure Calculation. Options include selecting types of spectra, defining number of samples per bin, and intensity measure parameters such as significant duration, pseudo spectral acceleration, and SaRatio with input fields for periods, minimum, maximum values, and number of bins. A note at the bottom indicates that the number of ground motions to be selected is 100. There is also a path to a temporary records directory shown at the bottom right, indicating a local user directory on a Windows PC. :align: center :width: 100% :figclass: align-center @@ -98,6 +103,7 @@ Select Ground Motions for the Training .. figure:: figures/EE09_EVT2.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface displaying a table titled "Ground Motion Components" with columns for RSN, Scale, Earthquake, Station, Magnitude, Distance, and Vs30, containing data on various earthquakes and their attributes. An option menu titled "Acceleration Components" is set to "Suite Average" with dropdowns for SRSS and Geometric. Below the table, a section labeled "Scaling/Selection Criteria" with "Scaling Method:" followed by a dropdown menu set to "No Scaling" and a blue "Select Records" button. :align: center :width: 70% :figclass: align-center @@ -113,6 +119,7 @@ Select Ground Motions for the Training .. figure:: figures/EE09_EVT3.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: This is a 3D scatter plot displaying a range of data points classified by color to indicate ground motion coverage error levels. The axes are labeled as PSA(g) for the vertical axis, SaRatio for the depth axis, and DS575(sec) for the horizontal axis. Data points are differentiated by color intensity, from red through purple to blue, with a color scale legend on the right. Points are also categorized as either "anchor point" indicated by a solid black dot or "selected ground motion" represented by a hollow circle. The plot visually represents the relationship between these three variables in the context of ground motion coverage with varying error levels. :align: center :width: 500 :figclass: align-center @@ -142,6 +149,7 @@ Set Up Training Domain .. figure:: figures/EE09_RV.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: Screenshot of a user interface for inputting random variables, including fields for naming the variable and selecting its distribution type, which in this case is set to 'Uniform' with a minimum of 50 and maximum of 150. Buttons for "Add", "Clear All", "Correlation Matrix", "Show PDF", "Export", and "Import" are displayed, accompanying three tabs on the left side labeled "UQ", "GI", and "SIM". :align: center :width: 100% :figclass: align-center @@ -165,6 +173,7 @@ Run the Analysis and Process Results .. figure:: figures/EE09_RES1.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: A screenshot showing a summary of a surrogate modeling process with the message "Surrogate Modeling Completed! - Process ended as the maximum allowable number of simulations is reached." The table includes details like the number of training samples (100), model simulations (100), and analysis time (17.3 min). It also displays a Goodness-of-Fit section with two metrics: "Inter-quartile ratio" and "Normality (Cramér-von Mises) test" for different model configurations, with values ranging from 0.510 to 0.710 for the inter-quartile ratio and from 0.031 to 0.988 for normality. One inter-quartile ratio value for the configuration '1-PFA-2-2' is highlighted in red at 0.600, and there is a note below stating that some or all of the QoIs have an inter-quartile ratio far from the target value (IQRatio=0.5). :align: center :width: 100% :figclass: align-center @@ -177,6 +186,7 @@ Run the Analysis and Process Results .. figure:: figures/EE09_RES2.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: An image depicting a scatter plot titled "Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation (LOOCV) Prediction." The plot shows individual data points along with vertical error bars indicating a 50% prediction interval. The y-axis is labeled "Training sample" and the x-axis is labeled "Predicted mean (LOOCV)," both with numerical values. There is an indication of a positive trend as the predicted mean increases with the training sample. Below the plot, there is a caption "Heteroscedastic nugget variance." The sidebar of the image contains menu options with various acronyms and a selected option "RES." :align: center :width: 600 :figclass: align-center @@ -189,6 +199,7 @@ Please see the :ref:`User Guide ` for more details on the verif .. figure:: figures/EE09_RES3.