Notify GIBS when HLS browse imagery is available.
When a JSON file lands in an HLS browse imagery bucket (configurable), send a message to a GIBS queue (configurable).
- pre-commit
- Python >= 3.12
- tox
In order to locally run integration tests, you must export the following environment variables:
# A unique prefix for a deployment to avoid resource name conflicts between
# deployments in the same AWS account. Should be developer-specific, such as
# a username or nickname.
export HLS_GIBS_STACK=<stack name>
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-west-2
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<id>
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=<token>
For GitHub workflows, you must define the following environment variables in each GitHub environment for this repository:
# A unique prefix for a deployment to avoid resource name conflicts between
# deployments in the same AWS account. Should correspond to GitHub environment
# name.
HLS_GIBS_STACK=<stack name>
# Bucket to trigger lambda when .json file lands
HLS_GIBS_BUCKET_NAME=<source bucket name>
# Queue to send notification from Lambda triggered by new .json file in bucket
HLS_GIBS_QUEUE_ARN=<destination queue ARN>
For integration tests, a sidecar stack with dummy resources is constructed, and the environment variables referencing the resources are automatically obtained, so there is no need to manually set environment variables referring to the resources.
For active stack development run the following to create a virtual environment
in the venv
make venv
changes, rerun the command above to update the dependencies
in the venv
To use it for development:
source venv/bin/activate
Install pre-commit hooks:
pre-commit install --install-hooks
The command above will make sure all pre-commit hooks configured in
are executed when appropriate.
To manually run the hooks to check code changes:
pre-commit run --all-files
To run unit tests:
make unit-tests
To run integration tests:
make deploy-it
make integration-tests
make destroy-it