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This document describes the usage of RegLinker and RegLinkerIO modules.

Repository Contents

The following files are likely to be of interest to users:

  • contains the code that implements the RegLinker algorithm

  • contains utility functions for reading inputs from and writing outputs to disk.

  • a Python 2 utility (incompatible with the rest of the Python files in this repository!) for transforming a regular expression into a graph, and for writing that graph to disk.

  • example demonstrating the use of RegLinker to identify candidate interactions for inclusion in a signaling pathway. Note that the example given is a demonstration of the technique applied, not a full reproduction of the pipeline used in the published manuscript; for example, an additional re-weighting procedure was applied in the paper.

  • example (described in detail below) of the use of RegLinker on a small sample network and DFA.

  • input/toy/*: contains toy examples of graphs that the module RegLinkerIO can interface with. These are as tab-separated edge lists of the form head<tab>tail<tab>label<tab>weight. Note that the graph representation of a DFA does not utilize the weight column.

  • input/signaling-pathway/*: contains input files used in the RegLinker paper for signaling pathway reconstruction (the signaling pathways are derived from NetPath; the interactome is a directed human protein interactome constructed from numerous protein-protein interaction and signaling databases, including BioGrid, DIP, InnateDB, IntAct, MatrixDB, MINT, NetPath, and PhosphoSitePlus.


This module is intended to be run as a command-line utility. As a Python 2 program, its dependencies are detailed separately in requirements-regex.txt.

Example invocations:

# Produces a DFA matching the string "ppn"
python ppn two-ps-then-an-n

# Produces a DFA matching a string that has three xs surrounded by
# any number of ps
python "p*xp*xp*xp*" three-xs-any-ps

Toy Example

Suppose we have the following toy example network G, where an edges are labeled with either p or n. We designate the ndoe s to serve as the network's source, and t to serve as its target.

Suppose also, as a regular language constraint, we wish to finds all the paths in G that start with a a p-labeled edge, then use an x-labeled edge, then terminate with zero of more p-labeled edges. The DFA corresponding to this regular language is as follow:

In this case, the vertex q is the start state, and the vertex f is the final state.

As explained above, files corresponding these networks have been stored under the examples folder. The following Python code will read them in:


The file contains some convenient utility functions for reading and writing results to disk.

import RegLinker as rl
import RegLinkerIO as rlio

# Open file handles
net_file = open('input/toy/network.tsv', 'r') 
net_nodes_file = open('input/toy/net-nodes.tsv', 'r')

dfa_file = open('input/toy/dfa.tsv', 'r') 
dfa_nodes_file = open('input/toy/dfa-nodes.tsv', 'r')

# Read networks in. Here, label_col and weight_col refer to the
# 0-indexed column of the corresponding TSV file.

G = rlio.read_graph(net_file, label_col=2, weight_col=3)
S_G, T_G = rlio.read_node_types(net_nodes_file) 

H = rlio.read_graph(dfa_file, label_col=2)
S_H, T_H = rlio.read_node_types(dfa_nodes_file)


The inputs to RegLinker are a set of sources, a set of targets, an edge-labeled network, and the DFA coresponding to a regular language. RegLinker computes, for each edge in the interaction network, a shortest path from the set of sources to the set of targets through that edge, such that each path is regular language constrained: that is, the concatentation of the labels of the edges along the path forms a word in the specified regular language. This is achieved through finding paths in an appropriately-defined product of the interaction network and the DFA.


  • G: NetworkX DiGraph representing an interaction network

  • SG: Iterable of sources for G

  • TG: Iterable of targets for G

  • H: DFA, represented as a NetworkX DiGraph

  • SH: Iterable of start states for H

  • TH: Iterable of final states H

Each edge in G and each edge in H must be labeled using a common dictionary attribute. Each edge in G must also have a common attribute to denote an edge weight.

With these inputs in hand, RegLinker can be imported and run as follows:

import RegLinker as rl

results = rl.RegLinker(G, H, S_G, T_G, S_H, T_H, label="l", weight="w")

This will create a generator that yields tuples of the form:

(edge, path, G_path, H_path, labeled_path, cost, rank)


  • edge is the edge considered
  • path is the path found in the product graph
  • G_path_ and H_path_ are the paths formed by projecting the product path onto G and H
  • labeled_path is path, annotated with edge labels
  • cost is the sum of the weights of the path
  • rank is an ordering of the paths, from lowest to highest cost. A rank of zero indicates the lowest-cost path.

These tuples are produced in ascending order of rank.

Considering our example networks, it is clear that there are two paths that fit our desired constraint. The first path (and shortest) is s-u-v-t, and the second is s-u-t. Printing the results will yield the following:

>>> for r in results: print(r)
((('s', 'q'), ('u', 'q')), [('s', 'q'), ('u', 'q'), ('v', 'f'), ('t', 'f')], ['s', 'u', 'v', 't'], ['q', 'q', 'f', 'f'], [('s', 'u', 'p'), ('u', 'v', 'x'), ('v', 't', 'p')], 3.0, 0)
((('u', 'q'), ('v', 'f')), [('s', 'q'), ('u', 'q'), ('v', 'f'), ('t', 'f')], ['s', 'u', 'v', 't'], ['q', 'q', 'f', 'f'], [('s', 'u', 'p'), ('u', 'v', 'x'), ('v', 't', 'p')], 3.0, 0)
((('v', 'f'), ('t', 'f')), [('s', 'q'), ('u', 'q'), ('v', 'f'), ('t', 'f')], ['s', 'u', 'v', 't'], ['q', 'q', 'f', 'f'], [('s', 'u', 'p'), ('u', 'v', 'x'), ('v', 't', 'p')], 3.0, 0)
((('u', 'q'), ('t', 'f')), [('s', 'q'), ('u', 'q'), ('t', 'f')], ['s', 'u', 't'], ['q', 'q', 'f'], [('s', 'u', 'p'), ('u', 't', 'x')], 4.0, 1)

The output consists of four lines, corresponding to the four edges through which we were able to find an s-t path in G conforming to our constraints.

Identifying Signaling Pathway Interactions

Please see for a demonstration of the use of RegLinker in its motivating biological context.