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: Screenshot of a computer interface displaying statistical analysis data. On the left side, there is a scatter plot with many data points suggesting a trend and a correlation coefficient of 0.76 displayed. To the right, a data table with multiple columns shows various numerical values, with column headers like "1-PFD-1-1", "1-PFD-1-2", "1-PID-1-1", among others. Above the table, there are buttons labeled "Save Table," "Save Columns Separately," "Save RVs," "Save QoIs," and "Save Surrogate Predictions." The interface has a structured design with a dark sidebar containing options like "UQ," "GI," "SIM," and others highlighted, with "RES" selected at the bottom. :align: center :width: 100% :figclass: align-center @@ -206,6 +217,7 @@ Please see the :ref:`User Guide ` for more details on the verif .. figure:: figures/EE09_RES_buttons.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: "A user interface element labeled 'Saving Options' with four blue button options: 'Save GP Model,' 'Save GP Info,' 'RV Data,' and 'QoI Data.'" :align: center :width: 600 :figclass: align-center @@ -214,6 +226,7 @@ Please see the :ref:`User Guide ` for more details on the verif .. figure:: figures/EE09_RES4.jpg :name: UQ inputs + :alt: Screenshot of a computer file explorer window showing a folder named "SurrogateModel" with two items inside, "templatedir_SIM" folder and "SimGpModel.json" file, with a side panel on the right indicating "Select a file to preview." :align: center :width: 900 :figclass: align-center diff --git a/Examples/eeuq-0010/README.rst b/Examples/eeuq-0010/README.rst index 9645f259..f12bd1ee 100644 --- a/Examples/eeuq-0010/README.rst +++ b/Examples/eeuq-0010/README.rst @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ This example shows how to replace structural dynamic simulations using a pre-tra .. figure:: figures/EE10_main3.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: A complex graphical presentation on a black background. On the left, there is a two-dimensional waveform plot with a red dot indicating a particular point of interest. The center features a three-dimensional bar graph depicting varying heights of bars with a connecting trend line, and red dots scattered at the base, possibly representing data points. To the right, there are abstract shapes including a bell curve and a series of circle diagrams in a vertical arrangement, each with a varying number of circles, perhaps illustrating different datasets or statistical distributions. :align: center :width: 40% :figclass: align-center @@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ Set Up Forward Propagation Configuration .. figure:: figures/EE10_UQ.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: Screenshot of a user interface for a software tool, with a navigation menu on the left labeled with acronyms "G1," "SIM," and "EVT," highlighted on "UQ." On the right is the main content section titled "UQ Method" with dropdown options for "Forward Propagation" and "UQ Engine: Dakota." There are checkboxes for "Parallel Execution" and "Save Working dirs." Under "Method LHS," there are input fields for "# Samples" set to "30" and "Seed" set to "413." :align: center :width: 900 :figclass: align-center @@ -41,6 +43,7 @@ Define Target Structure .. figure:: figures/EE10_SIM.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: Screenshot of a user interface from a software application, showing the 'Building Model Generator' section with a dropdown menu titled 'Surrogate (GP)' selected. Below it, there is an input field for 'SurrogateGP Info (.json)' with a file path entered and a 'Choose' button to its right. The options section includes 'GP output' dropdown menu with 'Random sample under prediction uncertainty' selected and an unchecked 'Advanced Options' checkbox. To the left, vertical navigation tabs are partially visible with labels 'UQ', 'GI', 'SIM', and 'EVT', where 'SIM' is highlighted. :align: center :width: 900 :figclass: align-center @@ -60,6 +63,7 @@ Select Ground Motions .. figure:: figures/EE10_EVT1.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface for seismic analysis with two sections: "Target Spectrum" on the left and "Record Selection" on the right. The "Target Spectrum" section has fields for Type, with "Uniform Hazard Spectrum (USGS NSHMP)" selected from a dropdown menu, Latitude set to 37.8715, Longitude set to -122.273, Edition set to "2014 v4.2.0 (Dynamic)" from a dropdown menu, Vs30 set to "760 (B/C)" with m/s unit, and Return Period set to 2475 years. The "Record Selection" section includes a field for "Number of Records" set to 30, drop-down menus for "Fault Type" with "All Types" selected, and "Pulse" with "All" selected. There are checkboxes for "Magnitude," "Distance," "Vs30," and "D5-95," each followed by an empty text box with units indicated as km, m/s, and sec. :align: center :width: 900 :figclass: align-center @@ -68,6 +72,7 @@ Select Ground Motions .. figure:: figures/EE10_EVT3.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: A graph titled "Response Spectra" showing a collection of curves that represent spectral acceleration versus period in seconds. A dense plot of thin grey lines likely represents individual response spectra. There are highlighted lines indicating the mean (thick blue line), mean plus standard deviation and mean minus standard deviation (thin black lines around the mean), and target spectrum (dotted red lines). The axes are logarithmic, with spectral acceleration on the y-axis and period on the x-axis. The graph displays data variability and conformities to a target response spectrum in engineering or seismology. :align: center :width: 600 :figclass: align-center @@ -78,6 +83,7 @@ The list of the selected ground motions is shown in the table. .. figure:: figures/EE10_EVT2.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: Screenshot of a computer interface related to seismic activity analysis with a section labeled "Temporary records Directory" displaying a file path, and a table titled "Ground Motion Components" showing entries related to earthquakes, including columns for RSN, Scale, Earthquake, Station, Magnitude, Distance, Vs30, and Hc. Below are additional settings for "Scaling/Selection Criteria" with options for scaling method, selection error weight function, and a blue "Select Records" button at the bottom. :align: center :width: 600 :figclass: align-center @@ -97,6 +103,7 @@ The actual time histories are saved in the "Temporary Records Directory". .. figure:: figures/EE10_FEM.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: A user interface with a left-side vertical nav bar featuring the labels "UQ" at the top and "GI" at the bottom. The main panel is titled "FE Application" and includes a dropdown menu with the option "None (only for surrogate)" selected. The interface has a minimalist design with grayscale colors. :align: center :width: 900 :figclass: align-center @@ -107,6 +114,7 @@ The actual time histories are saved in the "Temporary Records Directory". .. figure:: figures/EE10_EDP.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface with a vertical toolbar on the left side containing acronyms such as UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES, highlighted in dark shades. On the right, a selected tab reads "Engineering Demand Parameter Generator" with a drop-down menu stating "None (only for surrogate)" and a list of alphanumeric codes below it such as "1-PFA-0-1," "1-PFD-1-1," "1-PID-1-1," and similar patterns, suggesting parameters or settings within the engineering software. :align: center :width: 900 :figclass: align-center @@ -120,6 +128,7 @@ Distribution of Random Variables .. figure:: figures/EE10_RV.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: "Screenshot of a user interface for inputting random variables, showing a sidebar with the labels UQ, GI, and SIM. The main panel is titled 'Input Random Variables' with fields for 'Variable Name', 'Input Type', 'Distribution', 'Mean', and 'Standard Dev'. The variable name 'K' is entered with 'Parameters' selected as the input type, 'Normal' distribution, a mean of 120, and a standard deviation of 5. There are buttons for 'Add', 'Clear All', 'Correlation Matrix', 'Show PDF', 'Export', and 'Import'." :align: center :width: 900 :figclass: align-center @@ -138,6 +147,7 @@ Run the Analysis and Process Results .. figure:: figures/EE10_RES1.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: A screenshot of a statistical analysis interface showing a table with various entries under the headings "Name," "Mean," "StdDev" (Standard Deviation), "Skewness," and "Kurtosis." Each row provides the name and statistical values for a different dataset, with names such as "1-DS575-0-1," "1-PSA(0.5s)-0-1," and "1-SaRatio-0-1." The data values vary across different rows, indicating diverse statistical properties of the datasets. The interface has a left-side navigation bar with shortened titles like "UQ," "GI," "SIM," with "RES" highlighted. :align: center :width: 900 :figclass: align-center @@ -148,6 +158,7 @@ Run the Analysis and Process Results .. figure:: figures/EE10_RES2.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: A screenshot of a computer interface involving data analysis. On the left side, a vertical navigation menu with options like UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES is shown with RES highlighted. In the main pane, there are two tabs: "Summary" and "Data Values." The "Data Values" tab is active, showing a cumulative frequency distribution graph to the left. Next to the graph, there is a grid of data values with headers such as "1-DSS75-0-2," "1-PSA(0.5s)-0-2," "1-SaRatio-0-2," "1-PFA-0-1," and "1-PFA-0-1 Predictions." Below the data grid, there are options to "Save Table," "Save Columns Separately," "Save RVs," "Save QoIs," and "Save Surrogate Predictions." A checkbox labeled "Show surrogate model prediction bounds" is at the top next to the tabs. :align: center :width: 900 :figclass: align-center @@ -156,6 +167,7 @@ Run the Analysis and Process Results .. figure:: figures/EE10_RES3.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: Screenshot of a computer interface with a scatterplot and a data table. The scatterplot shows various data points with error bars and is labeled with axes "1-SaRatio-0-1" and "1-PJD-3-1." A correlation coefficient of 0.72 is displayed. The data table to the right lists values under headings such as "1-PFA-3-2" and "1-PFD-3-1," with one value highlighted in blue. The interface includes tabs like "Summary" and "Data Values," and buttons for saving the table, columns, RVs, QoIs, and Surrogate Predictions. There is also a checkbox option titled "Show surrogate model prediction bounds." :align: center :width: 900 :figclass: align-center @@ -180,6 +192,7 @@ Run the Analysis and Process Results .. figure:: figures/EE10_RES4_1.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: A bar chart titled 'Mean of log EDP' showing two sets of bars for each category on the x-axis labeled with various codes such as '1_PFRA-0-1', '1_PFRA-1-2', '1_PFED-3-1', etc. The categories represent different data groups, and each group has two bars adjacent to each other; one bar is colored blue, labeled 'original', and the other is colored orange, labeled 'surrogate'. The y-axis represents the mean of log EDP with values ranging from approximately -5 to 5. The pattern of the bars indicates a comparison between the "original" and "surrogate" data across the different categories. :align: center :width: 700 :figclass: align-center @@ -190,6 +203,7 @@ The same comparison in the original scale is shown below. .. figure:: figures/EE10_RES4_2.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: The image shows two bar charts side by side. On the left, the chart is titled "Original scale (PSA)" and represents the median PSA values, which range from 0 to 250, for different categories labeled 1-PFA-0-1 to 1-PFA-3-2. The bars are arranged in pairs for each category, with colors alternating between blue and brown. On the right, the chart is titled "Original scale (PFD)" and illustrates the median PFD values, which vary between 0 and 6 for categories labeled 1-PFD-1-1 to 1-PFD-3-2, also with alternating blue and brown bars in pairs. Each pair in both charts likely represents a different condition or measurement within the category. :align: center :width: 700 :figclass: align-center @@ -200,6 +214,7 @@ On the other hand, the log-standard deviation of the EDPs from 30 samples is obt .. figure:: figures/EE10_RES4_3.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: A bar chart comparing the standard deviation of log EDP (Engineering Demand Parameter) between original and surrogate data. The x-axis lists different data sets labeled 1-PFA-0-1, 1-PFA-1-1, and so on, up to 1-PRD-3-1. The y-axis ranges from 0 to 1 in increments of 0.2. Blue bars represent original data, and orange bars represent surrogate data. The bars vary in height, indicating differences in the standard deviation of log EDP for each data set. The orange bars generally appear to show a higher standard deviation than the blue bars. :align: center :width: 700 :figclass: align-center diff --git a/Examples/eeuq-0011/README.rst b/Examples/eeuq-0011/README.rst index 2de8a672..17dbfa85 100644 --- a/Examples/eeuq-0011/README.rst +++ b/Examples/eeuq-0011/README.rst @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ This example demonstrates Multi-fidelity Monte Carlo (MFMC) supported in |short .. figure:: figures/ee11_main2.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: The image shows two diagrams representing electrical circuits. On the left is a complex circuit diagram with multiple resistors in series and parallel configurations, labeled with resistance values and connected with lines. On the right is a simplified version of the circuit diagram showing the equivalent resistance with fewer components. Arrows between the two diagrams suggest the process of circuit simplification from the complex to the simplified representation. :align: center :width: 50% :figclass: align-center @@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ Procedure .. figure:: figures/ee11_UQ.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: Screenshot of a graphical user interface for uncertainty quantification setup, showcasing a sidebar with categories such as UQ, FEM, RV, EDP, and RES. The main panel displays options for UQ Method with Forward Propagation selected, UQ Engine as SimCenterUO, Method chosen as Multi-fidelity Monte Carlo, fields for Max Computation Time and seed value, and an Advanced Options section including the minimum number of simulations per model and an option to perform log-transform. :align: center :width: 900 :figclass: align-center @@ -67,6 +69,7 @@ Procedure .. figure:: figures/ee11_SIM1.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: Screenshot of a user interface for a "Building Model Generator" with various settings and parameters. The interface has two sections: the top section is labeled "Multiple Models", with tabs for "Modeling-1" and "Modeling-2", buttons labeled "Add" and "Remove", and fields for setting 'Belief’ and 'Out of 2 (i.e., 50%)'. The bottom section is labeled "Building Model Generator OpenSees", with fields for 'Input Script', 'Response Nodes', 'Spatial Dimension', '# DOF at Nodes', and 'Damping Ratio', all with specified values. On the left side, there are menu items listed vertically including 'UQ', 'GI', 'SIM', 'EVT', 'FEM', 'EDP', and 'RV'. :align: center :width: 900 :figclass: align-center @@ -77,6 +80,7 @@ Similarly, the main analysis script for the low-fidelity model is imported into .. figure:: figures/ee11_SIM2.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: Screenshot of a user interface for a building model generator with multiple tabs on the left side, including UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES. The main content area is titled "Building Model Generator" with options for "Multiple Models" and includes settings such as 'Belief', 'Out of 2 (i.e., 50%)', software selection drop-down for 'OpenSees', and an 'Input Script' text field showing a file path. Below are fields for 'Response Nodes', 'Spatial Dimension', '# DOF at Nodes', and 'Damping Ratio' with numeric values and a 'Choose' button to the right. :align: center :width: 900 :figclass: align-center @@ -99,6 +103,7 @@ Both models have spatial dimensions of 2 and have 3 degrees of freedom per node. .. figure:: figures/ee11_EVT.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: Screenshot of a user interface for a Load Generator, specifically dealing with Stochastic Ground Motion. It includes a reference to a "Stochastic Loading Model" by Vlachos et al. (2018) with a brief description of the model and fields for inputting data such as "Moment Magnitude," "Closest-to-Site Rupture Distance," and "Average shear-wave velocity for top 30 meters," with values of 40 km and 500 m/s provided for the latter two fields, respectively. Additionally, there is a checked option to "Throw an error when the model inputs exceed the validated range M>7.5, R<5 km." To the left side, there's a vertical menu with selected options including UQ, GI, SIM, and EVT (in focus), among others. :align: center :width: 900 :figclass: align-center @@ -111,6 +116,7 @@ Both models have spatial dimensions of 2 and have 3 degrees of freedom per node. .. figure:: figures/ee11_FEM1.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: Screenshot of a software interface for finite element application configuration with options visible for Analysis, Integration, Algorithm, ConvergenceTest, Solver, and Damping Model among others. The "FE Application" section is selected, showing "OpenSees" as the FE Application, with settings for a transient analysis including sublevels and substeps, integration and algorithm parameters, convergence test criteria, solver selection, and damping model with additional fields for selecting tangent stiffness and specifying modes. A sidebar with acronyms like UQ, GI, SIM, EVT, FEM, EDP, RV, and RES suggests a technical or engineering tool. :align: center :width: 900 :figclass: align-center @@ -122,6 +128,7 @@ For the low-fidelity model, again select the **OpenSees** FE application. But to .. figure:: figures/ee11_FEM2.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: Screenshot of a graphical user interface for a Finite Element (FE) Application, showing simulation tabs and detailed settings for an engineering analysis. The settings include analysis type, integration method, algorithm, convergence test, solver, and damping model. A field for entering the analysis script path is also visible, along with buttons to add, remove, and choose files or models. :align: center :width: 900 :figclass: align-center @@ -139,6 +146,7 @@ For the low-fidelity model, again select the **OpenSees** FE application. But to .. figure:: figures/ee11_RV.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: Screenshot of a user interface for entering input random variables, with a sidebar on the left listing categories: UQ, FEM, RV, EDP, and RES. The RV category is highlighted. The main area features a form with the header "Input Random Variables" and fields including "Variable Name" with the entry 'M', "Input Type" set to 'Parameters', "Distribution" selected as 'Truncated exponential', and numeric fields for the 'lambda' parameter value '2.0723', 'Min.' value '5.25', and 'Max.' value '7.2'. At the top right, buttons for 'Export' and 'Import' are present, and at the bottom right, there's a 'Show PDF' button. :align: center :width: 900 :figclass: align-center @@ -162,6 +170,7 @@ Run the Analysis .. figure:: figures/ee11_RES1.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: Screenshot of a computer interface displaying a summary table with statistical data. The table is divided into four columns labeled Name, Log Mean, Log StdDev, Speed Up (1st order moment), and Speed Up (2nd order moment). Each row represents a different dataset with codes such as 1-PFA-8-1, 1-PFD-8-1, etc., followed by their corresponding log mean, standard deviation, and speed-up values for both first and second-order moments. At the bottom, there's additional information on elapsed time and model evaluation counts indicating that Model 1 is evaluated 32 times with a computation time of 65.4 seconds per evaluation, and Model 2 is evaluated 1207 times with 1.5 seconds per evaluation. :align: center :width: 900 :figclass: align-center @@ -174,6 +183,7 @@ Run the Analysis .. figure:: figures/ee11_RES2.png :name: UQ inputs + :alt: The image depicts a composite screenshot from a software application related to data analysis. On the left side, there's a vertical navigation bar with various options such as UQ, FEM, RV, EDP, and a highlighted option RES. In the center is a scatter plot graph titled with "Samples" and "Run # 8", showing data points along the X and Y axes, which are labeled as "1-PFA-9-1-M1" and "1-PRA-9-1-M1^2" respectively, with a noted correlation coefficient (corr coef.) of 0.95. On the right side of the image, there's a data table with multiple columns of numerical data, identified by headings like "-PID-7-1-M2," and "1-PFA-9-1-M2," among others, with one of the values in the table highlighted with a blue background. Above the table are buttons "Save Table," "Save Columns Separately," "Save RVs," and "Save QoIs". The image is likely from a statistical or engineering analysis tool used for evaluating and managing large sets of data. :align: center :width: 900 :figclass: align-center @@ -194,12 +204,14 @@ Only for validation purposes, high-fidelity simulations are performed 1000 times .. figure:: figures/ee11_res1_seed30.svg :name: UQ inputs + :alt: Image showing error in description :align: center :width: 100% :figclass: align-center .. figure:: figures/ee11_res2_seed30.svg :name: UQ inputs + :alt: Image showing error in description :align: center :width: 100% :figclass: align-center @@ -210,6 +222,7 @@ The presented error (y-axis) is the absolute un-normalized difference between th .. figure:: figures/ee11_res1_seed3.svg :name: UQ inputs + :alt: Image showing error in description :align: center :width: 100% :figclass: align-center @@ -217,6 +230,7 @@ The presented error (y-axis) is the absolute un-normalized difference between th .. figure:: figures/ee11_res2_seed3.svg :name: UQ inputs + :alt: Image showing error in description :align: center :width: 100% :figclass: align-center